Silver Overlord

Chapter 110: Partnership


After taking a clean bath in the stream, changing into clean clothes, and then washing the clothes and gloves he wore for cleaning the toilet and hanging them up to dry, Yan Liqiang's morning work came to an end.

Yan Liqiang is not a person with a particular obsession with cleanliness, otherwise he would not be able to do this job. However, the clothes he was wearing all had a smell to some extent after cleaning the toilet. Yan Liqiang didn't want people to look at him differently wherever he went, so naturally he had to change into clean clothes. This was also the reason why Yan Liqiang prepared several sets of clothes for himself.

"Brother Li Qiang, next..." Yan Liqiang had just finished drying his clothes when Gu Zexuan and Zhao Huipeng came to his yard while chewing corn cobs and threw a cooked corn cob and a boiled egg to Li Qiang.

The corn cob was still a little hot, but no longer scalding. Yan Liqiang took the corn cob and removed the two outermost leaves. A fresh scent of corn filled his face. After working all morning, he was already starving, so he took the corn cob and started eating without hesitation.

The Sword God Sect only provides two meals a day, morning and evening, and does not care about anything else. As for the so-called two meals, for outer disciples like Yan Liqiang, they just go to the Gray Robe Hall to get six steamed buns or the same number of pickled vegetable buns, and then there is nothing else. The treatment of outer disciples is no different from when he was in the Discipline Courtyard. As long as they are not starved to death, it's fine.

Yesterday was the first time in Yan Liqiang's life that he had eaten a bun with salted radish as the filling. The food in Huiyi Hall was simply bizarre.

As for the outer disciples who want to eat better, that’s no problem. There are many restaurants in the several towns of the Sword God Sect, offering all kinds of delicious fish and meat, as long as you have money.

The rules of the Sword God Sect forced the outer disciples to either grit their teeth and live a hard life, or grit their teeth and work hard to make themselves stronger and leave the class of outer disciples as soon as possible.

Logically speaking, Gu Zexuan and Yan Liqiang and others were not allowed to eat the corn cobs in the field, as the harvest of these crops belonged to the sect. However, a living person could not be suffocated to death by urine, so Gu Zexuan gave some silver to the older old men who lived here, and often bought eggs and other things from them and cooked them. Those chickens were raised by the old men themselves and were their private property. As for breaking off a few corns and cooking them together with the bought eggs in the field, the old men simply pretended not to see it.

"How is it? Is this job easy? If you need help, just let me know. Zhao Huipeng and I will help you..." Gu Zexuan said to Yan Liqiang while chewing on a corn cob.

"It's OK. I won't bother you two. It's a bit hard, but I can do it by myself..."

I don’t know if it’s because I’m too hungry or because I’m tired of eating steamed buns these days, but this ordinary boiled corn cob tastes particularly sweet at this time, like a supreme delicacy.

"You're pretty fast at cleaning the toilet. I've seen some of the outer disciples who came to Tianqiao Peak to clean the toilets before. Some of them would spend half a day just to carry water up from the bottom of the mountain..."

"Maybe there are more people on the mountain road of Tianqiao Peak during the day, so those who carry water up are slower. I go at night, when there is no one on the mountain road, and I can run with the water, so it's faster!" Yan Liqiang said modestly. His strength and endurance are simply not comparable to those of ordinary outer disciples. So just by carrying water up the mountain, he can save several hours compared to other disciples. In this way, the time he takes to complete the work is greatly shortened.

"Haha, this way, Brother Li Qiang, you will have all your time free during the day. You can practice hard and strive to advance as soon as possible, and make that Huo guy angry to death!"

"I don't know when I can advance. I have only passed the horse stance test. It's too early for me to become a warrior, let alone advance to the Dragon and Tiger Warrior!"

"It doesn't matter. You can't rush your cultivation. Just take your time. As long as you persist, there will always be a day when everything will come naturally. But there is one thing that can't be slowed down, and that is making money!" Gu Zexuan sighed, "Before becoming a direct disciple, life in the Sword God Sect is not easy without money. Even having a good meal is a problem. Although my family is not poor, it is not a solution to ask my family to ask someone to bring money every year. A grown man must be self-reliant when he goes out. I wonder if you have any way to make money, if so, we can do it together. The three of us together are always better than one person, and it is easier to do things. Those who have money can contribute money, those who have methods can contribute methods, and those who have strength can contribute some strength. Let's see if we can find a way to make money..."

"Brothers, what methods have you tried to make money before? Tell us about it!"

"Well... My family used to be stonemasons. A few months ago, Senior Brother Gu bought me some stonemason's tools. Senior Brother Gu and I tried to make a few stone mortars for pounding medicine and took them to the market to sell, but we didn't sell any..." Zhao Huipeng said with a red face, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, don't mention it. Everything is good at home, but it's hard to go out. Brother, you saw it when you went to the market yesterday. As long as it's a job that can make money, those who can do it have done it, and those who can't do it have done it. It's really not easy to make some money without affecting your practice..."

Yan Liqiang suddenly had an idea and thought of a way. Although he had tried his best to clean the toilet today, he was still a little dissatisfied, that is, the odor in the toilet could not be completely removed after cleaning. He was thinking about how to do this job perfectly while taking a shower just now. He already had several plans in his mind and was considering them. Just then, Gu Zexuan talked about making money, and he immediately thought of the simplest one of them. Maybe he could give it a try.

"Well... I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work!"

"What method? Tell me about it, brother!" Gu Zexuan immediately said with interest.

"I just thought of this idea today when I went to clean the toilet. Um... My grandfather used to be a traveling doctor. He knows a way to get rid of the bad smell in the toilet. Brother Gu, do you think if we can make something that can get rid of and significantly reduce the bad smell in the toilet, can we sell it?"

"Are you talking about the sachet? This thing has been around for a long time, right?"

"It's not the sachet. The sachet covers the odor in the toilet, not removes it. What I'm talking about is another way..."

"Is this thing easy to make? How much silver do I need to invest to see the effect?"

"It's very easy to make. If you want to invest money, it will probably only cost a few cents. You can make a batch of samples and try it out..."

"How much does it cost to make it?" Gu Zexuan's eyes widened. "So cheap?"

"It doesn't cost much to make this, it just takes a little time. If you start now, it will take about two or three months to see the finished product!"

"What are you waiting for? Just do it!" Gu Zexuan slapped his thigh and shouted, "It's just a few cents. It's nothing. It's gone if you eat a good meal. Two or three months is not a long time. We can give it a try. If this method works, it will be a long-term business. It's definitely worth a try. So, you come up with the idea this time, and Zhao Huipeng and I will put in some money and effort. You tell us how to do it, and we'll do it. If we can sell it and make money in the future, you take half, and Zhao Huipeng and I take half together. What do you think?"

"Okay, then it's settled!" Yan Liqiang laughed.

Gu Zexuan and Zhao Huipeng were both a little excited, rubbing their hands, "Brother, what do you think is needed to make that thing?"

"We need some large earthenware jars for pickling vegetables..."

"A big earthen jar for pickling pickles?" Gu Zexuan was stunned for a moment, then he didn't ask anything and simply said, "Okay, I'll go buy it now..."

(End of this chapter)