Silver Overlord

Chapter 140: The chicken is flying and the dog is jumping


As more and more rangers arrived, the excitement in Pingxi City continued to increase.

In just a few days, it was as if all the rangers from Ganzhou had arrived in Pingxi City. On the streets and restaurants of Pingxi City, you could see people with red headbands on their foreheads everywhere. Fully armed, a ranger carries a strong bow and crossbow on his back without any scruples.

The arrival of these rangers, even before Guo Shanfeng was caught, had already put the security in Pingxi City to a huge test. A group of criminal arrests in Pingxi City were arrested in the Yamen, let alone Shanfeng. , even just dealing with these rangers, I am exhausted every day. These rangers are not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also unruly. It is completely impossible to make these rangers obey the rules, and those rangers You already have rich experience in how to deal with the government and criminal yamen. Even if you know that some things are done by the rangers, you can't do anything about them.

It's okay to say that during the day, the rangers were just wandering around. At night, as soon as it got dark, the rangers went out. Each ranger wore a black scarf to cover their face, and then began to climb over the walls of Pingxi City without any scruples. Looking for clues everywhere.

Even in the small house that Yan Liqiang rented near Kowloon Bridge, two nights after Yan Liqiang went to bed, he found that someone had come to investigate. However, Yan Liqiang pretended to be asleep and didn't know it. The explorer opened the tiles on the roof. I looked around and found nothing, so I left.

Because Guo Shanfeng committed the crime that night in the area where the Shatu people gathered, many of the rangers who came to Pingxi City would go to the area where the Shatu people gathered to investigate.

The Shatu people in Pingxi City have been spoiled for a long time and have developed the habit of being arrogant. Although their gathering area is within Pingxi City, they have regarded the area to the west of Pingxi City as their In your own territory, everything is self-contained and managed by yourself. It is not easy for even the policemen in Pingxi City to enter on weekdays.

Now, the gathering area of Shatu people suddenly became lively at night.

The officials and people in Pingxi City did not dare to provoke the Shatu people, but the rangers had no scruples. Starting from November 2, for several consecutive nights, troubles occurred in the gathering areas of the Shatu people.

First, there was a conflict between the patrol team and the rangers in the Shatu people’s gathering area. Several people from the Shatu people’s patrol team died. Later, there was a fire in the Shatu people’s gathering area for two consecutive nights. On November 5, Yan Liqiang even I heard that the Shatu people went to the Xinghua Yamen to report the crime, saying that several Shatu people in the gathering area disappeared inexplicably in one night...

Yan Liqiang was not interested in whether the missing Shatu people were dead or alive. What he was interested in was that the disappearance of the Shatu people showed that among the rangers who came to Pingxi City, there were many brave and smart guys. The value of smelling the mountain wind may be far more than the one thousand taels of gold that is offered as a reward.

Because the place where the Shatu people had an accident that night was actually not just a warehouse. What really caused heavy losses to the Shatu people was the things that were lost in Ali Gujin’s residence. However, the Shatu people did not publicize the latter. Therefore, not many people in Pingxi City knew about it, but in fact, when he left Ali Gujin's residence, he still left many clues. As soon as he came out of that residence, he killed several Shatu people. Moreover, when he killed the Shatu people, it was when Ali Gujin left his residence, and when all the Shatu people in the entire Shatu people gathering area were attracted by the warehouse fire, as long as anyone who is interested can check it out, Shanfeng first appeared that night You might be able to think of something if you look at the place and time of your true identity.

After all, this trick of seducing the tiger away from the mountain by pretending to be in the east and in the west is not very clever. It is just that many people who are involved in it cannot find it.

It is naturally impossible to ask the Shatu people what happened that night, but if they can kidnap a few Shatu people and use some tricks, the rangers gathered in Pingxi City will definitely be able to take those people away. Many of the late plots are pieced together, and it may even be possible to reveal the secrets of the Saudis under the burning warehouse.

Moreover, in the past few days, every city gate in Pingxi City has to go through the abnormal inspection of everything brought by everyone leaving Pingxi City, which also revealed some information from the side - the inspection at the city gate, there are Maybe it’s not just that I want to catch Shanfeng, because to catch Shanfeng, I don’t need to check the packages and pure goods that everyone carries. Such a detailed inspection can only show that there may be value in Shanfeng. Extremely high stuff.

Yan Liqiang didn't know if there was any communication between the rangers, but in just a few days, he clearly felt that there were more and more rangers in Pingxi City, and the courage of those rangers was getting stronger and stronger. Come bigger.

In addition to haunting the territory of the Shatu people, in the past few days, the mansions of various wealthy families in Pingxi City have also been harassed by the rangers every night. The nursing homes and rangers of those wealthy families You can hear several cases of crimes committed at night almost every day, and the number of reports of thefts from wealthy families received every day in the prison yamen has increased sharply.

There are chivalrous people among the knight-errants, but there is also no shortage of those heroes who steal from the rich and give to the poor, and can do a few business without capital with peace of mind when they are short of money. What's more, among the gangsters in Pingxi City, there are also those who fish in troubled waters at this time.

Those rangers all wear hoods or scarves when they go out for activities at night. As long as you can't catch him on the spot, even if you know that it was the rangers in the city who did it, you won't be able to find him at all.

In addition to the deterioration of public security in the city, the inspections at the city gates are too detailed and time-consuming. Pedestrians and convoys blocked at several gates of Pingxi City every day can be hundreds of meters long. A trip out of the city takes at least 10 minutes. After queuing for an hour at the city gate, the people in Pingxi City complained one by one...

In just a few days, the entire Pingxi City has become chaotic and smoky. Suddenly, if you take a casual look while walking on the street, you can see people with knives and swords and bows and crossbows on the street. Suddenly there were several times more than usual.

Because the public security in Pingxi City suddenly became bad, there were too many people running around on the streets, and there was no trace of Guoshanfeng. After a few days of searching for Guoshanfeng on the streets, a group of freshmen from the Chinese Martial Arts Hall went on a mission. After that, on November 7th, the Guoshu Hall no longer required all freshmen to go out on the streets every day. Of course, if you wanted to go, the Guoshu Hall would not stop you, and might even praise you a few times. sentence.

That is to say, on November 7th, Yan Liqiang walked into the library of the Guoshu Museum. After borrowing a lot of books on literature, history, classics and philosophy for cover, Yan Liqiang also borrowed a bunch of other types of books. In the library I quickly read through it.

The hard work paid off, and finally, Yan Liqiang found the answer he needed in a book called "The Atlas of Strange Weapons".

The real name of that black metal cylinder is called the Thunder Fire Dragon Cannon. It was made by Dragon Demon Island, a mysterious sect overseas in the Han Empire. Each tube of the Thunder Fire God Cannon can only be used once. When used, the Thunder Fire God Cannon It will spit out a terrifying high-temperature fire dragon, covering an extremely wide area. Within ten feet, it will melt gold and iron, making it difficult for people to guard against it. This thunder fire dragon cannon can be called a murder weapon at close range. According to the book, those who practice under the great martial arts master It was almost impossible for the following people to escape from the attack of the Thunder Fire Dragon Cannon.

From another biography of Jianghu, Yan Liqiang found another answer.

Those things in the black bottle sealed with wax that he obtained - those soul-stealing poisons, are a terrifying giant poison that comes from the most dangerous place in the Han Empire, the Valley of Destiny. This poison is invisible and colorless. Dissolved in water, as long as a drop of it is mixed into food, it can easily kill hundreds of people. If it is smeared on weapons, it will completely seal the throat and kill people in the blink of an eye.

Knowing the purpose of the two things in his hand, Yan Liqiang quickly put one of them to use.

After a week of silence, Yan Liqiang took action again...

(End of chapter)