Silly Spring Attack

Chapter 75: Spoiler those three months (4)


... This is the exchange of names.

Alson was delighted to figure out what he was trying to express from the female's actions.

"Yang Han." He repeated.

The female in front of her nodded and showed a bright smile—Alsen felt healed. Although my body was colder than usual when I just got out of the water, I felt very warm in my heart.

...Although I don't know if it's an illusion caused by the fact that the female has just notified her name.

Then the female also began to call the name of the Tantu female: "Su Ce, Su, Ce."

Alson pointed at the female, then at himself, and then pointed in the direction of the tribe.

He had to ask the female if she would follow him.

And seeing how the female responds to the name "Su Ce", the female of Tantu's family must be his younger brother.

This is good. He not only fulfilled the entrustment of Tantu's family, but also found his sweetheart.

However, it takes less than a day to go back with the female.

time is too short…

Moreover, there are still many outsiders in the tribe now.

If you take the female back...

If a female is spotted and taken away by males from other tribes...

Arsen was really tangled and hesitant in his heart.

Just procrastinate.

Gotta wait until the "Safari Day" of the Fire Dance Festival is over.

Spend more time with the female as much as possible. When the female returns with him, all the males in other tribes have left, and he is the male who spends the longest time with the female... Then, if the female wants to choose a partner, You will be the top priority.

Therefore, you must perform well during this time.

The female smile always looks so pleasing to the eye.

Alson watched the female follow him along. Feel very satisfied.

…the female already believes in herself.

Arsen thought about it, stopped, pointed at himself and said, "Alsen."

He said, "Ahan, I'm Arsen."

The female was stunned for a moment, then smiled brighter, pointed at him and said, "Yang Han, I, I am... Yang Han."

Arsen's eyes were gentle.

His sweetheart is so bright that he has begun to imitate his own language to learn the lingua franca.


Looking at the man's gestures, Yang Han began to believe that he really knew his elementary school brother.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible to repeat the student's name many times, wouldn't it

Moreover, looking at the man's actions, it is to let myself follow him...

Then, I should take myself to the place where my apprentice is.

… Very good!

The junior did not turn into a corpse and sink in that lake.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about how to find his junior... Now he just needs to follow this man.

Yang Han finally let go of the heart that had been mentioned for a long time.

He let out a long breath, it's great that the junior is fine...

Feeling relieved, Yang Han has time to think about other things at this time.

Speaking of which, after being with this man for so long, he still doesn't know what this guy's name is! But how to ask...

Just as Yang Han felt a little melancholy, he saw the man opposite him pointing at himself and uttering a few syllables.

... This should be introducing myself.

Yang Han called tentatively: "Alsen."

The man nodded.

Yang Han smiled, stood on tiptoe and raised his hand to pat the man's shoulder, and called out again: "Alsen!" This buddy is good at everything and has enough loyalty, but it's not good for him to be too tall.

This man named "Alsen" also seemed to have a smile in his eyes, which made Yang Han a little embarrassed.

It's really unlucky to be unable to understand the language, and you don't even know if others are making fun of you... If he can say this, he can ask now! At worst, he can tease him back.

When it comes to eloquence, Yang Han is quite confident.

But now, he can only shrug his shoulders and laugh it off.


Yang Han followed Arsen away.

The journey seemed to be very far away, and the two of them slept in the open, but it was still calm.

Of course, this is only for Arsen.

But Yang Han was shocked by this terrifying forest.

My God, every time I walk a certain distance, I will always be attacked by ferocious beasts. Various colorful snakes hang down from the trees, and there are all kinds of dark spiders or centipedes and other poisonous reptiles crawling on the ground. It seems that every day There are infinite dangers to live in...not to mention those grotesque carnivorous plants.

Just now, Yang Han saw with his own eyes that a beautiful flower in full bloom with a disk like a fiery red sun disc, when a cheetah passed by, dropped its branches and grabbed it in an instant—it was alive. Swallow it!

What kind of predator is this, so terrible...

What Yang Han didn't expect was that Arsen was even more terrifying.

Because Yang Han kept staring at the scene where the cheetah was being devoured, Arsen thought that Yang Han liked the sunflower.

So he leapt forward, and at the last moment when the sunflower flower satisfactorily swallowed the leopard, he kicked off the branch of the sunflower flower... The huge flower disc staggered a few steps on the ground, and then Sensenli in the stamen The teeth fell off in an instant, and the entire flower disc shrank to only the washbasin.

Blood and even stumps flowed from the broken stalks, but the fallen flower discs were very clean. After pulling off the remaining stalks connected to the flower discs, Arsen held the flowers and presented them to Yang Han .

Yang Han shivered.

"Alsen, this, give it to me?" After more than ten days of getting along, Yang Han has learned some very short daily expressions from Alsen.

And Arsen nodded: "You like it."

Yang Han burst into tears in his heart.

... I don't actually like it, I'm just curious.

However, because it was a wish from his buddies, Yang Han could only accept it.

On the other hand, Arsen keenly realized that he miscalculated Yang Han's thoughts, and threw the flower plate away with a wave of his hand: "I don't want it, don't force it."

Yang Han withdrew his outstretched hand, and put it on Arsen's shoulder in embarrassment: "Thank you, buddy."

Arsen didn't pay much attention.

For him, the sunflower is just a means to please the female.

Even in the tribe, there are many females who like flowers. At that time, the males will swarm into the forest to pick the most beautiful flowers - and the most beautiful flowers are often the most dangerous.

Sunflowers like this one are pretty, but not the prettiest.

So Alson thinks it's normal for females to like it, but it's more normal for them to lose interest after just two glances.

Yang Han had no idea what Arsen was thinking.

But he admired Arsen even more.

As far as a man is concerned, if another man is much stronger than himself, he will most likely feel fan jealousy or envy... But if this man is so much stronger than himself that he will never be able to catch up in his lifetime, then this man will become almost an idol-like existence , which is the goal of struggle.

This is what Yang Han thinks about Arsen now.

Such a strong man, showing kindness to himself, and saving his own life-how rare!

Moreover, Yang Han understood even more that if it weren't for this man's company, he might not be able to survive a day in this forest by himself... The gratitude in his heart became even stronger.

You know, no one owes anyone, even if this man knows his junior, it doesn't mean he has to go through fire and water for himself--I am so weak compared to this man, what is there to be calculated by the other party

So Yang Han felt that if he didn't regard this man as a life-and-death friend, he would be too sorry for him!

But in fact, Arsen was plotting against him.

It's not so sinister and vicious, but... pursuit.

Arsen is not a bit better than that idiot Tantu. That guy would be a fool if he chased Su Ce, but Yang Han's personality is completely different from Su Ce's, and Arsen and Tantu are completely different. no the same.

As an orc with the shape of a snake, he pays attention to the sure hit after a long period of lurking—Arsen is now continuing to cultivate his relationship subtly, his intentions are naturally more sincere, but the purpose is also... cryptic.

Yang Han couldn't guess Arsen's thoughts, and still regarded Arsen as a good brother.

Therefore, with Alson deliberately slowing down and adjusting the route, the one-day journey was fully delayed to three months. During this period, Yang Han and Arsen ate and slept together. All the food was prepared by Arsen. Even when he had a fever several times in the middle and felt uncomfortable, it was Arsen who carried him behind his back and found herbs for him. He wipes himself.

This favor is getting bigger and bigger...

Three months later, the two finally arrived at the gate of the tribe.

The first thing Yang Han did was to look for the junior whom he hadn't seen for a long time, only to find that the junior was strangely pregnant and had a male lover.

After finally accepting the fact, Yang Han lived in Arsen's house and became neighbors with his junior, helping to take care of the junior during pregnancy. At this time, Arsen began to infiltrate the family atmosphere among Tan Tu, Su Ce and Yang Han, and successfully became one of them.

A few months later, Su Ce gave birth, and Yang Han turned into a full-time baby daddy. Arsen accompanied and helped, and further solved Yang Han's problems and penetrated into Yang Han's life.

When the boys were checking their bodies for ten days, an accident let Yang Han know about Arsen's intentions, but Arsen didn't know, but he also noticed the subtle changes in Yang Han, so he became more careful and considerate.

Another year, Arsen was patient and did not rush, but Yang Han was in a hurry.

On a wonderful night, Yang Han stumbled and fell into Arsen's arms. Arsen couldn't bear it anymore, so he didn't bear it anymore.

The next morning, Yang Han kicked open the door of his junior, and Arsen found him within a few minutes.

And that afternoon, under the witness of Quan Luo, the two got married.