Silver Overlord

Chapter 132: The mountains turn and the water turns


"Sixth Master, why did you come to Pingxi City? Is there something?" Yan Liqiang walked up to Lu Pein and asked politely.

"Alas, it's hard to put into words!" Lu Paien shook his head, a wry smile on his face, and then he cheered up again, "I haven't seen you for more than two months. Li Qiang, you are getting more and more energetic, and your complexion is good. It seems that your cultivation has improved. I guess it's not long before you advance to a warrior in the future!"

"Hahaha, I have nothing to worry about, unlike Master Liu, who has a lot to worry about!"

"You are the only one who knows how to talk!" Lu Pei'en also laughed. Every time he talked to Yan Liqiang, Lu Pei'en felt comfortable. He would involuntarily forget Yan Liqiang's age and treat Yan Liqiang as an adult. Qian Su was right when he said that his nephew was mature and precocious.

"I still need to learn a lot from Master Liu!"

"Oh, let's not talk anymore. I'm going to the National Martial Arts Museum first. I have something to ask the director. Li Qiang has something else to do, so you go first. We'll have lunch together at Lingbo Pavilion in Pingxi City..."

"I don't have anything to do right now. If you need my help, just tell me. As long as it's within my ability, I will never refuse!"

"Last time" his family encountered a disaster, in the end the Lu family had done their utmost to him and Yan Dechang. Yan Liqiang still remembered that it was this old man Lu who made the Sixth Master come to Pingxi City in person under tremendous pressure, and asked the Lu family for help in the city's connections to get his body back and help deal with the funeral. Although the Lu family was a powerful family in Huanglong County, they had indeed done their utmost to him.

As the saying goes, a person's true character is revealed in times of crisis. It is truly commendable that the Lu family can do this. To Yan Liqiang, such a Lu family is worth making friends with, no matter what the future holds for him and Lu Beixin, or whether they can be together again.

Seeing Yan Liqiang so enthusiastic and thoughtful, Lu Pei'en looked at Yan Liqiang carefully and found that Yan Liqiang had a frank and sincere face. He was not hypocritical at all, nor did he feel warm in his heart. Lu Pei'en muttered to himself, it seems that the old man's vision of people is really powerful. Yan Liqiang, who won the first place in the top three in Qinghe County, came to Pingxi City for two months. When he saw him again, he was not proud or arrogant at all, but became more respectful and polite. What is this? This is character cultivation. Such a person, as long as he has the opportunity, it is inevitable that he will rise to prominence.

"This is really annoying, but for now, there's no need for you to help out. Let's talk about it over lunch..."

"Okay, Master Liu, you go ahead and do your work. We'll talk at noon..."

Lu Pein talked to Yan Liqiang for a few words and walked straight towards the gate of the National Martial Arts Museum. Two guards at the gate stopped him. Lu Pein took out a gold-stamped business card and handed it over. The two guards looked at the business card and politely let Lu Pein in. One of them even took him up the mountain.

Yan Liqiang originally wanted to go back to Jiulong Bridge, but when he met Lu Payen here, he stayed and did not go anywhere else. He just waited here for Lu Payen to come back.

Judging from Lu Payen's expression, it was probably because the Lu family encountered some troubles or problems that were difficult to solve, so he appeared in Pingxi City. However, Yan Liqiang thought about it over and over again, but he couldn't think of what kind of trouble the Lu family might have encountered that required Lu Payen to run to the National Martial Arts Museum.

"Big brother, what is your name?" Seeing Lu Pei'en come in, Yan Liqiang started chatting with Lu Pei'en's driver. Judging from the driver's attire, he was also from Lujiazhuang.

"I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it. My name is Lu Dayou. If Mr. Yan thinks highly of me, you can just call me by my name!" Seeing Yan Liqiang being so polite, the coachman was flattered and a little frightened.

"Haha, Brother Lu knows me?"

“Of course I know. The method of treating drowning people that Master Yan passed down in Lujiazhuang is simply amazing. In the past few months, that method has saved several children in Huanglong County alone. That method was spread from our Lujiazhuang, and our Lujiazhuang also benefited from it and was praised by others. Now everyone in Lujiazhuang knows the name of Master Yan. They all say that Master Yan is kind-hearted and good people will be rewarded. This time, Master Yan took the first place in the top three in the Qinghe County National Martial Arts County Examination. Everyone in our Lujiazhuang knows about it and is happy for Master Yan…” The coachman smiled innocently and praised Yan Liqiang again.

"I wonder if Lujiazhuang has been doing well these past few months?"

"so far so good!"

"Is Mr. Lu in good health?"

"The old man is in good health. He can play with the stone lock weighing hundreds of kilograms for an hour every morning..."

"That's good, that's good. I wonder what troubles Sixth Master encountered when he came to the County City Martial Arts Hall this time?"

"This... I dare not say it!" Lu Dayou hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, looking embarrassed, "Don't blame me, Master Yan. If I tell you now, Master Liu will say that I have no manners. If Master Yan wants to know, you can ask Master Liu in person later..."

"Well, I'll ask Sixth Master in person later. Don't worry, Brother Lu!"

"This is best, this is best..."

"By the way, I wonder how many years Brother Lu has been driving a carriage..."

"Almost twenty years!"

"I wonder what the difference is between driving a cart and riding a horse, and if there are any tricks..."

As the saying goes, there must be a teacher among three people. Since they were free anyway, Yan Liqiang chatted with Lu Dayou about the tips of driving a carriage, how to take care of horses and rhinoceros horses, the advantages and disadvantages of various fodders, and how to deal with horses when they are sick... Lu Dayou originally thought that Yan Liqiang did not know how to take care of horses, but he did not expect that after chatting with Yan Liqiang, he found that Yan Liqiang spoke very well and had more experience than him. He was able to learn a lot from Yan Liqiang, and he also shared his various experiences of driving a carriage over the years with Yan Liqiang.

The two of them chatted for almost two hours.

When Lu Pei'en came out of the National Martial Arts Hall, the two were still chatting happily. The coachman Lu Dayou was so impressed with Yan Liqiang that he wished to make Yan Liqiang his confidant. He had been a coachman for so many years, and he felt that today he had the most enjoyable chat with Yan Liqiang. Of course, what he didn't know was that how to talk to people and establish a good relationship during the conversation was a special communication skill that Yan Liqiang had studied seriously when he was working in the workplace in his previous life. With this skill, plus the various experiences and knowledge that Yan Liqiang "once" learned from the governor's personal groom, Yan Liqiang could chat with him for a whole day without any problem.

"Sixth Master!"

"Sixth Master!"

"What are you two talking about? You seem so happy!"

"I have learned a lot of skills in taking care of horses from Master Yan here. I really admire Master Yan..." Lu Dayou answered first.

"Li Qiang, do you know how to raise horses?"

"I have a horse at home, so I know a little bit about how to drive. Just now, I was the one asking Brother Lu for advice on how to drive a cart. Brother Lu is too modest..." Yan Liqiang said modestly.

Lu Pei'en smiled and looked at Yan Liqiang deeply. Perhaps most people would look down on Yan Liqiang's ability to deal with low-level people, but for someone as experienced as Lu Pei'en, he would look at Yan Liqiang more highly and secretly admire him. "Liqiang, didn't you leave?"

"No, I'm just waiting here for Master Liu to come out and take me out for a good meal!"

How could a man like Yan Liqiang care about a meal? He waited here because he wanted to see if there was anything he could do to help. This kind of thought was precious. Lu Peien knew it, and he laughed. "Hahaha, okay, I think it's almost time, so let's go now. Let's take a carriage together. Liqiang, order whatever you want to eat today!"

"Haha, then Master Liu will have to spend the money!"

The two men got on the carriage, and Lu Dayou drove the carriage towards Lingbo Pavilion without Lu Payne's instructions.

In the carriage, Lu Payen did not say anything too important. He just asked Yan Liqiang about his studies in the National Martial Arts Hall with concern, and Yan Liqiang responded appropriately.

The carriage did move faster than a person, and the coachman Lu Dayou was obviously not in Pingxi City for the first time. He was very familiar with the roads in the city. In just a short while, the carriage arrived at Lingbo Pavilion.

Lingbo Pavilion is a famous restaurant in Pingxi City. This restaurant is located in the plum garden of Wanshou Lake.

When he came to Meiyuan again, Yan Liqiang didn't show anything on the surface, but he felt a little strange in his heart, because the last time he came here was to kill someone, and he ended up killing Wang Haofei.

They requested a quiet private room on the third floor of Lingbo Pavilion. After the food and drinks were served, the two drank two glasses of wine in the room. When Yan Liqiang asked Lu Pei'en again why he came to Pingxi City, Lu Pei'en drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then put the glass on the table, frowned, and said to Yan Liqiang in a deep voice, "This time, the Lu family is in a big trouble..."

"What's the trouble? Sixth Master, tell me in detail!"

Lu Paien pointed at Wanshou Lake outside the window and said, "Li Qiang, do you know that on the night of September 7 last month, someone was killed by a mountain wind on a small island in Wanshou Lake?"

"I know!" Yan Liqiang thought about it carefully, "I didn't expect that Guo Shanfeng hadn't left Pingxi City yet. I heard that the person killed by Guo Shanfeng seemed to be a senior brother in the National Martial Arts Hall. His surname was Wang. At that time, Pingxi City was nervous for a while..."

"The man who was killed by Guo Shan Feng was called Wang Haofei. Li Qiang, do you know who Wang Haofei is?"

"This... I heard he's from a wealthy family..." Yan Liqiang said with a silly look on his face.

"Yes, that Wang Haofei is indeed a rich young man, and he is a rich young man from the Wang family in Huanglong County. He is the biological son of Wang Puge, the head of the Wang family, the sweetheart of the old man of the Wang family, and the future talent of the Wang family. In Huanglong County, our Lu family and the Wang family have never been on good terms, and our relationship is not very harmonious. Now that Wang Haofei is dead, the Wang family wants to put the blame on our Lu family, thinking that it was our Lu family who asked Shan Feng to do it..."

Yan Liqiang opened his mouth in astonishment. He had never expected that after all this, the matter would turn to the Lu family...

(End of this chapter)