Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke

Chapter 8: The rich and powerful daughter (8)


When Chu Tang left, she kept the two checks, and Shi Sheng took the check. Did she keep Chu Tang empty-handed for a day

This baby is making money!

Shi Sheng didn't even think that she would be able to support Chu Tang. She couldn't support her even if her family went bankrupt.

However, Shi Sheng expressed contempt for Chu Tang's renegade.

In order to show some love in line with what the system said, Shi Sheng sent 'concern' text messages to Chu Tang regularly.

Chu Tang didn't reply most of the time, but if he really couldn't stand Shi Sheng's harassment, he would reply a few words mercifully.

- Don't kill yourself.

Yes, that's three short words.

Father Xu cut off the cooperation with the Nangong family. I don't know if it was out of compensation, but the Nangong family didn't say anything, and they didn't even ask for liquidated damages.

Without the death behind the original owner, Nangongjing had no reason to do something to the Xu family, so Shi Sheng was not in a hurry, she would never let go of Nangongjing.

Mother Xu hurried back after finishing the matter of the branch office.

Xu's mother is a strong woman, but in front of Xu's father, she will immediately become a good wife and mother, and she will not show any strength.

Shi Sheng enjoys being with them, it's like a family...

However, what Mother Xu and Father Xu agreed on was that they supported Shi Sheng to support Chu Tang.

Shi Sheng's heart is tired, and their family's property is not enough to support them!

Then she found out that her parents started to work hard to make money. Father Xu was actually very capable, but what he wanted was a happy family and prosperity. Mother Xu and her daughter were his favorites, and most of his thoughts were spent at home.

Now, in order to support a man for their precious daughter, these two parents of living treasures have begun to make big moves.

If it wasn't for the fact that the original owner was not alive, Xu's father and Xu's mother were distracted, perhaps the Xu family would not have ended up in that end.

As a result, people in the circle found that the Xu Group has recently been beaten by chicken blood, and the people who made money and earned the entire company were happy.

The original owner was still in her junior year, and when the school started, Shi Sheng had to pack up and go to school. Fortunately, the original owner used to be very low-key at school, and 90% of the school didn't know her, so she wouldn't be watched.

It's not right to say that she is low-key. She basically doesn't show up at school, and everyone who knows her is from that circle.

Probably no one in her class knew there was such a person.

"Miss Xu is still coming to school. I thought that Miss Xu was looking for life at home and didn't dare to see anyone."

Shi Sheng was stopped as soon as he entered the school gate. After looking at the person blocking the way, a name immediately popped into his mind—Xiao Wei.

This woman is the worst female partner in this novel. She is the same female partner. Shi Sheng silently ordered a row of waxes for her, and decided not to care about her. Why should a woman embarrass a woman

This baby is so great!

What a ghost!

Shi Sheng bypassed Xiao Wei to leave, Xiao Wei stretched out her hand and pushed Shi Sheng's shoulder, pushing her to a stagger, and said sarcastically, "Why didn't you speak? Wasn't it arrogant before? Now let's see how arrogant you are! "

Shi Sheng was pushed a bit, and the anger in his heart ignited, "Are you mentally ill, you like Nangong Jing, you go to pamper him, what are you doing to me? Show superiority? You even Nangong Jing I haven't touched your little hand, what position do you have to show your superiority in front of me, anyway, I'm also dumping Nangong Jing!"

"You scold me!" This woman dared to scold her!

Wait, she just said, she dumped Nangong Jing

Xiao Wei suddenly sneered, "Xu Chengyue, are you being dumped by Jing Shao, are you stimulated? How did you chase after Jing Shao before, you dare to dump Jing Shao, and you are not afraid of laughing?"

The two families did not explain much when they broke up the engagement, so outsiders didn't know who started the first, and why they wanted to break the engagement.

But people always put what they want on top of it, and people like Xiao Wei naturally make up for it. It must be Nangong Jing who dumped Shi Sheng, and it is definitely not Shi Sheng who dumped Nangong Jing.

"It's your business whether you believe it or not, don't trouble me, your rival in love is Su Yiyi now."

"Su Yiyi? The Su Yiyi you belong to?"

Su Yiyi is the heroine, so naturally it is impossible for her to be anonymous.

Shi Sheng rolled her eyes at Xiao Wei, if it wasn't for your tragic fate, I would be too lazy to care about you.

"School starts today. If you don't believe me, you can go to Su Yiyi's dormitory and wait to see if Nangong Jing sent her here." Ben Baobao is in a good mood and will show you a clear path. Don't thank Ben Baobao too much.

Xiao Wei was still full of suspicion, feeling that Shi Sheng was teasing her. Although Su Yiyi was a bit famous, her family was extremely ordinary, so how could she possibly have the opportunity to contact Nangong Jing, who was working in the company.

Shi Sheng shrugged, with a look of 'believe it or not, I told you anyway, don't blame me for missing true love'.

When Shisheng left, Xiao Wei hadn't recovered much.

Shi Sheng has a dormitory in the school, and the time the original owner lived can be counted on ten fingers. This time, she plans to relive her college life, and in order to avoid her parents forcing her to take care of the perverted Chu, she decides to live on campus.

This university has taught a lot of rich children. After those rich children who left this school gained a certain influence in the society, they began to pour money into their alma mater to show that they have not forgotten their roots.

Therefore, the dormitory of this school is very comfortable. Although it is a four-person dormitory, the space is very large.

When Shi Sheng arrived, no one was there, so he found his place according to the original owner's memory, and sorted things out.

She had just packed up, and the door was opened, noise came in from outside the door, and many people were frolic in the aisle.

The person who opened the door was a girl with short hair. She was stunned when she saw Shi Sheng. After a while, she walked in and looked at the bed and desk that Shi Sheng had tidied up, "Xu Chengyue, do you want to live in the dormitory this time?"

From her freshman year to the present, this roommate had only a handful of time to go back to the dormitory, but now that she suddenly sees it, it is surprising that she is not surprised.

Shi Sheng recalled it himself, and turned out the girl's name from the corner.

- Xia Ning.

The relationship between the original owner and them was not very good, and Shi Sheng didn't plan to get closer to them, so he just nodded politely, and then continued to read the novel in front of him.

After standing awkwardly for a few seconds, Xia Ning started to pack up.

"Yiyi, don't cry, that woman is like a madman, hurry up and apply it to your face. Rich people are amazing, they are too unqualified."

Shi Sheng weakly supported his forehead, Su Yiyi, wiped it, and forgot about it.

Su Yiyi lives in the same bedroom with her!

If it wasn't for the original owner, Su Yiyi wouldn't be able to hook up with Nangong Jing!

It seems that she has to move out to live. She doesn't want to live with the hostess, and she is very heartbroken.

Two people came in outside the door. Su Yiyi was supported by a girl who was full of anger and scolded.

"Xu..." Su Yiyi froze in place when she saw Shi Sheng in the bedroom.

There were five finger prints on her cheek, apparently from being beaten.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?" Xia Ning surrounded her with concern.

The girl who was supporting Su Yiyi immediately said, "It's not that Xiao Wei, who ran out inexplicably and slapped Yiyi..."

The girl recounted the matter with righteous indignation.