Silver Overlord

Chapter 16: Horse Step Success


Yan Liqiang was still squatting like he always did, with his eyes closed, immersed in it.

Over the past half month, Yan Liqiang's horse stance squatting time has become better and better, and his horse stance squatting has become more and more stable, especially in the past two days. Every time he squatted, he felt like he was floating on the water. The part of his body above the waist was almost weightless, and he felt extremely relaxed. Only when he breathed could he feel his body rising and falling slightly, but this kind of rise and fall was not physical, but a very pure spiritual perception. Yan Liqiang was completely in a state of motionlessness. When he inhaled, he felt his body expanding like a balloon, and he felt like he was floating upwards, and when he exhaled, he felt his body sinking.

Yan Liqiang didn't know why this happened, because he had been doing horse stance for so many years. The feeling of sweating all over and numbness and pain in the legs were something he experienced every day before, but the feeling of squatting in horse stance as if floating on the water was something he had never experienced before. Yan Liqiang even doubted that he could squat for a whole day in this state without any problem.

Because there was no famous teacher to guide him, Yan Liqiang didn't know whether this state was good or bad. However, he felt that his body was comfortable in this state, so it shouldn't be too bad, so he just persisted.

Yan Liqiang was in this state for an unknown amount of time today when he suddenly felt a heat rising from the soles of his feet. The heat first warmed up his calves, just as comfortable as soaking in hot water during a foot massage. In that warm feeling, his entire feet seemed to be connected to the earth, and his body seemed to be made of mud as if it had just crawled out of the ground. He felt as if he was one with the earth beneath his feet.

He didn't know how long this feeling lasted, he felt the heat rising from his calves, flooding his knees, and then all the way to the base of his thighs. His lower body below the waist seemed to be soaked in comfortable warm water. His body continued to rise and fall with his breathing, and slowly, this rise and fall had the artistic conception of riding on a rhinoceros horse. The strength of his legs below the waist seemed to be in this rise and fall and breathing, like waves of pulses, and began to slowly transfer to his upper body.

There seemed to be a barrier at the waist, blocking the transmission of that force. The force was hitting in waves, getting faster and faster, and stronger and stronger. The temperature below the waist seemed to be rising slowly. Just when the force reached its peak, with a bang, the barrier at the waist was finally broken through by the transmitted force. The heat below the waist, like warm water, surged like a tide, slowly passing over his hips, abdomen, chest, and covering his head.

In this warmth, several large tendons on the two legs below the waist became hot and then vibrated. The force of the vibration could be transmitted from the little toes on the soles of the feet to the forehead on the top of the head. As for the hands, it goes without saying. The strength of Yan Liqiang's body and below was completely connected and opened up.

What Yan Liqiang didn't know was that while he was immersed in the horse stance, his small courtyard had already been crowded with people without him noticing.

There were dozens of people rushing into the courtyard. Some of them were holding swords, while others were holding basins, buckets, and water guns for putting out the fire.

At this moment, those people were staring in amazement at the flame-like red light rising from Yan Liqiang's body and the figure of the majestic rhinoceros horse in the red light.

Qian Su was also in the crowd. He was still wearing pajamas. He had just fallen asleep when he suddenly heard someone outside shouting that there was a fire. He jumped up and rushed out of the room without even having time to put on his clothes. After rushing out of the room, he found that the "fire" came from the yard where Yan Liqiang was. He did not care about much else. On the one hand, he was worried about Yan Liqiang's safety, and on the other hand, he was worried about the damage to the military supplies. He hurriedly commanded the patrolling soldiers of the Artisan Battalion to smash open the gate of Yan Liqiang's yard and rushed in to put out the fire and save people.

But after everyone came in, what they saw was Yan Liqiang squatting in the yard, and the red light like fire was blooming from Yan Liqiang's body.

At this moment Qian Su's heart was filled with shock, surprise and joy. He had never expected that he had just separated from Yan Liqiang a few hours ago, and in the blink of an eye, Yan Liqiang had made such a big noise.

Everyone in the yard was stunned, and almost everyone looked at Yan Liqiang, who was glowing red, with eyes of great envy.

Everyone understood what the red light and the majestic rhinoceros horse in the red light meant. It meant that Young Master Yan had broken through the first of the three foundation-building levels—the horse-step level! This was the first of the three foundation-building levels, and it was also the most difficult level to break through. Ninety-nine percent of martial artists failed at this level.

The red light on Yan Liqiang's body and the rhinoceros horse in the red light are the visions that will naturally occur after breaking through this level. The spiritual energy of this world will resonate with the martial arts practitioners. When martial arts practitioners break through important levels or practice various kung fu and combat skills successfully, they will cause the resonance of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and show various martial arts methods, achievements or auspicious signs. These visions are caused by the resonance between the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and humans, and cannot be faked at all. Therefore, they have become the most standard and intuitive tool to test the level of practitioners. Of course, they can also be the best props for some practitioners to show off their cultivation.

"How could it be a rhinoceros horse? How could it be a rhinoceros horse..." The only officer with a small flag in the artisan camp was standing next to Qian Su at this moment. He stared blankly at the rhinoceros horse that appeared on Yan Liqiang, and was extremely shocked.

This officer had seen many people who had successfully passed the horse-riding test, including himself. He had also experienced auspicious signs when passing the test, but none of the auspicious signs that this officer had seen when passing the test could compare to the auspicious signs that appeared on Yan Liqiang.

First of all, the auspicious sign on Yan Liqiang was too loud and bright. When the auspicious sign appeared just now, the people outside thought that the yard was on fire. Secondly, and most importantly, when Yan Liqiang passed the test in horseback stance, the auspicious sign on his body was actually a rhinoceros dragon horse! Rhinoceros dragon horse! Rhinoceros dragon horse!

This can make people jealous to the point of going crazy, because under normal circumstances, 99% of people will see just an ordinary horse as a auspicious sign when they pass a level, which is also the origin of the horse stance. Only a very, very, very small number of people will see animals other than horses as auspicious signs when they pass this level, such as tigers, leopards, bears, elephants, etc. But that very, very, very small number of people either have practiced extremely powerful secret skills when passing the horse stance level, or they are naturally gifted and are martial arts geniuses favored by God. More of their physical potential is tapped when they pass this level, so other animals other than horses will appear in the auspicious signs when they pass this level.

In this world, the animals that appear in the auspicious signs when passing the Mabu Pass are not just for the sake of beauty, but represent the realm and effect that can be achieved after passing this level.

Ordinary people can gain the strength of a horse after passing the horse stance level. The whole person can squat like a horse, with the waist and horse becoming one. This truly lays the foundation for martial arts practice and can quickly stand out from ordinary people in an instant. Those who show auspicious signs of other animals, after passing this level, will not only gain the corresponding power of those animals, but also gain additional bonuses of certain power of those animals, such as faster speed, stronger power, greater explosive power, etc. In this way, these people will have greater strength after passing the horse stance level. In the journey of martial arts practice, the first step is to win at the starting line.

For ordinary people, passing the Mabu Pass is just passing the Mabu Pass, which is the first step in building the foundation. This is already something to be thankful for. However, for people who show these extraordinary auspicious signs, passing the Mabu Pass is not called passing the Mabu Pass, but it is called crossing the Golden Gate, also called jumping over the Dragon Gate. For such people, their future achievements are limitless, and becoming a warrior is almost a foregone conclusion.

The auspicious sign for Yan Liqiang to pass the test is a rhinoceros dragon horse, which means that after passing the horse stance test, Yan Liqiang will gain the strength of a rhinoceros dragon horse and may even gain other powers from the rhinoceros dragon horse.

Compared to ordinary horses, the Rhino Horse is at least twice as strong as an ordinary horse, and also has greater endurance and faster speed.

Animals are different from each other, and horses are also different from each other. Ordinary horses can be divided into different grades, and the same is true for rhino horses. But no matter how you look at it, the light and shadow of the rhino horse that appears on Yan Liqiang, the tall body of the rhino horse, the radiant eyes of the rhino horse, and the majestic posture of raising its head and stamping its hooves, do not look like an ordinary rhino horse, but a top-grade rhino horse.

More importantly, Yan Liqiang is only fourteen years old now. Those who can pass the horse stance test at this age are rare. Even those with high talents usually have to wait until they are sixteen years old to pass this test.

Almost everyone present knew this truth, and that was why everyone was so shocked.

Looking at the flames on Yan Liqiang's body, everyone felt like they were witnessing a martial arts superstar rising up with their own eyes.

Among the crowd of onlookers, a soldier with his upper body naked, who had just rushed over with a bucket of water, was so fascinated by the light and shadow on Yan Liqiang's body that his hand accidentally loosened and the wooden bucket filled with water fell from his hand. The bottom edge of the bucket hit the instep of the person next to him.

"Ouch..." The person who was hit on the instep was caught off guard and couldn't help but scream.

It was during this scream that the majestic rhinoceros horse in the red flames on Yan Liqiang's body suddenly rushed towards Yan Liqiang and merged into Yan Liqiang's body. The red light and shadow slowly faded and dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

As soon as Yan Liqiang opened his eyes, he found a bunch of strong men holding various things in their hands rushing into the courtyard. They looked at him with shining eyes and fierce eyes. Many of them were shirtless, revealing their chest hair, and their saliva was about to flow out.

Qian Su was actually there too, wearing only a thin pair of pajamas, and was looking at him with a strange look.

Oh shit, is this a pajama party or a naked party, and it’s all men. I don’t have this hobby.

Yan Liqiang was startled and subconsciously wanted to cover his chest, "What are you doing?"...

(End of this chapter)