Silent Crown

Chapter 1: The Well of Guixu


Late at night, it was raining in the sky.

On the dark street, a man in a coat stirred up a lantern.

The rain seemed to be endless, falling on the man's long clothes with a greedy coldness, penetrating his heart.

The cold air formed frost on the shell of the wind lantern, making the light dim. This dim light illuminated a few feet in front of him. Where there is no light, there is darkness in the rain.

The surroundings were distorted by darkness and rain, and only the flash of lightning could illuminate the towering fortress behind him. On the fortress, the stone beast squatted on the dripping mouth, with green moss marks, spitting out rainwater.

When the lantern is raised, it illuminates the man's face.

He looked very old, with green eyes and a short white beard.

There is a strange smell in the air, because whether it is the rain falling on the ground, the lightning flashing in the clouds, or the deep breathing of the old man, the whole city is filled with the same strangeness.

Because there is no sound here!

In such a silent world, even the reality of breathing and heartbeat is gradually stripped away. Even timid people will not be afraid when they come here, because fear has long been frozen by this silence.

Gaius has been here many times, but every time he feels that this ruin-like city is assimilating him, making him indifferent, like a walking zombie.

—Even ghosts can’t survive in such silence, right

When he raised his head to breathe, he could feel that this ruined city was filled with invisible things. It was the "ether" that pervaded the atmosphere and soil. The ether resonated with his heart, and then coldly sucked away all sounds.

When he looked down, he could see the rain on the ground fluctuating with the ether. The ripples overlap, gorgeously like oriental silk. "Silk" spread from his feet to the dark streets.

This is a gorgeous cage.

The sound is swallowed up by the barrier here, and the ether sleeps here. Even the musicians who are all over the world cannot communicate with the ether here - this is the dragon's sleep barrier.

In the silence, Gaius suddenly raised his head, and he felt something approaching.

Because the darkness is thick.

In the twisted rain curtain, the darkness was like some kind of amorphous living creature, struggling hard, dancing its claws crazily... to escape, to tear itself apart, and to expel that thing from its body.

So, the darkness is divided.

In this silence, rain and wind swept across. There are gray and white shadows coming out of the darkness. The gray-white color is like boiling lime and the sharp edges of marble.

There were thirty-one of them when they left, and only nine were left when they came back. Their gray robes were almost covered with tragic blood. The leader staggered, holding a slender thing in both hands. The thing was wrapped in dirty white cloth, supporting his body from falling.

When Gaius saw him, he couldn't help but take a step back.

Half of his face was burnt, the wound had not healed, and it was white from the rain. Water droplets fell from the side of the face, all with a faint blood color.


He murmured in shock, but suddenly realized that he couldn't make a sound.

Hein twitched the corners of his mouth with difficulty, as if he was smiling. This man was said to have a handsome face like a deity, but now he is as ugly as the Asuras in hell.

Gaius had no time to say anything. He turned around, seized the moment, and pushed open the door of the fortress.

For a moment, he peeked behind Hein cautiously.

Behind Hein, the monks in gray stood silently, carrying a huge and heavy thing on their shoulders. The thing was wrapped in layers of white cloth, with only a sharp edge exposed.

Gaius felt his eyes were stinging and did not dare to look any further.

The door closed silently, swallowing up the traces of the group of people.

Thunderous light flashed through the clouds. On the fortress, the lion-headed stone beast on the drip spout stared at the sky, grinning like a sneer.

A deep wind blows from the darkness.

It's like walking into the world of Hades.

They were spiraling downwards, seemingly endlessly.

The torches on the wall illuminated the long corridor, and Gaius led the way. The heavy copper keys swayed around his waist, making no sound when they collided with each other.

As the key was turned, the sixth black iron door opened. Each time, Gaius could feel the friction between the bronze hinge and the massive structure behind the door. The violent vibration seemed to rush into his body along with the key, completely destroying his old bones.

Every time he took a step, he couldn't help but want to look back and take a look at the thing behind Hein. That thing was calling to him, asking him to turn around quickly and take a closer look to see what it looked like.

In that call, his heart moved. The invisible palm pulled the soul in his body and urged softly:

"Turn around."

The voice said, "Turn around."

look at me.

Look at me quickly.

-look at me!

He trembled all over because of that silent call roaring in his ears!

A hand pressed on his shoulder, calming his erratic heartbeat. He woke up and felt that his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Only now did he realize that he had been standing in front of the last door for a long time, immersed in some kind of secret desire and unable to extricate himself.

That thing is magical!

Gaius turned back and smiled with difficulty, but Hein just retracted his palm and motioned for him to continue moving forward.

When the last key was inserted into the keyhole, Gaius was exhausted and felt that he was about to die.

The three-meter-thick iron gate opened with a tremor. As the mechanism twisted, the torch was lit, and the darkness dissipated. The cold wind blew from behind the door, carrying a pungent and burning smell that made people dizzy.

But Gaius was vaguely relieved, his mission was finally completed, and so were theirs.

He raised his head and looked at the inscription on the iron gate:

—The Well of Guixu.

Behind that iron gate is the abyss.

In the darkness, light rose from the abyss, rippling, illuminating their pale faces.

In Eastern legends, there is a whirlpool at the end of the ocean called Guixu. It is the embers left when the previous world passed away, so it represents death. The dead stars and dead water fell from the whirlpool into endless darkness, never to return.

But there is only darkness in Guixu. Where is this kind of light that feels like the world is burning

In the dark abyss, there is a blazing light.

It was like silver and gold being melted, hot copper liquid and molten iron rolling in the cauldron, gathering into whirlpools, rolling endlessly, and the silvery and cold light illuminated each of their faces.

After watching it for a long time, I felt dizzy and wanted to plunge into it and jump into the whirlpool.

This is the Well of Return, the end of the world, the place where all life disappears.

Even the ether will be killed here.

Those elements with sacred power float in the abyss, scattering like ashes. But before they die, they will gather together and rush through the air like boiling molten iron, turning into a painful whirlpool.

Underneath the whirlpool is death.

"finally reached."

Gaius murmured silently and looked back at Hein, only to see the shock and fear in Hein's eyes.

Because in the silence, there was a faint sound.

The vague sound was extremely subtle, but in this terrible silence, it was extremely clear. It roared, surging like a sea tide, and the sound spread in the air, creating ripples.

Because on the shoulders of the gray monks, among the layers of shrouds, that thing is... breathing!

The faces of Gaius and Hein froze. They turned around and saw only the last scene - among the scarred gray-robed monks, a man's body suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground.

Just for a moment, his face was shattered by ripples, and his body collapsed all over the ground, like gravel. There was no blood on the ground, because all the blood was merged into the sound of breathing!

As a result, the sound of breathing became as violent as a tsunami!


A scream like scraping an iron plate rose from the lingering sound of breathing! The scream was so high-pitched and so gentle. When the eardrum is shattered, it actually feels like singing.

Acura this world!

At first it was just a faint tremor, but now it has turned into a roar!

Like swords and axes chopping, dragon scales rubbing against each other, the earth cracking when stars fall. The endless scream is spreading, and it condenses into huge ripples, trying to break free of the layers of shackles and restraints on the body.

A violent earthquake broke out and waves of air swept across.

—Longmian barrier is broken!

In the abyss beneath the well of Guixu, light rolled.

The iron current vortex exploded!

Those hot silver fluids are boiling again! Huge amounts of light spots rose from the lake like steam, spreading everywhere with the strong wind, causing ripples in the screams!

In front of this scream, the person's body was lifted up like a fallen leaf and pressed against the wall. His lungs seemed to be filled with iron sand, making him unable to breathe. That kind of force presses a person's body into the stone, turning their bones and flesh into mud!

Then, the layers of shrouds shattered.

In the dizzying hallucination, Gaius felt that his mind went blank, but he finally saw clearly what the thing looked like... It was a steel coffin!

On the cross-shaped steel coffin, the layers of chains trembled uneasily, and fell apart with a loud noise when it fell to the ground. The steel actually burned out in that kind of power!

The iron coffin was shaking violently, and the copper nails on the coffin lid popped out quickly. They were afraid of the monster hidden in it and wanted to escape. Fine cracks emerged from above, spreading rapidly like living things growing.

The screams became louder and louder!

The screams were frantic, like the hands of a demon, slapping the gray-clothed monks into pulpy mud on the wall. But on Hein, that terrifying pressure was bounced away.

Because Hein raised his head, his eyes were shining with golden fire!

As if divine power was attached to his body, he broke free and crawled towards the iron coffin at an incredible speed - like falling into an abyss, like a moth flying into a flame.

He chanted something in a low voice and suddenly pressed his hands on the iron coffin!

For a moment, the scream disappeared.

The moment of silence was extremely long.

Immediately afterwards, the screams erupted a thousand times more!

That terrible tremor materialized, rushing up his body along his arms.

The skin of the arm was cracked, and blood spurted out, but it was atomized in the twisting wind, but the blood got into the gaps in the iron coffin and disappeared without a trace.

First the palms, then the arms, and finally the body. Hein's body is rapidly withering and drying up, and his life is about to be sucked out along with his blood! He turned back with difficulty, looked at Gaius, and opened and closed his lips, wanting to shout something.

Gaius froze.

He lowered his head and saw the slender package rolling down next to him. It was something that Hein had brought back along the way. As it vibrated and rolled, the shroud that bound it was untied, revealing the sacred object inside.

It was like a spear made of pig iron, rough and wild, with a blunt edge but stained with layers of blood. Screaming, its blades lit up, humming, releasing burning light.

The light was so hot that it cut through the bonds on Gaius.

Using all his strength, he bent down and gripped the spear.

For a moment, I felt infinite strength and courage pouring into my body. The frightening roar disappeared, and only the sound of his own heartbeat lingered in his ears, like rolling thunder.

The divine power filled his body, causing his blood to burn and his heart to almost burst. He was addicted to it and wanted to release this power.

If there is iron in front of you, pierce the iron. If there is a dragon in front of you, go through the dragon. If there is an enemy in front of you, let him break into pieces. If there is a god in front of you, then...

His consciousness was dominated by this power, and he stood up involuntarily, taking seven steps forward, his footsteps imprinted into the stone.

Now he stood in front of his enemies.

The iron coffin trembled endlessly.

He glared at the crack in the iron coffin and the darkness inside. He clenched the spear with both hands and stabbed out with all his strength and courage!

There was the sound of blisters bursting.

As if the iron coffin was just an illusion, the spear penetrated the crack easily, pierced the darkness inside, and pierced out from the other end.

Like an illusion, he heard what sounded like the screams of a giant dragon before it died.

In the midst of the mourning, the screams stopped abruptly, and the dancing ether light suddenly stopped, then condensed, turned into a heavy rain, and returned to the abyss.

Silence swept over again, and the iron coffin once again fell into deathly silence.

The abundant power disappeared, and Gaius staggered around, trying to help Hein up on the ground.

This large, muscular man has now shriveled up into a baby. When touched, it shattered and turned into ashes. Only the head rolled to the ground, staring at Gaius with dry pupils.

he died.

Gaius closed his eyes for him and turned towards the iron coffin.

Like a mayfly shaking a big tree, this old man pushed the iron coffin hard, squeezing every ounce of strength from his bones, and pushing deeper bit by bit.

Until you use up your last strength and push it into the boiling whirlpool of iron flow!

The iron coffin fell, rolled in the air, and disappeared into the whirlpool without any sound.

The rough spear still penetrated deeply into the iron coffin, sinking into death as it sank.

At the last moment, he saw the horrific totem engraved on the iron coffin.

As if walking out of a nightmare, it has a face of brass and a body of black iron. It has three heads with traces of birds, beasts and humans. It is huge and ferocious, and its countless arms hold flames, frost, Disease, axes, water bottles, bones...

It obviously doesn't look like a human, but it looks so... beautiful!

So frighteningly perfect.

This is a mythical creature, the evil son of God and Mother Earth, a demigod full of rage and power.

—A hundred-armed giant.

As Gaius walked out of the ruined city, he heard the sound of the waves.

Maybe after staying in silence for too long, even the sound of the waves feels like a salvation.

In the swaying cold rain, the carriage waited quietly in the darkness. The man in the car waved to him. He was stunned for a moment, then got in the car, and the carriage took him on the way back.

The interior of the car was warm, smelled of incense and richly decorated.

But he still felt the coldness lingering on him and couldn't dispel it.

The person sitting opposite him brought a hand stove, and he felt a precious warmth, but his face was still pale.

"Welcome back to the human world."

The white-haired oriental man turned up the lights and illuminated his face.

Like all oriental nobles, Bai Heng wore silk robes, with silver embroidered patterns faintly visible on the robes. That kind of mark is full of majesty and arrogance, like a flame.

Apart from his gray hair, Bai Heng looks young and energetic, with no wrinkles on his face. Only when looking into his eyes did Gaius feel that this guy was really as old as himself.

"When did you come?" Gaius asked softly.

"It was right behind me, so I had time to take a look from a distance."

Bai Heng lowered his eyes, and the lingering fear still lingered: "Just looking at it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. It's really despairing."

"There's nothing to despair about."

Gaius murmured in a low voice. He recalled Hein's face, his withered head and shriveled eyeballs, and his expression darkened: "Isn't it that all we can do from beginning to end is 'pay the price'?"

"I'm afraid we can't afford that price." Bai Heng said softly: "We lost dozens of musicians and accompanied the dragon-slaying spear named 'Saint George' just to deal with the Hundred-Armed Giant. Talking in sleep. In the eyes of those monsters, it is ridiculous for humans to resist like this, right? They are like ants, even their death is worthless."

Gaius was silent.

After a long time, he sighed softly: "Bai Heng, when the 'Silver Scourge' destroyed the City of Wolf twenty years ago, I was in the city."

"Huh?" Bai Heng was stunned.

"I was standing on the city wall, watching it coming from afar, with overwhelming waves and brilliant neon lights. It was really... beautiful. So, don't worry, that kind of magnificent destruction will make people feel buried. It’s not a pity either.”

Bai Heng was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly laughed softly: "Human beings are really ridiculous. When I hear that I can die more beautifully, I feel less regretful."

"So, let's worry about the problems while we're still alive first."

Gaius closed his eyes and chanted the dogma softly:

"—Awe of the ether."

Bai Heng was silent.

The silence lasted until the carriage stopped.

Outside the car is the port, where a sea ship is waiting to set sail in the rainy night.

Through the window, Gaius heard the sound of the waves. He had left the range of the dragon's sleep barrier, and the sound returned to this world again.

After staying in silence for so long, even the sound of the waves, which usually seems noisy, feels like salvation. Gaius couldn't help but look back into the distance.

But in the distance, in the darkness, nothing could be seen clearly.

"Then, let's say goodbye. His Majesty the Pope is still waiting for my report."

He got out of the car and looked back at the car: "Are you going back to the East too?"

"Yes, after all, I have a very...arrogant empress in my family." Bai Heng sighed: "If I'm not here, maybe something bad will happen, right?"

Gaius smiled: "It's really hard to be a traitor, Bai Heng."

"It's the regent." Bai Heng corrected seriously.

"Goodbye, then, Mr. Regent."

"Goodbye, Your Highness."

The carriage door was closed.

In the heavy rain, Gaius watched quietly as the man's carriage disappeared into the rain.

Amidst the sounds of countless rains, he looked back and stared into the darkness where the fortress was located, as if he could hear the roar of the monster through countless layers of blockades.

"I really can't understand it."

His eyes were deep: "Why on earth do you monsters linger in the human world?"

This year, there was a rare phenomenon of twin moons shining in the sky, with the pale moon and the blue moon hanging high at the same time.

There have been six earthquakes on the ground, some areas are still dry and some are flooded. Some people claim to have discovered a kind of flammable black gunpowder in the desert area, some say that the continental plates are moving, some say that the earth is round, and some say that the ancestors of human beings are monkeys.

These are minutiae.

This year, the revolutionary army that occupied the New World was still in its infancy, and natural disasters were still raging in the dark world.

Some countries are borrowing lavishly on national debts that they can never repay, and some places are militaristically expanding their armies. The war between nations for relics and ancient technology continues.

The Holy City forgave the sins of mankind, while the nobles of the East sold silk to the dead.

Everyone was fighting and killing, and seemed to be very busy.

Few people notice that the Dark Ages have ended hundreds of years ago, and that the fragile peace between humans and natural disasters has been maintained for too long.

This world is still so huge, but unfortunately most of it is still hidden in darkness.

There are now nine of the twelve kingdoms left, struggling to occupy a small corner of the world, and slowly and cautiously expanding their territories in unknown directions.

Some people cast their sights to the other side of the ocean.

Because the wind brings the sound of the new era.

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