Silver Overlord

Chapter 129: The whole city is in turmoil


Getting rid of Wang Haofei, the rubbish, meant that for a long time, Yan Liqiang would become an insignificant passerby in the eyes of the Ye family, a transparent person, an ordinary new student in the national martial arts hall, and would not have any intersection with the Ye family for the time being. His imminent survival crisis was also temporarily resolved, giving him more time to prepare and deal with it. It was for this reason that Yan Liqiang slept very soundly and sweetly that night. It was almost the best sleep he had ever had since he woke up from that illusory experience...

The next morning, Yan Liqiang got up early again, opened the window in the room, and did his morning lessons facing the fresh breeze blowing from Wanshou Lake.

Wanshou Lake is still the same Wanshou Lake, but early in the morning, before dawn, there are a few lights floating on the foggy lake.

Yan Liqiang's eyes, after three strengthenings by the Heavenly Dao, had undergone strange changes. Normally, when he looked at things close to him, he could see them almost the same as before, only clearer. However, once he focused his gaze on things far away, his eyes would show something different from that of ordinary people. There would be a little more brilliance in his pupils, and when the brilliance flashed, he could see things clearly, just like an eagle. Even if they were ten thousand meters away, he could see them clearly. The few lights in the distance on the misty Wanshou Lake immediately appeared clearly in front of his eyes as he focused his attention...

There were several pleasure boats on Wanshou Lake, with lanterns hanging on them. However, the people on the boats were no longer tourists, but soldiers from Pingxi City. Soldiers stood on both sides of the deck, each holding a strong bow and crossbow, staring at the lake. Many soldiers were holding long bamboo poles and poking in the water. Judging from their faces, they must have stayed on the boats for most of the night. Many of them looked a little tired, but they still didn't relax...

There is no doubt that these soldiers should have been transferred out to Wanshou Lake to search for Guo Shanfeng last night.

There are several small islands and some reed fields in Wanshou Lake. It would take a lot of manpower and time to search these places carefully.

Guo Shan Feng's facial features were very obvious. When the two women saw him last night, as soon as they described his face, the people in the Criminal Investigation Office immediately knew that it was Guo Shan Feng who was wanted.

A wanted criminal who had committed crimes and killed many people in Qinghe County not long ago actually sneaked into the county city and killed the son of a wealthy family. Such news must have shocked many people. While making many people panic, it will also make some people angry. For example, the county magistrate surnamed Ye, as the highest authority in Pingxi County, even if for nothing else, just for his own face and official reputation, he would not allow a bandit to do whatever he wants in Pingxi City and cause a war. That is inevitable.

After finishing the morning lessons, Yan Liqiang showed a strange smile on his face as he looked at the pleasure boats still floating on the lake after the sky brightened.

Afterwards, he had breakfast in the inn and after settling the room and meal bills, Yan Liqiang left the inn called Tingtao Yayuan.

On the streets of Pingxi City, there are obviously more policemen patrolling than yesterday. There are also many characters like city foxes and rats. They gather in places like alleys and street corners, squatting on the ground or under the eaves, holding grass root toothpicks in their mouths, looking at the passers-by with a thief look, and paying special attention to those pedestrians wearing hats or conical hats.

Not long after Yan Liqiang left the inn, he saw an old man wearing a straw hat walking out of a roadside alley. He was walking in front of him. Then, two thugs suddenly rushed out from the street corner and deliberately walked towards the old man. When they passed by each other, one of the thugs deliberately bumped into the old man, causing him to fall down on purpose. The other thug knocked the straw hat off the old man's head while pulling him, revealing the white-haired and wrinkled face under the hat.

"What are you doing?" the old man was furious.

“Sorry, sorry, my brother is drunk, drunk…” the two thugs said, and in the blink of an eye they slipped into the alley and disappeared.

The two thugs completely ignored Yan Liqiang who was walking behind the old man.

Before he had walked 200 meters, the old man was stopped by several patrolling policemen and asked to take off his bamboo hat...

Yan Liqiang walked past the patrolmen and the old man without looking around. After only half an hour, Yan Liqiang arrived near Jiulong Bridge on the east side of Pingxi City.

During the day, the streets on the east side of Jiulong Bridge, the oldest commercial district in Pingxi City, are still bustling. However, the west side across the bridge is much quieter because it is the gathering area of the Shatu people.

However, on the busy street east of Kowloon Bridge, there is an exception, that is the pharmacy at the east end of Kowloon Bridge. The door of the pharmacy has been closed and it is not open for business. The doors and windows outside the pharmacy are also damaged and smashed. At the door of the pharmacy, several Shatu people with machetes hanging on their waists are sitting on blankets, blocking the door of the pharmacy and occupying part of the sidewalk. On the walls on both sides of the door of the pharmacy, there is a piece of ink splashed there, and there are two lines of crooked words - kill someone and pay with your life, owe money and pay it back!

“What are you looking at…” The Shatu people sitting on the ground didn’t care at all about the gazes of passers-by. Sometimes they would even look at them viciously, like man-eating wolves. However, when the Shatu people turned their eyes and looked at the prosperous streets and shops around them, the greed in their eyes could not be concealed.

Yan Liqiang knew exactly what had happened here. When he passed by the door of the pharmacy, he just glanced at the Shatu people and walked past.

Not far from the Kowloon Bridge, that is, behind this bustling street, is an old residential area for the Chinese people. Because this residential area is relatively close to the settlement of the Shatu people, separated by a river, it is still okay during the day, but at night there will often be Shatu people coming to the Kowloon Bridge to make trouble, especially in the past two years, the Shatu people have become more and more violent, so many people living in this residential area have moved away one after another over the years. The rooms in this residential area are almost the cheapest in Pingxi City.

After just a short stroll in this residential area, Yan Liqiang saw a small courtyard that was listed for rent. Without much effort, Yan Liqiang paid a year's rent at a reasonable price and did not look for any real estate agent. He rented the courtyard from an elderly couple who made tofu and did not live in it.

He rented the yard and was busy buying some daily necessities. After working all morning, he finally found his first place to stay in Pingxi City.

After having lunch in the city, Yan Liqiang left the city in the afternoon.

At the entrance of the west gate of Pingxi City, a wanted poster of Guo Shan Feng had been posted. A large group of people were standing there looking at him. Yan Liqiang moved closer to the crowd and heard a man who looked like a scholar shaking his head and reading under the poster, "Wanted murderer Guo Shan Feng, dead or alive. Anyone who can kill this thief will be rewarded with 100 taels of gold. Anyone who can provide clues to his whereabouts will be rewarded with 10 taels of gold..."

When they heard about the reward of 100 taels of gold, the crowd exclaimed in amazement and began to talk about it.

"What's going on? What law did this person break?"

"Don't you know that this man is a murderous bandit? He almost wiped out a wealthy family in Qinghe County a few days ago. Last night, this Guoshanfeng killed a rich young man in the plum garden in the city. Now the city's police station is in an uproar..."

"How did he sneak into the city?"

"Who knows..."

The portrait of Guo Shanfeng was much more similar to the one painted in Qinghe County than before. Guo Shanfeng's sinister face, triangular eyes and the black mole on his face were already at the level of a criminal investigation portrait. It seemed that the level of painters in the criminal investigation office in the county town was much higher than that of Qinghe County. However, the gap between this line-drawing portrait drawn with a brush dipped in ink and a real sketch, especially the portrait drawn by a professional criminal investigation painter like Yan Liqiang, was quite large.

Listening to the discussions around him, Yan Liqiang smiled in his heart, then stepped out of the crowd, easily passed the inspection, exited the city gate, and returned to Wuyang Village!

That afternoon, Yan Liqiang went up the mountain again and began to practice his blowgun skills without stopping.

After receiving the Heavenly Dao Infusion three times, Yan Liqiang felt that the highest realm of the Blowing Arrow was definitely more than three levels, and he could still make a breakthrough...

(End of this chapter)