Silent Crown

Chapter 69: It’s really powerful!


Bai Xi stared blankly at the halo on Ye Qingxuan's fingertips. Through the erected halo, she could see the young man's dark eyes, with a hint of joyful smile in them.

"It's done?" Charles whispered softly.

"It took you three days to create a circle?"

Bai Xi reached out and poked the halo in Ye Qingxuan's hand. The halo shattered, as if its own structure had been distorted by external forces.

But when the fingers left, the twisted structure returned to its original position like a spring, returning to its original appearance again.

Lighting as usual.

Ciel nodded, "Although the shape is strange, the structure is very stable. Just reaching this level requires a long period of hard training."

Although when recited according to the correct syllables, the standard effect should be a balanced and smooth ball of light. But at least under Ye Qingxuan's control, the structure of ether has been qualitatively improved, and it is no longer as chaotic as before.

"Forget it, it's very hard for you to reach this level in two days."

Bai Xi sighed: "In the future, please remember to tell me when you go to seclusion. I was so confused that I thought you were determined to rob the sect's bank."

"Don't worry."

Ye Qingxuan slowly raised his finger: "This has just begun..."

As he spoke, he blew a breath.

As the boy blew, the weak wind passed through the halo, then hit an invisible barrier and returned without success.

The breeze seemed to blow away the dust covering it, revealing its true appearance - it was an extremely thin film, which was tightly stretched over the halo, as if it would break and fall apart at the slightest touch.

But under Ye Qingxuan's breath, it slowly swelled up.

Just like blowing a huge soap bubble, Ye Qingxuan increased the intensity of his blowing with unparalleled caution and patience. Then, bubbles slowly appeared in the halo at the young man's fingertips.

Until finally, with a slight shock, a perfect sphere like a bubble jumped out from the halo and floated in the air.

Bai Xi was stunned.

In the breeze outside the window, the extremely thin "bubble" slowly floated towards the girl.

It reflects the surrounding sunlight and colors, and the translucent bubbles reflect a magnificent shimmer, like a reflection of another world. Bai Xi could see through its thin surface and see Ye Qingxuan's cheek.

As if he noticed the shock and surprise in her eyes, the young man smiled.

"What's this?"

Bai Xi carefully stretched out his hand to hold it, but was afraid that it would be punctured by him. The "bubble" floated forward, and she moved backward, fearing that this delicate and magnificent creation would be destroyed in her hands.

Ciel stretched out his hand to hold it, and the "bubble" that would cause ripples even if touched lightly floated an inch above his finger, spinning slowly.

This is another technique of synchronization, which is so wonderful.

Charles stared intently at the blisters on his fingertips, as if he saw something unexpected, his eyes were surprised.

"—One of the variants of Rune·Light, the favorite effect of the Illusion School: 'Bubble'. It has fully reached the level of application. It can create 'Bubble', chant of 'Light' and other twenty-three applications You should have mastered all the methods, right?"

"Everything else is pretty simple, but this one, I tried many times."

Ye Qingxuan rubbed his belly and sighed with fear: "Originally, I wanted to make a shape like Lao Fei, but unfortunately the accuracy requirements were too high. Halfway through, I found that I was exhausted and almost starved to death. That feeling It’s so tragic…”

"Three days, with notes and twenty-three application methods? Three days ago you were a loser who had never interacted with the ether... How did you do it?"

"A stupid idea that anyone can think of."

Ye Qingxuan pointed to the manuscript paper on the table and laughed softly:

"—Practice hard."

"In the final analysis, musicians control the ether with chanting. The ether gathers from discrete states to form different rune structures. Different structures will bring different effects. Although the principle is very complicated, since you communicate with the correct syllables, you can If I get the correct result: then I just have to pronounce the correct syllables."

Ye Qingxuan said: "As you can see, I don't have the inspiration of a genius, nor the so-called 'feeling'. Therefore, when I chant, the syllables cannot be modified at any time according to the external environment and the reaction of the ether, resulting in half the effort with half the effort." , the effect is weak, right?”

"That's right." Charles nodded: "How did you solve it?"

"It's very simple."

Ye Qingxuan snapped his fingers: "As long as I take outside interference into account in advance, this won't be a problem at all."

In the silence, the young man unfolded his manuscript with a smile and looked at the dense handwriting on it: "A lot of what I did was just to find the correct syllables from different records. In the current theory, the correction of pronunciation mainly comes from Each person's soul is 'responsive' to the great source, thereby adjusting its own heartbeat to play the runes. However, it is mentioned in "Ten Basic Questions of Summoning" that there is a non-mainstream 'behavioral school' that does not recognize the soul They only believe in the stimulation-feedback mechanism. This can be done for phantom beasts, and phantom beasts are made of ether, so for ether, there are naturally fixed programs that can stimulate their reactions."

A long silence.

After a long time, Charles finally digested Ye Qingxuan's meaning with difficulty: "You mean, you recorded all the chants about 'light' in the books, the ether environment at that time, the timbre characteristics, audio and pitch levels used. , as well as the rules of syllable changes, have they all been ‘exhaustively’ listed?”

"That's right." Ye Qingxuan nodded.

"All?" Charles felt like he was hallucinating.

"All." Ye Qingxuan nodded.

Charles asked in a trembling voice: "That's all you've been doing in the past three days?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and shook his head: "It took a day to sort out the information, half a day to find the patterns of syllable changes, but the shortest time was spent on rote memorization."

He paused and added:

"Not many, just over 600. Excluding more than 200 uncommon situations, just remember the rest and you'll be fine. Although the changes are complicated, it's not difficult as long as you master the rules."


In silence, Ciel looked at the boy with complicated eyes, as if he was schizophrenic. The left eye is looking at a fool, the right eye is looking at a monster:

"I didn't expect... you bastard is really strong on the 'runes'!"

Ye Qingxuan smiled: "If 'using force' is useful, I don't mind."

Charles looked up to the sky and sighed: "Other people find paths based on experience when climbing mountains, okay? But how could I encounter a pervert like you who plans to level the entire mountain?"

"The majors of the Royal Conservatory of Music are divided into more than a dozen departments, most of which are professional departments that are derived from the refinement of their own factions in the four major branches. Among them is our Department of Music History, which was originally a branch of the Enlightenment School. . Later, because the content overlapped too much with other departments, and all the teachers were gone, it was basically in a state of abolition.”

Abraham felt disappointed, "But at that time I had just arrived at the college. The principal saw that I was not good at other things, so he asked me to be in charge here. But there were not many students... You have also seen that in the past few years, just the two of you. indivual."

When he mentioned this, his expression was a little bitter: "Because I am not very good at teaching students, and people are not interested in this kind of research-oriented subject, so I have never been very popular. In a few years, this department may not exist. .”

"Teacher, don't worry, don't you still have a genius like me?"

Charles comforted him: "The time will come when I solve the problem at hand and our music and history department will become famous!"

"Nonsense, a subject is a serious theory that relies on the hard work and efforts of many people to support it. What does it mean to rely on you to be the limelight alone?"

Abraham knocked on his head and turned back to continue teaching Ye Qingxuan:

"Do you have any idea?"

"Basic principles of ancient writing, exploration of the evolution and origin of major language families, tracing the history of the Dark Ages..." Ye Qingxuan's expression became confused: "Why do we need to learn this?"

"Because this is our professional course, my friend."

Charles said quietly: "The Department of Music History is good at the interpretation of ancient classics and musical notation. It trains scholars and archaeological experts among musicians."

"Wouldn't that mean you can't fight at all?"

Charles patted him on the shoulder: "Look at it, junior brother. We are different from the group of barbarians in the Academy of Change who only know destruction. At least scholars don't have to go to the battlefield, right?"

"Actually, apart from professional courses, this place is no different from other majors. And in music notation, we also have our own unique areas."

Abraham said: "Ancient languages and runes have something in common. You are so talented in rune interpretation and data analysis. It seems that this major is very suitable for you."

Ye Qingxuan looked sad: "Teacher, although I am very happy when you say this...but I still feel that the future of the profession of archeology is bleak."

"How about you take a look at this thing first?"

As he spoke, Abraham placed a notebook in front of the young man: "This is Charles's notebook from when he first started. I think you will like what's in it."


Ye Qingxuan opened the note, read two pages, and was stunned.

It can be seen that these are Ciel's notes, and the content is the interpretation of ancient languages excavated from the ruins. Ye Qingxuan has never been exposed to these things, but he feels inexplicably familiar.

Until the end, when he saw the argument part, he felt an electric light flash through his mind.

The theories and rules used in this notebook when interpreting ancient characters are almost identical to the methods I used when enumerating the changes in runes and summarizing syllables!

In fact, the completeness of its structure and direction is far beyond what I imagined. Just a brief look and comparison with himself allowed him to discover many misunderstandings he had fallen into while working behind closed doors in the basement.

Although it is just an academic theory and does not include any application direction, this kind of direction that is almost directly to the point makes the boy's hair stand on end.

Compared with the method in the notes, the exhaustive method he was so proud of was just like a sieve.

If the above theory is true, then he can save more than 70% of the effort and time he spent on studying runes and syllable changes.

At least seventy percent!

"What's this?"

He looked up in surprise and saw a smile on Abraham's lips. He had never seen such a proud look on the face of this dull-looking teacher.

"I have said that the Department of Music History is best at interpreting ancient history and documents. Music scores are also a type of documents. Most of today's music scores and techniques are excavated from ancient ruins. In music scores and No one can match us in interpreting runes.”

"But why have I never seen this method in textbooks?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"This one."

Abraham felt a little embarrassed: "Because Charles complained that the previous textbooks were too difficult to understand, I summarized some new methods based on my own research. But then this guy stopped learning, so no one has ever asked me to teach. .do you want… "

"I learn! I learn!"

The boy was almost hugging the teacher, his eyes shining: "Teacher, teach me! How about starting with the rune part? When summarizing the syllable changes of 'light', I have a few words about 'transformation' 'The problem… "

"Uh, cough, come down first."

Abraham finally took the overly excited Ye Qingxuan off his body: "I still need to organize some things from scratch to make teaching materials. How about class tomorrow morning? You still have five days. If you only focus on rote memorization, you can pass the test. The chances are still very good.”

Ye Qingxuan finally calmed down, but he still held the note in his hand and refused to let go. He was in ecstasy: "Hey, hey, it turns out that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain!"

"Is this an Eastern proverb?"

Abraham nodded and sighed in a low voice: "I remember an Eastern teacher in the college said the same thing before."

"Teacher Dongfang?"

In an instant, Ye Qingxuan woke up from his giggling state. He finally remembered what Langdi said to him, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Who?"

"That was more than ten years ago. You suddenly asked me that, so I can't remember it clearly."

The teacher's brows furrowed slightly: "It seems like it was more than ten years ago, or a few years ago? I remember that there used to be a professor from the Oriental School of Mental Illustration in the college. His name seemed to be... His name was... "

The more he recalled it, the more confused he became: "No, he seems to be from Burgundy? Did I forget it? But why do I remember that I attended his wedding?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head: "As expected, I can't remember it. Is it because I'm starting to age?"


Ye Qingxuan was silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, he realized that everyone seemed to have forgotten his father.

Abraham has lost his memory. If the people at school remembered him, they would not be able to recognize themselves who were so similar to him. Even Lang Di, who dropped out of school, couldn't remember what he was talking about.

In this academy, everyone’s memory of the Eastern musician Ye Lanzhou has disappeared. It's like he has never existed in this world.

Who did it? other people? Or... the father himself

The musician of the mental imaging system is best at transforming and manipulating other people's memories. With his ability that has exceeded the seventh stage and the scepter level, he can erase some traces without even moving.

But without even using "hints", the memories of so many musicians were erased, and even the notes of the Wolf Flute class were left with unidentifiable seal interference.

This level is too shocking.

With such a level of ability, who would seek refuge with the Evil God of Natural Disaster

Although Ye Qingxuan didn't believe the so-called accusations from beginning to end, in the end... what happened

He fell into conflicting thoughts and could not sort out the confusion no matter what.