Silver Overlord

Chapter 148: Death is worse than that of a dog


Shi Changfeng was just outside the city. After seeing the rocket fired by Shen Teng, he recognized that it was a rocket fired by a student from the Guoshu Hall and hurried over.

Although Shi Changfeng was fast, it took him more than ten minutes to get here. Everything here had already reached its final moment.

"Teacher Shi, it's like this..." Yan Liqiang organized his words, and then he, Shen Teng and Shi Dafeng had dinner with him. He recognized the Shatu man driving the carriage. The three of them followed him all the way here and captured the Shatu man. , and a complete explanation of the series of things that happened here afterwards.

Even with Shi Changfeng's extensive knowledge, he was extremely surprised when he heard what Yan Liqiang said, but in the blink of an eye, he understood the key points.

Seeing that no one around him was paying attention, he pulled Yan Liqiang and the other three aside and whispered solemnly, "If anyone asks about you later, you three just follow what Yan Liqiang said just now. Tell the truth. Don't make any connections, let alone knowing those rangers. Except for the Shatu man, you don't know anything about them, and you didn't participate in them. You just saw something wrong in that garment shop and thought that Guo Shanfeng might be invisible. In the meantime, so I am calling for help. Everything that happens next has nothing to do with you. Do you know..."

Yan Liqiang and the other two looked at each other and nodded.

Since this matter has involved Sheriff Ye Tiancheng, the three of them naturally understand the serious gains and losses involved.

After explaining Yan Liqiang and the others, Shi Changfeng looked at the surging and angry crowd, frowning slightly, "The person surrounded by those people is..."

"It is Ye Xiao, the governor's son..." Shen Teng replied.

Hearing that it was Ye Xiao among the stormy crowd, Shi Changfeng's frown unfurled. He shook his head and stood next to Yan Liqiang and the other three to watch...

A few minutes later, there was louder noise from the end of the street, and the whole ground shook, as if a large number of cavalry were running over.

Yan Liqiang turned his head, only to find that the person who came was not Ye Tiancheng, but Huangfu Qianqi, the governor of Pingxi County. Huangfu Qianqi was riding on a rhinoceros horse, covered with armor, and rushed towards here at the lead. Before Huangfu Qianqi Behind him is the most elite cavalry team in Pingxi County.

Because there was too much movement here, Huangfu Qianqi, who was stationed in the city, was also alerted and personally came over with a whole battalion of elite cavalry.

It's strange that Ye Tiancheng hasn't come yet. Could it be that the man named Ye is not in Pingxi City today? A thought ran out of Yan Liqiang's mind. If that was the case, it would be really fun. Ye Tiancheng missed tonight. , then no one even watched the final performance.

"The Lord Governor is here..." someone shouted from the crowd.

The turbulent crowd surrounding Ye Xiao dispersed with a bang, and the middle of the street suddenly became empty, with only one person lying on the ground, motionless.

Ye Xiao was lying on the ground. His only pair of underwear had fallen to the ground. He was completely naked at the moment, lying on the ground like a dead dog. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were all filled with blood. His head has been deflated, his skull has been smashed to pieces, his hands and arms are weirdly twisted and broken, his body is bruised and bruised, and there is no trace of an inch left in his whole body, from head to toe. Intact skin. The penis and balls under his crotch had already been trampled and exploded in the chaos just now, turning into a bloody mass. What's even more disgusting is that under his buttocks, the shit was beaten. When he came out, he was completely incontinent, and a disgusting smell was floating in the night wind.

At this time, Ye Xiao was already dead. Even if the gods came, he could not be saved. And the way he looked when he died was even worse than a wild dog, so ugly and disgusting.

Seeing Ye Xiao die like this, Yan Liqiang finally felt relieved. Of course, for a bastard like Ye Xiao, Yan Liqiang would not have the slightest sympathy even if he died a hundred times.

As soon as Huangfu Qianqi arrived with his troops, the chilling atmosphere suddenly silenced the restless street. The only sound in the whole street was the crackling sound of burning torches, and many people's hearts were nervous. The crowd was beating, especially the many people who had just participated in the siege and beating of Ye Xiao. They were all furious just now. Now that they saw the soldiers and horses coming from the city, they couldn't help but feel guilty.

Lieutenant Su and several officers who came here immediately ran over and reported to Huangfu Qianqi what happened here.

After listening to the reports of several officers, looking at the group of knights who looked calm as if they were waiting for a good show, and the thousands of people in the city watching him on both sides of the street, Huangfu Qianqi finally turned his attention to the man lying on the bed. When Ye Xiao was in the middle of the street, an officer next to him immediately ran over, checked Ye Xiao's body, and then shook his head at Huangfu Qianqi.

Huangfu Qianqi waved his hand, and the officer then took off his cloak and covered Ye Xiao's body.

Huangfu Qianqi, who was riding on the horse, closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes, with a trace of determination in his eyes, and then gave two orders.

"Irrelevant people dispersed quickly. They are not allowed to block traffic on the street or gather people to cause trouble..."

"Let the people from the arresting yamen come and take the confession..."

After giving these two orders, Huangfu Qianqi turned his horse's head and actually took the people away directly... Just left like that...

Seeing Huangfu Qianqi leaving with his men, the thousands of people watching suddenly cheered after being silent for a moment...

Yan Liqiang also breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Huangfu Qianqi made a right choice.

Not to mention that Huangfu Qianqi has always had a good reputation and cherished feathers. At this time, a few people dared to photograph the county governor's horse for the sake of a county governor who had been beaten to death in the street by the people in the city out of anger. Shit, making enemies of the whole city, and making enemies of these many rangers? If we really want to provoke a civil uprising and create a situation that cannot be dealt with, I am afraid that the first person the county governor will behead will be the person who made the matter bigger.

After all, there are not many people without brains in this world, let alone officials

His son caused such a big thing in the city, and people are angry. Ye Tiancheng, the Pingxi County Sheriff, will probably be punished to the end...

Accompanied by Shi Changfeng, Yan Liqiang and three others were invited to the Xinghua Yamen and recorded three transcripts of tonight's events. After struggling for four or five hours, they finally left the Xinghua Yamen.

The three of them, Yan Liqiang, told the truth, and the three records corroborated each other. Naturally, there was no problem. No one could find anything wrong with it. Three students from the Guoshu Hall were eating at the Du Family Yuxiang in Xiliu Lane. One of the students With good eyesight and good memory, he actually recognized that a disguised coachman driving a carriage through Xiliu Lane was the Shatu man he met when he entered the city two months ago. The Shatu man was sneaky, and the three of them started from there. Xiliu Xiang followed him all the way to the clothing store. After subduing the driver, he discovered that a ranger had rushed into the yard. He seemed to hear the sound of fighting, so he shot an arrow as a warning - what's the problem with this

Not only are there no problems with the confession transcripts of the three people, but anyone who reads them will praise Yan Liqiang for their alertness and decisiveness. They are indeed good students of the Guoshu Hall.

In order to confirm what Yan Liqiang and the other three people said, the Xingdu Yamen even called in the family of the owner of Dujia Yuxiang in Xiliu Lane and asked whether Yan Liqiang and the other two people were eating in the store tonight. The answer was, of course, yes. .

By the time Yan Liqiang and the other three came out of the prison yamen, it was already past midnight.

"Don't publicize this matter too much for the time being. Everything should be done as usual..." Shi Changfeng, who accompanied the three people out of the prison yamen, warned the three people.

Shi Changfeng was with him just now, and they knew the identity of Shi Changfeng's master of martial arts. Several officials in the prison yamen did not make things difficult for Yan Li. They asked them what they should ask according to the rules, and finally they were witnessed by Shi Changfeng. Next, the three people were asked to read their confessions. After there were no questions, the three people were asked to sign their respective confessions, and the matter was almost settled.

"Thank you, Teacher Shi..."

"You don't need to thank me. Everything you three did today was right. You three are brave and resourceful. I'm happy for you. You are worthy of being students in our martial arts hall, especially Yan Liqiang!" Shi Changfeng's eyes fell. He was full of admiration for Yan Liqiang, as if he had gotten to know Yan Liqiang again, "I didn't expect that you were so careful and your eyes were as bright as lightning. You could actually tell at a glance that the Saudi man was in disguise. Yes, very good… "

Yan Liqiang smiled shyly and scratched his head, "Teacher Shi praised me. I was really annoyed by those Saudi Arabian people when I entered the city that day. This city belongs to us Chinese people. When we enter the city, we must behave in a disciplined manner and dismount." , why can those Saudis ride horses into the city in a big way? It is not such a preferential treatment for the Saudis. This is simply letting the Saudis dominate us, and we still have to swallow our popularity and go everywhere. To maintain their dignity, let the Shatu people be the uncles and we be the grandsons. How can there be such a truth in this world? The Shatu people passed me on a rhinoceros horse that day and looked at us with disdain, because even if That Shatu man turned into ashes, I remember him too... "

"Li Qiang is right. The Shatu people in Pingxi City are too arrogant. In the past few months since I came to Pingxi City, I have seen several cases of Shatu people bullying us Chinese, but the Yamen didn't care..." Shi Dafeng helped, with a look of indignation on his face.

"Then "Hua En Ling" has completely changed its flavor over the years..." Shen Teng also sighed.

"Anger without strength is meaningless. Don't say these words again. When you advance to become warriors or reach a higher level in the future, you will be qualified to say such things..." Shi Changfeng said meaningfully. Said to the three people.

Yan Liqiang and the other three nodded...

Because there was a curfew in the city and it was getting late now, it would be inconvenient for the three of them to go back at this time. Shi Changfeng simply took the three of them to an inn not far from the Xingba Yamen and rented four rooms. , let three people rest...

That night, lying on the bed in the inn, Yan Liqiang was finally able to have a good sleep...

(End of chapter)