Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke

Chapter 124: Scumbags take medicine (5)


"Why should I explain it to you?" Shi Sheng tilted his head, his expression a little deserted.

Ji Xiaoyu seemed to be awakened, and his face turned pale.

He swayed slightly and took a step back.

This is what she did, how could she possibly speak for herself.

She just disturbed her when she was practicing dancing, and she just took revenge on herself.

Sure enough, none of these rich people's daughters are good people.

All of them are evil spirits in beautiful skins.

"Tsk, Ji Xiaoyu, why are you so thick-skinned, it's enough to seduce Bei Shao, and now you want to please my sister, I really think they don't know your dirty thoughts."

Ji Xiaoyu suddenly turned to look at the girl, her face full of ferocity with tears, and it looked a bit terrifying.

The girl was startled, reacted, and immediately shouted, "Ji Xiaoyu, what are you staring at?"

Ji Xiaoyu pounced on the girl as if provoked, "You are the one who seduced people, I didn't seduce Bei Ze."

The two scuffled into a ball, and it took a while before they were separated.

Shi Sheng watched the farce end, and then witnessed the male protagonist appear.

Bei Ze glanced here from a distance, and didn't seem to want to come over. The moment he turned around, he didn't know what to think, he strode towards this side, and pulled Ji Xiaoyu into his arms.

The noisy scene suddenly became silent.

A lot of people looked at Kitazawa in disbelief.

Kitazawa glanced at them coldly, then rudely dragged Ji Xiaoyu away.

"God, that look in Bei Shao's eyes is going to kill you!" As soon as Bei Ze left, the frightened group of talents was heavily relieved.

"Ji Xiaoyu isn't really dating Bei Shao, is he?" Some people also questioned.

Of course, this question was met with angry stares by many girls.

How could they choose an ugly duckling, North Young Master, absolutely not!

Bei Shao was fresh to Ji Xiaoyu for a while, and when he got tired of it, he would abandon Ji Xiaoyu.

Shi Sheng always felt that Bei Ze was a little baffled.

He seems to be very angry every time he sees himself, but every once in a while he has to brush his presence in front of him.

Damn it, the male protagonist is simply sick.

When Shi Sheng goes to school and leaves school, his schedule is very regular, and the male and female protagonists seem to be progressing smoothly.

Although Kitazawa did not admit the rumors, every time Ji Xiaoyu was in trouble, he would come forward.

Shi Sheng is actually very busy.

Every time she came to the modern plane, she liked to make money.

In this world of murder and crime, money is a good thing!

In addition to promoting the relationship between the male and female protagonists, Shi Sheng did nothing else. Now almost the whole school believes that Bei Ze and Ji Xiaoyu are dating.

From Ji Xiaoyu's defense at the beginning to the silence at the back, the way she looks at Bei Ze is completely different now.

Even if Ji Xiaoyu really didn't care about Bei Ze before, he definitely likes Bei Ze now in his heart.

"Beizhi, there is a show for the school celebration. Do you have any program to participate in?" The monitor Lin Yin asked while writing something while holding a notebook.

"No." Shi Sheng replied without raising his head.

Lin Yinbi paused, pulled the chair in front of her, and sat across from her, "Beizhi, you can't do this, our studies are already heavy, I think you're either reading your phone or reading books all day, you need to relax properly. …”

Shi Sheng raised his head slightly and turned the book in his hand, facing Lin Yin.

Lin Yin blinked and glanced at the book, her face suddenly blushing.

Shi Sheng turned the book back expressionlessly.

"Bei... Beizhi... How do you read this kind of book." Lin Yin stammered and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Combining work and rest." Shi Sheng calmly turned the pages.

Lin Yin: "..."

This has nothing to do with the combination of work and rest!

You are reading the little yellow book! ! Still so big...

But shouldn't this kind of book be banned? Where did she buy it, the quality seems to be pretty good.

"Cough, I'm in the drama club, why don't you come too, Bei Shao is also there." When it came to Bei Ze, Lin Yin's eyes were faintly obsessed.

"Ji Xiaoyu is there too?"

"Yeah." Lin Yin's expression darkened a little after hearing the three words Ji Xiaoyu.

"Will you let me go if I don't work?" Shi Sheng asked seriously.


Shi Sheng finally joined the drama club. Of course, he was a casual eater and didn't do anything.

The president is Lin Yin, and Shi Sheng has the title of Kitazawa's sister, although the two basically have zero communication.

The aristocratic school's celebration is a special feature. Every club has a program, and the drama club is rehearsing Snow White.

Shi Sheng really has no interest in such fairy tales.

If you let her write it, it will definitely turn the fairy tale into a dark fairy tale.

Rehearsal the day before the school day.

"Beizhi, I'm sorry, I'm going to rehearse in a while, can you help me get some clothes?" Lin Yin looked embarrassed, "I will use the clothes tomorrow, and the place to order is a little far away, so can you? Excuse me?"

Shi Sheng put his feet down from the back of the chair and looked up at Lin Yin, "Location."

"President, president." Lin Yin was about to speak, when another person ran out from behind, "Ji Xiaoyu is gone, so you don't have to find someone."

"Ji Xiaoyu?" Lin Yin was surprised, "The place is so far away, how does she get there?"

"We were talking just now that Ji Xiaoyu volunteered to go."

There was a smile on the corner of Shi Sheng's mouth, and the plotter was really powerful.

In the plot, Beizhi designed the original owner to go. The important scene is not to pick up the clothes, but when he comes back, it will rain heavily, and then he will share weal and woe with the male protagonist who goes there to do errands.

She didn't do anything now, but Ji Xiaoyu actually asked to go.

Sure enough, the world is south and north, and the male and female protagonists have to meet.


Ji Xiaoyu held a big bag and stepped forward in the water with one foot deep and one foot shallow, full of regrets and grievances in his heart.

If she knew this place was so far away, she would not come.

And when she arrived, she was shocked by the scenery of the villa area, and did not let the taxi driver wait for her to come out.

She only remembered when she took the clothes and walked out of the villa area, but the car was long gone, so she could only walk forward to see if she could meet the car.

Who knew that it would rain heavily before we went far, and there was no way to get a car or even a place to hide from the rain.

"Ah!" Ji Xiaoyu's feet slipped, and he threw himself in the puddle, the bag in his hand spread out, and the bright clothes were immediately stained with mud.

Ji Xiaoyu hurriedly packed the clothes into the bag, but the more she pretended, the more aggrieved she became.

She suddenly threw her clothes on the ground, and stepped on her feet in a vengeance, splashing mud, "They must have deliberately made me run so far, just look down on me, look down on me! Rich people are amazing, they have to run So far to make clothes…”

Ji Xiaoyu finished venting, her small breasts were undulating, and the cold rain drowned out some of her grievances.

Looking at the dark mass of clothes on the ground, she realized her nervousness and fear.

When she was picking up the clothes just now, she heard the assistant say that each of these clothes cost thousands of dollars. The most important thing is that the clothes will be used tomorrow.

She couldn't be ashamed in front of Kitazawa.

Ji Xiaoyu picked up the clothes, stuffed them all into the bag, held the bag that was more than double the weight, and continued to walk forward.

She has to get her clothes clean by tomorrow.

She didn't want those people to see jokes.

One day, she will make those who look down on her to envy and envy herself.