Silver Overlord

Chapter 137: The harvest is huge


From the second half of the night onwards, the hustle and bustle outside the window almost never stopped.

Yan Liqiang was sleeping in bed, and from time to time he could hear the sound of people running in the alley outside. He slept in bed, feeling very sound and secure, not worrying at all about being discovered.

In an era without cameras, big data, tracking dogs, or complete criminal investigation methods, where everything can only be accomplished by manpower, it is almost impossible to track a person who does not exist in a city as big as Pingxi.

Not to mention in this era, even in his previous life, just look at the case of Elisa Lam. In that place known as the beacon country, in a hotel full of cameras, the suspect could be locked in a limited crowd, and a Chinese girl died just like that, but the murderer was still at large. This is the real reality.

What is the most crucial point? Everyone knows that the person who committed these crimes is the great bandit Guo Shan Feng. When he was still penniless and even a little kid, Guo Shan Feng had already been roaming around committing crimes and was notorious. His father was also one of Guo Shan Feng's victims. Who would have thought that the so-called Guo Shan Feng was himself

Therefore, as long as he was not stopped on the spot when he left last night, he would not have to worry about the rest. It would be impossible for the detectives in Pingxi City to find him, even if they were all Sherlock Holmes.

What Sherlock Holmes needs to solve a case is logical clues, but what he did was illogical and could not be explained by logic. Until now, to those Shatu people and the Ye family, he was just a passerby, a small person who had nothing to do with them.

Like any other day, Yan Liqiang got up before dawn. After practicing his eye and ear skills and completing his morning lessons, Yan Liqiang went to his room, took out the things he had looted last night, placed them on the bed, and carefully checked them.

Yan Liqiang even admired his own patience for being able to leave these things in the house overnight and look at them the next day.

When the black package was opened, the most dazzling things inside were the jewels and gems of various colors. Each of those jewels and gems was of top quality. There were red and blue sapphires as big as longan, diamonds, and a bunch of exquisite jewelry that were obviously worth a lot of money at first glance. They were enough to dazzle one's eyes.

Although Yan Liqiang did not know the market value of these jewels and gems, but looking at the pile of things in front of him, he knew that the value of these jewels and gems, if measured in gold, would probably be worth at least tens of thousands of taels of gold.

Although Yan Liqiang was not a greedy person, when he saw these treasures that he had never seen in his previous life or this life for the first time, his eyes lit up, his mouth watered, and a silly smile unconsciously appeared on his face. He didn't know why those Shatu people had these things in their hands, but it didn't matter. From then on, these things belonged to Yan.

If the value of things like jewelry and gems is difficult to estimate, then the value of that thick stack of silver notes is much more intuitive. The amount of silver that each silver note can be exchanged for is written on the note.

There are two denominations of silver notes, one is five thousand taels and the other is ten thousand taels. These are also the most common denominations of large-denomination silver notes issued by money houses. After counting, there are a total of forty-two five thousand taels silver notes, totaling two hundred and ten thousand taels of silver, and a total of twenty-eight ten thousand taels silver notes, which is two hundred and eighty thousand taels of silver. Adding the two together, the value of all the silver notes is just four hundred and ninety thousand taels of silver.

Forty-nine thousand taels of silver, this is an astronomical figure. After Yan Liqiang counted it twice and confirmed the number, he couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

All the silver bills were issued by Datong Money House, which did not require secret collateral, had the widest circulation, the best credit, and were redeemable on sight. Datong Money House was the most prestigious money house in the northwestern states of the Han Empire. Even the official silver and military pay transactions in the northwestern states of the Han Empire were conducted through Datong Money House.

No one knew what was inside the black bottle sealed with wax, and Yan Liqiang did not open it rashly. However, Yan Liqiang saw four small words on the bottom of the black bottle - Soul-stealing Poison.

Yan Liqiang didn't know what this soul-stealing poison was, but the Shatu people specially hid this bottle of poison in the interlayer of the box, so this soul-stealing poison must be something extraordinary.

The black metal cylinder, which was more than half a foot long, had a dark appearance and felt heavy in the hand. No one knew what it was. Yan Liqiang observed it himself and found that there seemed to be a mechanism at the bottom of the metal cylinder that could be pressed down, and at the other end of the metal cylinder, there was a circle of soybean-sized holes like a sieve.

Next to the mechanism that can be pressed, there is a circle of patterns with three Chinese characters inscribed in the patterns - Dragon Demon Island.

Dragon Demon Island? Yan Liqiang didn't know where this place was. Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to press the mechanism to see what would happen to the metal cylinder. After thinking about it for a long time, he felt that the metal cylinder was a bit like a weapon, or a hidden weapon, but he didn't know how to use it, so he just put it aside.

Yan Liqiang held the two objects, which were the size of pigeon eggs and flashed with a strange luster, in his hands and looked at them for a long time, but he still had no idea what they were. At this time, Yan Liqiang finally realized that he was too ignorant. Among this pile of things, there were three things that he didn't know what they were.

Yan Liqiang scratched his head and put the two pigeon egg-like things back in place.

Among all the things, there was only one thing left - something wrapped in red silk that looked like a book.

Yan Liqiang opened the layers of silk cloth, and a book that was mostly soaked in blood appeared before his eyes.

The book was so shocking, especially the bloodstains on it. The whole book seemed as if most of it had been soaked in blood. Yan Liqiang couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in his heart when he read it.

On the cover of the book soaked in blood, there was a row of large, color-changed characters that read "The Five Elements Poison King's Divine Power."

This book once again confirmed Yan Liqiang's ignorance, but looking at the title of the book, Yan Liqiang couldn't help but continue reading out of curiosity.

After reading this, Yan Liqiang could no longer take his eyes off the book. A world he had never imagined opened up before his eyes...

(End of this chapter)