Silent Crown

Chapter 119: Letter from a Stranger (Part 2)


In the silence, everyone looked at each other, but in the end, they turned their attention to the vulture. It was obvious that the vulture was the least popular one even here.

Noticing the eyes of others on him, Vulture was stunned and immediately became furious: "Do you suspect that I betrayed you? Damn it, I am also involved in this business, why should I cause trouble for myself?!"

"I just remind everyone not to leave anything behind."

"Of course I won't leave any traces behind!"

The vulture's voice was full of irritation: "What should we do now? Are we going to wait for the secret police to come and take us away one by one?! The royal family has long been unhappy with us, especially because of the curse and the queen's recent mental state It’s very problematic. Now the royal family has not hesitated to resort to external forces and seek help from the Orientals... If they know that we are causing trouble at this juncture, they will never let us go."

"Calm down, the fifth department just received the news. Qingshun just cooperated with the investigation and was not arrested."

Robin said coldly: "If they have real evidence, everyone may have to change places to chat now. By then, I believe that Department 5 will have the dignity to open a single room for us in Arkham Asylum. , maybe you can open a PATTY inside.”

"You mean, there's nothing they can do against us for the time being?" Vulture said in disbelief.

"Haven't you figured it out yet? Why did that guy Holmes choose to send you a letter?"

The robin said coldly: "He is blackmailing you, friends! This is a blatant provocation to the 'House'!"

The vulture panicked, "If you just want money, you can have as much money as you like!"

"Hahahahaha, are you kidding me?"

The robin was amused: "Gentlemen, let me remind you that what you have encountered may be the most arrogant kidnapper in the history of Avalon! - He has already dropped the blackmail letter containing the hostage's little finger into fourteen families. It’s in his mailbox! He’s declaring war on most of Avalon! Can such a lunatic really be fed with money?”

The crowd fell silent for a while.

Everyone felt a slight chill on their backs.

Many times, being targeted by a madman is not a good thing.

What's more, this madman might be a black musician!

The most frightening thing is that this is a black musician who can escape the "Border of Avalon", hide from the sight of the Musicians Association, and sneak into Avalon!

No one knows what those crazy guys will do!

"...How about we stop?"

A small voice sounded from the crowd.

The birds stirred for a while and looked towards the place where the sound came from. At the back of the crowd, the magpie's eyes dodge, obviously frightened.

He said: "As long as we don't interfere with the 'Shadow of Avalon' thing and don't look for the 'Blood Road', even the black musicians won't rashly become our enemies, right? Besides... besides... "

He couldn't speak anymore.

Because of the cold eyes of the robin.

"At this point, do you think you still have room to stop?"

He said coldly: "We have tried so hard to provoke the struggle in the lower city and suppress the return of the shaman, isn't it just to find clues about the blood route? After the Queen came to the throne in the past few years, she has been deliberately weakening our foundation, hoping to let Glory The blood has become a decoration like a mascot. Now is the time when the royal family is weak as never before. With the blood path, we can take the initiative. When the time comes, even the Queen will look at our faces! It’s just a mere black musician blocking the way. ! What are you afraid of?! Weren’t the shamans from back then forced to leave by our joint efforts?"

"But what should we do now?" Owl asked: "Let that black musician Holmes continue to cause trouble?"

"We don't have to do anything."

The robin suddenly said: "Just wait patiently for that bastard Holmes to reveal his true nature. As long as that bastard dares to leave any clues, his end will be here!"

"If he reports on us..."

"How to report?"

The robin sneered: "His biggest mistake was to write us a letter and give us time to prepare. As long as we destroy the evidence and agree on the same statement, he can't touch a hair of ours! Besides, the nobles of Avalon are Not everyone is as perfect as Lancelot. Everyone has some shady business, will the royal family kill all the nobles? "

There was silence among the crowd, and the pelican sighed softly:

"It's just that the mice will give up there."

Hearing these words, the vulture couldn't help but feel distressed: the income of hundreds of thousands of pounds per month, and the tools specially used to do black work, were just given up... It was like carving out the flesh in the heart. .

And money is secondary. Without the Rat Society, their eyes, ears and influence in the lower city would be completely gone, and everything would have to be started all over again.

It just so happens that that damn shaman returned to Avalon recently, which is so fucking unlucky!

"Don't worry, if we can support one Mouse Society, we can naturally support others. There are many people in Xiacheng District who want to have a relationship with us."

The robin's voice was full of sinisterness: "We have been too indulgent of those black necks. It's time to take advantage of this mess to clean up. Just like nine years ago, people who know the current affairs can stay. Come down, whether it is the shaman, the professor or that Holmes, they must die. By then, the clues to the blood trail will be completely in our hands."

"And Sam." Someone added: "Get rid of Sam first. That guy knows too much. If he comes out to identify us, he might be in trouble."

"Don't worry, Sam will die tonight."

Robin said calmly: "In order to prepare for this day, I hired a 'blood spell master' to cast a spell on him. Next, as long as you take care of your hands, there will be no problems."

"Have you taken care of... Touwei?"

The vulture murmured to himself and opened his eyes from reality, with a trace of cruelty flashing in his pupils.

"Karen, Karen!"

Spencer pushed open the study door and shouted the housekeeper's name: "Ask Karen to come see me!"

He walked silently in the study, with a gloomy face, thinking about every step carefully. But while he was concentrating on thinking, there was a faint cry and shouting that made him upset.

"What's going on?" he asked loudly and irritably.

Outside the door, the servant whispered: "Master, Master Edmund... is crying again."

"That loser! He still has the nerve to cry!"

Spencer was furious, grabbed an Oriental vase worth thousands of gold, and smashed it at the servant's feet:

"The family has given him such high hopes, but he can't even match a finger of Banner's, let alone Banner's brother Gavin."

Normally, he would always be full of affection when talking about this young son, but now his heart was filled with anger that had nowhere to vent: "Forget it that I secretly took away such a precious thing from his uncle, but he was actually harmed by a black neck." He has become a waste! He still has the nerve to cry?!"

The servant was silent and did not dare to reply. Seeing Karen coming, he quietly left the study.

In the silence, there was only Edmund's faint crying, and you could vaguely hear voices such as "I want him to die", "Where's my father, I want to see my father", etc., which made people increasingly irritated.

"Karen, go shut him up!"

Spencer said coldly: "Otherwise, you will be thrown into the solitary room!"


Karen Yu nodded in shock and was about to turn around and go out when he heard a voice behind him: "Find out all the things the rats will send. You can't keep them."

He was stunned for a moment and subconsciously calculated the value of those things. He couldn't believe it: "All of them?"


Spencer nodded coldly: "Let the boiler room prepare for preheating and tell them that they will need that thing soon."

Half an hour later, the boiler room had been transformed into a furnace.

In this extremely hot weather, some people even set up a boiler, worked hard to stoke the fire, and continuously threw coals in to raise the temperature of the furnace.

Every breath felt like swallowing fire slurry, and it was painful as if everything was burning inside.

Spencer stood in front of the huge boiler, staring up at this huge thing that could heat an entire manor in the winter.

The furnace door, which was as tall as a person, was open, and the foehn wind blew in sparks, bringing with it a red light.

He was sweating profusely, covering his mouth with a handkerchief and breathing hard.

"Ready, sir."

Karen staggered from the door and whispered: "They are all here."

Spencer turned around and looked at the dozens of carts filled with antiques, account books, oriental silks, Burgundy wine, Asgardian tobacco, and precious ancient books.

He felt a pain in his heart and didn't dare to look anymore. He just closed his eyes and waved his hand to signal them to hurry up.

The burly and muscular servant pushed the cart toward the furnace door that was glowing with red flames. From a distance, you can see that their hair is curled up and their whole bodies are roasted red.

They didn't even dare to get too close to the stove. They just let go of their hands from a distance and threw the entire cart into the stove.

In the red flames and the burning light that seemed to come from hell, those precious things were so easily ignited, and the cart slowly deformed in the flames, and finally melted and evaporated, leaving not even ashes left.

A car, a car, another car, another car, another fucking car...

Spencer felt his heart bleed.

"Anything else?" he asked muffledly.

Karen shook his head: "Master, they are all here."

"They're all here?" He seemed a little unconvinced: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir, they are all here."

Karen nodded dullly, but suddenly felt a pain in his heart. He lowered his head stiffly and saw a palm with silk gloves and a dagger held in the palm.

The dagger is Spencer's most beloved famous blade, and it is also a good gift from that guy Sam. It can be said to be as good as cutting iron.

It's just that it's stuck in my heart now.

"Old... Master?"

He raised his head in astonishment, staring desperately at Spencer's face.

"You have served our family for three generations. On behalf of my grandfather and my father, I thank you."

Spencer pulled out the dagger and said goodbye regretfully: "Goodbye, my old friend."

His "old friend" could no longer make a sound, collapsed on the ground, muttered something in despair, and slowly closed his eyes.

The blood quickly dried up and evaporated in the scorching wind, leaving only a dark red stain that was inconspicuous on the gray-black ground.

"Dispose of it and go with those things. With their company, old Karen will not be lonely in heaven."

Spencer dropped the dagger and gloves on the body and turned away.

In the furnace, the corpse made an explosion and turned into charcoal. The charcoal gradually shattered, making a small sound as it shattered, like a soul wailing in the flames of hell.

In the end, the wailing sound disappeared into the flames.

There is no trace of anything left.

Spencer turned his back to the burning scorching light and stared at the sky outside the boiler room, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes. In his mouth, he murmured that damn name over and over again.

Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, damn Sherlock Holmes…