Silver Overlord

Chapter 141: In a mass grave


November is the month of Gu, which means to get rid of the old and welcome the new. The ancients said that November is the month of Yin, which means to get rid of the old and welcome the new...

November is a very special month. The last time Yan Liqiang’s life changed drastically was in this month. To be precise, it was on November 18th of this month. So in this month, Yan Liqiang became more careful in doing things. At the same time, the fire of revenge in his heart burned even more vigorously.

On the evening of November 12, at midnight, when the weather was freezing cold, Yan Liqiang was already squatting in a bush behind the mountain of Wuyang Village, enduring the cold, with his eyes wide open, staring motionlessly at a cave in the valley two hundred meters away from him. He had been squatting here for more than two hours.

The place where he is now is the mass grave in Pingxi City.

This place is the creepiest place in Pingxi City. Even if you come here in broad daylight, it still feels eerie and gloomy.

Because there are few people here, even people who come to chop wood and herd cattle avoid it, so the hillsides and valleys here are full of towering trees. The shade of the trees blocks out the light of the sun and the moon, making the ground appear particularly dark, and there are only weeds growing everywhere, among which a few human bones and skulls are exposed from time to time.

There is only a barely passable path from the official road on the west side of Pingxi City to here. That path was taken by the people who sent the dead who had no one to pick up and claim them to this mass grave. The road that sent the dead did not pass through Wuyang Village, because to get here from Wuyang Village, one had to climb a mountain, and there was no road on the mountain. Those who sent the dead bypassed Wuyang Village and came here from a path on the official road a few miles away.

There were ruts on the path left by wheelbarrows. All the dead bodies brought here were wrapped in straw mats, placed on wheelbarrows, and then pushed in.

There are rules for sending the dead to the mass grave. Only at noon every day, when the yang energy is the heaviest, will anyone dare to come here. After noon, this mass grave is a place where no living person can enter. Especially at night, this place is like a ghost town.

Tonight, the moonlight was also sparse, and the mass grave was dark. After midnight, a thin layer of fog rose in the mass grave, and then as the fog rose, a little green phosphorescent light floated up from various places in the mass grave. The shadowy fog was flowing slightly with the air flow in the valley, and the phosphorescent light that appeared was also dancing in the fog...

Looking at the scene in front of him, listening to the shrill howl of the cold north wind blowing through the treetops on the distant mountains, and smelling the faint stench of corpses in the air in the valley, Yan Liqiang could not help but shiver. In the darkness, he tightly squeezed the Thunder and Fire Dragon Cannon in his hand, and touched the two rows of poison-tempered flying needles prepared at his waist. The cold and hard texture of the Thunder and Fire Dragon Cannon and the flying needles finally calmed Yan Liqiang's beating heart a little.

Although this was not the first time he had sneaked in here at night, Yan Liqiang couldn't help but feel a little scared every time he looked at the mass grave in front of him.

The only thing that can help a person overcome fear is greater fear or hatred.

It was because of the last two reasons that Yan Liqiang gritted his teeth and stayed here. Since the day he settled in Wuyang Village, he had been waiting for tonight to come.

At this moment, Yan Liqiang was wearing a black nightgown and put on the Guoshanfeng mask on his face again. He also put on a face scarf over the mask and was hiding quietly.

The abnormal and strict inspection at the gate of Pingxi City has caused complaints from the people of Pingxi City. Many goods and valuables carried by people leaving the city were damaged during the inspection. Many conflicts have occurred in the past few days. In addition, the security situation in the city has deteriorated. More and more knights from Ganzhou have come to Pingxi City. The day before yesterday, on November 10, the county magistrate's office had to order the lifting of the strict inspection of goods leaving the city. As a result, Yan Liqiang was able to hide the Thunder Fire Dragon Cannon on an ox cart leaving the city and bring it out.

Originally, even if he didn't have the Thunder Fire Dragon Cannon, Yan Liqiang would have fought hard tonight, but with the Thunder Fire Dragon Cannon in his hand, Yan Liqiang became braver and more determined to kill the enemy.

Yan Liqiang waited patiently. It was almost three quarters past midnight, but the person he was waiting for had not arrived yet. However, there was a faint rustling sound coming from the bushes next to him. Yan Liqiang turned his head, only to find that a rat, about one foot in size, had emerged from the bushes and was approaching him.

The rats in the mass grave are completely different from ordinary rats. The rats here almost all grew up eating human flesh. In the darkness, the eyes of the giant rat glowed green like will-o'-the-wisp, and there were two rows of sharp teeth on its long mouth. The entire head of the rat was a strange reddish-brown color.

The mouse also found that Yan Liqiang seemed to be staring at it, but it was very brave. Because Yan Liqiang did not move, the mouse still groped towards Yan Liqiang.

There was a little movement in the forest in the distance. Yan Liqiang's heart moved, and a flying needle instantly flew out from his finger and silently penetrated into the body of the mouse that was within three meters of him. The moment the flying needle entered the body, the mouse's body suddenly stiffened, and its life breath disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the mouse's body stiffened instantly, a man, like a night owl, stepped on the treetops of the big trees in the mass grave. When the yin energy in the mass grave was the heaviest, he fell from the sky and landed in the valley below the mass grave.

The man who came to the mass grave at night had a head full of white hair, wore a black suit, had blue eyes, and exuded an evil and cold aura. It was Mo Leng, who had killed Yan Liqiang and Yan Dechang with his own hands last time.

This Mo Leng was a retainer of the Ye family in Ganzhou. He was also Ye Xiao's master and the right-hand man of Ye Tiancheng, the governor of Pingxi County.

Seeing Ye Leng finally arriving, Yan Liqiang suddenly held his breathing and stood still. He didn't even stare at Mo Leng's face, for fear of being sensed by Mo Leng. Instead, he just squinted his eyes and stared at Mo Leng's torso below the neck from the weeds where he was hiding.

Mo Leng is a first-level martial artist, and he is also ruthless. For Yan Liqiang now, the realm of martial artist is still a peak that he cannot reach, so he has to be careful in everything he does.

Mo Leng arrived at the mass grave and looked around with shining eyes. When he found that there was nothing unusual around him, he walked towards the cave not far away and entered the cave.

After waiting for a full ten minutes, Yan Liqiang finally stood up from the bushes where he had been hiding, came to the valley below, walked to the entrance of the cave, and walked in without hesitation for a second.

It was already very cold outside, with many ghost lights, but it was even colder inside the cave. Ghost lights were everywhere, illuminating the whole place with a bleak green. On the ground of the cave, scattered dead bones could be seen almost everywhere. When you stepped on a place, you would accidentally step on a bone. The timid ones would be scared to death when seeing such a place...

Those balls of ghostly fire became natural lighting in the cave. Yan Liqiang's Nine Palace Wind Shadow Steps landed silently and he walked directly into the depths of the cave. After going a hundred meters into the cave, Yan Liqiang suddenly slowed down.

There is a natural pit deep in the cave, which is filled with dead bones. This is the earliest place in Pingxi City where the dead were buried. There are groups of ghost lights around the pit. Mo Leng is sitting cross-legged on the edge of the pit, with his eyes closed. In a strange posture, he puts his hands towards the pit full of bones. A little bit of faint green air floats out of the pit, gathers towards Mo Leng, and is sucked into his mouth...

If Yan Liqiang had not seen too many things in his previous life as a spirit, he would not have known that Mo Leng would come here every November to absorb the negative energy from the dead in this mass grave to practice an evil method...

This is the best opportunity to kill Mo Leng!

The moment he saw Mo Leng, he found that Mo Leng was concentrating on practicing. Without any hesitation, Yan Liqiang threw a bunch of poisoned flying needles from his hands towards Mo Leng like a violent storm...

(End of this chapter)