Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke

Chapter 86: Yuxiao Fanwai (End)


The day I was named Lord of the North Mountain was also the time when she married someone else in Shili Hongzhuang. At that time, I thought that my relationship with her would end there.

We are childhood sweethearts without guessing, and I once thought that I would marry her.

We will have lovely children who will be with us for the rest of our lives, until life runs out.

It's a pity that reality hit me hard. I don't know when it started, and I gradually became estranged from her.

No, exactly, she was alienating me.

Even if we meet, she will always have a name on her mouth.

A completely unfamiliar name.

When she talked about that person, the expression on her face was something I had never seen before, so careful, so sweet...

I wondered if she would look back at me if I told her I liked her.

But reason tells me I can't say it.


Maybe even friends can't make it.

Her love is fiery, like a moth to a flame without turning back. Once she knows that she has other feelings for her, she will completely stay away from herself.

This is not what I want to see.

So, I didn't say it.

I was named the Lord of Beishan, standing on the top of Beishan, watching her marry into Beihai, standing here, I can always look at her direction.

That way, maybe I'll be closer to her.

I never thought that one day, she would climb Beishan covered in blood. When I saw her like that, I wanted to slap myself twice. Why did I choose Beishan? This place is the most dangerous and highest mountain in the fairyland.

I can't imagine how she climbed up Beishan with her entire body crippled and seriously injured.

The Beihai Dragon Clan was wiped out, and she could survive because of her husband fighting to the death, in order to protect the last trace of blood.

It was a very small baby, but when she handed the little baby to me, I lifted the blood-stained quilt and saw a small gray face.

She is dead.

"Save her, Brother Shang."

I was holding the already cold baby and didn't know how to react.

"Brother Shang... please... she is my last hope, please save her... "

I wanted to save her, but she told me that she used the blood sacrifice technique and couldn't be reincarnated. I couldn't save her. She kept begging me to save her child.

I watched her ashes vanish in front of me, and at that moment, I seemed to understand what it meant to be ashes.

But I can't die.

I have to save this baby because this is her last request of me.

I buried her clothes on top of the North Mountain, where she could watch the North Sea where her husband was buried.

I went to the underworld and exchanged most of my life for the baby's soul, but she was too weak to return to her original body.

I had to collect all kinds of soul-raising methods and slowly nurture her.

During this period, I have been investigating the truth of Beihai's destruction, but in the end I don't know why Beihai was destroyed or by whom...

I don't want her child to take revenge, it was never told to her.

I remodeled her body, took her to the world of self-cultivation, and worshipped the Misty Sect.

When she joined the sect, the sect master said that her fate was unknown and she would not end well.

I know it's because of me, because I changed my life for her.

Therefore, her ending is not happy.

I named her Shangshu.

Hope she is a special existence.

I teach her magic, teach her how to be a human being.

But I didn't dare to spend more time with her, I was afraid that I would see her mother's shadow in her.

As she grows up year by year, she doesn't look very much like her mother. I once suspected that I made a mistake in remodeling her body, but that's okay, at least... I won't be so difficult to face to her.

One day, I found that she was different, her life was changing.

Until she brought a man to me.

I know him.

The famous monster in the fairyland.

He turned out to be her lifeline.

At the time I couldn't tell if I was happy or worried.

I don't know much about Feng Ci. When he was born, I hadn't been out of Beishan for a long time. The rumors I heard after that were all I heard when I was looking for a way to raise my soul.

From his embarrassed growth to his fame in World War I and shocking the immortal world, I have heard of it.

At that time, I was still thinking, this Feng Ci is really not an ordinary person.

Later, I saw him once. At the end of the North Sea, his unrestrained flame made me very quickly determine his identity.

He just glanced at me calmly, made sure that I didn't mean to attack him, and stood there quietly, slightly looking up at the towering stone monument.

On the stone tablet, the clan motto of the Beihai Dragon Clan was engraved.

"What are you looking at?" I asked curiously.

Feng Ci seemed very surprised that I was talking to him. After a while, he pointed to the top of the stone tablet, and said with a slightly cute expression: "There is something on it."

I frowned and looked along the stele, but didn't see anything.

He suddenly flew up, and his figure did not sink into the curling clouds. After a while, he fell down, and a transparent crystal lay quietly in his palm.

That's a memory crystal.

At that time, my heart jumped, only the dragon family can put things into this stone tablet, and the phoenix... is a mixture of dragon and phoenix.

I asked him for the memory crystal, and he calmly put the crystal aside, then turned and left.

I know from the crystal who destroyed the North Sea Dragon Race, but the reason is still unknown.

I wanted to take revenge for her, but at that time, it was Xiaoshu's most critical moment.

I didn't expect to meet Feng Ci for the second time, and this is still the case.

But he is Xiaoshu's lifeline, and I have to beg him.

Unexpectedly, he agreed so easily. At that time, I asked him, why

He only returned me a few words, he said: "She can be close to me, I like her."

Maybe it's God's will.

After that, Xiaoshu and I cut off the relationship between master and apprentice. Although I was worried, I knew that it was the safest for her and Feng Ci to be together, so I did not stop her.

Later I heard that she was missing, her soul card was not broken, I knew she was still alive.

And I don't have much time left.

I'm going to do one last thing.

avenge her.

The revenge was not very smooth, but in the end, it was still for her. I pressed them to ask the reason, but it was just because the young master of their clan fell in love with her and could not rob her, so he planned to destroy the Beihai Dragon Clan.

I avenged my revenge, returned to Beishan, and waited for death to come.

Like her, there will be no reincarnation, reincarnation.

When my body began to dissipate, in a trance, I seemed to see her wearing a wedding dress, smiling like flowers.

I can't be with you when you're alive.

Now, I can accompany you to ashes.

I do not regret.

- Yuxiao

the second

I don't really like to write sideshows, but if that character has a special story I'll do it

So sorry for wanting to see other episodes, darlings~

But you can write your own~