Silver Overlord

Chapter 107: Brothers in distress


The key Yan Liqiang held had the words "Tian Qiao San" on it. There was also a "Tian Qiao San" sign hanging on the wooden door plate outside the small courtyard, and Yan Liqiang came in.

There is a small wooden house in the small courtyard. The small wooden house is divided into two floors. Under the first floor of the small wooden house, there are four thick pillars. There are no walls between the pillars and the four sides are empty. There are only three one-meter-high pillars. The adobe was surrounded on three sides of the four pillars, revealing a gap. In the enclosed part of the yard, there were two chicken coops with some straw piled up. Next to the chicken coops, there were a lot of brooms and barrels. Tools and miscellaneous items, right next to the four pillars, there is a staircase leading directly to the second floor of the cabin.

At first glance, this cabin looks a bit like a stilt house.

The stairs of the cabin creaked when you stepped on them, but they were quite strong and would not shake when someone walked on them. Yan Liqiang took the key and went up to the second floor of the cabin. Just two steps away on the left hand side of the stairs, there was a The locked door was opened with the key, and Yan Liqiang entered the house.

It seemed that no one had lived in the house for a long time. There was a layer of dust on the floor of the house. When Yan Liqiang's feet stepped on it, there was a footprint. There was a bed, a table, a chair, and a The wardrobe, everything is extremely simple, all the furniture and furnishings, even this wooden house, are made of the cheapest pine wood, because the windows in the house are tightly closed, and the whole house is filled with A unique smell of pine wood.

The bed was empty, with only a layer of dusty bed boards. There wasn't even a drinking cup or kettle on the table. There was only one lamp. The oil in the lamp had long since dried up, leaving only a small section of burnt black paper. cotton thread.

Looking at such an extremely simple residence, Yan Liqiang could only smile bitterly. However, the only thing that could make Yan Liqiang feel a little comfort was that the wooden house did not leak, the room was not damp, and there was no smell of mold. It provided shelter from wind and rain and rest. There should be no problem.

Yan Liqiang first opened the wardrobe and took a look. The upper part of the wardrobe was empty, but there was a set of bedding, mattresses and mosquito nets on the bottom of the wardrobe. Although these bedding items looked a bit old, they were still clean and well-organized. tidy.

"Yan Liqiang, this is where you will live for a long time in the future. Come on!"

Yan Liqiang encouraged himself loudly, then put down the baggage in his hands, and began to roll up his sleeves and tidy up the room energetically.

Yan Liqiang first opened a closed window in the room to ventilate the room, then went downstairs, found a broom, dustpan and other items among the piles of debris under the cabin, and returned to the small building. went up, swept the dust, went down to find a wooden bucket and a linen mop, fetched water, and cleaned all the visible places such as the bed, tables, chairs, and the floor. After cleaning these, the room The dust was no longer visible, so Yan Liqiang opened the cabinet, took out the mattresses and beddings from the cabinet, carried them downstairs, and spread out the beddings, mattresses, mosquito nets, etc. on the bamboo poles he drove in the yard to dry clothes. A sunbath.

If the time is long enough, you can also take apart the bedding and wash it before using it. However, since I will officially "take office" tomorrow and time does not allow, I can only make do with it first.

Just when Yan Liqiang found a wooden stick in the yard and patted the bedding he was drying, two people had already arrived in the small yard where Yan Liqiang was. One of them greeted Yan Liqiang as soon as he entered the yard. .

"Junior brother, are you new here?"

The two people who walked into the yard were both sixteen or seventeen years old. One was tall and the other was short, one was white and the other was black. The taller one was fair and somewhat handsome, while the short one was dark and strong. Both of them were handsome. Wearing gray robes and a gray belt around their waists, they are also lower-level disciples of the outer sect within the Sword God Sect. When they came to this small mountain col, these two people seemed to be breaking corn in the field, and they seemed to be doing it here too. The handyman, Yan Liqiang is still a little impressed.

The person who spoke was the tall, fair boy. When the fair boy smiled, he actually had two dimples on his face, and he looked very kind.

"Yes, I was assigned here just now?" Yan Liqiang stopped.

"Haha, junior brother, you are quite unlucky. No one has come to live in this courtyard for a long time. Everyone who lives in this courtyard will be responsible for cleaning the toilets on Tianqiao Peak from now on. This is the dirtiest and most tiring toilet in the entire Sword God Sect. I didn’t expect you to take care of the chores. Did that bastard Huo Bin assign you here?” The young man said with a wink.

"Well, it was Executive Huo from Huiyi Hall who assigned me here!"

"That's right. It's that bastard. He's the only one named Huo in the entire Huiyi Hall. And the handyman here in Tianqiao Peak is that bastard who is in charge of the arrangements. I don't know how you offended him, brother. , He actually teased you like this?"

"I didn't offend him, but during those few days in the Discipline Academy, I didn't deal with a person very well. That person happened to know Executive Huo, so I was assigned here. By the way, you two also offended Executive Officer Huo. Was he assigned here?"

"Of course, how else can I say that the person named Huo is a bastard!" The fair boy said with gritted teeth, "I just saw a pretty new junior sister in the Hui Yi Hall that day, and I couldn't help but get closer and talk to her. The junior sister said a few words and made a joke with the junior junior sister. When that bastard named Huo saw it, he brought me here and said that I had bad conduct and needed to reflect on it. Damn it, he He didn’t even look in the mirror. After I chatted with my junior sister for a few words, he said that I had bad conduct. When he looked at that junior sister, he almost drooled out. Damn... "

"What about this senior brother?"

"As for him, he was stubborn. Several other disciples who entered the Sword God Sect with him had just arrived at the Gray Clothes Hall and they discussed and gave the man named Huo twenty taels of silver. He stiffened his neck and gave him a copper plate. They didn’t even give it away, but here comes someone who stands out from the crowd and is the only one who dominates me, and then I was assigned here by that bastard named Huo!”

"That's twenty taels of silver. How can I have so much money? Besides, I came to Sword God Sect to learn my skills, not to learn to flatter others, so I won't give it to him, even if I have money, look at him What can you do to me?" The short, dark boy said angrily, with an unconvinced look on his face.

It seems that they are both fallen from the world. Yan Liqiang smiled and said, "My name is Yan Liqiang. What do you call these two senior brothers?"

"My name is Gu Zexuan..." The fair boy introduced himself, and then pointed to the one next to him, "His name is Zhao Huipeng. He doesn't talk much at ordinary times, but he likes to listen to people talk. If you are with him and find him a few If Shichen doesn’t say a word to you, please don’t misunderstand him. It’s not that he has any objections to you, but that’s just how he is... "

"Hmm..." The young man named Zhao Huipeng hummed, and then stopped talking.

"By the way, Senior Brother Gu just said that no one has come to live here for a long time. Has no one cleaned the toilets on Tianqiao Peak for a long time?"

"How is it possible that there is no one cleaning!" Gu Zexuan laughed, "It's just that for this kind of work, most of the time, the outer disciples take turns to do it. They are regarded as temporary handymen. Whoever gets picked will get it. Generally, the longest is It’s only seven days, the shortest is only three days. Because the time is not long, those outer disciples who get this job will not move here. There are tens of thousands of outer disciples in the Sword God Sect, even if one person takes one day and many people take several years, It may not be possible to get a turn. Some of the outer disciples have some family backgrounds. The bastard named Huo and the other officers don't dare to offend, and they will never be assigned to such dirty work! "

"Then who lived in my room before?"

"I heard that the first person to live in your room was a very old senior brother. That senior brother violated the sect rules in his early years and was deprived of his cultivation. He was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison of the Sword God Sect for seventy or eighty years. When he got old, You were just released, and you were still an outer disciple. After you were released, that senior brother lived with you and was responsible for cleaning the toilets on Tianqiao Peak every day. Later, that senior brother got too old, and your room became empty. , until a few years ago, a senior brother who had just entered the Sword God Sect seemed to have offended someone, and was also arranged here. That senior brother lived here and cleaned the toilets for nearly five years. Until a year ago, that senior brother He advanced to the rank of Dragon and Tiger Warrior, became an inner disciple, and finally moved away from here! This courtyard of Tian Qiao San is not a good place... "

"That's it!" Yan Liqiang finally understood that these things were not what he could understand in the Discipline Academy a few days ago.

At this point, Gu Zexuan looked at Yan Liqiang and his tone became serious and thoughtful, "I say, junior brother, if you have money, why not find an opportunity to give that person named Huo some money, make him feel soft, and say a few nice words, so that he can get married early Get rid of this job, otherwise you will be here, wandering around a few toilets every day, and there will not be much time left in the day to practice, and it will be difficult to make progress. If you delay like this for a few years, your future in the Sword God Sect will also be ruined. It will be greatly affected and many opportunities will be missed. It is really not worth it..."

"Then why doesn't Senior Brother Gu surrender to the man named Huo?"

"Hmph, although my family is not a wealthy family, it is still prestigious in the local area. Several elders in the family are serving in the military. The man named Huo knows my origin and background and does not dare to go too far and delay my future. I I won’t stay here for too long. I’ll leave in a few months at most. If I don’t bow my head, that person named Huo won’t be able to hold me down forever!”

Yan Liqiang smiled and said, "Actually, my situation is similar to that of Senior Brother Zhao Huipeng. I don't have much money here, and I only have a few taels of silver in total. Even if I want to give it to the guy named Huo, I can't give it. And I think, Cleaning the toilet is a bit dirty and tiring, but it's not shameful. I wanted to see if I could do it well, just to train myself!"

"Brother, you are awesome!" Gu Zexuan gave Yan Liqiang a thumbs up, but there was a look of disbelief on his face, "If you still think like this two months later, I will accept you..."

(End of chapter)