to Become the Strongest Sect Master

Chapter 461: This thing is called fried pill!


Uncle Shi Yang in the sky has already started fighting with Li Sha. Even Uncle Shi Yang, whose cultivation level has declined, still has the strength to transcend the tribulation realm. Therefore, in the sky above Xuantao County City at this time, there are equivalent to two people in the late stage of the transcending tribulation realm. The strong men are dueling!

Now the city lord of Xuantao County had to step forward...

He really didn't dare to care about the two great gods in the sky, but if they were allowed to fight like this, Xuantao County would definitely suffer.

Therefore, as the city lord, he must evacuate the people as soon as possible to prevent them from being affected by the battle.

Xuantao County City became extremely lively for a while, and countless people rushed to run out of the city, fearing that if they ran a step slower, they might become the unfortunate person.

Yan Chu, who was being carried by Mu Qingqian, couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

Fortunately, Shi Yangbo became the scapegoat, otherwise Li Sha would be so difficult to deal with, and he would be in trouble if he got involved.

Although Li Sha was powerful, he was single-minded. His mission was to bring the Imperial Master back to Nandou Pavilion. As for the identity of the Imperial Master he brought back, he didn't seem to care whether he was dead or alive.

Therefore, it is a good thing to read more, so as not to be fooled by others!

If Pu Sifang is still with Yan Chu, Yan Chu will definitely take the opportunity to educate him.

Shi Yangbo saw that Xuantao County was in chaos below, and there were even places where fires had been caused for unknown reasons, and the people were shouting in horror.

He frowned and took another look at Liu Feng and others who had fled far away. Finally, he made up his mind and led Li Sha to move the battle circle outside the city.

Shi Yangbo wanted to make a big deal out of things, not make a big deal out of it. If Xuantao County suffered heavy losses as a result, Zishang Kingdom would not only not receive an apology from Qi Canglong, but might even be targeted by Qi Canglong.

But Shi Yangbo did not give up arresting Liu Feng and the others. Three golden lotus seeds appeared in his hands. He crushed the lotus seeds and swallowed them into his mouth. After a while, he started to tremble all over, and then something appeared next to him. Three shadows!

These three shadows clearly looked exactly like Shi Yangbo's, except that their bodies and clothes were pitch black, not composed of black energy, but pure shadows and darkness.

What surprised Yan Chu even more was that the strength of these shadows were all in the Tribulation Realm!

"My dear, this is called a shadow clone!" Yan Chudan said in pain.

Why can this guy shadow clones

Yan Chu felt unhappy, as if he said to Shi Yangbo, "I'll show you a treasure," but after taking it out, Shi Yangbo smiled and said, "I have this treasure too."

The only consolation is that Yan Chu's shadow clone can be used at any time, but Shi Yangbo seems to need to eat the golden lotus seeds.

It's a pity that Shi Yangbo has already eaten the lotus seeds, otherwise Yan Chu would have to use the Eye of the Great Dao to see what they were.


I also have Golden Lotus Seeds!

Yan Chu suddenly remembered that after the last battle with Qinglian's Earth Core Fire and Yao Buting's Pure Thunder Flame, he produced twelve golden pills, just like lotus seeds.

Could it be that Shi Yangbo ate something similar

With a thought in his mind, Yan Chu took out a pill, but he didn't have the courage to take it. Instead, he carefully looked at it with the Eye of the Great Dao.

[Unknown fusion (yet to be named): A compound born from the fusion and devouring of two different fires. Once it encounters a violent collision, it will release a large amount of heat.]

Unexpectedly, I and Yao Buting actually created a brand new gadget by mistake!

And look at this explanation, why does it look like... a bomb!

[System: The host can name this item.]

Yan Chu thought for a while and said, "Let's call it Zha Dan!"

[System: Naming successful! Congratulations to the host for creating a new item and a golden treasure chest as a reward!]

Yan Chu: Is this okay?

Yan Chu was really excited when he suddenly got a gold treasure chest reward.

However, he was frightened again. Fortunately, he didn't rush to swallow the explosive pill just now, otherwise he might have become the leader of Dongze Kingdom who died the most aggrieved death.

At this time, Shi Yangbo's three silhouettes had already begun to chase Liu Feng.

In order to test the power of the explosive pill, Yan Chu simply tried his best to throw the explosive pill towards Shi Yangbo's clone!

The explosive pill flew like a meteor and instantly caught up with Shi Yangbo's shadow. After the collision, it stuck directly to the shadow, and then—

I saw a golden light between the sky and the earth, and a huge explosion appeared in the sky above Xuantao County, and even formed a small mushroom cloud!

"I'll go... Is it so powerful??" Yan Chu himself was a little dumbfounded.

Shi Yangbo also stared blankly. He had been paying attention to his own shadow and didn't see any master attack at all!

Why did my own shadow explode when I was so good!

When the smoke cleared, everyone saw that Shi Yangbo's shadow had not completely dissipated.

One of the shadows that was stuck to the explosive pill disappeared half of its body, but it was recovering rapidly. After all, the shadow also had the strength to overcome the calamity realm, so it would not be blown to ashes on the spot.

As for the other two shadows, because they dodged in time, nothing happened at all.

Seeing such a result, Yan Chu was not particularly surprised. The strength of the Tribulation Realm was there. If they could really be blown away by this small explosive pill, Yan Chu and Yao Buting would be able to walk sideways in the future.

"Master, what was that you just threw out?" Mu Qingqian couldn't help but ask.

Yan Chu directly stuffed five explosive pills into Mu Qingqian's hand and explained: "That's it. It's called explosive pill. When it hits a collision, it will explode like just now. The power is extraordinary. You collect these explosive pills." Okay, just use it when you’re desperate!”

The power of the explosive pill is more than enough to deal with the strong ones in the Concentration Realm, and the strong ones in the Fusion Realm may be disabled by it if they are not careful. The reason why Yan Chu gave Mu Qingqian five pills in one breath was because he wanted her to keep them to save her life.

Mu Qingqian carefully put away the five explosive pills, and was still curious about how Yan Chu refined the pills to be lethal...

These five explosive pills opened up a new world of alchemy for Mu Qingqian. She discovered that pills can not only poison people, but also explode them!

"Master, Master Shi's shadow is about to catch up with General Liu Feng and the others!" Mu Qingqian said suddenly.

Yan Chu looked up and saw that the injured shadow was still recovering on the spot, and the other two shadows had already caught up with Liu Feng.

If this continues, the two of them will be captured by the shadows before Liu Feng can reach Qianhua Buwan!

Yan Chu gritted his teeth, summoned the white blade, and shouted: "Two shadows, take my sword!"

[System: Passive skills will 100% fail when used with bare hands. Reason for failure: The opponent is not a living being!]

Yan Chu fainted. This was the first time that the white blade failed!

(End of chapter)