to Become the Strongest Sect Master

Chapter 497: The story of Calabash Baby


"It turns out that the leader has gone through so much in the past few days..."

Yasuo suddenly appeared next to Yan Chu, covering his eyes with tears streaming down his face: "Master, thank you for your hard work!"

"Don't work hard, serve the people!"

Yan Chu raised his head and chest, as if if I don't go to hell, who else will.

When Wu Xingsen and others saw this scene, they couldn't help but be touched. They clasped their fists and said:

"Senior is worthy of being an Imperial Master!"

Although everyone has never seen the true face of the Ultraman race, from Yan Chu's words, everyone can deduce that Ultraman must be a very powerful and fierce race!

The Imperial Master said with an indifferent expression, but everyone has already imagined the scene when the Imperial Master fought with the father of Ultraman a few days ago. That scene must have been extremely dangerous, otherwise how could the Imperial Master be injured like that? !

Suddenly everyone admired Yan Chu even more.

Ling Xuzi asked: "Senior, will those Ultraman come back again?"

Yan Chu shook his head in a deep voice: "It's hard to say. Before his death, Ultraman's father passed on his lifelong cultivation to Ultraman Tiga, and predicted that Ultraman Tiga would come back... However, regardless of Ultraman Tiga's The Ultramans will come here several times, but as long as I am still in this world, as long as I am still breathing, I will definitely protect this world, and the Ultramans will never want to invade!"

"The Imperial Master is mighty!" Wu Xingsen was so impressed that he almost betrayed his master and followed Yan Chu to fight Ultraman.

"This world belongs to us, but in the final analysis, it still belongs to you young people. One day in the future, I will leave quietly. At that time, the responsibility of protecting the world and fighting Ultraman will be placed on your shoulders. Come on!" Yan Chu said meaningfully.

The five Lingxuzi people suddenly showed serious expressions.

Is the Imperial Master going to pass on his mission to the five of us

No wonder!

No wonder the emperor's master didn't go anywhere after he returned from injury, but he met us and deliberately stayed with us without revealing his true identity.

It turns out that the Emperor Master wants to test our character and judge whether we are qualified to be his successor!

The five people were extremely excited: "Don't worry, Imperial Master, we will definitely protect this world. If Ultraman dares to invade, we will make sure they never come back!"

"Very good!" Yan Chu nodded with satisfaction.

I deceived five iron fools again.

Are all geniuses so naive

Yan Chu couldn't help but think of the scene when he deceived Li Zeyang.

At this time, Han Xiang suddenly asked: "Senior Imperial Master, do you have any unique secrets for dealing with Ultraman?"

Yan Chu was stunned. He didn't expect that Han Xiang would continue to ask.

But Yan Chu's mind turned around and he immediately knew how to answer:

"Ultraman is infinitely powerful, and each possesses unique skills. It's hard for you to get any benefits from a head-on fight, but one thing is that Ultraman can only appear for three minutes at most. After three minutes, their true energy will be exhausted. When they do it, their chests will flash with light, and at this time, they will all use a special move. As long as you dodge this special move, Ultraman will be slaughtered by you!"

The five people listened extremely seriously, and Wu Xingsen even took notes in a small notebook.

Then the five people began to discuss tactics to deal with Ultraman based on the information described by Yan Chu.

Judging from their serious looks, if Yan Chu didn't know the truth, he might have believed it himself.

Suddenly, Yan Chu's conscience felt a little painful. After all, he had deceived five such innocent and pure geniuses. He didn't know if he would be punished by God.

"The leader..."

At this time, Yasuo whispered to Yan Chu: "Does Ultraman have a mother?"

Yan Chu: "..."

Why did you believe my story about deceiving children

But Yan Chu still replied: "Not only are they divided into male and female, but they are also divided into domestic and wild ones."

"Wild one? Is the wild Ultraman powerful?" Yasuo asked seriously.

Yan Chu smiled: "Elder Liu doesn't have to worry too much about Ultraman. There are Lingxuzi and the others to deal with. What you need to be careful about is a group of strong men called Calabash Boys. I will fight with you right now." Tell me carefully the story of this Calabash Baby."

Yasuo looked serious and listened very carefully. After Yan Chu made nonsense, Yasuo was furious:

"These seven little kids are simply lawless. Relying on their own strength, they ran into other people's homes at will. Not only did they kill their elder sister and husband, they also refused to let go of their younger sister. Is the snake spirit wrong? No. , it was Calabash's parents who were at fault, they failed to discipline their children, and that's why the tragedy happened! Leader, please stop talking, if I encounter Calabash children in the future, I will definitely capture them all!"

"Okay, the task of capturing Calabash Baby is long and arduous. Elder Liu must practice hard first, otherwise he may not be a match for the seven brothers when he sees him!" Yan Chu clapped his hands and shouted.

Yasuo nodded heavily and ran to the side to practice.

Xiao Keqing arrived, but before she could speak, Yan Chu said: "Elder Xiao, what I am going to tell you now is a story about a blue cat demon without ears... "

Xiao Keqing said helplessly: "Master, please stop making up stories, I'm not stupid."

Yan Chu was stunned: "Why did Elder Xiao say this?"

Xiao Keqing chuckled softly and said: "As soon as I heard the story about Calabash Baby, I knew that the leader made it up deliberately to tease Elder Liu."

Yan Chu coughed twice. It seemed that in terms of wisdom, Xiao Keqing was still better than Sussex.

However, the next second Xiao Keqing said: "But I believe in Ultraman's matter."

Yan Chu: "..."

It seems that Elder Xiao’s IQ is not very high...

But whether you believe it or not, Yan Chu doesn’t need to explain too much.

He asked: "Elder Xiao, what do you want from me?"

"Two things."

Xiao Keqing blushed and whispered, "My chest hurts a little."

Yan Chu: "...Ahem, I'll pay attention next time."

"Is there a next time?" Xiao Keqing's expression changed.

"After all, after two experiences, I will be more familiar... I will try to be gentler next time."

Xiao Keqing kept shaking her head: "No, no, the leader should ask Elder Liu next time!"

Yasuo didn't hear the conversation between Yan and Chu at all, but he vaguely heard that Xiao Keqing seemed to want to dump something on him, and Yasuo immediately said:

"No, Elder Xiao, I have to concentrate on practicing and catch the Calabash Baby as soon as possible!"

Xiao Keqing: "..."

Yan Chu smiled and said, "What about the second thing?"

"Elder Qianji hopes that you will go and find her. She seems to have something very urgent."

"That's it, let's go then."

Yan Chu patted his chest and followed Xiao Keqing to the ice corridor.

Although the ice corridor was partially broken, many places were still unaffected. The rooms inside the ice corridor are now used as resting places for soldiers and the wounded.

(End of chapter)