Silly Spring Attack

Chapter 22: Su Ce's illness


Su Ce woke up in Tantu's house as usual, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Tantu's closed eyes. The man held the back of his hand, and the temperature in his palm was extremely hot.

Stiff silhouette, rough facial features, handsome appearance... Su Ce realized that he hadn't looked at Tan Tu's appearance carefully.

Actually quite handsome. On Earth, he should be called a "sporty man", right? The kind that should be very popular with girls. As a man, Su Ce felt that he should have no affection for him - based on every man's self-esteem, but he only felt very warm.

I don't know how long he stayed here... Su Ce was still resting on Tantu's thigh. He moved carefully, but still woke up the male orc.

Tan Tu looked into Su Ce's black eyes and asked worriedly, "A Ce, do you... have any discomfort?"

Su Ce shook his head: "It's okay." He stretched his arms and sat beside him, and found that it was different from the stabbing pain before he passed out, and now he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Tantu frowned: "I asked Kamel to come and look at it for you, and he also said that there is nothing wrong with it, but I still feel uneasy."

Su Ce moved his fingers, well, they were still very flexible.


Tan Tu replied: "Kamel is a witch doctor, he said it's all right, usually it's all right."

Su Ce nodded: "Then don't worry about me, I'm fine now."

Tan Tu scratched his head and couldn't think of anything else, so he could only say, "If Ah Ce feels uncomfortable in the future, you must tell me right away." After finishing speaking, he cautiously leaned over and hugged Su Ce's shoulder, whispering Said, "A Ce scared me today..."

Su Ce paused, and reached out to pat him on the back: "... I'm sorry." He hesitated, and then said, "I will, and I will tell you later."

Tantu nodded happily: "That's good!"

Maybe it was because the atmosphere was too warm and caring, Su Ce and Tan Tu maintained such a half-huddled state and did not avoid it. But Tantu didn't notice this at all. He hugged him excitedly just now, and didn't react until the atmosphere became quiet. He saw his sweetheart leaning on him obediently. I also know that this opportunity is rare. Immediately, she hugged her happily.

After a while, Su Ce pushed Tan Tu away. He lowered his head and his ears were a little red.

Tantu looked at his hands, feeling a little lost, but immediately remembered another thing: "Ah Ce, are you hungry? The food is already cooked, I'll go and bring it to you!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Su Ce to reply, he jumped out of the window immediately, and jumped back quickly - he had a big bowl of meat paste and a big bowl of soup in his hand, and there was a spoon in his hand, but nothing leaked out.

Su Ce took it naturally, took a few mouthfuls with a spoon, and drank some soup. After the cramping feeling in his stomach subsided, he asked, "... Tantu, how long have I been asleep?"

Tan Tu thought about it: "It's more than one day."

… no wonder so hungry.

Su Ce looked at his arm, thinking of the tingling feeling before, and was a little puzzled. It's been fine all the time, and the sun isn't too big, so it shouldn't be heatstroke... Could it be that I was too tired the past few days? Still acclimatized? But no matter what kind, there should be no feeling of pain all over the body.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Ce couldn't figure it out. Su Ce was still searching for a reasonable reasoning result in his mind. At this moment, Tan Tu said again: "A Ce, don't be in a daze. Let's finish eating first, otherwise I won't be able to bear it."

He was fed up with seeing Ah Ce unconscious while he was at a loss. If it wasn't for Kamel being the best witch doctor, and he said Ah Ce really had nothing wrong with him, he would probably go crazy!

Su Ce also knew how difficult it would be for this orc to be in a coma for a day, so he nodded obediently and ate slowly.

It's a bit strange to say, I don't know if Tantu spent more effort to grind the meat, the meat was still a bit hard for him, but now it seems to be much easier to chew...

It was almost evening outside. Su Ce stayed in the room for so long and slept for so long, and he didn't feel sleepy anymore. Tan Tu also thought of this, so he leaned over and asked, "Ah Ce, what are you thinking now?" Did you do it?"

Su Ce looked at him: "... let's go wash the dishes."

Although the ladder had already been set up, Tan Tu still decided to carry Su Ce down—because he must be still weak, Su Ce couldn't refuse, so he followed him.

When it was time to go down, of course Tantu would not really ask Su Ce to wash the dishes, but moved a wooden chair that was probably newly made, put it in the middle of the small yard circled outside, and said to him: "Ah Ce, just sit here and watch me wash the dishes... Well, if there is anything that is not washed well, you just tell me directly."

Su Ce actually felt that he had plenty of strength now... But Tantu's caring eyes always revealed the meaning of "you are definitely trying to be brave", so he stopped arguing with him about it.

Speaking of which, watching Tantu do things while blowing the wind here feels like "home". Also, it's cool...

Tan Tu's learning ability is outstanding. He didn't do well before, but after Su Ce instructed him once, he was able to clean the dishes perfectly, and his actions would no longer be so rude beyond Su Ce's tolerance. Occasionally, when he turned around, he would look at Su Ce and grin. It was a bit silly, but it made Su Ce feel more at ease...

The sky was getting dark, and when night fell, two moons appeared in the sky at the same time, emitting a hazy gleam.

Su Ce began to feel that maybe it was just like Tan Tu said, he thought he was fine, but he was still weak inside... He felt that he was a little drowsy.

The evening wind was very gentle on his body, but Su Ce felt a subtle warmth all over his body... Some small heat flowed up and down his whole body, not overbearing, but very comfortable.

Slowly, the whole body became hot, as if sitting by the campfire, the whole person was warm...

Before he knew it, his consciousness was blurred again, until a voice anxiously woke him up.

"Ace! You are so hot, Ace!"

"Ace, wake up!"

"A Ce, don't sleep!"

"Ah Ce! Ah Ce—"

Su Ce barely opened his eyes, and the restless figure in front of him... was Tan Tu.

"I... no..." thing. His mouth moved, and the last word was still in his throat, and he was defeated by sleepiness again.

But this situation didn't last long, and soon, something cold touched his face, making him startled and opened his eyes.

I only heard Tan Tu say quickly: "Ah Ce, I will put this in your clothes for you, please don't sleep. You are hot all over now, I have to send you to Kamel to have a look!"

Su Ce nodded in a daze, and held a cool object with both hands, but it seemed that he had no strength, so the object fell down and fell to the ground as soon as it was put into his hands.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to hear Tan Tu say "I'm sorry", and the thing was stuffed into his clothes by a pair of rough but cold hands, feeling very heavy. But it didn't require any effort on his own, because his feet were suspended in the air the next moment.

He felt as if he was held in Tantu's arms in a posture that he absolutely disliked, and then he moved forward at a very fast speed that he enjoyed very much—

I don't know how long it took, maybe just a short while, they stopped in one place.

In a daze, Su Ce also understood that something was wrong with him now, and Tantu was so impatient... He put his hands in his arms, gently touched the cold thing, and fought hard against sleepiness.

can't... fall asleep...

Tan Tu was indeed very anxious.

Just yesterday, Ah Ce suddenly fainted after getting out of the tent, without any warning, just simply sleeping, but when he wrapped him up, he looked a little uncomfortable. Of course, he immediately went to Kamel, the best witch doctor in the tribe. Kamel gave Ace a detailed examination and said that there was no problem. But he still stayed with him worriedly, and it wasn't until this afternoon, when Ah Ce finally woke up, that he was relieved.

But... But why did Ah Ce have problems again when he just washed the dishes

At first he thought Ah Ce fell asleep because he was too bored, but when he was about to call him, when he just bumped into him, he found that his whole body was burning... This is so unusual!

In the past, some cubs in the tribe had fever all over their bodies like this, but the result was often the death of the cubs—because they could never wake up from their sleep!

It's just that Ah Ce absolutely can't!

Ce, don't sleep...

Tan Tu hugged Su Ce tightly, firmly.

Ah Ce is as weak as a cub... No, it should be weaker, no matter how strong he is, he shouldn't ignore Ah Ce's physique.

It's all his fault.

What if Ah Ce...

For the first time in his life, Tan Tu felt that he was lost.

He stood in front of a tall wooden house and slammed on the door hard.

"Carmel! Carmel! Open the door!"