Silent Crown

Chapter 40: Dragon Blood


It was a quiet dusk, and the light of the setting sun was drowsy.

Avalon Pier, a ship docked at the port, but few passengers stepped off it.

Right in front of the empty pier, there was a man as tall as a monster squatting on a bench, reading the crumpled booklet in his hand carefully.


A huge suitcase that was half the height of a man was thrown in front of him, and with a low impact, a cloud of dust was stirred up. The visitor, who was in no way worthy of the heavy and huge salute, raised his head and looked around.

The young man was wearing a pure white dress, and his face was even fairer. He was like a woman, but handsome and childish. He had waist-length golden hair, which was tied behind his back with a gorgeous headband.

Under the sun, the silver hair accessories and the long golden hair complement each other, making them elegant and luxurious.

On his arm, like a tattoo, there is a coat of arms with two entangled snakes, which looks weird and elegant.

"It's still the same, this damn place."

This seemingly young boy was sitting on his suitcase, poking at the giant man in front of him with his cane: "Hey, Seton, you are so cold, why don't you say hello?"

Seton raised his head and looked at him coldly. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Hey, why aren't you dead yet?"

"You really make me sad when you say that, my friend."

The blond boy shook his head and sighed, with a sad look on his face: "Thankfully, I bought you a new collar. I think it will make you more disciplined. You actually treat me like this?"


The bench made a crashing sound, and Seton glared at the golden-haired kid in front of him, cracking his knuckles.

"Hey, forget it, you are still so easy to get angry. Let's change the topic..."

The young man sighed, and then looked around eagerly: "Where are our two lovely new employees? Have they eaten well? Have they had a good rest? Have they become fat and white? Come on, let me see, give it to me Let me introduce the boy who is full of secrets, and the girl who is also full of secrets... "

He opened his hands excitedly: "No matter who it is, go and tell them! Their great, kind, kind, handsome, and beautiful boss, the respected Sir Hermes of the Kingdom, has returned. La!"

At dusk, the delivery was finally completed.

Ye Qingxuan was sitting in the corner of the fountain square lazily basking in the sun. Bai Xi held his crutch in his hand curiously.

Under the dusk sunlight, Ye Qingxuan took out the ether ball from his pocket and pronounced a few syllables as usual, but still no response.

"Are you still trying this?" Bai Xi saw the ether ball in his hand and understood.

"They say it's impossible for you. The range of those common notes is concentrated in the high and low areas. Your vocal range can't reach that level, and you can't sense the ether at all, right?"

Bai Xi sighed: "But you haven't hit a dead mouse hundreds of thousands of times. How bad is your luck?"

"I can't help it, maybe I'm unlucky."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged, but once again thought of the thrilling commotion in the afternoon. The sharp flash of thousands of iron cranes flying in the air, and the immense power generated by Princess Yunlou's almost casual blow...

"Tai Yi." He finally remembered the word and looked up at Bai Xi: "At noon, what did you mean by 'Tai Yi'?"

"Huh?" Bai Xi looked confused: "What Taiyi?"

"I obviously heard it." Ye Qingxuan curled his lips: "Don't pretend to be stupid, you said 'Tai Yi' when Princess Yunlou was assassinated."

"Oh, that's it." Bai Xi thought for a long time, nodded and said, "I should say, it's talent, right?"

"At most, the talent is a wide vocal range or dexterity in movements. If this is a talent, does it mean that the princess can be this powerful right after she is born?"

“So that’s talent—real talent.”

Bai Xi said: "It's not the voice, it's not the appearance, it's not the sixth finger on the right hand, it's some kind of more innate condition. Things that are conceived from the mother's womb, even earlier than that. As early as the ancestors made the oath At that time, it was already destined.”

"That's not very clear. Are you sure what you're saying is something humans can understand?"

Bai Xi looked at him helplessly, and after a long time couldn't help but sigh: "That's why it's strange, are you really of Eastern descent?"

Ye Qingxuan pointed to his hair: "I thought this kind of thing was obvious."


"Let me ask you a question: Did you know that in the East, many people have black hair?"


Ye Qingxuan felt that his world view was impacted: "Isn't it white?!"

"White hair is rare in the East. There is probably only one in thousands of people, right? Did you see it in the afternoon? There are also many black-haired female officers in the Yunlou Mission. In the East, people with white hair A child with white hair is something to be thankful for, because white hair represents a return to the ancestors in blood and has the potential to become a 'musician'. Such people are called 'celestial beings'. Every child with white hair grows up at a very young age. At that time, he will be admitted to the Imperial Academy by the imperial court to receive musician education. The success rate is about one-third, right?"

Ye Qingxuan felt a headache. He seemed to have heard something wrong.

"Wait, you're saying that one of the three gray-haired people can become a musician?!"

"That's right. How big is this ratio in Anglo? One in a thousand?"

Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment and shook his head: "Less than one ten thousandth."

"That's right. That's why it's rare."

Bai Xi fiddled with his hair, with a proud look on his face: "In Eastern mythology, people come from the sky. It is said that before the dark ages, everyone had the same gorgeous clothes, beauty, and white hair as the gods. , good wine. Life is beautiful and incredible. But later, the heavenly beings fell into the mortal world because they were contaminated by the cause and effect of the earthly world. Some people gradually forgot their past and lived in the mortal world, and their hair gradually turned black. Only The nobles also maintain the characteristic of white hair. In order to maintain the bloodline, intermarriage with other people is not allowed."

"So cruel?"

Ye Qingxuan was speechless: "Is it useful?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it has been hundreds of years. Due to wars and natural disasters, many families have disappeared. Except for the occasional children born to the ancestors among the people, there are only nine families of white-haired pure blood passed down from generation to generation. They are called dragon veins. Nine families. Almost more than two-thirds of the musicians in the East are from these nine families. These nine families have mastered many secrets and technologies. It is said that they are protected by artifacts and protect the family's longevity. When each generation of descendants reaches adulthood, they will leave their hard work in the ancestral hall and accept the test of the artifact. If they pass the test of the artifact, they will gain enlightenment. What comes to mind may be mysterious knowledge or music scores, or something more precious... Talent . This will be a gift to the bloodline and will also be a shackles for their lives."

"The 'Taiyi' you are talking about is the talent of Princess Yunlou?"

Bai Xi recited softly: "On an auspicious day, the general Mu will be happy to be the emperor; when the sword is caressed, the jade ear will ring, and the jade ring will ring... Among all the talents, 'Tai Yi' is also one of the strongest. With such a talent, It's called the 'scepter' in the West, and it's a power that only very high-level musicians can possess."

"You know so much."

He looked at Bai Xi with a strange look: "Hey, cousin, aren't you a young lady from a certain Dragon Vein family who ran away from home?"

"Cousin, you have a very rich imagination."

Bai Xi looked at him with contempt: "But among the aristocrats in the East, there is only one family named 'Bai', okay? It's the 'Regent' who stole the country thirty years ago - Bai Heng. However, when he rebelled, He is the only one left in the Bai family to die."

As she said that, she gestured with her little finger, full of ruthlessness: "If I were his daughter, let alone glory and wealth, as long as I stretched out my little finger, there would be so many people rushing over to teach that Princess Yunlou at noon to be a new person. .”

"Suddenly I feel that you are not a princess. It is really a good thing that benefits the country and the people."

Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt a pain on the back of his head. That was when Bai Xi pulled out a piece of his hair, and she pulled out another piece of her own hair and compared them together.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just confirm."

Bai Xi waved his hand, looked at the two white hairs intently, and marveled.

If you get closer, you can clearly see that the hair of the two people is different. If Bai Xi's hair is pure silver, then Ye Qingxuan's hair has a shallow golden luster, which is almost invisible if you don't pay attention.

"It's really a mixed race with white hair... It's incredible no matter how you look at it."

"Is it weird?"

"As I said, only purebloods have gray hair. I have never heard of mixed-race white hair. When we first met, I thought you dyed it. Even if you are an Oriental with the same blood origin, if If there is intermarriage between gods and commoners, the children born will lose the characteristic of white hair. How strong does your paternal lineage have to be?"

She paused for a moment, and her expression suddenly became shocked: "You... are you the illegitimate son of some great noble?"

"As I said, you have a very rich imagination."

Ye Qingxuan knocked her on the head and interrupted her: "My father is just an ordinary musician, and my mother is not a special person. Let's stop this topic."

"That's such a pity." Bai Xi murmured in a low voice: "If you are a pure-blood, you can easily become a musician even if you are mute."

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed softly: "What's such a pity about this kind of thing."

"Okay, let's go. We should go back."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head, no longer recalling the past, and stood up with crutches.


Bai Xi responded in a low voice, somewhat reluctantly: she had finally been out for the whole day, and she still hadn't had enough fun.

Seeing her awkward look, Ye Qingxuan immediately laughed. If he takes on more purchasing or delivery work in the future, he might be able to take her out to play more times.

Just as they were about to leave, they heard an old voice behind them.