Silent Crown

Chapter 94: A record of genius


Half a month ago, Ye Qingxuan fell asleep for two days after coming out of the library.

After waking up, Ye Qingxuan told Abraham and the others some jaw-dropping news: "He seems to have found a piece of music that suits him perfectly."

After the verification was completed, before Abraham could be happy, there was bad news... This piece of music called "Black Friday" was so eccentric that it almost passed the boundary line. It's just a hair away from falling into the realm of devilish music.

The relationship between notes will form a structure called "interval". In general music, intervals such as "tritones" will be avoided as much as possible and "pure tones" will be used.

Because dissonant intervals such as tritones can stimulate the dark side of the human heart and ether, making people fall into mania. And in Black Friday, almost the entire story is composed of this evil heretic interval.

Even among the dark music given to his followers by the evil god, there are few that contain such despair, madness and gloomy emotions.

In response to Abraham's inquiry, Ye Qingxuan just said that when he was opening a notebook in a large library, it suddenly came into his mind.

Abraham was filled with sorrow about this.

He couldn't figure out which master of the "Heart Image Faction" would hide such an extreme and weird piece of music in his notes, and directly imprint it on people's consciousness through the "Heart Seal" technique.

Moreover, there are very few materials that can carry memories and engrave musical scores with the "heart imprint" effect, and are extremely precious. He couldn't understand at all how someone could leave such an informative piece of music on an ordinary page of notes.

"Black Friday" is a piece of music that belongs to the "mental image school".

Although it is classified as a musician-level piece, if it is divided into measures, it can be used as a rhythm-level etude.

After Abraham's analysis, its five bars have five different effects under different combinations of notes.

First of all, the melody evokes negative emotions in the listener's heart, making people lose control.

Immediately afterwards, the ether will affect and control the enemy's five senses under the guidance of the melody. Turning people into a disabled state where they cannot see, hear or feel.

It's simply an outstanding creation and has a wide range of applications.

After Abraham's interpretation, if the five measures are played in succession, another hidden effect can be stimulated. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it out of it.

Therefore, I'm afraid it requires special playing methods and instruments to appear.

Thinking of this, he became even more uneasy and didn't understand why Ye Qingxuan insisted on practicing this piece of unknown origin.

For Ye Qingxuan, practicing on Black Friday is simply a top priority.

Of course you have to practice! Why not practice? When he tried to play this piece for the first time, he unexpectedly found that the "Jiuxiao Huanpei" that had been sleeping for thousands of years reacted!

He was so happy that he almost danced. He had a hunch that when he truly mastered this piece of music, it would be time to completely awaken Jiuxiao Huanpei.

He has been fascinated by this guqin that his father carried with him for a long time since he was a child. It is said that it is a precious instrument passed down from his ancestors.

Although I don’t understand why the guqin that has been stored in the piano case has become like this, the top priority is to wake it up and master it first.

With it to assist his precise manipulation of ether, his biggest shortcoming as a musician: the "feeling" of manipulating ether can be made up for.

At that time, you will be able to easily master "plural note playing", break through the apprenticeship, and reach the rhythm level.

... Moreover, according to his impression of his father's bad taste, after unlocking the Jiuxiao Ring Pendant, there must be some new clues hidden there.

"Your progress is too fast. What if your foundation is not strong?"

Abraham persuaded him: "You have only mastered half of the forty-eight notes in "Equal Temperament". If you want to advance to the rhythm level, you must at least learn all of "Equal Temperament" and consolidate the foundation for a few years. You are blindly pursuing Speed, what if we lose control?"

Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "Teacher, you know my situation. I am different from students who rely on feeling. All the foundations are built on the experience of my predecessors, so it will be fine as long as I memorize by rote. Besides, when I am learning After learning your 'interpretation method', it is much faster to interpret the basic syllables and streamline the note structure. Because I don't rely on my feelings to control the ether, so if I want to release notes, I only need to select the words in my mind based on the ether reaction from the outside world. Just memorize the syllables. Even if you encounter records that are not in the classics, you can calculate and deduce new syllables based on the external environment and rules. Unless I make a mistake in calculation, there is no possibility of losing control. Moreover, compared to Compared to my senior brother’s previous speed, am I not that fast?”

Hearing what he said, Abraham just shook his head.

"His situation is different from yours."

Recalling the legends in the school, Ye Qingxuan was suddenly curious: "Did senior brother really go from apprentice level to rhythm level in one month?"

Generally speaking, if you rely purely on talent and "feel", the apprenticeship stage will be a long slog.

From learning runes to mastering the performance of multiple notes, being able to play bars, and reaching the rhythm level, there will be a painful adaptation process and countless efforts.

The average apprenticeship promotion time is three years. If there are talented students who work hard, the time can even be reduced to two years.

But ten years ago, there was a pervert named Ciel who completely broke this law.

In just one month, he reached the rhythm level from entry level and passed the school's test.

At that time, he scared off many people's chins and eyeballs. He was hailed as the future hope of the college, the future master of Anglo, and even the possibility of becoming a saint.

However, ten years later, the former genius was stuck at the rhythm level and musician level, and turned into a loser who loved drinking and running around naked...

Ye Qingxuan felt really sad for him just thinking about it.

"Not a month."

In the corner, Charles, who was forced to stand, corrected himself and said seriously: "It's two days."



This time it was Ye Qingxuan's turn for his jaw to drop. He almost jumped onto the piano in fright: "How long?!"

"Two days."

Abraham sighed and scratched his head: "To be exact, it was less than a day and a half. I was busy at the time, so I had to find time to talk to him."

"Teacher, don't be joking!" Ye Qingxuan's eyes almost popped out: "A day and a half? Or do you take the time to teach him?"

"That's right."

Ciel held up the encyclopedia and shrugged helplessly: "You know, I used to be a genius."


In the silence, Ye Qingxuan fumbled to put his eyeballs and chin back on. After a long time, he accepted the shocking fact, and then sat on the chair with some slump.

"Just two days?"

He murmured to himself: "I suddenly feel like a failure. What should I do... And why do people say it's only one month? Are you afraid of scaring people?"

"... I didn't pay attention to the time when I was declaring the records and made a mistake."

Charles' expression suddenly became sad: "After I made a mistake and found that I couldn't change it, I had to do this."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't hold back a mouthful of old blood welling up from his throat.

"Then why are you still stuck at the rhythm level for so long and can't become a musician?! Senior brother, have you been accumulating experience to make big news?"


Ciel rolled his eyes: "Look at the miserable state of our music and history department. If we could win more honors and budget, who would keep a low profile and bide our time?"

"That doesn't make sense."

Ye Qingxuan didn't believe it at all: "Apprentice, rhythm and musician, the three levels have mastered notes, bars and movements respectively. There are only technical difficulties, there are no levels, and there is absolutely no problem as long as you practice hard! Is it possible, senior brother? You haven’t learned a complete piece of music yet?”

"Tsk! Just a piece of music."

Charles curled his lips: "Ten years ago, on the day I finished the exam, I learned several songs on the way home, okay? If I hadn't been afraid of being dragged to the operating table, I would have applied for the musician-level exam at that time."


Ye Qingxuan heard the sound of blood spurting from his seven orifices: "Is it true or not?"

"In fact, as a musician, Ciel's talent has always been unmatched."

Abraham nodded in affirmation, looking helpless: "But I don't know why, every piece of music will have problems in Ciel's hands. There are no mistakes in terms of technique and melody, but there will always be strange effects..."

"Strange effect?"

Ye Qingxuan looked confused.

"It's complicated to say..."

Abraham's expression became tangled, and he didn't know how to explain it.

"Hey, teacher, he can't understand even if you just talk about it."

Charles shook his head, walked over and sat next to the piano: "I'll demonstrate it myself. Junior brother, don't be scared."

Before he could finish his words, a crisp sound like cracking ice burst out.

It was like arriving on the sea of Asgard in an instant. On the thousands of miles of ice fields, countless ice cubes collided on the ocean, making a majestic and crisp sound.

The overwhelming momentum made Ye Qingxuan fall into astonishment.

But soon, his expression turned into fear: ""William Tell Overture"? Senior brother, are you going to destroy the entire piano room?"

William Tell's Overture, a musical score that summons factions, is hailed as one of the resonance-level masterpieces in the Holy City's evaluation, and has gone far beyond the musician-level category.

But the violent ether echoed by this overture turned into a violent storm, and the ocean raged, drowning everything. Immediately afterwards, a march of fire was summoned to descend from the sky, and the burning legions of heroic spirits drowned all enemies, causing devastating destruction!

The master who once composed this piece of music created this overture with great grief and anger when his motherland was invaded and his homeland was burned by fire, calling for the legion of heroic spirits to descend from the sky and lead his people to conquer the world. All invading legions were completely destroyed.

And he himself died on the eve of victory due to excessive consumption, but there is no doubt that his soul is integrated into this piece of music. Once it enters the second stage, it will truly summon an iron army...

But now, violent ether fluctuations have gathered from all directions.

Originally, in order to facilitate Ye Qingxuan's practice, Abraham quietly opened the first-level authority in the piano room, which can make the ether gather and produce musician-level effects.

But the musician-level summons was enough for the Ether Legion to completely destroy everything.

While Ye Qingxuan was stunned, the blazing ether turned into scarlet fire, gathered in the void, and gradually formed a vague shape.

The next moment, as the majestic overture rises, the effect is completely formed, and next - the army of heroic spirits will descend from the sky!

Ye Qingxuan was about to forcibly interrupt Charles's performance, but Abraham stopped him and motioned for him to watch carefully.


The flames exploded, and a figure slowly emerged from the void, converging into a real form, completely realized!


The object fell on the piano lid with a small crash.

"...Wait, something seems wrong?"

In the midst of the powerful and exciting melody, the summoned thing stretched lazily, rolled on the piano, and moaned in pleasure.

That's a gray and white... cat? !


Ye Qingxuan rubbed his eyes and found that he was indeed not hallucinating. The senior brother's performance summoned a... cat that looked lazy, needy, and needed a beating!

Then, there was another "bang" sound, and another thing fell from the sky.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it intently, and then fell into a daze.

That little thing is covered in yellow skin, has big ears, a slender tail, and a naive appearance. As if it had just woken up, it clicked its lips, rolled on the piano cover, and swung its tail around. It was so cute and intoxicating.

That's a... mouse

"What the hell is this?!"

Before Ye Qingxuan could finish speaking, cats and mice suddenly broke out!