Silver Overlord

Chapter 130: One law leads to all laws


While the mountain wind was causing turmoil in Pingxi City, Yan Liqiang was practicing hard every day in Wuyang Village...

On September 11, which was four days after Yan Liqiang killed Wang Haofei, Yan Liqiang's blowgun finally advanced to the fourth level.

The first two levels of the blowpipe allow Yan Liqiang to kill enemies at a farther distance, and the third level allows Yan Liqiang to accurately hit moving targets while in motion. The fourth level is a step up from the third level. In the fourth level, Yan Liqiang becomes more sensitive to the surrounding airflow. The blowpipe he blows out seems to have become a living thing that can sense him. At the moment the blowpipe flies out of the blowpipe, he can move the blowpipe and apply an extra force to the flying blowpipe, allowing the blowpipe to fly in strange curves in the air, making it even more difficult to defend against.

Before the third level of the blow dart skill, the attack of the blow dart is in a straight line, but after the fourth level, let’s put it this way, if Yan Liqiang wants, he can even use the blow dart to attack the target within forty meters behind him.

Four days later, on September 15th, Yan Liqiang's dart-blowing skill advanced to the fifth level.

The blowpipe at the fifth level is not only more bizarre and changeable, with a longer range and stronger attack power, but Yan Liqiang's control over the blowpipe has reached a whole new level. In this realm, Yan Liqiang knows everything about the blowpipe as if he has a telepathic connection with it. In this realm, as long as he sees the blowpipe, he will know what the best and most compatible blowpipe should be, how long the needle head should be, how much weight it has compared to the needle tail, how to use force with the mouth and hands when blowing, how many variations there are, and so on. Or vice versa, as long as he makes a blowpipe at random, he can feel what kind of blowpipe should be like for the blowpipe to exert its maximum power, how long it should be, what the caliber is, how many variations the blowpipe can have in the air... all the data and feelings will appear in his mind.

The advancement of the blowpipe skill from the third level to the fifth level gave Yan Liqiang two opportunities to receive the Heavenly Dao Infusion. At the same time, after advancing to the fifth level, Yan Liqiang also felt clearly that this was the highest level of the blowpipe skill that could be achieved using a blowpipe. No matter how much he practiced in the future, as long as he continued to use the blowpipe, there would be no improvement. If he wanted to improve, he had to abandon the blowpipe and break the rut in order to survive and continue to break through.

This feeling was not told to him by anyone, but was the enlightenment that arose in his heart when he received the fifth Heavenly Dao Infusion.

Starting from September 16, Yan Liqiang no longer used a blowpipe when training with the dart, but instead tried to use his hands to hold the dart and exert force.

The new attempt was indeed difficult at the beginning, but because the feeling of telepathy was always there, in just two days, Yan Liqiang figured out the trick of firing darts without using a blowpipe. The trick can be summed up in eight words - no blowpipe in the hand, but a blowpipe in the heart.

When using his hand to shoot the dart, he imagined his hand as a long blowpipe. His fingers, palm, arm, skin, muscles, bones, and tendons were the components of the blowpipe. The power that burst out from every inch of flesh and blood in his hand was the same as the power that burst out from his lungs. Through the control and manipulation of the power, he could use his hands to do things that only a blowpipe could do, and even make the flying darts have more changes.

On September 23, Yan Liqiang's blowpipe broke through to the sixth level, and the sixth Heavenly Dao Infusion arrived as scheduled.

Yan Liqiang learned without a teacher and continued to make breakthroughs.

At this time, Yan Liqiang had forgotten to eat and sleep. Every day, apart from practicing the Yijing Xisuijing and the two external skills, he practiced blowing arrows. Even he himself did not realize that in this state, he had quietly entered an absolutely positive and mysterious cycle of ability. Every time the Heavenly Dao was infused into his body, his entire hands, eyes, body, and lungs were improved. Such improvements laid the foundation for his continued breakthroughs, and after the breakthroughs, he would have new improvements...

Starting from September 24, Yan Liqiang removed the paper tail that looked like an airplane fairing at the tail of the dart, leaving only pure sewing needles in his hands, and continued to train with his hands. Because of his previous experience, in the new training, Yan Liqiang imagined the sewing needles without tails in his hands as darts with tails that became small enough to be negligible. In this way, he allowed his body and hands to constantly adapt and adjust.

It turns out that this approach is feasible.

Just six days later, on September 30th, Yan Liqiang received his seventh Heavenly Dao Infusion.

Since my right hand can send out flying needles, and make the flying needles have so many changes in the air, then my left hand should also be able to...

Since October 1, Yan Liqiang has started practicing releasing flying needles with both hands...

Soon, Yan Liqiang's left hand became as flexible as his right hand. Whatever his right hand could do, his left hand could also do. Not only that, Yan Liqiang also discovered another change in releasing the flying needles with both hands - that is, the flying needles released by both hands, in addition to the various changes imposed on the flying needles by the two hands, in the air, the flying needles can produce more unpredictable changes due to collision, friction, etc.

On October 7, the eighth Heavenly Dao Infusion arrived again.

At this time, Yan Liqiang's left and right hands were already able to release flying needles, but Yan Liqiang was still not satisfied.

The smaller and lighter an object is, the harder it is to control. Since I can control such a small sewing needle so easily, it should not be difficult to enlarge the sewing needle and replace it with a larger object, such as a throwing knife.

On October 8, Yan Liqiang replaced the sewing needles he used in training with two flying knives. When he held the flying knives in his hands, he visualized them as large sewing needles...

After just a few days, the flying knife in his hand had become as responsive as a sewing needle. Not only that, because the flying knife was heavier and easier to control, its range became longer and its power became more terrifying. Even if the flying knife was not poisoned, it could easily take a person's life.

On October 13, Yan Liqiang's flying knife had become as fast as lightning and as faint as a ghost fire within a hundred meters. The ninth Heavenly Dao Infusion arrived...

At this point, Yan Liqiang can hold not only flying knives, but also anything in his hand, from a small stone to a large axe. As long as he weighs it in his hand, he can find the best feel and control method to throw it almost instantly.

After the ninth time of Heavenly Dao Infusion, Yan Liqiang felt that his hidden weapon skills had reached an extremely high level. Above this level was an invisible ceiling. There seemed to be a last level behind that ceiling, but Yan Liqiang didn't know what that level was. He just felt that breaking through this ceiling would require opportunity and understanding, and it couldn't be rushed.

Because of this realization, Yan Liqiang gave up practicing hidden weapons and began to practice other skills.

On October 14th, Yan Liqiang cut down nine pine trees on the mountain, and drove nine wooden stakes more than two meters above the ground in the small courtyard where he rented. The nine stakes were arranged in a nine-square grid. These nine stakes were exactly the necessary tools for the Nine-square Wind Shadow Step to advance to the third level or above. To advance to the third level or above, the Nine-square Wind Shadow Step must be practiced on the wooden stakes more than two meters above the ground.

From that day on, Yan Liqiang began to practice the Nine Palace Wind Shadow Steps and Tiger Roaring Fists in the yard.

After nine times of Heavenly Dao Infusion, the strength, flexibility and reaction speed of Yan Liqiang's hands have reached an inhuman level. Similarly, because of the powerful blessing brought by the nine times of Heavenly Dao Infusion, his body's lightness and agility are totally different from before. Normally, when he walks up and down the mountain, it seems as if he is carrying the wind and his feet are floating in the air.

The Tiger Roaring Chain Fists require the agility and reaction speed of both hands, which is the essence of the word "chain". And the word "wind and shadow" in the Nine Palaces Wind Shadow Step requires the lightness of the body.

With the combined blessing of Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing and Nine Times Tian Dao Infusion, Yan Liqiang practiced these two skills again in the next few days, and it was like he had been given a cheat code. The speed of his advancement was so fast that Yan Liqiang couldn't believe it.

After only two days of practice, by October 15th, Yan Liqiang's Tiger Roaring Fist had broken through the fourth level and reached the highest level of Tiger Roaring Fist - the fifth level.

On October 16, he broke through the second level of the Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step, which he had not improved for a long time, and reached the third level.

In the following few days, Yan Liqiang advanced one level every three days. In just nine days, he had already mastered the secret of the Nine Palaces Wind Shadow Step given to him by Qian Su to the highest sixth level.

The sixth level of the Nine Palaces Wind Shadow Step not only allows Yan Liqiang to move as fast as the wind on the Nine Palaces Post, making people dazzled, but when Yan Liqiang runs, he is even faster than a galloping horse.

Although the secrets that Yan Liqiang practiced were not that powerful, and his Tiger Roaring Fists were a very common style of boxing, this speed of practice would be enough to scare a lot of people to death if it were made known to others.

After more than a month of hard training, Yan Liqiang transformed his strength at a speed that no one could imagine.

The ninth level of hidden weapon flying needle technique, the fifth level top level of tiger roaring chain punch, plus the sixth level top level of Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step, this kind of strength, placed in a teenager who is fourteen years old but not yet fifteen years old, is enough to make a lot of people drop their jaws. Even Yan Liqiang himself did not expect that after more than a month of hard training, he could actually reach this level.

At this time, it’s about time to go back to Pingxi City...

(End of this chapter)