Silent Crown

Chapter 115: Give your name


Ye Qingxuan's heart was filled with anger at this moment.

Regardless of the news that he was carrying the Key to Avalon, the fact that the Rossi family wanted to kill him after repeatedly persecuting him made his eyes become cold and stern.

It seems that those guys still want to force themselves to death...

He didn't remain silent for long, and asked again:

"What happened to the butcher?"

There was anger in his tone, which made the Rat King misunderstand something, and he quickly shouted: "That's all the 'professor''s fault! I swear, it has nothing to do with me. I just want the body of that oriental brat, but But that bitch hired a butcher and made the matter a big deal. As a result, everyone was beaten and no one benefited!"

"Oh? Professor..."

Ye Qingxuan chewed on that title and couldn't help but recall the monster that gave him overwhelming fear that day, as well as the shadow next to him shrouded in black robes.

He is also a musician.

He quickly thought about the connections between all these things, but felt that there were still some important clues hidden in the fog. Cannot be chained into a line.

"If you want to find a bloody path, you'd better do it as soon as possible..."

The Rat King sounded a bit gloating: "We just received news yesterday that the Shaman has returned. He hates the black musicians the most. After he takes power, all those who violate the rules will be hanged or immersed in the mire. To At that time, you will be unable to move anywhere in the lower city."

The Rat King paused for a moment, and when he mentioned this name, a strong fear flashed in his eyes: "Now, I'm afraid the others are starting to panic, right?"

"Are you so afraid of him?" Black Shadow's tone was lightly mocking.

"You don't understand. You are an outsider, you don't understand."

The Rat King had a bitter look on his face: "The Shaman is not just a legend, he is an era in the Lower City, do you understand? He is the dark king of the past era... When the Shaman's power was at its greatest, he passed through Avalon's In the lower city, there is a dark world that controls half of Angru. Everyone dreams of kneeling down in front of the shaman, kissing his ring, and being loyal to him. Even the nobles can't do anything to him, and everyone in the police station He was his loyal dog. The royal family had to consult with him if they wanted to wear silk pajamas. He once became the Shadow King of Angel! Some people say that he even met the Pope... If he hadn't mysteriously disappeared later, I'm afraid Now the entire Xiacheng District is still under his control."

His eyes were full of unwillingness: "To him, we people are just rats gnawing on his leftover rice and soup. Even though times have changed now, as long as he raises his arms, countless people will still want to Follow him. If he does come back, everyone must kill him completely before he takes control of the situation... "

"Wasn't he being chased by the royal musicians and escaping?"

"Royal Musicians? Royal Musicians are his partners! Without that guy's black money, how can the Royal Musicians lead a life of debauchery?!"

Ye Qingxuan was silent. He did not expect that the shaman used to be so powerful.

Fortunately for him, the legendary dark king is still trying to regain his rights and has not yet turned his attention to King Arthur's treasure...

"last question."

Ye Qingxuan looked at him, "Do you know who the 'old ghost' is?"

"Old ghost?" The Rat King couldn't help but want to laugh: "Are you kidding me? There are eight hundred people with this nickname in Xiacheng District. How do I know which one you are talking about?!"

"Really? That would be a shame."

A trace of regret flashed in Ye Qingxuan's eyes, and he looked away from him.

"You can go." He turned around and waved coldly: "I'm no longer interested in you."

The Rat King was stunned at first, a little disbelieving, and then ecstatic. He didn't expect that this guy really planned to keep his promise.

But obviously he can survive, but what's going on with this unprecedented sense of humiliation

He could feel the shadow's last gaze on him.

Cold, contemptuous, yet compassionate.

It's like looking at a fly, bug, or something else insignificant.

To him, is he just the kind of mouse that he can trample to death at any time when he gets bored? ! Not even willing to take his life away...

You will regret this!

His heart roared crazily: You will definitely regret it...

He crawled out backwards on his hands and knees, stood up with the support of his men, and backed away with his whole body on guard.

But when he stepped out of the cemetery gate, he looked back again.

Under the pale moonlight, the shadow full of darkness stood in the cemetery, staring down at a tombstone. It was like blending into the darkness in the entire cemetery.

Behind him, the moonlight cast a sharp shadow, dancing like a monster, especially ferocious.

The Rat King looked at the unsuspecting shadow and hesitated for a moment. A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by deep fear and fear.

He gave up the idea of an attack.

"Who...are you?!"

He asked hoarsely: "Tell me your name! I want to know your name!"

Hearing his voice, the shadow in the darkness turned back and looked at him coldly. The look in the darkness made his hair stand on end.

It was as if he was examining whether the rat in front of him was qualified to claim his name, with complete arrogance and indifference.

Not a word was spoken.

The Rat King's face turned red, he turned around and left in shame and anger. But I heard a voice coming from behind.

"You can call me Sherlock."

In the darkness, the young man who was actually racking his brains to make up a false name looked down and saw the tombstone at his feet. His eyes lit up and he read the name on the tombstone.

He said:

"—My name is Sherlock Holmes."

After the Rat King left for a long time, Ye Qingxuan finally couldn't hold on any longer and sat down on the tombstone, gasping for air.

If the Rat King had been a few minutes late, he would have literally collapsed to the ground. He jumped up the stairs and launched the dark movement, which almost caused his sanity to collapse.

Beside him, Bai Xi hurriedly handed over a tube of green potion, a good recovery potion. Ye Qingxuan didn't have time to ask her how she got here. After drinking the potion, he breathed for a while and then felt his consciousness slowly recover.

After he recovered, Bai Xi next to him became embarrassed and tried to escape on tiptoe, but unexpectedly a hand pressed on his shoulder.

"Good evening, little friend. Do you want to play a game with uncle?"

The young man's strange voice sounded in her ears: "Uncle, there are some fun games here..."

Bai Xi felt a chill: "You, don't come over!"

"What? Are you afraid now?"

Ye Qingxuan asked: "Then why are you running out in the middle of the night?"

"I, I'm not Bai Xi!"

The little girl covered her face: "You got the wrong person, my name is John! Uh, John Watson..."

"The name came up pretty quickly, right?" Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sneer, "Do you want to add a middle name? Like 'H' or something?"

"The names are all given by my parents, how can I change them on the spur of the moment!"

"Haha." Ye Qingxuan reached out and pinched her face: "You pull it again? You pull it again?"

"I was wrong! Cousin, I was wrong! I just want to help..."

Seeing her suddenly become well-behaved again, clasping her hands together to beg for mercy, and blinking at him, Ye Qingxuan felt that he couldn't be angry anymore.

He sighed and stretched out his hand: "Bring the thing."

"Things? What things?" Bai Xi looked blankly: "I don't know anything!"

"Is it?"

Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly, reached into her pocket, took out a palm-sized calfskin notebook, and waved it in front of her:

"Are you brave enough to have someone put a crossbow on your head and yet you still don't forget to go back to your old business? Who promised me not to steal anything in the future?"

"This is called using evil to fight evil! Who told him that his posture is so correct?"

Bai Xi looked away guiltily, whistling, with an innocent look on his face: "I just accidentally... took it out."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head helplessly, opened the book, and looked at the dense numbers on it. As if he thought of something, his expression became serious and he began to identify them carefully.

Not far away, Lao Fei returned silently.

This big golden retriever sniffed the blood everywhere and wandered around the cemetery, as if visiting a shopping mall, stepping over the corpses calmly and gracefully.

Until finally, his eyes lit up, he lowered his head, picked up the thing, and ran over with small steps. Put the little thing at Bai Xi's feet.

Generously and elegantly, it rewarded this thing to its new number one brother "Bai Xi".

Bai Xi was stunned, bent down, picked up the blood-stained mirror, turned it to the back, and saw the relief of the Gorgon on it, and his eyes lit up.

—The Gorgon Mirror!

While Ye Qingxuan was concentrating on reading the book, she made a "hush" gesture to Lao Fei, and then put it into her pocket thily.

Anyway, it's just a small thing, and my cheap cousin will definitely not care about it... right

Soon, Ye Qingxuan finished flipping through the notebook and had a rough impression of what was written in it. Then he stuffed it into his arms.

If the things inside are really as expected, then everything needs to be thought about carefully and considered in the long term.

Just as he was holding Bai Xi's hand and preparing to leave, he heard a fainted man moaning in the dug hole next to him.

In the coma, he seemed to have fallen into a nightmare, twitching in pain.

Ye Qingxuan still remembers him, his name is Hudson, the unlucky guy who wanted to escape from the dark world but was captured by the Rat King.

I didn't expect him to be alive, but he seemed to be close to death.

He thought for a moment, paused, and put his cane on Hudson's heart. The sound like a rushing river sounded from the strings.


With the help of the Nine Heavens Ring, he stimulated the blood in Hudson's heart and pulled him back from the edge of the nightmare.

The nightmare dissipated, and Hudson woke up screaming and opened his eyes. He looked at the messy scene around him, then looked at Ye Qingxuan's shadow, as if he understood something: "Am I... dead?"

"You are still alive." Ye Qingxuan said lightly.

"Did you save me?"

"You only survived because of your luck. I just gave you a hand. Go find a doctor while you are still conscious, otherwise you will really die."

Hudson was silent.

A bitter smile appeared on his blood-stained face: "Perhaps, for people like me, it would be better to die? Even if you are alive, where can you go?"

He covered his face and choked in despair: "In order to quit, I ran away so far. I thought I would have a new life, but I was caught back. On the way, I understood that if I jumped into the quagmire for one day, I would be washed away for the rest of my life. Not clean... I have done so many things against my will, and I have to pay the price."

"Then live on and use the rest of your days to repent for what you have done."

"Can you be saved by repenting?" Hudson was full of hope.


The young man shook his head. He stared at the villain who had suffered a lot of bloodshed. His voice was hoarse and cold: "You will live with guilt and live in the haze of the past all your life until you die. But at least, you can try to do it. A good man."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he turned and left.

Hudson froze and fell into silence.

He stared blankly at the shadow that turned away and couldn't help but want to cry. It was like receiving a great redemption.

"That's great..." He knelt down in the rotten soil soaked in blood with relief and said goodbye to the shadow: "Thank you, sir."

In the distance, the black shadow paused, looked back at him, and after a long time looked away.

"thank you too."

He whispered softly. Perhaps this was the best sentence he had heard among all the words he had heard these days.

"What's wrong?" Bai Xi asked softly, "Why are you so happy suddenly?"

"There has been a question that has puzzled me these days, but now I realize that the answer has always been in my heart."

In the darkness, Ye Qingxuan laughed, relieved and satisfied: "It turns out that insisting on being a good person is not meaningless."