Silent Crown

Chapter 117: Would you like some too?


Half an hour ago, the classroom was overcrowded.

In the last row, Ye Qingxuan sat majestically in the middle. The only empty seat in the row was Bai Xi, who was dozing soundly next to him.

For some reason, although the classroom was overcrowded, no one around Ye Qingxuan wanted to sit over. Those students with aristocratic backgrounds can understand that most of them have servants who have already occupied their seats, and they don't even bother to come in advance to grab seats. Most of the civilian students stood around and listened quietly.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan immersed in writing, he didn't come to disturb him. He just nodded and said hello when he passed by, but he seemed to be worried about something and didn't dare to get too close.

"Is he their teacher? Hehe."

Bai Xi lay on the table and sneered: "Now that the principal is away, all the teachers in the branches and main departments have been won over by the school committee. Now the school committee and those teachers regard our music and history department as a thorn in their side and want to expel us. Go out... They don't dare to come together. If they are regarded as comrades, it will be enough for them to drink a pot. It is obviously the winter when they hug together to keep warm, but they would rather stand in the cold eyes than take a little risk to support those who are for the cause. The people they are talking to. Such people deserve to be treated as pariahs..."

"Bai Xi."

Ye Qingxuan raised his finger and tapped her forehead: "Don't speak so meanly."

"That's right! Did you know that there was a civilian genius in the academy a few years ago? He was really a good person. He did countless things for the students who were bullied in the academy. As a result, he was ostracized. , was driven away, and those who had been helped by him just watched him kneel in front of the school gate and shed tears... Fortunately, cousin, you are not stupid enough to fight for something for them, otherwise you will definitely be tricked by these pig teammates. Go into the trench.”

"Don't overgeneralize. There were many people who protested and dropped out of school along with him."

"Humph, there are only a few."

Bai Xi snorted coldly, averted his eyes and continued to sleep. She was almost exhausted. After staying up late last night and following Ye Qingxuan for an open class today, she was extremely sleepy.

On the other hand, Ye Qingxuan, a pervert, has always been full of energy. He is still holding the small cowhide book that Bai Xishun came to him in his hand, looking at something carefully.

After reading two pages, I immersed myself in writing on the letterhead in front of me.

The letterhead is fine paper and costs more than ten pounds a piece, a luxury item. I just bought it this morning, and now it is filled with writing in a thick stack. It is placed on Ye Qingxuan's right hand, pressed by the ink bottle.

The font of the letter is the most popular font among the nobles. This font originally originated from the Holy City. The priests who became accustomed to writing in the order's language also retained some of their original writing habits when writing in common language. This writing habit was later carried forward and became a special font. It looked exquisite, simple and solemn, so it was welcomed among the nobles.

Ye Qingxuan spent several months practicing this font when he was working as a scribe, and even received praise from the priest. Now he can write it with ease. It was at that time that the priest began to prepare him to become a priest.

But for some reason, Ye Qingxuan wore a thin layer of gloves on both hands when he was writing. Even the wrists and forearms are included. From the time I bought the letter paper to the time I finished writing it, not an inch of my skin has touched it.

Bai Xi felt curious and went over to take a look. After reading two lines, he felt dizzy. The whole article is gorgeously worded and seems to be written according to the rhythm of some kind of poetry, and the content is empty and tasteless.

Looking elegant and considerate, he asked an elderly person about his physical condition in an implicit and caring manner, and expressed his concern for him in a modest and not flattering manner. He was deeply moved, and finally mentioned the above topic. The situation when the other party and myself met at the dinner party for a month, and finally said goodbye reluctantly.

In Bai Xi's opinion, she was extremely sissy. If someone wrote to her like this, she would definitely find that guy who disliked her and beat him up.

At the end of the letter, Ye Qingxuan left the name he had just chosen last night: Your loyal friend—Sherlock Holmes.

"What's this?"

Bai Xi curiously stretched out his hand to pick up the letter, but Ye Qingxuan picked it up and flicked it away, "Don't touch it."

Bai Xi was stunned for a moment, and then retracted his hand aggrievedly.

Ye Qingxuan explained: "Fingerprints and other clues will be left, so it is best not to touch these things without wearing gloves."

"What on earth are you doing?" She couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Write a letter."

Ye Qingxuan picked up the small book and shook it, "—Write to those in need of help."

Bai Xi went to look at the contents in the notebook, but was confused. Everything written in the book is full of strange characters and numbers, which makes absolutely no sense.

"What the hell is this?"


Ye Qingxuan said, "To be precise, there are three types."

"Part of it is a permutation cipher, where the alphabet and word list are converted in some way, shuffled and then rearranged. Part of it is a mapping game, and the last part is a code word... It is interesting to decipher, but not very Disaster."

After he finished speaking, he shrugged: "Compared to the interpretation of ancient classics and the analysis of musical notes, it is simply not worth mentioning."

"What's written in it?"

"Rat will keep records of his work for others over the years."

Ye Qingxuan said calmly: "Sam is a scheming person. He is afraid that he knows too much and will be killed by those people. So he always has to leave something to save his life."

"I was afraid of being killed. If I hadn't done it in the first place, it would have been over."

"If you could remember everything from the beginning, the world wouldn't be so cruel." Ye Qingxuan shrugged lightly, folded the letter he had just written, and carefully put it into the envelope with tweezers. inside, applied glue to seal it, and finally put it and the thick letter paper under the ink bottles into a small box and stuffed it into the backpack.

Finally got it done.

After doing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the chair, feeling sleepy all over. He hadn't slept at all since yesterday. Now that he relaxed, he felt sleepy.

But couldn't sleep.


Bai Xi was dozing off when he suddenly heard the faint sound of thunder coming from beside him. He raised his head blankly and saw Ye Qingxuan lying on the table with a look of despair on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm hungry." Ye Qingxuan groaned softly.

Bai Xi looked at him helplessly for a long time, shook his head and sighed: "Idiot."

Although she said that, she still put the extra portion she bought for breakfast on the table and pushed it over. Ye Qingxuan picked up the paper bag and unfolded it as if he had been granted amnesty. His face immediately turned bitter: "Cousin, you have this breakfast. It has to be a little greasy.”

"If you like to eat, you'll be sick if you don't!"

"I eat, I eat..."

Ye Qingxuan nodded hurriedly, lowered his head and started to devour.

As I was eating, I felt that the atmosphere was gradually getting weird. It was as if the whole world was silent. He raised his head and saw everyone looking at him with complicated expressions, as if he had done something intolerable.

Right on the podium, at some point, the teacher who was focusing on the course had his eyes locked on him.

"That classmate, that classmate eating, yes, it's you..."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and felt that he was about to suffer.

At this moment, many figures flashed through his mind, but for some reason, they were fixed on the body of the bitch senior brother.

So, in full view of everyone, he put down his breakfast in embarrassment, pulled a piece of paper to wipe his mouth, coughed twice, put on a humble and enthusiastic smile, and took out a stick from the paper bag. Chicken legs, passed forward.

How about you order some too


In the dead silence, Laura's expression changed for a moment and she shook her head slowly.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned: It's over, this trick won't work! Could it be that this trick also depends on who is doing it

After the crowd felt unspeakably embarrassed, some people couldn't help but burst into laughter. Laura looked at his confused look and frowned slowly: "This classmate, are you really paying attention to the class?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't eat yesterday and I was a little too hungry. I'm really sorry." Ye Qingxuan smiled awkwardly and quickly put away his breakfast:

"I was actually listening to the class carefully."

"Really?" Laura just said, "I just mentioned the introduction of the School of Illusion and the School of Mental Imagery. Why don't you introduce it to everyone?"

"Me?" Ye Qingxuan pointed at himself and shook his head in embarrassment: "Isn't it appropriate?"

"If you can't tell me, you will lose credits." Laura said calmly, "If you can answer it, I will consider you to have passed this open class, and it will not be considered a violation of discipline on your part."

"That's a good feeling, let me think about it..."

Ye Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and after pretending to recall, he replied:

"The school of illusion studies and explores the difference between reality and falsehood, and puts forward the hypotheses of 'brain in a vat' and 'ship of Theseus'. They advocate exploring the mutual influence between the world and human beings. In the East, this theory is also It is called the "sympathy between heaven and man". What the Heart Image School explores is the source of human souls. They are good at controlling people's consciousness and emotions, and advocate self-cultivation and spiritual tempering. Therefore, it and the Enlightenment School are also among many philosophers. The cradle…”

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's answer so skillfully, Laura's expression softened slightly, and she continued to ask: "So what about the external performance of the musicians of the seven factions? Try to give some examples."

"The most obvious thing is the change in personality. Personality is also one of the affinities between people and factions."

Ye Qingxuan remembered the explanation Xiaer once gave to him.

In fact, factions and musicians also choose each other, and there is no unilateral selection of factions by musicians. The seven factions actually have various hidden requirements for musicians.

If we only look at the performance of musicians unilaterally, most musicians will act in line with the style of the school itself.

In Ciel's words, most of the musicians from the Transformation Faction have bad tempers, while the musicians from the Psalm Faction are generally polarized, either extremely cheerful or gloomy.

Those in the Summoning faction look like beasts, and the musicians in the Revelation faction are fatalistic believers. The musicians of the mental image school tend to be likable, the illusion school is moody, and the forbidden school all have facial muscle paralysis, looking like machines and without emotion.

Of course, you can't say it directly like this, the wording must be gentler.

After hearing Ye Qingxuan's answer, the displeasure in Laura's eyes finally dissipated a little, and she nodded slowly: "It seems that you have a good foundation in this area. Now that you understand this, then the next choice of faction must be Do you have some ideas?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time, and his expression gradually became awkward:

"To be honest, I'm... busy with a lot of things, so I haven't thought about it yet..."

Laura's brows furrowed: "Is there anything more important than my own future?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled but did not speak.

- Perhaps the only thing more important than your future is your past, right