Silver Overlord

Chapter 124: what happened


The black-ringed viper is a venomous snake, and not just any venomous snake. The first time Yan Liqiang witnessed the power of this snake's venom was during a class at the National Martial Arts Hall. The teacher who taught them that day specially brought a horse to do an experiment. He took some venom from the teeth of a living black-ringed viper, dipped the tip of a needle into the venom, and then stuck the needle into the horse's body.

The moment the needle pricked the horse, its body suddenly stiffened and its limbs straightened. Then it fell to the ground with a bang like a knocked-over wooden sculpture.

The venom of the black-ringed viper is not directly fatal, but once it comes into contact with blood, it will instantly paralyze the victim's entire body and make him unable to move. Compared with the ice ants that once bit Yan Liqiang, the paralyzing effect of the black-ringed viper's venom is at least ten times that of the ice ants.

Yan Liqiang bought the snake, of course not to eat it, nor for its gallbladder, but for its venom.

Before lunch, Yan Liqiang returned to Wuyang Village. After returning to the courtyard and closing the door, he entered the room. Yan Liqiang pinched the black-ringed viper by its seven-inch wrist and took it out of the bamboo cage. Then he took out a small porcelain bottle he had bought that day, let the black-ringed viper open its mouth, bit the edge of the porcelain bottle with its fangs, and bit hard with his hand. The venom of the black-ringed viper was squeezed out drop by drop from the venom gland next to its teeth.

This black-ringed viper has probably never been taken venom by humans while it's still alive, so its venom reserves are extremely rich. It took many drops of venom to gradually deplete its venom.

Yan Liqiang put the snake back into the bamboo cage and carefully smeared the snake venom in the bottle on the four darts he had made. He did this several times. Only after all the venom had been consumed did he carefully put away and hide the darts.

After finishing all this, Yan Liqiang changed into a new set of clothes, went down the mountain to eat noodles, bought some steamed buns and brought them back, and then continued to practice blowing needles.

When it comes to cultivation, no matter how much you talk about it, it's not as effective as trying it yourself, because cultivation itself is a process of practice makes perfect. The results of practicing for one hour and the results of practicing for a day are completely different. If you can practice for ten days, the difference will be even greater.

In order to kill Wang Haofei, Yan Liqiang knew that he only had one chance to use the blowgun. If he missed this opportunity, it would be difficult to get a second chance, so he had to make sure that he would not miss in this only chance. If he wanted to avoid missing, there was no other way except to practice hard.

With the scorching sun overhead, Yan Liqiang was training until his mouth was dry and sweat was pouring down his back, but he still persisted.

He carried a wooden barrel full of water from the kitchen. When he was thirsty, he scooped a bowl of water from the barrel and drank it. When he was hot, he simply poured the bowl of water over his head.

Through constant practice, Yan Liqiang became more and more familiar with the use of the blowgun. Gradually, every time he blew the blowgun, he seemed to have found the same feeling of coordination between his heart and hands that he had when he first practiced archery. The accuracy of his blowguns also became higher and higher...

At dusk, the sky was full of colorful clouds. Just when Yan Liqiang had forgotten how many times he had practiced, suddenly, Yan Liqiang felt a flash of red light around him. Before he could react to what was happening, a strange and turbulent energy suddenly poured into his body from the top of his head. The strange energy that poured into his body was divided into three streams at the moment it entered his body. One of the energies went straight to Yan Liqiang's eyes, making his eyes feel indescribably cool, just like a person with a high fever suddenly soaking in ice-cold spring water. Another stream rushed to his hands, making his hands tremble as if he was electrocuted. The third stream of energy wrapped his lungs and the entire chest cavity, making Yan Liqiang feel that his lungs were clear. For a moment, Yan Liqiang seemed to feel that his lungs had turned into metal bellows, which could not be broken no matter how hard he pulled...

The red light around him became more and more, and slowly, the shadow of a huge wasp appeared in the red light.

After a long while, the huge wasp shadow suddenly sank into Yan Liqiang's body, and the energy that enveloped Yan Liqiang's eyes, hands, and lungs slowly disappeared.

Yan Liqiang was completely stunned and could not believe what he had just experienced.

The red light that just appeared beside him was exactly the same as the situation he had experienced many times before when he was promoted to a higher level in martial arts. There was nothing strange about it. However, he was not practicing any martial arts just now. He was just practicing blowing arrows. Also, the figure of the wasp that just appeared in the red light was something Yan Liqiang had never heard of or seen before. Yan Liqiang had never heard that some martial arts advancement phenomena were caused by such strange things as wasps.

More importantly, Yan Liqiang felt his body at the moment and found that he was in an indescribable state as if he was floating in the air.

When the light and shadow of the hornet sank into Yan Liqiang's body, Yan Liqiang felt his body suddenly become lighter, as if he had suddenly lost a lot of weight. To be honest, Yan Liqiang had only experienced this kind of light and shadow entering his body and improving his physical condition once. That was when he was passing the horse stance test, he squatted out a rhinoceros horse. When the light and shadow of the rhinoceros horse sank into his body, Yan Liqiang felt his legs filled with tremendous power. And just now, when the light and shadow of the hornet merged with him, that similar feeling came again, but last time he gained strength, but this time, he felt that his body had become more agile.

Not only did his body become more agile, Yan Liqiang also discovered that his eyes, hands, and lungs seemed to be significantly different from before.

When Yan Liqiang looked at the pomegranate tree again, the pomegranate tree seemed to become much clearer in his eyes than before. It was as if his eyes were two 3-megapixel cameras before, and in the blink of an eye, those two 3-megapixel cameras were replaced with 5-megapixel ones. When his eyes were fixed on a pomegranate on the tree, the pomegranate seemed to be focused, zoomed in, and enlarged.

This visual experience is really shocking.

Yan Liqiang waved his arms. For some reason, he felt that he was waving his arms much faster and more flexibly than usual. Compared with his current state, his previous state was as if the joints of his arms lacked lubrication, while his muscles had no strength and his tendons had no elasticity.

Yan Liqiang waved his arms back and forth quickly several times. The reaction speed and flexibility of his arms were really fast.

And the lungs. Yan Liqiang took a deep breath and found that when he inhaled, he could breathe longer and deeper...

How is this going

(End of this chapter)