Silver Overlord

Chapter 11: Strange dreams at night


The craftsmanship camp has more than 200 craftsmen of various kinds, and a team of more than 50 people who protect the craftsmanship camp. Finally, there are more than 20 servants serving the craftsmanship camp. The total number of people in the craftsmanship camp is less than 300, and Qian Su is The head of everyone here.

Tonight for the Tooth Beating Festival, the camp supervisor asked Boss Song from Yunxi Building to deliver four roasted whole lambs and twenty pepper chickens. The maids in the kitchen of the Craftsman Camp cooked many more dishes. By dinner time, almost the entire Everyone in the craftsman camp happily appeared in the kitchen courtyard where they usually eat.

There is a canopy in the courtyard, and under the canopy are long tables. A large fire pot is brought out, a whole roasted lamb is placed on the fire pot, and each fat pepper chicken is chopped and placed on a plate. When the wine was brought up, Yun Shaojiu was slapped away. Suddenly, the yard was filled with the smell of meat, the smell of wine, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

It was in this atmosphere that Qian Su brought Yan Liqiang here, told everyone that Yan Liqiang was his nephew, and introduced Yan Liqiang to everyone. Today's tooth ceremony is to give his nephew Yan Liqiang a cleansing.

Hearing what Qian Su said, everyone in the craftsmanship camp smiled when they looked at Yan Liqiang.

When the meal was lively, Yan Liqiang stood up and toasted a few small bosses under Qian Su's command in the craftsmanship camp. He called him uncle and eldest brother. Those people saw that Yan Liqiang was so polite and sensible, and they all responded to him. Yan Liqiang's favor increased greatly, and he immediately regarded Yan Liqiang as someone from the craftsmanship camp. Some of them drank a little too much wine, and while blushing, they patted their chests and wanted to find Yan Liqiang a beautiful wife.

Qian Su was also surprised to see that Yan Liqiang had already become one with the craftsmen of the craftsman camp in just one meal. Only then did he realize that Yan Liqiang's experience in dealing with people was simply not inferior to him, and because Yan Liqiang was young , tender-faced, more sincere and humble when interacting with others, and easier to win people's favor.

When Yan Liqiang came back after toasting with wine, everyone in the craftsmanship camp began to directly call Yan Liqiang Master Yan.

Seeing Yan Liqiang like this, Qian Su was completely relieved. At the same time, he was also surprised. He didn't know how Yan Dechang could raise such a son. Could it be that what Yan Dechang said to him before was deliberately modest, or Yan Dechang didn't understand it at all. His own son.

Yunxilou's roasted whole lamb and Sichuan pepper chicken both taste good and can be called delicious. Compared with the ones he had eaten in his previous life that were full of clenbuterol, artificial hormones, and various chemical additives. The so-called delicious food, the delicious food in this world is more than a hundred times better.

This place that my father, Yan Dechang, found for himself is really nice. There is food, drink, and fun, haha...

Yan Liqiang just let go and had a full meal. When the sky was dark, the sky was full of stars, and everyone finally dispersed, he left with Qian Su satisfied.

"Uh..." On the way back to the courtyard, Yan Liqiang touched his stomach with satisfaction and burped.

"How is it here?" Qian Su asked him with a smile.

"Uncle Qian's territory is naturally excellent!" Yan Li Qiang replied Zhen Huanti.

"In addition to practicing martial arts at home, have you learned your father's blacksmithing skills?"

"My father didn't let me learn at first, wanting me to focus on practicing martial arts. However, after practicing martial arts, I often went to my father's workshop to play, sometimes helping out, and over the years many times we went directly to the blacksmith's room to work together. I can basically do what my father knows about blacksmithing and blowing, but I'm just not as skilled as him! As the son of a blacksmith, if I don't know how to blacksmith, I'd be forgetting my roots."

"Not bad, not bad!" Qian Su nodded with satisfaction and said with some emotion, "In this world, although martial arts training can lead to rapid success, not everyone has the qualifications to practice martial arts and can successfully build a foundation, just like your father and I , I also wanted to practice martial arts when I was young, but in the end I took the path of a blacksmith. In this world, most people live an ordinary life of firewood, rice, oil and salt, just like the rescuer we met on the dock today. The boatman, when he was young, he may not have had great ambitions. It was just a fate. In the end, in order to survive, he could only make a living on the water. He replaced the big gun in his hand with a pole. You have been recovering here these days. If you have time, you can go around various courtyards. If you want to learn something, those people will never hide anything and will definitely teach you everything. It is not a bad thing for young people to learn more skills and gain more knowledge, even if you In the future, you can build a foundation and embark on the path of a true warrior. It will also be good for your practice to have a broader vision and gain more knowledge!"

"Okay, I remember!" Yan Liqiang nodded.

Qian Su looked at Yan Liqiang and suddenly asked a question, "What do you think of my position?"

"Uncle Qian is here, I think he is like a fish in water, very nourished!"

Qian Su laughed loudly, "It's like a fish in water, nourished. What you said is interesting. It's true. In Pingxi County, the supervisors of every craftsmanship camp are fat men. There are countless craftsmen in the governor's house, and there is no shortage of them. Blacksmith, do you know how I can achieve this position steadily?"

Qian Su's question was a bit in-depth and seemed to have great meaning. Yan Liqiang did not answer immediately. He pondered, glanced at Qian Su, and found that Qian Su was looking at him. Under the moonlight, the eyes of his father's junior brother Bright and somewhat profound.

It's a bit like the elders are taking a test.

"Don't pretend to be stupid for me..." Qian Su reminded him seriously.

Yan Liqiang smiled sheepishly, and in the end he could only tell the truth, "For Uncle Qian to have the status he has today and to hold the position of Camp Supervisor, I think Uncle Qian must be able to lower his head to pull the cart and also raise his head to see the road..."

"I can lower my head to pull the cart, but also raise my head to see the road!" Qian Su repeated what Yan Liqiang said, and everyone was stunned. He really didn't expect that a fourteen-year-old boy could say such a thing. He had great insights and spoke so implicitly. The questions he asked naturally had answers in his mind. His answers were similar to what Yan Liqiang said, but they were not as penetrating, vivid and considerate as what Yan Liqiang said. To lose his face, just twelve short words capture the essence of it.

Looking at Qian Su's face, Yan Liqiang knew that he was right. The words he just said were not invented by him, but the most profound summary of life experience he had ever heard in his previous life. It is common in officialdom and in the workplace. No problem, this sentence is almost the truth. Say it now, there is no room for criticism.

There are many differences between this world and the earth in his previous life, but the human heart and humanity are not the same at all.

"Alas..." Qian Su suddenly sighed, "If you can say such things, I really have nothing to teach you!"

"No, I still have a lot to learn from Uncle Qian..."

"Haha, there's no need to be modest. It's really unusual for Yan Dechang to have a son like you. I'll be content for the rest of my life..." Qian Su said with some emotion, then took out a bottle of medicine from his arms and handed it to Yan Liqiang. , "Just use this bottle of medicine to rub on the injured area these days. It's getting late today, so go back and rest early!"

Yan Liqiang returned to the small courtyard with the medicine Qian Su gave him. Once the door of the small courtyard was closed, the entire small courtyard became his own little world.

In the small courtyard, apart from him and the big tree, there was only the moonlight and stars in the sky.

He had just finished eating and it was not advisable to fall asleep immediately, so Yan Liqiang took a stroll in the small courtyard, eating while strolling and admiring the brilliant stars.

For a reborn person, the shock of the magnificent and brilliant starry sky in this world is ten times more powerful than any blockbuster he has seen in the cinema before. In a short period of time, he really can't get enough of it. .

Just looking up at the starry sky, Yan Liqiang felt like it was a kind of enjoyment.

An hour later, the night was getting darker, and there was some coolness in the air. After a yawn, Yan Liqiang, who felt a little sleepy, washed up in the yard, then returned to his attic room, applied medicine, put on his pajamas, Just fell asleep.

The effect of the medicine Qian Su brought was really different from the medicine he got in the medical clinic. When he opened the medicine bottle, he smelled a strange fragrance. As soon as the medicine was applied to the affected area, Yan Liqiang felt a slight The cool breath penetrated into his skin, and the discomfort caused by the iron sand palm was relieved a lot in an instant.

Speaking of which, Yan Liqiang had not slept for two days, and he was already feeling sleepy. At this time, he felt comfortable, and in just a moment, Yan Liqiang fell into a sweet dream.

In his sleep, a line of text suddenly emerged from the deepest part of Yan Liqiang's consciousness, and then the text appeared clearly in his sea of consciousness.

—I was born weak, and grew up with poor health. Before the age of ten, he had improper diet and often suffered from diseases such as epidemic cold and stagnation. After the age of ten, he indulged in alcohol and suffered from many wounds. When he was nineteen years old, he was trapped in foreign smoke again. At the age of thirty, his body became more frail and his illness became more severe. If you move, you will be frightened, if you walk, you will be startled, with wind-heat and dampness, making you unable to sit still, with cold and hot weather day and night, when you are in a sick place, your body will be dying...

As this line of text appeared, more and more words emerged from the deepest part of Yan Liqiang's consciousness, like animals waking up from hibernation, appearing one after another in Yan Liqiang's sea of consciousness.

-Shi Shi orally transmitted the heart seal, and prayed to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the gods and kings of the gods, and the Arhat ancestors of the past generations. The Dharma images are different, and each has its own strength, so it is difficult to obtain them all. Learn one lesson at a time and make it too complex, choose one lesson and make it simple...

- During the Taihe period of Emperor Xiaoming of the Later Wei Dynasty, Master Bodhidharma came from Liang Dynasty to the Wei Dynasty and went to the Shaolin Temple. One day, he told his disciples, "If you tell me what you know, I will take advantage of it." All the reasons are there for further study. The master said: Someone will get my skin, someone will get my flesh, and someone will get my bones. But Yu Huike said, "You have obtained my marrow." Later generations interpreted it casually and thought that the entry into Tao was shallow and profound. I don’t know that it actually has something to say, and it’s not just a random statement. In the ninth year of his reign, he was buried at the foot of Xiong'er Mountain and left behind.

On the back wall, the monument was damaged by wind and rain. Shaolin monks repaired it and obtained an iron letter, which cannot be opened without sealing it. A monk realized that this must be glued firmly, and it is better to use fire to open the letter. It is filled with molten wax and spreads everywhere. Therefore, I got two copies of the collected scriptures, one is called "Marrow Cleansing Sutra", and the other is called "Yijin Sutra". The "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" says that when a person is born, he is touched by love and desire, and as soon as it becomes tangible, everything will be filled with filth. If you want to cultivate the truth of Buddhism, you will be hindered by the truth. For example, the five internal organs, limbs and bones must be washed and purified one by one. Only then can you further practice and enter the land of Buddha's wisdom...

- Obtain the so-called solid ground of vajra, tame it into the ground of Buddha's wisdom, and learn to have basic tendons. The monk's ambition is strong and refined, and he does not get lost in worldly affairs. He follows the holy monk and travels across the sea and mountains without knowing where he is. Xu Hong met a guest overseas and learned its secrets.

—Preface by Li Yaoshi, Duke Wei of the Tang Dynasty…

- He is a martial artist who cannot read a single word, but is good at wielding spears and swords, riding horses and bending bows for fun. At the time when the Central Plains was lost, Huiqin was hunting in the north, mud horses were crossing the river, and there were many events in the south of the Yangtze River. In response to the recruitment of Marshal Shaobao Yue, I was appointed as a general. After many military exploits, I became a general. I recall that in the past, Yue Shaobao was ordered to go on an expedition, and then his troops returned to Hubei. On the way home, I suddenly saw a traveling monk with a strange and ancient appearance, resembling an Arhat statue. He entered the camp holding a letter and asked him to protect him. When he asked why, the monk said: "General, does he know that Shaobao has supernatural powers?" I said, "I don't know, but I have seen that Shaobao can pull a bow of a hundred stones." The monk said: Shaobao has divine power, is he gifted? Yu said: Yes. The monk said: No, I gave him the ear. Shaobao tried to engage in Yu. The divine power is successful, and I ask him to follow him into the Tao.

——In the twelfth year of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty, General Niu Gaohe, a general of Hongyi under the command of Shaobaoyue, the general of Ezhen, was prefaced by Jiufu

The Buddha's general idea is that there are two initial foundations for those who have reached the right state of enlightenment: the first is pure emptiness, and the second is transformation. If you can clear the void, there will be no obstacles; if you can extricate yourself, there will be no obstacles...

What is said is that clearing the deficiency means changing the tendons; removing the changes means washing the marrow...

His theory of marrow cleansing means that when a person is born with sexual desires, once they fall into the tangible body, and all the internal organs and limbs are stained by the filth, they must be completely washed away without any blemishes before they can step into the door of the Eight Saints. , if you don’t follow this, you will have no foundation to advance. It is said that those who cleanse the marrow want to clear the inside; those who change the tendons want to strengthen the outside. If you can be calm on the inside and solid on the outside, and reach the realm of longevity between the ears on the back of your hands, why worry about failure

Moreover, it is said that the muscles and bones of the human body are affected by the fetal endowment. There are those with loose muscles, those with spasms, those with weak muscles, those with weak muscles, those with contracted muscles, those with strong muscles, those with relaxed muscles, those with strong muscles, and those with strong muscles. Harmony, all kinds of differences are all due to fetal endowment. For example, if the muscles are relaxed, they will be sick, if the muscles are sparse, they will be weak, if the muscles are weak, they will be weak, if the muscles are weak, they will be slack, if the muscles are contracted, they will die, if the muscles are strong, they will be strong, if the muscles are relaxed, they will be long, if the muscles are strong, they will be strong, and if the muscles are harmonious, they will be healthy. If a person does not have pure and void inside but has obstacles, and does not have solidity but has obstacles outside, how can he enter the Tao? Therefore, when entering the Tao, one must not first change the tendons to strengthen the body, and strengthen the inside to help the outside. Otherwise, the path will be difficult to predict. What he said about changing tendons is a big deal...

Word after word, words kept appearing in Yan Liqiang’s mind...

After these words appeared, what appeared in Yan Liqiang's mind were pictures of practice exercises.

In the end, all the words and images were merged together and turned into a book. The title of the book was "Zeng Yan Yi Jin Washing Marrow Neigong Illustrated Explanation" in ten large golden characters, and then the book was integrated into In Yan Liqiang's sea of consciousness...

(End of chapter)