Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke

Chapter 118: Zombie Empire (32)


At present, a few zombies around Shi Sheng have recovered human memory, and their appearance is still somewhat different from that of human beings. It may be the same as human beings after a few promotions.

After restoring human memory, these zombies will naturally not be sloppy, and have changed into clean clothes.

The zombies who were the first to restore their memories were of a relatively high level. These zombies were all under the management of Qingyu three people, and they were also the first core members of the zombie management team to join the 100-person management team.

They are now busy restoring utilities and transportation, and conference rooms are often occupied throughout the day.

When Shi Sheng brought Qian Li in, Qingyu just ended a meeting. A handsome young man, he looked sloppy at this time, as if he hadn't slept for days and nights.

"Boss, Huang." Seeing Shi Sheng, Qingyu was shocked, "When did the boss come back? Are things done?"

Shi Sheng glanced around, "Well, it's almost there, how is it here?"

"To be honest, it's not good." Qingyu rubbed his brows, "After all, there are only a few zombies who have recovered their memories. Our current huge empire needs a lot of management personnel, and the management team of less than two hundred of us has not appeared. The problem is already the limit, and I want to break myself into several pieces."

If it wasn't for the high-level zombies being suppressed by Qian Li, the low-level zombies didn't know how to rebel, and it would have been messed up long ago.

Even the chubby foodie has lost several laps recently.

"Is that so, then I'll go to the west and get some people back." At first, she thought about people's troubles, but she didn't expect that the establishment of an empire would also require people to manage.

"Speaking of the west side, there are zombies reporting that two groups of people have come in. The first group should have already gone outside. What does the boss want to do?"

Shi Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Who is so good?"

She has the most zombies deployed on the west side, and she can pass through many lines of defense.

"It should be Qi Mingxue. I heard from the zombies monitoring them that they have an aura that attracts them." Qing Yu said.

Shi Sheng had told them about this a long time ago, if the zombies felt that something attracted them, it must be Qi Mingxue.

"This is delivered to the door!" Ben Baobao was still worried that he could not find anyone.

Qi Mingxue and the others looked at the heavily guarded base, and felt a little worried for a while, there was no way to get in!

Just when they were at a loss, two figures suddenly appeared on the city wall.

The iconic image of one of the teenage girls holding a white cat made them instantly recognize who it was.

"Gu Nan..." Qi Mingxue's eyes erupted with intense hatred.

She shouldn't have been soft-hearted in the first place, she should have been killed before the end of the world began.

Shi Sheng only stood on the city wall for a while and left, but Qian Liduo glanced at Qi Mingxue, then summoned a zombie next to him and roared a few times.

When Shi Sheng heard Qian Li's roar, he looked back, Qian Li teleported to her side, and stared at her hand.

Shi Sheng, "…"

It's a zombie emperor, why don't you forget to eat it!

In his eyes, is this baby a mobile bottle

Flip the table!

Shi Sheng clasped his hands tightly and left quickly.

Qi Mingxue and others were discovered by zombies before they entered the base. The number of more than 100 people dropped sharply to more than 20 people. Qi Mingxue hid in the space at a critical moment, and there was no fatal injury.

But she really regretted it at this time, she was too reckless, but she didn't have time to keep a low profile.

When her empire settles down, if she wants to kill her, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

"Bitch, that's what you said you can definitely kill her."

Qi Mingxue was suddenly grabbed by her hair and pressed to the ground.

Although her life is not in danger, her abilities are exhausted and she has not had time to recover.

At this moment, being pressed like this by a big man, how could she resist with that little strength.

"Boss Lu, when did I say such a thing?" Qi Mingxue turned her head and said this with difficulty.

She didn't say that at first.

Boss Lu was already dizzy with anger at this time, how could he even listen to what Qi Mingxue said, even if she was a big beauty, Boss Lu bluntly greeted her with his fist.

Boss Lu was finally pulled away, so that she was not killed. She looked at Boss Lu resentfully, and when everyone was unprepared, she suddenly rushed towards Boss Lu, and a sharp wooden stick was inserted into Boss Lu's chest. .

Those people originally wanted to pull Boss Lu away, but who knew that this would be the best chance for Qi Mingxue to kill him.

She took two steps back, her eyes flashing with crazy blood.

Qi Mingxue ran away before everyone could react.

When the others reacted and were about to chase, a group of zombies suddenly appeared in their field of vision...

Qi Mingxue kept running until not far from the base.

She looked at the city wall of the base with venomous eyes, and it was her who lived there.

It's her, it's her Qi Mingxue.

Not that bitch Gu Nan.

She clearly knows so many opportunities, why...

By the way, it's Gu Nan, she doesn't follow the plot in the book.

Qi Mingxue was crying and laughing for a while, looking very hideous.

Her grim expression suddenly froze, staring straight at the gate of the base.

There was a group of people getting out of the car, and the leader was Song Shi.

After getting out of the car, Song Shi did not rush forward, but went to the other side, opened the door, and led a girl out of the car.

His movements were gentle, and the eyes he looked at the girl were extraordinarily soft.

Those series of actions fell into Qi Mingxue's eyes, like a slow-down shot, flashing frame by frame.

She suddenly rushed over there and pushed the girl away.

"Die, die, die, bitch, grab my stuff, he's mine, mine."

The girl staggered when she was pushed, and Song Shi quickly supported her, so she didn't fall to the ground.

She looked at Qi Mingxue, who was being subdued, her face was full of inexplicable anger.

"Qi Mingxue." Song Shi shouted angrily, "Why are you crazy?"

"You are mine, mine!" Qi Mingxue screamed.

The sound was so harsh that the eardrum of the person holding her was about to burst.

These people all followed Song Shi later. They didn't know what Qi Mingxue had to do with Song Shi. At this time, they just thought Qi Mingxue was a lunatic.

What is hers, how can the boss of their family be hers.

I don't know where this woman came from.

Song Shi felt that Qi Mingxue's mental state was a little off, so he frowned, not talking, and turned to ask the girl beside him.

"Let go of me, do you know who I am? Let me go, Ashi, it's me, how can you treat me like this... How can you treat me like this, who is she, and you betray me too!"

Qi Mingxue roared louder and louder, the zombies around her were a little irritated by her roar, and the eyes of Qi Mingxue were faintly glowing with bloodthirsty red light.

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