Silent Crown

Chapter 102: The city of silence


The whole world has fallen into a nightmare.

The blue moonlight fell from the sky, illuminating the suddenly ferocious world and the scarlet water pool at his feet.

Beyond Tower Bridge, the city stood out sharply in the dark. But the outline is completely different from the appearance in the daytime.

It was as if it had transformed into another city in an instant. After losing its light and color, the silhouette of that city became sharp and ferocious, like a demon's palm stretched out toward the sky.

In the mist in the distance, it moves according to its outline, constantly changing, like a reflection from hell...

And in the silence, a sharp sound suddenly sounded.

In front of the young man, the slightly closed bronze door was pushed by an invisible force. The hinge made a sound of metal friction and suddenly opened!

A strong wind mixed with the smell of decay blew from the city on the other side of the Tower Bridge. The cold breath in the wind instantly took away Ye Qingxuan's strength, almost causing him to kneel to the ground.

"What on earth is this?"

In the silence, he lowered his head and looked at the "water pool" at his feet. Under the reflection of the blue moon, the "water pool" reflects scarlet color.

The bright red liquid came from the other side of the Tower Bridge and was still flowing like a river.

It sloped down from the top of the city, along the entire city, meandering from top to bottom, passing through the Tower Bridge, silently flowing over the young man's feet, and finally flowing into the thick fog behind him. among.

The blood-colored water meandered silently, leaving behind a bloody road dyed red...!

"Blood Road?"

Ye Qingxuan's face turned pale and he staggered back.

He finally understood what this place was.

According to legend, the "Shadow of Avalon" where King Arthur's treasure is buried is hidden in the shadow of this city. But for thousands of years, no one has been able to find it.

Because if you want to find the city hidden in nightmares and shadows, you must find the key to it, a road made of blood.

A... bloody road!

"It's all true?"

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head. He looked at the blood flowing quietly under his feet and felt that he had fallen into an extremely realistic nightmare.

It turns out that those legends are all true, it turns out that what those people said is true, it turns out that the Shadow of Avalon really exists, it turns out... there is really a way to enter the Shadow of Avalon hidden in me!

It turned out that he spent a whole day escaping, but he walked on this bloody road and walked from the human world into hell.

turn out to be…

"What the hell is going on!"

He roared angrily and roared towards the other side of the Tower Bridge: "I don't want to see you at all! Why did you drag me in! I don't want any bullshit treasure! Take it away!"

In the distance, the shadow of Avalon remained silent, with no response as it should have.

The Devil's City under the moon is still ferocious, but the blue moonlight in the sky gradually dims, like a tired eye.

While glaring, Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt that his vision was blurry, his will was dizzy, and invisible force was shaking his body.

In the drowsiness, the blue moonlight went out. The blood path under his feet also stopped flowing, dried up, and disappeared. The thick fog was stirring crazily, as if it had been disturbed by some external force.

"Leaves! Leaves!"

He heard someone calling his name.

The surrounding scenes were trembling and changing rapidly, as if a nightmare was about to awaken, and the devil's world began to collapse.

The thick fog is dissipating quickly.

For a moment, his vision went dark.

When he opened his eyes again, everything had returned to its original state.

"Yi Zi, are you okay?"

In front of him, Charles grabbed his shoulders and shook the distracted young man vigorously: "Yi Zi? Ye Zi? Can you hear me?"

He looked at the dull boy and waved his hand in front of him: "What's wrong with you?"

"Senior brother?"

Ye Qingxuan stared blankly at Ciel's stupid and cheap face, and wanted to punch him, but he felt from the bottom of his heart that this guy had never been so cute.

"You finally answered, are you okay?"

Seeing that he returned to normal, Charles breathed a sigh of relief: "Why did you disappear in the blink of an eye? I searched all over Avalon and thought you had been abducted by human traffickers. Are you sure you are okay? You look like you are covered in injuries. Looks like…”

Ye Qingxuan turned his head and looked at the familiar night surrounding him, but felt that this place was extremely strange.

"Brother, where am I?"

Ciel couldn't help but sigh: "Idiot, of course you are in Avalon."

"Which Avalon?"

"Is there a second Avalon in the world?"

"...It's better not to have any."

Ye Qingxuan smiled with difficulty, but his eyesight went dark. When the tense nerves finally relaxed, he fell into a coma involuntarily.

He had had enough of this bad day.

In Xiacheng District, there are silent streets amid layers of thick fog.

There is also a lonely moonlight shining in the darkest place.

Under the pale moonlight, the professor waited silently.

Behind him, there was a disturbance in the darkness, a ferocious figure slowly emerged, and the butcher returned silently. He was holding a broken bone saw in his left hand, and his right hand was empty—according to the agreement, he was supposed to bring that Eastern brat back intact.

But now he came alone, with his right hand empty. But behind the donkey head mask, those eyes were no longer scarlet, but still violent, like a tired beast.

"You actually missed it?" The professor looked at him with mocking eyes.

"There is always a first time for everyone." A hoarse voice answered.

"Really?" the professor said calmly, "I always thought you were a monster."

"Isn't it precisely because of human needs that monsters exist?"

The butcher looked at him deeply, threw the stack of money orders as a down payment back into his arms, and turned to leave.

Two days later, in the academy, in Abraham's study.

"Based on the parts of the Voynich manuscript that have been interpreted so far, we can understand some of the things that happened before the Dark Ages. Unfortunately, most of what is recorded in the manuscript is astrology and geography, and it is completely different from what we observe now. "

In front of the blackboard, Abraham stretched out his hand and wrote on the blackboard: "According to the records in the Voynich manuscript, the starry sky above our heads is different. There is no mention of the existence of a 'ring', but there is a The light belt composed of a large number of stars is called the Milky Way. Among them, there is only one 'moon', the celestial body closest to the earth, that is specially marked, and there is no mention of the phenomenon of the 'blue moon'. And the most important thing is , many of which we can no longer observe. For example, Mercury, which represents mystery, and Mars, which represents war. This kind of fault phenomenon also often appears in Eastern astrology, such as the Hoshino Branch-Three Stars handed down from ancient times. Yuan Erba is now completely invisible. The 'South Dipper' representing life and the 'Big Dipper' representing death have disappeared without a trace. Perhaps this part of the mystery is preserved in the undeciphered "Voynich Manuscript" Part of it, but this has always been a mystery. Since ancient times, the gap between records and reality has caused confusion among many archaeologists, and even many "stars" and "astrologers" have doubts about life. Suicide in depression. For researchers of ancient texts, this is a situation that needs to be avoided especially. We need... Ye Zi? Ye Zi, are you listening?"

Abraham turned around and saw the distracted students behind the desk, so he raised his voice:

"Leaves? Leaves!"

The young man was awakened from his sluggish state. He quickly got up from the table and rubbed his face: "I'm sorry, teacher, I was distracted. Where are we talking now?"

"Interpretation of the Voynich Manuscript."

"Uh, sorry."

Ye Qingxuan said awkwardly: "I don't seem to have heard this part clearly. Can you explain it again? Just start from the previous part."

Abraham sighed, put down the chalk, and sat back opposite Ye Qingxuan: "You haven't been in good condition lately. Did something happen?"

"Well, it's actually nothing." Ye Qingxuan smiled dryly: "Maybe it's because of lack of sleep."

"Did you stay up all night reading again?"

Abraham suddenly felt helpless.

In the past half month, after Ye Qingxuan relaxed his study of musical notes, he officially began to learn the interpretation and deciphering of ancient documents from him.

The young man's progress in this area surprised him. He was making rapid progress.

After learning the "Interpretation Method", Ye Qingxuan has been able to initially decipher and interpret some relatively recent documents.

As long as you cultivate it for a while, you can directly serve as your assistant to help you with your current interpretation work.

In just a few days, Ye Qingxuan completed something that would take ordinary people two or three years to basically master.

On the one hand, it is because of Ye Qingxuan's talent, and on the other hand, it is also because of the accumulation that is no worse than that of famous scholars.

After all, there aren't many perverts with good memories who can memorize all the books in the cult's collection into their heads, and this guy is basically cleaning out Abraham's study now.

As for the language that requires a lot of time to learn and practice, Abraham doesn't have to worry about it.

As early as when Ye Qingxuan was working as a scribe, he had already mastered most of the current language systems.

In addition to the common lingua franca and Latin language writing within the order, the Asgardian language, known as the "living fossil", was even learned from Father Bane.

And when he was a child, he had already learned the same ancient Eastern language. At present, most of the research literature does not have any reading difficulties for Ye Qingxuan.

Logically speaking, having such a student is enough to make any researcher of ancient documents laugh out of their dreams.

But Abraham just feels a little worried now.

In the past two days, Ye Qingxuan's entire state has become very wrong.

When Charles carried him back two days ago, he was covered in blood and had a high fever. The fever finally subsided, but if I asked him what happened, he wouldn't tell me.

And I don't know what I'm thinking about in my mind. I'm so lost that I'm always in a daze. Often a person locks himself in a room.

Everyone was a little worried about him, but Charles secretly opened the window to take a look, only to find that he was just reading some books in the room. Looking here and there, looking here and there... As if looking for something, I see that day and night are endless.

Abraham shook his head:

"That's it for today's study of interpretation methods. You can go and rest first."

He stood up and packed his things, but when he turned around, he found that the boy was still sitting where he was.

"Teacher, are these things we have learned really useful?"

he asked suddenly.