Silent Crown

Chapter 33: Started to get anxious slowly


"Sir, how much does this clock cost?"

"have no idea."

"I want this pocket watch, I don't know..."

"I said I don't know, didn't you hear me?"

"Sir, I want to..."

"Go away! No business today!"

After driving away the sixth customer, Uncle Monster ordered Ye Qingxuan to close the door with a cold face, put up the "Closed" sign, and then continued to squat behind the front desk and began to stutter to recite the alphabet.

Next to him, Ye Qingxuan looked at the guests who were scared away by the uncle, and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

“How on earth does this store survive to this day?”

This curiosity is truly genuine.

After staying in this store for two days, Ye Qingxuan had a slight understanding of the situation.

Uncle Monster's name is "Seton". He is not the boss here. He is not even interested in clocks. He usually doesn't bother to take care of the store except for finding someone to clean it. He just maintains its current condition.

Business and all that is just bullshit.

According to him, the boss here was not doing his job properly and was traveling abroad. He was just invited to look at the store.

When he talked about this, he was filled with displeasure, and his expression was gloomy, as if he wanted to tear the "boss" to pieces. The whole person exudes a violent aura, which can make children cry when walking on the street.

Ye Qingxuan understood from the bottom of his heart why the boss asked Seton to visit the store.

With such a ferocious god here, without the size of two companies, even the army would not dare to rush in, let alone a thief

Apart from questions about spelling and letters, Seton usually didn't talk much. He might say only three sentences a day, two of which were to Lao Fei.

I really don’t know why he is so interested in reading. He holds a fairy tale and reads it like a charm all day long. He asked Ye Qingxuan to keep accounts here, rather than asking him to teach him spelling and reading.

Well, I can use it as a cleaner by the way.

Ye Qingxuan also enjoyed his leisure time. When he had nothing to do, he would squat at the door practicing runes and reciting syllables. It's a pity that the results are very little... No, the results are little is just a flattering statement, but it actually means no progress at all.

After a long time, he himself felt a little sad. After all, the resonance rate between himself and the ether was too low.

Every time he thought of the psycho who ran naked on the street that night, he felt a little desperate... That psycho could make the etheric ball light up when he vomited. Why can’t I find the direction when I practice syllables every day

In fact, he also knows the real problem.

Sensing, damn etheric sensing.

He couldn't sense the presence of any ether.

Standard syllables are something that requires strict regulations such as the exhalation time and the number of times the vocal cords vibrate. If you do it according to the standards, you may not be successful, but if you don't do it according to the standards, you will definitely not succeed. If you can't sense the changes in the ether to adjust your voice, then you can only kill the mouse blindly...

But after such a long period of contact and tens of thousands of pronunciations, the chances of a blind cat encountering a dead mouse should be several times. But for some reason, Ye Qingxuan has never seen him before.

"What exactly is going on..."

He lay on the ground frustrated, wishing he could roll like Lao Fei.

"Hey, Ye, go collect the goods."

Behind the counter, Seton said: "Just ask the steward there at 18 Queen Street. The boss's orders are there."

Seton put a pen into his pocket: "Just sign. The goods are very expensive. I can buy ten children like you. Don't steal anything, otherwise I will send you to the hospital myself."

It's not just once or twice that Seton speaks rudely. There are only a few people who are as simple and straightforward as him.

He hates hypocrisy and pretentiousness, so he believes in speaking the truth. If you say this thing is expensive, this thing is really expensive. If you say that something is missing, you will send Ye Qingxuan to the hospital personally, and you will definitely send Ye Qingxuan to the hospital.

Indeed, in this era, watches were still considered luxury goods. Large clocks and pocket watches are only used by nobles. What's more, everything in this store looks like a work of art of some age. Some of them are inlaid with patterns using enamel and small gemstones. Look. It's worth a lot of money to go up there.

When you take out a pocket watch, buying ten children is a bit exaggerated, but eight is always fine.

"Uncle, I'm only on my third day of work. Isn't it good for you to let me collect such important things?" Ye Qingxuan was a little helpless.

"That makes sense, but if you don't work, what will I do with you?" Seton looked at him sideways.

Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment and stood still.

"What's wrong? Don't you know the way?"

"The road... I know a little bit about it."

Ye Qingxuan organized his words: "I heard that it is a noble area. The nobles like to beat people. What if they beat me?"

"The kind of aristocrat you are talking about has become extinct in Anglia. What is popular now is the gentleman's style. If you feel sorry for you, you will be given two dollars." Seton said coldly: "Don't be lazy."

"It's not very safe to go there from here. If you run into trouble along the way..."

Seton: "This store has the name of the Avalon Police Department, and the boss here can be heard in the House of Lords. If you tell me the name of the store, no one will be so dismissive."

"Well, I'm not feeling very well today."

The way Seton looked at him, Ye Qingxuan was speechless. Seton put down his book and asked bluntly: "Where have you stolen money?"


"So have you ever offended anyone there?"

"Uh, no." Ye Qingxuan's expression turned bitter.

"Then why are there still ink marks?" Seton looked at him sideways and raised his hammer-like fist: "Do you want me to give it to you?"

"I'll go right away!"

Ye Qingxuan fled...

"Just sign this list."

Outside the magnificent hall, the old steward in black dress pointed at the list and said. The old housekeeper seemed very surprised at his arrival. After signing, he looked at him and shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Ye Qingxuan looked at himself: "Am I dirty somewhere?"

"No, no, no." The steward stroked his beard and suddenly asked, "Isn't it hard to work under Seton?"

"Well, okay, okay. Uncle is a good man.".

"It seems he thinks highly of you."

When parting, the old steward patted him on the shoulder with a complex tone: "Young people always have a bright future."

For some reason, Ye Qingxuan always feels like he is undergoing training in hell...

In the hot afternoon sunshine, he always felt a little tired as he walked on the busy streets.

Avalon is an island. It was built on this huge island. The buildings were complex and dense, leaving almost no space. Even the satellite islands of the sixteen suburbs are occupied.

The city hall divides Avalon into three cities: upper, middle and lower, and is further subdivided into nine rings. Queen's Road is the most ornately decorated place in all the ring districts.

The famous Ring Road in the uptown area is located in the middle of the third ring road, the golden area of Avalon. Thirty percent of the people in Avalon eat to serve people on this circuit.

Silks and spices from the East, gold jewelry from Tianzhu people, and popular fashions from the Kingdom of Burgundy can be seen everywhere here. Just being there makes people feel dazzled.

But when Ye Qingxuan arrived, he only felt a sense of strangeness and familiarity.

After many years of separation, it has become so fast, like a popular trend among nobles, it is unpredictable. But the taste in its bones is still the same.

She was like a charming lady, her eyes were moving and intoxicating, but there was an aura of coldness in her bones that could not be erased.

This smell was enough to bring back too many painful memories, making him feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart and not wanting to stay any longer.

But when he thought of himself, he couldn't help but want to sigh.

"What bad luck."

He took out the ether ball from his pocket, played with it, and looked at its silent appearance, feeling that he might never be able to handle this thing in his life.

"Why don't you shine?"

He held it up to the sunlight, looking at its transparent material, feeling a little discouraged.


Someone asked softly behind him.

Ye Qingxuan's body stiffened for a moment, and he felt that familiar feeling of suffocation coming back, making his expression a little ugly.

He took a deep breath and looked back.

Among the crowd on the street, he saw an old woman wearing a servant's attire holding a vegetable basket. She was stooped like all old women, walking slowly and her eyes were cloudy.

Seeing the boy looking back, she was stunned. The vegetable basket in her arms fell to the ground, and the fruits rolled all over the floor. She seemed to be seeing something incredible.

"Is it you? Master, are you back?"

She grabbed Ye Qingxuan's hand and said excitedly and incoherently: "You are finally back. If I knew, I would definitely..."

"I'm sorry, you may have mistaken the person."

The old maid was stunned. She looked at Ye Qingxuan in astonishment and was speechless.

"I'm not a young master, maybe you got it wrong." Ye Qingxuan bent down to help her pick up the vegetables and fruits from the ground and put them in her hands: "I still have something to do, please don't waste my time. "

The old maid looked at Ye Qingxuan, her eyes gradually became disappointed, and she lowered her head in despair:

"Feel sorry."

Without saying anything else, she staggered away with the vegetable basket in her arms, occasionally looking back at the boy's back, her expression lost and sad.

After a long time, he was lost in the crowd.

"Is everything going well?"

Seton asked when he returned to the store.


Ye Qingxuan smiled: "When I encountered something, I suddenly realized that Avalon is really a scary place. You will always encounter things you don't want to encounter."

"If you don't want to go out, just look at the store."

"No need." Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "I originally thought it would be troublesome to go out, but now I feel that it is actually nothing."

"Oh, just get used to it."

"Where's Lao Fei? Why don't you see it?"

"I went out by myself, as if I lost something."

"Well… "

Ye Qingxuan thought of something and his expression became strange.

—Isn’t Lao Fei going to pick up something strange again

Facts have proved that Ye Qingxuan's worries were correct.

Late at night, Ye Qingxuan was awakened by Lao Fei's barking at the back door. He yawned and got up to open the door. I couldn't help but lament, has Lao Fei returned to this unfortunate habit

It used to be like this, always running around at night and bringing back all kinds of strange things.

For example, dead mice, dead rabbits, dead snakes, other people's children's toys, coins and change on the ground... Not to mention, since Lao Fei developed this habit, Ye Qingxuan's pockets have become a lot richer!

But the worst thing is that what Lao Fei picks up is completely out of his control! Just like those mysterious little jars sold by Tianzhu people, you have no idea what is hidden in them!

Woof woof woof!

Lao Fei screamed even more anxiously. Ye Qingxuan felt helpless and pulled the door bolt: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I'll open the door for you. Come on, let me see what you brought... Damn it!"

Outside the door, Lao Fei squatted on the ground, sticking out his tongue proudly.

Ye Qingxuan was petrified.