Silent Crown

Chapter 8: Note


"If you want to be a musician, you need to understand what a musician is. After removing all decorations and all glory, being a musician is just a simple profession. Compared with musicians in the dark ages, we can't even say that we love music. Compared with other people , we can’t say that we have sacrificed more... But there is no doubt that the people who are best suited to communicate with the ether are us. The people who best understand what the ether is, are also us.”

"Ether is everywhere. They are part of this world and existed in this world even earlier than us. Their components exist in soil, water flow, fire, and atmosphere. But what is different from them is that all Ether will respond to, and will only respond to, sound. Do you understand this premise?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded.

"In the beginning, human beings relied on runes to communicate with the ether. Those notes transcribed the voices of the gods in a secret way. After being composed into music, they could shake reality. In some places, these notes are called 'runes', and in other places they are called 'runes'. It was called 'talisman' and 'mantra' in the East. At that time, humans relied on chanting runes to communicate with the ether. Although with the changes of the times, many things have changed. Runes evolved into bars, and bars evolved into The movement... to the 'symphony' that requires the joint release of dozens of musicians. The classification of musicians is becoming more and more detailed. There are hundreds of special professions on the seven professional paths. The exploration of the sages formed the 'musician' It is not a delusion to reach the ninth-level Tongtian Avenue or even enter the Great Source again... However, before that, there is an iron rule that remains unchanged - sense the ether and fear the ether!"

Langdi stared at Ye Qingxuan's pale face, felt again and again, and slowly shook his head:

"...You can't sense ether, Ye."

Ye Qingxuan was silent, and after a long time he said softly: "Mr. Wolf Flute. I can learn musical instruments. I can even..."

"No, you can't."

Wolf Flute's eyes were serious: "A person who has never been close to animals cannot control a galloping horse, and a person who lives in the desert cannot be said to be a good swimmer. Ye, maybe you have many reasons to become a musician. But if If you can't even sense the ether, then any practice that skips this step is just a castle in the air. If you can't sense the ether, you don't know what the ether is actually doing. By then, if your music has no effect it will It's a lucky thing. Because once some runes get out of control, there will be tragic consequences... "

He paused for a moment, his eyes filled with misery: "I have seen the smallest mistakes paid for by death. It is precisely to avoid such accidents that towns must be built in places where ether is scarce, in important places, They even set up a silence barrier to forcibly freeze the ether. Even after a musician advances, he must unify his heart sounds and eliminate all noise interference in his body."

At this point, he suddenly felt that he had said too much.

For the person in front of him, the more he speaks, the crueler he becomes. Because he will realize more and more clearly how far away that longed-for world is from him.

But Ye Qingxuan was still looking at him, making him unable to bear to stop.

He sighed: "Ye, those words just now should be considered as compensation for your labor. But I can't talk too much anymore. This knowledge is sealed and cannot be opened to the general public. If you are still interested, What you see next should be regarded as my final advice."

With that said, he raised his hands without waiting for Ye Qingxuan to answer.

His face no longer smiled, his face became serious and paler.

Under Ye Qingxuan's gaze, Langdi leaned against the wall, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and took a deep breath.

As the long breath ended, wisps of sound spread out along with his long moan. The sound was extremely subtle under deliberate suppression, like the faint sound of wind, or the subtle sound of a snake's message.

But just as this ethereal sound lingered, the air in front of the wolf flute suddenly blurred!

Wisps of light came together, converging on a place three feet in front of him, surging and brewing. Then, bloom. They gathered into crystals and grew in mid-air, reflecting the shadow of the rose. The roses reflect the vague rainbow light, which is so magnificent that it makes people feel enchanted.

Immediately afterwards, the silky voice suddenly changed. It was just a slight jump, but it was off track.

As a result, the magnificent flower turned into dirty dark red and dark green, disgusting colors mixed together, quickly shriveled and collapsed into a point, the crystals shattered and exploded.


The sound of explosion woke up the sluggish young man.

Langdi put down his hands and panted heavily, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"This is the note that is out of control, Ye."

Langdi wanted to raise his hand, but his body couldn't use any strength, so he could only smile bitterly: "That's it for today, Ye, I'm a little sleepy, let me take a nap."

Just when Ye Qingxuan said goodbye and was about to leave, he stopped him again.

"Ye, even if you don't become a musician, life can be wonderful." The wolf flute on the hospital bed stared at him: "Don't be too obsessed with its halo."

"I understand." Ye Qingxuan smiled reluctantly and closed the door for him.

After a long time, there was a knock on the door again. Before he could answer, Father Ben pushed open the door and entered.

"He left already."

Wolf Flute said lazily: "Congratulations, you will get a qualified little priest, but next time can you go and say such cruel words to him yourself?"

Father Ben asked, "Aren't all musicians supposed to be cruel people?"

"I didn't say you have to be cruel to be a musician..." Lang Di narrowed his eyes and sighed softly: "It's just that if you are not cruel, you will be very unhappy."

"I understand just by looking at you."

Ben nodded clearly, leaving Wolf Flute breathless for a long time.

After coughing for a long time, he finally made a sound: "Hey, Father, why are you so bored that you poke the dreams of young people like soap bubbles? Everyone thought about becoming a musician when they were young, right? What a great musician, I was deceived by this outfit at the time, thinking that being a musician was cool and fun, and that I could save lives and bring justice... but it turned out to be like this. He will understand sooner or later."

The priest glanced at him coldly and shook his head: "That child is not someone who admires a halo when he sees it. I'm worried that he is pursuing something more dangerous."


Wolf Flute smiled: "Can it be more dangerous than my situation?"

Ben seemed confused. After thinking for a long time, his brows slowly wrinkled:

"You mean, your mission has been leaked?"

"I did come under orders, but my whereabouts should be top secret. Everyone should think that I am herding sheep in the desert of my hometown. But on the way here, I actually met the black musician who is wanted by the whole world. . The most terrible thing is that he is the type of change that restrains me the most, and I can't use my abilities at all. Therefore, I suspect that before I received the teacher's letter, the order had been leaked by some people. And, I suspect something more troublesome.”


"The rainmaker may not have been thrown off by me."

Wolf Flute was still laughing, but when his pupils narrowed, he was full of coldness: "Maybe he is following me closely, and now he is hiding in this small town that is so remote that there is no rescue. And I... I am simply helpless. Chicken power.”

Ben was stunned.

For a moment, the room was filled with silence.

Under the noon sun, Ye Qingxuan walked out of the church door alone.

There was the salty smell of sea waves in the blazing sunshine. He squinted his eyes and looked at the sun, feeling that the sun had dispelled the chill from his body, but he still felt that he had no strength.

It was like falling from the abyss, just staring at the darkness under my feet made me feel weak.

"You have no talent..."

He murmured softly, as if telling himself, and felt a pain in his index finger with the ring. He stretched out his hand to hold it down, and the pain disappeared cunningly, as if it had escaped into his bone marrow, leaving behind a mocking phantom pain.

"What a talent."

He scratched his hair and sat tiredly on the pedestal of the saint. At this time, he suddenly wanted to talk to Vito. If he was here, at least the two of them could go make some trouble together or go crazy. Maybe doing something stupid that doesn't solve the problem will make people feel better.

But now when he was sad, he couldn't find this friend and felt a little lonely.

But soon, Ye Qingxuan discovered something that made him feel even more uneasy.

—Vito is missing.

It was already afternoon when Ye Qingxuan heard the news that someone attacked the Thomas brothers and broke Martin's hand.

He searched everywhere in the town but found no trace of Vito. Workers on the dock said they had seen him last night, but he disappeared after going to a toilet with several other people.

In the dilapidated houses in the small town, the homeless people and orphans gathered there have never seen Vito come back, and there is no trace of the places where they usually hang out. At first, Ye Qingxuan suspected that it was revenge from the Thomas brothers. He even took the risk to squat outside their house and found that the three brothers were staying at home honestly. The clerk roared angrily at the dejected guards and told them to throw the damn brat into jail.

He didn't know where he had gone to hide, and even the garrison couldn't find him.

Root Town is not a very big place, and there are even fewer places for a street kid to go.

No one has seen him since the early hours of last night, and no one cares where the dirty kid has gone.

All places don't exist, so where is Vito

After running around all afternoon, Ye Qingxuan squatted on the ground panting, looked around blankly, and then cursed in a low voice.

But when he saw the creature walking leisurely not far away, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's really up to you to find someone!"

He rushed up and hugged the big yellow dog that ran to nowhere every day: "Old Fei, help!"


In his arms, the dirty old dog looked at him doubtfully, stretched out his saliva-covered tongue and licked his front paws, then put his front paws on Ye Qingxuan's shoulders... This was probably the old dog. Fei's unique comforting gestures, the whole process was smooth and smooth, with a hint of grace and elegance, just like a king conferring a knight, and the dogs next to him would never be able to imitate it.

"Good buddy, this time it's up to you!"

Ye Qingxuan shook Lao Fei: "Find Vito quickly!"

Lao Fei slapped him with his tail in displeasure, signaling him to put him down, and then squatted on the ground, sticking out his tongue as if without any interest, and turned his eyes towards Ye Qingxuan with disdain.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry."

Ye Qingxuan squatted down and rubbed its head: "I saved your share of the sausage last night!"

Hearing what he said, Lao Fei's dog sneezed and his eyes became happy. He turned around and slapped him twice with his tail to punish him for the "crime of disrespect" for daring to rub his head just now. , then lowered his head and sniffed the surroundings, and began to run in large strides.

First, they circled the entire town, then sniffed at the dilapidated house at the east end of the town, and then ran straight to the south.

Ye Qingxuan followed it, passing by the dock, the health office, the back door of the church, and the mayor's courtyard. In the end, he found that Lao Fei was still running forward...

And they were almost outside the town.