Silver Overlord

Chapter 143: Two sets of plans


The injury on his arm was not serious at all. He just took some medicine and bandaged it with gauze, and there was no problem. The next day, Yan Liqiang got up as vigorously as ever, went to class early as usual, and was still easy to do. Muscle Cleansing Marrow Meridian.

The next day, Yan Liqiang was just glad that Mo Leng didn't have the habit of quenching poison on his sword. Otherwise, in the battle last night, he and Mo Leng would have to fight to the death.

An excellent swordsman, a confident swordsman, would disdain to temper his sword with poison. Even if the swordsman is a killer, he would rarely do this. This has nothing to do with that person's character, but is purely a matter of what the warrior does to himself. Self-confidence in cultivation and weapons, especially those who use long weapons and heavy weapons, are less likely to quench poison on weapons, because if a person can use weapons to make others see blood, he will definitely be able to use weapons to kill them. There is actually only a layer of window paper between seeing blood and killing people. If a cultivator does not believe that the weapon he controls can kill people and needs poison, the poison applied to the weapon will be It becomes poison that is indirectly smeared on the cultivator's state of mind, which will definitely greatly affect the cultivator's practice, so there are very few people who really quench poison on weapons.

Concealed weapons are not included in this list, because concealed weapons are generally small in size and their lethality cannot be compared with weapons, so it is common to quench poison on concealed weapons. At least Yan Liqiang doesn't have any psychological barriers when he quenches poison on his flying needles, because Yan Liqiang has always believed that no weapon can speak. Not to mention a few quenched flying needles, like atomic bombs, are dangerous in the hands of some countries and people, but in the hands of the People's Republic of China, they are the most powerful guarantee for world peace. This is not What a witticism, but the most real feeling of Yan Liqiang's previous life.

Killing Mo Leng head-on, for Yan Liqiang, not only eliminated a major worry, but also made a huge progress in his mental state. After a night's rest and getting up early the next day to go to class, Yan Liqiang suddenly felt like he had a bright future. It felt like a heavy burden had been lifted. By this time, most of the imminent life and death crisis had been relieved.

Without Wang Haofei, Ye Xiao may have never even heard of his own name, and without Mo Leng, that Ye Xiao is just a waste in his eyes.

Ye Tiancheng is the governor of a county. No matter what his character is, whether he is a bad official or a villain, there is one thing that Yan Liqiang can rest assured about, that is, Ye Tiancheng's IQ has not dropped, and he is also quite cunning. , No matter what, Ye Tiancheng will not openly use his power to do anything too outrageous for his fake son Ye Xiao.

In this way, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to give Ye Tiancheng a chance, that Ye Tiancheng will not take a young man like himself who is still studying in the martial arts hall to heart. If he is a passerby in Ye Xiao's eyes now, then he is an almost transparent passerby in Ye Tiancheng's eyes.

This feeling of being in the dark against the enemy is really refreshing.

These two people from the Ye family may not know who Yan Liqiang is until now, but Yan Liqiang is not ready to let them go.

As a disciple of the Ye family, Mo Leng's whereabouts are strange and cautious, and the skills he practices are a bit scary. Neither Ye Tiancheng nor Ye Xiao can fully grasp Mo Leng's whereabouts. In the past, Mo Leng disappeared in the city for three or five times. It is common for the weather to not show up. Therefore, in a short period of time, at least three to five days, neither Ye Xiao nor Ye Tiancheng will suddenly find out that something happened to Mo Leng and become vigilant. Therefore, in the next five days, Within, that is his best chance to deal with Ye Xiao and Ye Tiancheng.

Yan Liqiang already had several different cases against the Ye family and his son in his mind, and the current situation in Pingxi City was the greatest strength he could draw on.

In the next two days, Yan Liqiang returned to Pingxi City.

During the day, he went to the martial arts hall to report as usual, and trained with Shi Dafeng and Shen Teng. Occasionally, he would compete with the two people in the ring. Of course, Yan Liqiang was not exposed in either training or competition. The strength he showed was only slightly stronger than what he had two months ago, and it did not arouse any suspicion at all.

And at night, after dark, after being separated from Shi Dafeng and Shen Teng, he started wandering around the city, just like other young people in the Guoshu Hall who wanted to seize the wind and make meritorious deeds to become famous. Hanging his waist tag on his waist, he then wandered around the streets and alleys of Pingxi City, hoping to find some clues.

Yan Liqiang wandered around the city, of course not looking for Shanfeng, but the Shatu people. To be precise, Yan Liqiang had been waiting for someone who could recapture the Shatu people and deliver them to the clothing store. Opportunities for women.

Ye Xiao is addicted to women, and he also practices an evil skill that relies on women to build his foundation through dual cultivation. The demand for young women has increased significantly in recent months. If nothing changes and everything goes according to history, Then, a few days later, on the night of November 18th, the Shatu people would send the two women they kidnapped to the clothing store. That would naturally be a good time for them to take action. Unfortunately, everything in Pingxi City was ruined because of Under the butterfly effect, the so-called history is no longer history, so Yan Liqiang is not sure whether everything that has happened will happen again on the night of November 18.

Moreover, his father would come to Pingxi City on November 18th. Yan Liqiang did not want to delay the matter until that day, let alone let his father set foot in Pingxi City on that day, so he gave the Ye family and his son the most fatal blow. The attack must be completed before November 18th.

According to the current security situation in the city, the Shatu people may send women to clothing stores before November 18, or they may not. Everything may be canceled, postponed, or brought forward. Anyway, it is full of variables, and Yan Liqiang doesn’t know. Therefore, at this time, he can only gamble, try his luck, and then act according to the circumstances. If this plan does not work, then change to another one. Plans, the final effects of the two plans are basically the same, but the process is slightly different. One does not require extraordinary efforts, while the other requires extraordinary efforts.

The route that the Shatu people used to drive the woman to the ready-made clothing store was all predetermined. The road was winding, but the route was relatively fixed, so Yan Liqiang wandered around that route for two consecutive nights, but it was a pity that , he wandered around for two consecutive nights until the curfew, but found nothing.

In the blink of an eye, November 15th arrived. On this day, the temperature in Pingxi City dropped sharply. The sky was overcast, the wind was biting, and there were already signs of snow.

When Yan Liqiang walked out of the martial arts hall, it was already evening, and the sun could no longer be seen in the west, but there seemed to be a faint light behind the heavy clouds.

Yan Liqiang raised his head, looked at the sky, and took a deep breath. A thought surged in Yan Liqiang's heart. Today is the last day that Yan Liqiang set for himself to implement the first set of plans. If he proves himself before the curfew today, If you don't have that luck, then tonight, after curfew, Guo Shanfeng will appear.

Yan Liqiang was about to go back to the rented cabin in Jiulong Bridge when suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

"Li Qiang, Li Qiang..."

Yan Liqiang turned around and saw Shi Dafeng and Shen Teng walking out together. When he saw the two people approaching, a smile appeared on Yan Liqiang's face.

Shi Dafeng walked out of the gate of the Guoshu Hall with empty hands, but Shen Teng still carried a bow and a few sounding arrows for alarm. In the past few days, the Guoshu Hall has not asked students to patrol the streets anymore, but they still let them The archery students show off and walk around with bows and arrows on their backs every day when they leave the Guoshu Hall, so that the county governor knows that the Guoshu Hall is still providing people to help find Guoshanfeng.

"Where were you this afternoon? Why didn't Shen Teng and I see you? My hands were a little itchy this afternoon, and I was just trying to find you on the ring to compete..." Shi Dafeng said as he walked over.

"I'm at the spear training ground in the afternoon, practicing the basic skills of spear..." Yan Liqiang said with a smile.

"Oh, no wonder, I just said that you have been coming to the martial arts hall very frequently these days. Why can't I see you all of a sudden today..."

"Haha, I was clicked by Teacher Shi, so I didn't dare to play these days and disappeared..."

"What, Li Qiang, have you decided to practice spear skills as a weapon in the future?" Shen Teng next to him asked curiously.

"Well, that's right. I used to practice spear skills at home, so I plan to continue on this path in the future. I don't want to give up halfway..."

"A gun that lasts a lifetime is a gun. Spear skills are not easy to follow..." Shen Teng sighed.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone has his own merits. By the way, you guys come out together. Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm going to eat!" Shi Dafeng said matter-of-factly, "I just heard that there is a place in the city where you can eat the most authentic fish fillet in mutton soup. I'm treating you tonight. Come on, let's go together..."

Among the three, Shi Dafeng likes to eat the most. He regards eating as the enjoyment of life. Not long after arriving in Pingxi City, the most attractive place for him in Pingxi City is probably the various hotels and restaurants in addition to the Chinese Martial Arts Museum. He can always find places with good food.

"Well, I have something else to do tonight..."

"What's the matter? I can't even eat. The place is not far away. It's in Xiliu Lane. I'll be there in a moment..."

Yan Liqiang originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard Shi Dafeng say that the place was in Xiliu Lane, he was stunned for a moment, because Xiliu Lane was exactly where he often wandered around in the past two nights, and that alley was also where Shatu people went. The only way to "delivery" to that ready-made clothing store...

"Well, okay..." Yan Liqiang nodded.

"That's right. There are really few things in this life that are more important than eating and drinking. People can go without cultivation for seven months and nothing will happen, but as long as they don't eat or drink for seven days, they will definitely die..." Shi Dafeng He laughed and talked about his fallacy, and then the three of them walked towards Xiliu Lane together...

ps: Please vote for me!

(End of chapter)