Silly Spring Attack

Chapter 35: Male troubles


A bowl of pancakes was eaten up in a short while, Aiguoer sucked it with her finger in her mouth, and turned her head to look at the handsome female: "Brother Ah Ce, finished eating..."

Su Ce paused, then reached out to stroke his head: ""

Aiguoer blinked: "Well... can I learn how to make a stone mill?"

Su Ce nodded, "Let Tantu make one for you." It wasn't a very strenuous job for Tantu.

Aiguoer jumped up instantly, hugging Su Ce's waist and rubbing against her waist: "I knew Brother A Ce was the best!"

Aimee slightly bent the corner of her mouth, revealing two round dimples on her cheeks.

Over there, Mo La smiled and said, "I'll go and see how Tantu does it. When I get back, I'll ask someone to help me to do the same."

You know, orcs are very territorial, even females. If Tantu is not married, then Mora will ask Tantu for help, and since Tantu is already married, as another female, he should not make such provocative actions. He is different from Aiguoer and Aimee as a cub—everyone in the tribe is responsible for protecting the cubs.

After Su Ce's words fell behind, Tantu put down his work for the time being, and went to fetch two rocks. Because of the first practice, it was much smoother this time, and a brand new graphite was completed in less than half an hour. There are amazed expressions on the face: "It's amazing..."

Tan Tu received a nod of approval from Su Ce, and then ran to continue grinding millet noodles with a smirk.

Although Tantu moved quickly, Mora still saw the process clearly and sat down on the wooden bench next to him with satisfaction. At the same time, Su Ce went into the house and brought out a few glasses of fruit juice, which were all squeezed out of the fruits that Tantu picked up by the way while hunting, and then sealed in a wooden tube and put in water to calm down. All natural and very tasty.

The twins took sips, and Mora took a sip too. It was refreshing and refreshing. He breathed a sigh of relief, and got into the main topic of today.

Mo La said mysteriously: "Ace, do you have any plans for the Fire Dance Festival?"

Su Ce didn't quite understand: "... plans?"

The twins looked at each other and smiled without interrupting.

Su Ce didn't notice that Tantu, who was pulling the mill over there, was already stiff all over, and even the speed of grinding slowed down, and his ears were still listening to the conversation here.

Mo La patted her forehead: "Oh right, Ah Ce, haven't you heard of Reigns?"

Su Ce shook his head.

There was a look of longing in Mo La's eyes, and she said in that ethereal tone: "Reigns is the patron saint of all our females~~~"

... It's kind of strange that a patron saint or something is placed on a female body.

Because he didn't understand the situation, Su Ce kept quiet and listening, and waited for Mora's final voice to drop completely, before asking, "Reigns... I don't think I've seen it before?"

Mora pulled her sanity back and nodded: "Reigns is not from the Tiger tribe, he belongs to the Mayan tribe."

Follow Su Ce to know what kind of tribe the Mayan tribe is.

Contrary to the Taige tribe, the Mayan tribe is mostly female, and it is strange that for every five pregnancies they give birth, only one or two children born are males, and the rest are females. And those females are healthy and have a very high survival rate.

But because there are fewer males and more females, many females mate with foreign males, and then go to the male tribe to start a family. But despite this, females still accounted for four-fifths, which is quite amazing.

To be honest, one of the reasons why the Fire Dance Festival is held every year is to let the females of the Mayan tribe come to pick people and be picked. After all, other tribes are in the opposite state of more males and fewer females.

However, the people in the Mayan tribe are very united, because they are not strong enough and the males are not enough, so in order to protect themselves, all the females in the tribe are masters of traps and resist the attacks of wild animals. When it comes to the Fire Dance Festival, half of the males in the tribe will be dispatched to escort the adult females to the tribe where the Fire Dance Festival is held, to... have a blind date.

And this Reigns is from the Mayan tribe.

If it was just an ordinary female, of course she wouldn't be raised by Mora in such an adoring tone, and she also showed a look of wishing she could agree with her. In fact, he's the most powerful female in the world—even the most powerful orc.

Reigns has been as strong as a male since he was born. Apart from the fact that he has no beast shape, which limits his status as a female, his individual combat ability is stronger than that of all the Mayan tribes.

Even in a battle where the male has transformed into a beast, he is an absolute winner—

And especially, he is very defensive.

The range of short protection includes not only the females of the Mayan tribe, but also all females in the entire Kanda continent.

Reigns, in particular, is very gentle—only when it comes to females. When he confronts males, he becomes more aggressive.

Yes, violent.

Reigns is a fighter and a hopeless champion of women's rights.

Since Reigns became an adult, he will follow the tribe to set out for the annual Fire Dance Festival, and come to other tribes to check whether the females are happy.

If it makes him feel dissatisfied or if a female of any family happens to have an awkward relationship with her partner, she will file a complaint...

He'll gladly get into a fight with a male.

Are you all orcs, then use your fists to speak and use force to solve the problem!

Not to mention that the established bottom line in the orc clan is not to bully females, but there has never been a rule telling males what to do when they encounter challenges from females...

Not to mention how the males are at war with each other in their hearts, struggling between the usual concept of "loving females" and the animal nature of "killing the provocateurs"... The most important thing is that they can't beat Reigns at all!

Mo La made the balance with one sentence. He almost held his face and said, "Reigns...he is the best!" He turned his head to look at Su Ce, "Ah Ce, you will like him too. Everything Females love him!"

Su Ce suddenly wanted to laugh.

People like this are the kind that are called "heartbeats" on Earth, and of course they can also be called... women's friends? Oh, it should be "female friends" here.

So Su Ce instantly understood why Tan Tu was always hesitating and hesitating.

It turned out that it was because of Ryans.

After so many days of getting along, Su Ce basically knew what kind of guy his partner was. It is absolutely impossible to say that what he is afraid of is the battle with Reigns. He probably didn't want to complain to Reigns firstly—it would make him feel that he wasn't good enough for him, and secondly, he was jealous.

Whose male likes to see his partner so adoring and passionate about another guy! Not even a female!

So, after Mo La took the twins away with a lot of thoughts—because it was almost dark, Su Ce walked up to the silent Tantu with a little smile, and tiptoed into his ear and asked, "Tantu, do you want to see me too?" Can't beat that Reigns?"

Tan Tu paused suspiciously, and finally drooped his head and said dejectedly: "...I can't beat it."

In an instant, Su Ce's curiosity about Reigns reached its peak.

Perhaps it was Tan Tu who discovered Su Ce's sudden interest in Reigns. During the husband and wife activities that night, he was a little more reckless than every day before, and he held on to Su Ce for a long time and refused to stop—OK Well, in fact, he usually doesn't stop much.

But it was a subtle feeling that only Su Ce, who was up and down with Tantu, knew best. So much so that he could only hug Tantu's neck and let him toss around, unable to escape.

In the end, Su Ce couldn't take it anymore, so he stretched out his hand and patted Tan Tu's back hard. In an instant, Tan Tu's movements slowed down, but he stopped there and pushed his big head into Su Ce's. In the nest of the neck, she rubbed back and forth coquettishly.

Su Ce, who was up and down, was very helpless, so he had to move his hand to the top of Tantu's head with difficulty, and gently smoothed his hair.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, let's continue..."

So Tan Tu, who got the permission, turned on his horsepower again. This time his eyes were red and he couldn't hear anything...

In the next few days, almost whenever Su Ce walked out of the courtyard, he could hear the voices of the females discussing Reigns, and near those females, he could always see a few resentful males... For a while In the meantime, the atmosphere in the tribe was even more enthusiastic than usual.

This kind of fanaticism is especially common among married females.

In fact, they can't be blamed for this, after all, the Fire Dance Festival in the past three years was not held in the Tiger Tribe! Only unmarried males and a few females with the permission of the patriarch will go to other tribes. The married ones have to stay in the tribe and spend this fire dance festival with the tribe... But it is far less lively than outside.

Speaking of which, they haven't seen Raines for four years.

In the past few days, Tan Tu has been keeping a close eye on Su Ce, not for monitoring or anything, but probably a little worried? He always had to keep his eyes on him for a moment, making him feel a little creepy.

Su Ce occasionally stroked Tantu's hair, asking him to turn into a lion to lean on him, and take the initiative to get close to him, before he managed to calm him down. As for the rest of the time, he soaked most of the white radish in a clumsy manner, and cooked a small part for him and the next day. The millet noodles were also tied tightly with twisted ropes and kept well. I went out and exchanged a lot of vegetables with bones and soaked them when I came back... Then I gradually started to process jerky.

He didn't really think about anything else.

In the anticipation of the females, the Mayan tribe was the first to come to the Taige tribe.

All the females flocked to the outskirts of the tribe, and waited separately on both sides of the road. Until noon, more than a hundred people came gradually from afar, and the first one was the one they were looking forward to—

The strongest female in history, Reigns.