Silly Spring Attack

Chapter 3: foraging


But the next moment, Su Ce's face turned dark.

Falling from the tree was obviously too big of a move, so that the bath towel that was originally tied around his waist fluttered along with it, and finally left him completely in one after another falling impact.

That is, he is now naked.

Then, he sneezed.

Sure enough, I still wear too little...

The lion carefully shook Su Ce off his back, not forgetting to use one front leg for support. Su Ce was a little embarrassed, but since the lion did this, he had no choice but to grab that leg and move to the ground little by little. Then, with his back to the lion, he ran quickly to the place where the towel fell, picked it up and quickly rewrapped it.

For this reason, he did not see the burning eyes of the lion staring at his back.

When he turned his head, the lion sprang forward and caught him just between his legs.

Su Ce looked up, and the lion's eyes were enthusiastic, but not vicious.

Sighing, Su Ce heard his stomach growling again.

As if reacting, the golden lion took a step back, and then took a step back, a bit reluctant, but it quickly ran a few steps to the other side, and threw something in front of Su Ce with something in its mouth— There was a "bang", and the dust flew up.

Su Ce looked over and found that it was a wild elk-like animal with its neck bitten off, but it was quite big, a size bigger than this lion.

The lion took a few steps forward and pushed the deer towards Su Ce with his legs. His eyes were bright, and there seemed to be some... flattering

Su Ce suspected that he was wrong, but he probably understood what the lion meant: "...Big guy, for me?"

The lion looked at him, as if he understood it, but he didn't seem to understand it. Seeing that Su Ce didn't move, he pushed the deer again.

So Su Ce walked over, reached out to touch the deer, and then clearly saw the lion's encouraging eyes—well, he didn't know why he could see that it was "encouragement".

He was really hungry, and the lion seemed to want to use this deer to feed him, so he didn't have to be polite. With that in mind, Su Ce prepared to skin the deer and light a fire to roast the venison.

He carefully extended his fingers to the cut of the deer's neck, and tried to tear it with his hands first...but it didn't work. Su Ce suddenly remembered that as a human being, he didn't have the strength to tear the leather. I was really confused just now.

Su Ce didn't have any sharp objects on him now, so it was impossible to peel the skin, so he looked around, intending to find a sharper branch to try. Just looking at it like this, his eyes fell on the golden lion's... toes.

Each one has very sharp nails...

Considering that he was unbearably hungry and that the lion seemed to have extraordinary kindness towards him, Su Ce decided to ask it for help.

"Big guy, come here." Su Ce tried to wave at the lion.

Immediately afterwards, the lion really seemed to be having fun—he really didn't want to think so—and ran over flicking its tail, looking at him expectantly with fiery eyes.

Su Ce paused for a moment, then pointed at the deer with his finger: "Big guy, help me tear off this guy's skin, how about it?"

The lion tilted its head, but it didn't understand.

Su Ce unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. He saw this big guy with such a human appearance before, and thought it was a creature with human genes made by researchers! That would be cruel...

—Fortunately not.

So Su Ce felt that since he could not understand the language and the lion seemed quite smart, he might as well be a demonstration.

He squatted down, made a "tearing" movement with his fingers, and then looked up at the lion, and the lion looked at him... In other words, did it understand

As it turns out, the lion got it.

It immediately rushed over with an "awow", and raised a front paw to "swipe" twice, and the deer was torn apart!

Su Ce wiped the blood splattered on his face and told himself that it was not easy for this lion to do this.

The lion turned his head, with a weird expression on his face asking for credit, then walked in front of Su Ce, lowered his head, and arched his abdomen.

Su Ce paused, stretched out his hand and rubbed the long hair on its head, the lion squinted its eyes and purred for a while, then slowly lay down. Su Ce went to pick up a few pieces of minced meat and put them together. After he lit the fire, he could roast them and eat them.

He first piled up some fallen leaves that were dry to the touch, and then randomly picked up a few stones under the tree. Su Ce struck them vigorously, sparks rustled and hit those leaves, and immediately burned them. The next thing is to use the branches to skewer the meat... skewer... skewer... the skewer will not move.

The texture of the meat seems to be too flexible. He tried his best and deliberately used the sharpest part of the branch, but he still couldn't penetrate the meat and could only pierce a small hole. This may be because the branch is very hard. The reason... Su Ce suddenly felt that his chances of making this meal were too slim.

Sigh again—he's already sighed here for the past year, and continues with his work.

Not long after, a round thing suddenly came to his feet. Su Ce looked down, and it turned out to be the fruit on the top of the tree he was looking at just now. It was different from what he thought it was under the tree just now. Looking at it from a close distance, it was almost half the size of a water tank.

After a while, another one rolled over. Su Ce saw the lion grinning, and with a swipe of his legs, a third one came.

Is this because I saw that I couldn't handle the meat so I picked it specially... Su Ce was a little moved. Speaking of which, if it weren't for this lion, he would be alone in this forest, and he really didn't know if he could survive. At least, food was a big problem. And just now he was knocked over by a big bird on the tree. If the lion hadn't caught him, he might have turned into a puddle of flesh.

Approaching a fruit, Su Ce embraced it with both arms, and found that the fruit was very soft. If he pressed down hard, it would deflate like a ball, and once he let go, the deflated skin would return to normal, and the stored content inside would be restored. It should be juice. Su Ce tried it with his hands, the skin was very thick, and he probably couldn't make a hole to drink the juice inside. Just as he was thinking this way, a thick lion's leg stretched out, and the nail on the front poked lightly—

The milky white juice rushed out of the red skin, and Su Ce felt that he was even hungrier. As soon as he lowered his head, he swallowed it, quickly satisfying his hungry stomach. In the end, there was still more than half of the juice left, and Su Ce couldn't drink it anymore, so he carried it around, like carrying a bag.

Then he thought about how tall the tree he climbed just now... And as far as he knew, although lions could climb trees, they couldn't climb too high. How did this golden lion get him the fruit

But his question was answered immediately.

Perhaps the bloody venison was not processed in time, and the smell of blood attracted another beast—a spotted leopard slightly smaller than a lion. With graceful and calm steps, it pounced on Su Ce lightly and neatly!

Su Ce felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the lion, which was lying lazily resting, suddenly sprang up and ran in front of him! In an instant, the two beasts fought fiercely together!

The lion swung its head vigorously, and the leopard was bitten on its front leg, but the leopard was also very cunning, and found that the enemy was too strong, so it used the force of the fall to climb up the tree very quickly! And the lion followed immediately, and the two beasts chased each other, and finally met on a thick branch—they stared at each other, and then pounced on each other again!

It's really... amazing.

Su Ce watched the fierce battle between a lion and a leopard, saw the lion's smooth muscle lines, its wild and fierce fighting style, and its mane that seemed to be shining with golden light—suddenly felt a little dazzled.

After all, the king of the jungle still belongs to the lion, the leopard, even if its claws are as sharp as a knife, even if its tail is as hard as a whip, even if it is so powerful! In the end, it was still bitten by the lion's throat, and blood spurted out instantly, like a rain of blood... and its body also seemed to fall straight down without any support.

"Bang—" The flesh was bloody.

The lion roared presumptuously on the branch of the tree, and then jumped down with a sudden leap!

Su Ce stood up in amazement, and while he was dumbfounded, the lion changed extremely quickly!

After shedding the fur, his figure stretched out suddenly, it seemed to suddenly grow longer, and it seemed to suddenly become smaller... Finally, it shook its body and turned into a slender and strong man.

...become a living person!