to Become the Strongest Sect Master

Chapter 524: Qi Canglong’s two conditions


The little pink pig flew in front of Qi Canglong and looked him up and down.

"After so many years, you haven't changed at all. Since you don't want to ascend, why don't you die early and give up the throne to your children."

"Presumptuous!" Zuo General Jin Ge's expression changed and he shouted.

The little pink pig didn't even look at Jin Ge. Even though Jin Ge's strength should not be underestimated, the little pink pig only had Qi Canglong in his eyes today and ignored everyone else.

I may not be able to beat you, but I have to be better than you...

Qi Canglong said calmly: "Zhu Fulai, you want to fight me, right?"

The little pink pig nodded and said: "My real body is behind the ice corridor. Do you dare to compete with me?"

"Why don't you dare, but I have a few conditions."

Qianji Haocang also didn't expect that Qi Canglong and Zhu Fulai would move so fast. They seemed to be ready to roll up their sleeves and get started just after they met.

It's just that Jin Ge, Li Wenjian and the others didn't say anything, and Qianji Haocang couldn't interrupt rashly.

Zhu Fulai said: "You are the only one who causes many problems."

Qi Canglong was not angry either. When he saw Zhu Fulai, he actually felt like meeting an old friend.

Yan Chu looked at the expressions and tone of Qi Canglong and Zhu Fulai, and suddenly realized that what happened that year may not be what Zhu Fulai said.

I'm afraid that when Zhu Fulai told the story, he probably added more fuel and jealousy, and the same story is completely different from the perspective of the demon clan and that of humans.

Qi Canglong said slowly: "First, I won't fight with you in Beisei. If you want to fight, follow me into the small world."

Zhu Fulai said in a deep voice: "I refuse. How do I know if you have set a trap in the small world? What if I fall into your trap and am sealed again?"

Qi Canglong smiled and said: "My identity is different now. If I make up lies every day, who among the courtiers in the court will believe my words?"

This makes sense. As the king of a country, Qi Canglong has countless eyes staring at him. No matter how powerful he is, there will be people who want to seize his leverage and overthrow his position.

Therefore, as an emperor, he must consider the consequences of his words and deeds. Using despicable means to defeat Zhu Fulai would not be worth the loss for Qi Canglong today.

So Zhu Fulai nodded and said, "Okay, just follow what you say."

Qi Canglong added: "Second, I need two people to watch."

"Why are there so many troubles? Do you want someone to stop me when you are about to die?" Zhu Fulai said angrily.

"Listen to who I want," Qi Canglong said calmly, "First, it is my sixth son Qi Wenhan. Wenhan possesses the five-clawed golden dragon soul. I want him to go in and have a look. We Qi The real power of our five-clawed golden dragon soul!"

Zhu Fulai glanced at Qi Wenhan and finally agreed: "Okay, then I will also bring a junior in."

"No problem." Qi Canglong agreed without hesitation. He didn't care who Zhu Fulai wanted to bring in.

"Who is that other person?"

"The other person is Emperor Master Yan Chu." Qi Canglong said.

In fact, Qi Canglong himself was a little unsure about letting Yan Chu watch the battle, and Zhu Fulai might not agree.

But Qi Canglong had prepared a lot of rhetoric in his heart, and in the end Zhu Fulai nodded without any hesitation.

This made Qi Canglong a little confused.

Why is Brother Yan so well connected? Does even Zhu Fulai give face like this

Yan Chu asked in confusion: "You two are beating each other, why did you drag me in to watch the battle..."

Jin Ge and Li Wenjian almost laughed out loud after hearing this: Watching the Holy Lord take action is something that may not happen in several lifetimes. Why do you still look like you are in trouble

However, when they thought that Yan Chu was the emperor's master, and perhaps his methods were better than those of the emperor, they both understood for a while.

Especially Li Wenjian. Liu Feng told Li Wenjian before that Yan Chu's swordsmanship was so high that it was completely immeasurable. Li Wenjian couldn't help but compare Yan Chu to the same or even higher position than himself.

Before Qi Canglong could speak, Zhu Fulai rushed to say: "Let's see what happens. We won't charge you any tickets."

Qi Canglong: "..."

Did this old wild boar take the wrong medicine today

Why do you want the Imperial Master to watch the battle more than me

Zhu Fulai urged: "There are no other conditions. If not, start the fight quickly. I have been waiting for this day for many years!"

Qi Canglong didn't talk nonsense, he took off the ring in his hand and threw it gently.

The ring flew outside the ice corridor and directly formed a small vortex, like a door leading to another space.

Qi Canglong introduced: "This is the small world where I usually practice. Let's fight here."

"Okay, I will summon my true body right now!"

The little pink pig closed his eyes, his expression seemed to be very hard, and the next second his body turned into a ball of smoke and disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, the ground outside the wall began to tremble. Everyone looked to the north and saw a volcano emitting black smoke, running towards the ice corridor at an extremely fast speed!

"Is that Zhu Fulai's true body?" Jin Ge couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so big!"

Li Wenjian sighed: "It would be great if you and I could enter the small world and watch the Holy One take action."

Mu Qingqian frowned and said to Yan Chu: "Master, there is no danger in the small world, right? Why does the Holy Master insist that you go in to watch the battle?"

"Don't worry, Brother Canglong has no ill intentions towards me," Yan Chu said lightly, "He just has some secrets that he wants to share with me."

Mu Qingqian was surprised for a while.

Why do we need to use the word "ye" when sharing secrets in the master's door

Who else has shared secrets with the leader


Yan Chu said to Li Zeyang at this time: "While I am away, something may happen in the Ice Corridor. You and Senior Sister must guard the Ice Corridor with all your strength until I come out. Do you understand?"

Li Zeyang was stunned for a moment: "Master, are you saying that the demon clan might invade?"

"It's not possible, it's certain, and Brother Canglong must also know about this, otherwise he wouldn't have brought so many soldiers and horses." Yan Chu said while looking at the golden-armored soldiers brought by Qi Canglong.

Li Zeyang and Mu Qingqian became a little nervous.

They have never experienced war, but now they are on the front line of war.

"Don't be afraid, as long as I come back, the war will subside." Yan Chu said confidently.

Seeing Yan Chu's appearance, Mu Qingqian and Li Zeyang instantly calmed down.

With the leader here, nothing will be difficult!

"Don't worry, Master, we will hold on until you come back!"

"Come on, Ollie!"


Although Qi Wenhan didn't know what Yan Chu had just said to his senior brothers and sisters, he couldn't help but shout after them when he heard them shouting "Oli."

Qi Canglong asked in confusion: "What does Ollie mean?"

"My son doesn't know either. This is a word invented by the leader. It probably means "come on."

"That's it!" Qi Canglong smiled slightly: "Then, I will also give you some Oli!"

(End of chapter)