Silly Spring Attack

Chapter 21: Red silkworm


In the end, he could only vaguely say something like "Let's talk about it later", but compared to that blunt rejection, Tantu was already very happy. Of course, the other females seemed to notice that he was thinking about it, and they didn't continue the topic.

Several females talked a few more words together, mostly discussing what kind of plants are better to plant in these fields, and the males could only follow behind and watch carefully, offering courteousness carefully.

Tantu watched his sweetheart seriously ask questions about life, labor and capital, and then remembered his tacit attitude before—whether it was just to avoid embarrassing himself or for other reasons, it always gave him a kind of The feeling that "if you work hard, there will be results".

Ah Ce is really soft-hearted... Tan Tu thought. Perhaps, he knew how to keep him.

Su Ce didn't know what Tantu was doing hanging around, but he didn't want to leave him alone for a long time—although Mora kept hanging around his suitors. However, in Su Ce's view, he still couldn't adapt to the atmosphere of "being cared for" by women. As a man, he was required to "display a gentleman's demeanor" on earth. Even if his personality tends to be serious, he is always more serious. The side that respects people... But here it seems that the whole thing has changed to the opposite direction, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

In this orc world, the way males and females get along is too unbalanced for him. If it was just a relationship of attachment and being attached, the local orcs could live together, but it was definitely not enough for him.

But speaking of it... why did he think of "living together"

Su Ce glanced at Tan Tu who seemed to be in a daze... this guy.

He was sure that when he was thinking just now, what flashed through his mind was the huge golden lion and the man's face that he was already familiar with.


The conversation didn't last long, Mora still had a lot of work to do this afternoon, and Aiguoer and Aimier also found that their fields needed to get rid of some weeds—I chatted with them a few times in Mora After a whisper, Tan Tu can only lead Su Ce to do the rest.

So their next destination was the silkworm house where the red silkworms were raised.

Tantu and Su Ce walked side by side. It may be because of the general attitude of the tribe, or it may be because Tantu knows that Su Ce's physical fitness is much weaker than that of ordinary females. When dealing with Su Ce, his The attitude is almost more careful than that of twins.

To be honest, it's not that it doesn't feel good to be protected, it's just that Su Ce still feels that Tan Tu is being too careful... But Su Ce's nature is not too hypocritical, because Tan Tu has developed such a temperament, and he also It's not unacceptable, so there is no need to force the other party, but it will make the atmosphere of getting along abnormal.

It may be because of the difficulty in raising red silkworms. The place where they are raised is a wooden house that is not tall compared to other houses. A leather curtain hangs there.

Tan Tu reached out to lift up the animal skin first, then pulled Su Ce into the room together.

There were only a dozen or so scattered people in the room, and there were several wide wooden frames next to the walls, and on each wooden frame was a huge plate-like thing made of rattan, covered with a lot of green fat leaves, and some dark red insects crawled on them.

In the middle is a huge wooden table, about five or six meters long and three or four meters wide, fully occupying half of the room. The females sit spread out on all sides of the table, with ample distance between each other.

Perhaps sensing that someone was coming, several females raised their heads, and Su Ce recognized one of them was Laya whom he had seen before.

Tan Tu first raised his hand to say hello: "Hey, Laya, the bone is at the door of your room, did you see it?"

Laya also laughed: "I see, there is no problem." Then he glanced at Su Ce again, and said, "Why are you here?"

Tan Tu replied: "Ah Ce is very interested in this, so I will bring him over to have a look."

As he spoke, he pulled Su Ce forward.

Su Ce nodded to Laya - he thought these people should be "female", but when he saw these "men" who were a little stronger than him, he felt that these people should be "female". There is really no way to really treat the other person as a "female"-even if they will both have children!

"Hello," he said.

Laya smiled: "Ah Ce is new here, is he also interested in silkworm rearing?"

Su Ce nodded: "Well, I want to know some principles."

Tan Tu pulled Su Ce over there: "Laya is the best one here, he will tell you how to do it." Looking at Laya again, "Right, Laya?"

Laya smiled and nodded: "Of course, I welcome Ah Ce very much."

Su Ce walked over and found a rattan basket at Laya's feet, almost one meter high, filled with transparent silk threads, all rolled up on a kind of wood, forming a spindle shape. And Raya also holds tools in his hand, one has a very thin set of teeth, like a comb, which is only the size of a palm, and the other is very slender, with a slightly curved tip like a needle, which looks strange.

Laya noticed Su Ce's gaze, and shook the slender one casually: "This is called 'Hook stab'." Then he pulled away the stool next to him, "Ah Ce, come and sit, I'll give you a seat slowly." explain."

Su Ce looked back at Tantu, and Tantu quickly raised his hand: "I'll just stay here with you."

So Su Ce went over and sat down.

In front of Laya, there is a bamboo strip and a wooden basin. The transparent cocoons cut in half are soaked in the wooden basin, and the top is still steaming. pupa.

Laya picked out a cocoon in a basin with a hook, held it with his hand, and then picked it lightly with the hook, and then pulled out a thin thread that was almost invisible, and pulled out another thread. Bring the wood that is as long as the forearm, wind the end of the thread up, and start rolling it with your hands. After a while, you finish pulling out the silk from the half of the cocoon, then turned your head and smiled at Su Ce, "This is twisted silk. But It has to be soaked in boiling hot water to soften it."

Su Ce nodded, and watched Laya pointing to the two females in the open space outside the table. There was a wooden frame between them, supporting two horizontal shafts, and long threads hung on the shafts, very thin like a piece of cloth The ones hung there, and the two females were divided into two sides, and combed the silk from two directions with the thing like a comb, and said, "That is called a silk rake, and it is used to arrange the silk threads."

Su Ce nodded again to show that he understood, and then carefully watched the movements of the other females. Some of them cut open the complete silkworm cocoon with a small knife with long fingers and poured out the chrysalis inside, some poured hot water, some Picking silk, some combing silk, some winding silk, and some erecting two thin woods, weaving with fingers constantly in the middle, the movements are very flexible...

Sure enough, as Aiguoer said, it seems to be a very simple craft.

Su Ce looked at it for a while, and after he was familiar with every step, he turned around and saw Tantu standing not far from him - unshakable - like a rock, with a kind of... soft heart His eyes continued to look at him, even after meeting his eyes, there was no change in the slightest.

Looking at Su Ce's expression, Tan Tu felt that there seemed to be a subtle change from his previous one, so he called out a little doubtfully, "... Ah Ce?"

Su Ce withdrew his gaze, nodded to Laya and the other females who were paying attention to him, and said, "We are leaving." After receiving the same polite response, he turned around and walked to Tantu's side, "Tantu, let's go Bar."

Tan Tu tilted his head: "Has Ce stopped watching?"

Su Ce nodded lightly: "I know everything I need to know."

Tan Tu smiled: "Well, let's go." He whispered in his ear, "A Ce is indeed the best!"

After saying goodbye to the females handling the red silk, Su Ce and Tan Tu left the room.

Tan Tu looked down at Su Ce, with an apologetic expression on his face: "A Ce, let's go to the patriarch's place now, and talk to him about receiving the land."

Su Ce came to his senses and nodded, "... yes."

Tan Tu immediately showed a big smile, stretched out his hand first, then retracted it carefully: "A Ce, are you tired?"

Su Ce shook his head: "I'm not tired." When he saw Tantu's disappointed expression, he said, "I'll tell you when I'm tired." Afterwards, he changed back to Tantu's happy expression, which made him feel relieved. Slightly relax.

It's becoming more and more impossible to refuse Tantu's favor...

When there were no major incidents, the patriarch always stayed in that tent. Su Ce and Tantu lifted the tent skin and walked in, seeing their patriarch Sata as usual.

"Hey, Tantu, why are you here again?" Sata smiled brightly, "Ace, didn't you ask Tantu to take you for a walk?"

Su Ce nodded slightly, and said, "I've seen some places, thank you for your concern."

Tan Tu said at this time: "Patriarch, we are here to claim A Ce's land. I was too busy yesterday, so I forgot." He scratched his hair, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Sata raised his eyebrows, turned around and grabbed a wooden sign from the leather pouch on the wooden stand, picked up some juice with his fingernails, wrote a few words on it, and handed it to Su Ce.

Su Ce took a look and saw that his name was written on it.

Sata laughed a few times and said, "Just insert this on the edge of the piece of land you choose."

Su Ce thanked him and left with Tan Tu again.

As soon as he walked out, Su Ce felt the bright light shining on him, and immediately after, his whole body felt as if he had been pricked by a needle, every inch of his skin felt sharp pain—

He finally couldn't bear the dizziness for a while, and fell backwards softly.

In the haze, a pair of strong arms caught him, however, he passed out in the next moment, and the vague anxious calls in his ears disappeared as his consciousness faded away...