Silly Spring Attack

Chapter 74: Spoiler those three months (3)


"What are you doing!" Arsen almost couldn't help drinking out. Immediately afterwards, he saw the puzzled look in the female's eyes, and then he remembered that the two of them did not speak the same language...

Arsen couldn't help but sighed inwardly.

He knew at once that he had been reckless again.

Because what appeared on the female's face was not the daze of wanting to die, but full of puzzlement and a little fright.

It's like asking: "... why are you dragging me?"

Could it be that the female wants to find something underwater...

The behavior of the female in the next moment seems to prove this point even more.

In Arsen's eyes, the female pointed to the lake, made a jumping motion, and then made another action that seemed to be swimming... Well, although it is a bit strange, it is completely different from the swimming method of the orcs in the tribe. different.

Arsen thought, the female should be telling him that the female can swim and wants to dive to the bottom.

It's dangerous, and a female can never do it.

According to Alson's experience, the breath in this lake is not dangerous, that is to say, it does not threaten the creatures of Alson, but this does not mean that there is no threat to females.

Females are very vulnerable. In many cases, even an attack that is like scratching an itch for a male will cause irreparable damage to the female—

Not to mention anything else, it is the gray line snake hidden in the lake surface, which can easily kill the female! Isn't it very dangerous this afternoon...

Therefore, if the female must want to go into the water, it is better to replace it by herself.

Arsen thought so.


When Yang Han was pulled back and saw the man's expression when he turned his head, he knew that the other party must be thinking wrong.

I'm not trying to kill myself, I'm just looking for someone...

Considering the problem that people can't understand what he said, Yang Hanbi made several gestures and repeated it again. The man seemed to have just understood. It really made him want to wipe his sweat involuntarily.

It's also exhausting...

However, the man didn't seem to agree with his behavior, so he shook his head and vetoed it.

Yang Han originally had some opinions, but after the man waved his hand, he immediately had no objections.

... It can't be blamed for Yang Han's timidity.

Because between the fingers of the man's palm stretched out in front of him, a thin gray snake one foot long was firmly clamped. If you don't look carefully, you can't see clearly at all.

Moreover, even if it was caught and couldn't move, the little snake opened its mouth wide, revealing the sharp hooked teeth shining with cold light inside—Yang Han can be sure that if the man hadn't clamped the snake hard, A snake would have swooped down--just as in daylight, and killed him in one bite!

The man probably saw the horror on Yang Han's face. As soon as he rubbed his fingers, the little snake turned into a ball of meat and was thrown to the bottom. Then, the man took Yang Han's hand and led him to the lake, pointing his fingers somewhere on the lake.

Yang Han looked in the direction of the man's finger. He didn't see anything at first, but when he looked more intently, he found that there were many gray lines floating in the duckweed, just like the little snake just now. !

Although it was somewhat covered up by the color of the duckweed, Yang Han could feel a creepy aura coming from there—Yang Han could imagine that as soon as he stepped into the water, these little snakes would swarm up , devoured him to nothing.

This time, Yang Han didn't dare to go into the water no matter what...

Then the man who had blocked his entry jumped in.

Yang Han froze for a moment.

Immediately, a worry arose in my heart.

This buddy is too loyal, but can he do it...

Although the way the man squeezed the snake with his hands just now looked cool and stylish, but the lake was unknown how deep it was, and he always felt that he was in a very worrying situation when he jumped into it.

Besides, this man doesn't know what he's looking for... maybe.

Yang Han thought with some dark lines.

But having said that, there are so many snakes in the water, if the student really came and got stuck in the lake, it would be really bad luck. Thinking of the gray snake's sharp teeth, Yang Han slapped him. The Cold War—Maybe there won't be any dead bodies left.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Han slapped himself.

Bah bah bah! Even if you can't find your apprentice, you can't curse people!

Yang Han stood five or six meters away from the lake, staring nervously at the calm lake.

Since the man jumped in, not even a splash of water has floated up.

I don't know how this guy is doing now...

After waiting for at least half an hour, a wave suddenly appeared on the surface of the water. The man showed his head and paddled over quickly—that posture was unprecedented, but it was indescribably smooth.

The man's naked muscles are well-proportioned, like perfectly cut marble.

Yang Han glanced down at his six-pack abs, which looked muscular... jealous.

When the man landed, his hands were empty.

Yang Han was a little disappointed.

didn't find anything...

The man looked at Yang Han, turned around and picked up the bamboo tube that had been placed beside him before entering the water, lifted the lid, put his fingers into the bamboo tube, and gestured under the water surface, not reaching the bottom of the bamboo tube.

Yang Han understood.

The man was telling him that there was no way he could go down to the bottom...

In an instant, even greater disappointment - even despair - filled Yang Han's heart.

It's not that he hasn't hoped, maybe there is something at the bottom of this lake that can bring him back to Earth... a portal or a vortex or something else.

Taking a step back, it is also very good to find a junior.

But nothing.

This man who seemed so much stronger couldn't reach the bottom of the water, so what else could he hope for

… No, not without it.

Maybe junior A Ce will be as lucky as him, and be rescued by others when he just came out of the water

After all, Yang Han is not a person who complains about others. After realizing that a road is blocked, he immediately thought of other possibilities.

And the man in front of him is probably his breakthrough.

It is also his only reliance—or helper—after he first came to this other world.

Yang Han could see that, at least, this man was kind to him.

In the next step, he needs to follow the man, go to the man's house... first learn the language before speaking!


After coming up from the river, Alson felt sorry for the female.

Although he didn't know what the female was looking for, he also wanted to take the opportunity to explore the way for the female first. In the end, he not only failed to find the way, but also found that the lake was so deep that he couldn't see the bottom at all!

Alson made several laps, and even sank in the shape of a python in the water, but he couldn't see the depth. When he wanted to go downstream again, the surrounding water suddenly became so heavy that he couldn't go any further down—

So after going ashore, Alson immediately apologized to the female.

I don't know if he is unwilling to help... A male always goes forward bravely when facing his sweetheart! But he can't joke about the life and safety of his sweetheart.

Even where he can't go, the delicate female can't go even more.

This matter is not negotiable.

Females also seem to be quite reasonable. After seeing Arsen's explanation, he didn't bother anymore, but there were some bad emotions in his eyes.

Andersen thought, maybe this is sadness.

His love for the female became stronger, and he felt that after he turned the female into his partner, no matter how hard he tried, he would definitely erase this pain for the female!

The most urgent task now is to confirm whether this female is the elder brother of the Tantu family female.

Arsen thought for a while, and he tried to call out the name of the Tantu female in the common language.

"A Ce."

"Su Ce."

Repeat alternately, slowly, and as clearly as possible.

Then, the female in front of her froze.


Yang Han felt that he heard some familiar words.

The language wasn't any language he'd ever studied, but he did respond to the two subtly different words.

Yang Han tried hard to recall in his mind... Finally, he remembered!

This is the student's name!

Yang Han was overjoyed.

He remembered that his junior had been interested in various exotic languages since he was in college, and had carefully studied several of them. The junior has an excellent talent in language, coupled with 100% diligence, there is almost nothing that can stop him.

After getting acquainted with his junior, Yang Han once asked him with a smile about the simple pronunciation of several languages when he had a whim.

Of course, it's not a difficult part, it's just the names of the two people.

The younger brother's character has always been very serious, but he is very good to Yang Han. When Yang Han wanted to know, the junior taught him honestly.

And Yang Han remembered that what the man said was one of the things his junior had taught him!

Does the man know his junior? Or what other reasons

Yang Han could hardly hold back the excitement in his heart, pointing at himself and pronouncing with difficulty: "Yang Han."