to Become the Strongest Sect Master

Chapter 418: The sealed ice bird


Mo Xin took Yan Chu and the others around the pagoda palace.

What surprised Yan Chu was that the area inside the Pagoda Palace was much larger than what he saw from the outside.

Viewed from the outside, the entire pagoda should cover an area as large as a football field, flying in the sky like a flying fortress.

When entering the Pagoda Palace, its actual area is actually four times the size outside!

Yan Chu and the others were chatting at one end, and it would not affect Qi Yunfeng's rest at the other end.

The Pagoda Palace is complete with pavilions, flower ponds, and rockeries. If you didn't look outside, you wouldn't know you were flying in the sky.

After walking around for a while, Mo Xin took everyone to rest in the pavilion. Pu Sifang looked around for a while, and suddenly found a steeple not far away, which was very strange.

This minaret was actually built upside down!

The top of the tower is facing down and the bottom of the tower is facing up. The entire tower is made of black iron and is locked with nine waist-thick iron chains. There are also countless talismans attached to the iron chains.

These talismans seemed to be emitting heat, burning the iron tower red. Just looking at it from a distance, it seemed that you could feel the heat of the iron tower.

Pu Sifang asked curiously: "What is that?"

Liu Feng replied: "That is the true face of this pagoda palace."

Yan Chu stood up, looked at the iron tower, and released his immortal consciousness.

What surprised him was that there was actually a breath of life at the bottom of the iron tower.

Is there a life trapped at the bottom of the tower

Is this iron tower just to suppress that life

Just listen to Mo Xin slowly say: "My mother said that the Pagoda Palace was built on a demon beast. The demon beast was called Ice Jue Bird. It once fought against the demon army and us humans. , was later captured by the Holy One, who invited the best weapon refining master to refine the Nine Dragon Black Iron Flame Tower, suppress the Ice Jue Bird, and seal it, in order to make the Ice Jue Bird atone for the war crimes it committed. , people built the Pagoda Palace on the Bing Jue Bird, and the Pagoda Palace will always float in the sky, relying on the power of the Bing Jue Bird. For thousands of years, the Bing Jue Bird has never landed on the ground again, and it has never been able to rest for a moment."

"It sounds so pitiful." Qian Duoduo couldn't help but say.

Liu Feng shook his head: "The Ice Jue Bird does not deserve sympathy. In the battle between immortals and demons a thousand years ago, the Ice Jue Bird single-handedly froze the land thousands of miles away. Millions of people died as a result. Even if it is suppressed for another hundred thousand years, it cannot be brought to its knees. Atonement.”

As if after hearing Liu Feng's words, the entire Pagoda Palace trembled slightly, as if the Bing Jue Bird was resisting.

Liu Feng's expression changed: "Something is going wrong. I must inform the eldest princess immediately!"

"What's wrong?" Yan Chu asked.

"The Pagoda Palace has never trembled because of the Ice Bird. This tremor means that something is wrong with the Nine Dragon Black Iron Flame Tower. I'm afraid it won't be able to suppress it!"

Liu Feng immediately sent someone to notify Qi Yunfeng, not caring whether this would disturb Qi Yunfeng's rest.

Yan Chu looked at the Nine Dragon Black Iron Flame Tower from a distance and frowned slightly.

Suddenly, he noticed that Mu Qingqian next to him had a strange expression on his face.

"Qingqian, what's wrong with you?" Yan Chu asked.

Mu Qingqian sent a message to Yan Chu: "Master, I seem to hear... the Ice Bird calling me."

Yan Chu was shocked. Can the sealed Ice Bird still contact outsiders

No wonder Liu Feng is worried, it seems that something is really wrong with the Nine Dragons Black Iron Flame Tower.

"What did it say?"

"I can't hear it clearly, but I can feel the grievance and dissatisfaction from its voice."

"No hatred?"


Yan Chu comforted him: "Don't tell anyone about this yet. We can't be sure whether Bing Jueniao is confusing you, so don't respond for now."

Mu Qingqian nodded silently.

Yan Chu was thinking in his heart, maybe it was because Mu Qingqian's physique and cultivation techniques were both of the ice attribute with Bing Jueniao, so they could resonate with each other.

Otherwise, why didn't Bing Jueniao contact him

Why not contact Park Sifang

Um... If Bing Jueniao contacts Park Sifang, there is a high probability that Park Sifang will explode his mentality, right

Soon, Qi Yunfeng rushed over.

However, she was not as panicked as Liu Feng, and immediately ordered someone to replace the talisman on the Nine Dragon Black Iron Flame Tower.

After the talisman was replaced, the iron tower burned even redder, and sure enough, the trembling disappeared.

"The talismans on the Nine Dragon Black Iron Flame Tower need to be replaced regularly, otherwise they will not be able to suppress the power of the Ice Jue Bird. Don't worry, everyone will be fine." Qi Yunfeng comforted him.

Yan Chu nodded and sent a message to Mu Qingqian at the same time: "Can you still hear the call of the Ice Jue Bird?"

Mu Qingqian: "It's still okay."

"Try to communicate with it, but be careful not to be confused by it. You will stay with me these two days and don't leave my sight." Yan Chu warned.

Mu Qingqian was a little embarrassed. If he couldn't leave the leader's sight, what should he do when he slept and washed himself

Qi Yunfeng smiled and said: "It's almost time. Let's go to the dining room to prepare for the meal. Eunuch Li's craftsmanship is still very good."

The group of people came to the dining room. Several dishes had been prepared on the table, all served in expensive bowls and plates, and there were maids waiting beside them.

Eunuch Li also did not forget to take care of Boss Gou, Wang Biaotou and the others, and ordered people to deliver meals to them, but Eunuch Li did not cook these meals himself.

In order to express his respect for Yan Chu, Qi Yunfeng even took out the fine wine he had collected for many years and toasted Yan Chu three times in person.

Yan Chu could feel that Qi Yunfeng did not despise him at all, and his desire to win over could not be more obvious.

However, he just wanted to be the leader of his own Thunder Sect. If he had wanted to participate in the struggle for imperial power, he would have gone directly to the capital of God to become a national advisor, and it would not be Qi Yunfeng's turn to win over him.

After drinking for three rounds, Yan Chu took the initiative and asked, "Where is Her Majesty the Princess going on this trip?"

"Xuantao County, go to meet with the envoys of the Zishang Kingdom," Qi Yunfeng said, "Since I have been single, I have no other wishes. I just want to see our Dongze Divine Kingdom prosper. Now Wu Yousheng and the Seven Great In the Holy Land, Wen has many national teachers and black and white academies to help him, but in the field of business, there is no particularly outstanding person in the country, so I want to vigorously develop business and bring a prosperous life to the people."

Yan Chu said: "Isn't that the whole people are striving for a well-off society..."

"What kind of well-off life?"

"A stable storehouse with enough knowledge of etiquette, enough food and clothing with a knowledge of honor and disgrace is for a well-off society." Yan Chu shamelessly stated the basic concepts of a well-off society.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yunfeng was stunned for a long time after hearing this, and finally picked up the wine glass and said:

"Master Yan, I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I haven't been able to come up with a clear goal. Your words really woke me up from my dream! 'A person who lives in a warehouse knows etiquette, and who has enough food and clothing knows honor and disgrace' is exactly what I want to achieve. The goal!"

"Here, I would like to take this cup to Master Yan, and wish our people of Dongze Divine Kingdom a prosperous life as soon as possible!"

(End of chapter)