Silver Overlord

Chapter 18: Comparison of arts in the camp


There was no conversation that night and Yan Liqiang slept well. At about five o'clock in the morning of the next day, Yan Liqiang got up as usual and began to practice as usual.

After passing the horse stance test, everything was indeed different. Not only did the various exercises in the Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing become easier to practice, but the whole set of exercises also absorbed and devoured the spiritual energy and energy of heaven and earth more fiercely during the practice. Compared with the previous few days, the effect had almost doubled. Yan Liqiang could feel that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was absorbed and integrated by his internal organs was slowly beginning to be automatically guided from his internal organs to his limbs, bones, flesh and blood vessels in the exercises, completing a cleansing again and again.

After practicing Yi Jin Xi Sui Gong Fa, when he practiced Tiger Roar Serial Fists, it was a completely different scene. The Tiger Roar Serial Fists that Yan Liqiang had practiced for eight or nine years had been completely transformed, and its power had increased by more than seven or eight times.

Yan Liqiang's figure was extremely swift. With each of his punches, the sound of a tiger's roar could be heard in the wind. It was very majestic and captivating. Moreover, when he was halfway through practicing the Tiger Roaring Fist, a green light appeared behind Yan Liqiang. In that light and shadow, there was the image of a mighty white-browed tiger with hanging eyes.

When the Tiger Roaring Fist is practiced to the point where it has the appearance of a skill, it marks the sign that the Tiger Roaring Fist has reached the fourth level.

Yan Liqiang was surprised when he felt the Tiger Roar Serial Fist technique appearing behind him, because before yesterday, he felt that the power of his Tiger Roar Serial Fist should still remain at the second level. After passing the horse stance test this time, he originally thought that as long as he practiced for a few days, it should be no problem for this Tiger Roar Serial Fist to advance to the third level. The sign of the Tiger Roar Serial Fist advancing to the third level is that the punches are like a tiger's roar, but he never expected that he didn't even have to practice much. He just woke up from a nap and practiced again. This basic boxing technique made the sound of a tiger's roar come out as soon as he threw a punch. He entered the third level without any hesitation, and halfway through the practice, he had already shown the technique's method of entering the fourth level. One set of punches could actually allow the realm of this boxing technique to jump two levels and advance to the fourth level without any hindrance in between.

This not only made Yan Liqiang personally experience what it meant to practice martial arts before practicing boxing, but also made Yan Liqiang feel surprised, because this was something he had never heard of before.

Is it that the foundation of horse stance is really so important to martial arts practice? Or is it because of the Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing that I practiced

Yan Liqiang couldn't help but have such a question in his mind. But at this moment, he couldn't figure out why it was like this, but anyway, it was a good thing, and there was no need to worry about anything, just let everything take its course.

After practicing the Tiger Roaring Fist, Yan Liqiang felt relaxed all over. After calming down for a few minutes, he felt that it was about time, so he went to have breakfast.

While having breakfast, Yan Liqiang saw the soldiers from the Artisan Battalion and discovered that the way they looked at him was different. A few days ago, the soldiers looked at Yan Liqiang in a very friendly way, but today, in addition to the friendliness, there was also a bit of awe.

Yan Liqiang knew that this was the result of his performance last night. In a world where martial arts is respected, a person who shows the potential to be a strong and a master will be respected wherever he goes.

It really feels great.

After finishing their breakfast with laughter, they left the cafeteria together. As soon as they walked out of the cafeteria, Yan Liqiang found that the leader of the soldiers, the small flag officer Zhou Yong, was looking at him, wanting to say something but stopping himself. Many soldiers around him were also watching him quietly.

"Brother Zhou, is there anything I can help you with?" Yan Liqiang took the initiative to walk over and greeted Zhou Yong.

Zhou Yong first looked around and found that there were no craftsmen around. Then he frowned at Yan Liqiang, leaned over and lowered his voice, "Mr. Yan, are you free this morning?"

Master Yan? Yesterday Zhou Yong still called himself Master Yan, but today, the name lacked one word, and the meaning was different.

"Of course!" Yan Liqiang nodded.

"It's like this..." Zhou Yong rubbed his hands, looking a little embarrassed, "My brothers saw Young Master Yan pass the horse stance test last night, and today they are all a little curious. They want Young Master Yan to show off his skills in our camp and let him teach them. I don't know..."

After Zhou Yong said this, Yan Liqiang understood. He guessed how those college entrance examination candidates who wanted to get into 985 and 211 felt when they saw the top scorers admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. That was how the soldiers in the craftsman battalion felt when they saw him. Yan Liqiang originally wanted to go to the mountain today to test how strong he was after passing the horse and foot test, but when he heard Zhou Yong's invitation, he changed his mind all of a sudden. If he wanted to test his strength, the barracks of these soldiers in the craftsman battalion might be the best choice.

"Since you guys want to learn from me, let's go together. I have nothing to do anyway, so I can learn from Brother Zhou and the other guys..."

Seeing Yan Liqiang giving face and speaking so modestly, which made people feel comfortable, Zhou Yong and the soldiers next to him all laughed, and everyone surrounded Yan Liqiang and came to their camp with laughter.

The barracks of these soldiers are called barracks, but in fact they are just a larger yard in the artisan camp.

The yard was not far from the one where Yan Liqiang lived, less than a hundred meters away. There were three rows of houses in the yard of the camp, forming a concave shape. In the middle of the three rows of houses was an open space about the size of three or four basketball courts. The open space was covered with sand, and there were some training equipment, wooden targets, stone locks and the like piled around it. The soldiers usually trained here.

At this time, except for the people who were still standing guard at the gate of the Artisan Camp, all the soldiers in the Artisan Camp gathered around, and each of them couldn't help but feel excited.

Yan Liqiang looked at the venue, nodded, and asked directly, "Brother Zhou, how do you want to spar?"

Zhou Yong pointed to a circle drawn in white petrified wood in the middle of the venue and said, "How about we push the circle first?"

Yan Liqiang also smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

The so-called pushing circle is a popular game of skill in this world. This game is loved by everyone, from the rich and powerful nobles living in the big cities to the farmers living in the remote areas. From the elderly in their eighties or nineties to the children in their sixes or sevens, everyone can play it. And it is very simple to play. When Yan Liqiang was in Liuhe Town, he often played this game with other teenagers of the same age in the town. In the army, this game is also loved by many soldiers.

The game of pushing the circle first requires a venue, whether it is grass, sand, land, or even the lobby of the house. Once you have the venue, draw a circle with a radius of one to five meters on the ground. The size of the circle is determined by the number of participants and can be large or small.

Now that we have a venue, we can play this game of pushing circles.

The gameplay of this game is also simple. Participants stand in a circle. The one who pushes his opponent out of the circle wins. The only thing to note is that you cannot hit your opponent with your hands or kick him/her when pushing him/her out of the circle. Other than that, there are no restrictions. You can push, pull, and tug with your hands, push with your shoulders, bump with your body, hook with your feet, trip, or even throw him/her. There is no problem.

The game can be one-on-one, one-on-many, many-on-many, or even a melee with a bunch of people.

The rules and gameplay of this pushing circle game may seem simple, but in fact it is not, because participating in the pushing circle tests a person's strength, body movements, judgment, agility, reaction and comprehensive confrontation ability. It is not a fight but is better than a fight. The whole process is very confrontational. It has both practical significance and can maintain a bit of harmony. It will not cause serious injuries to people and will not lead to a tense situation. Therefore, it is welcomed by all walks of life. Even the military uses the pushing circle game to train soldiers' physical fitness and reaction.

Actually, this sport is a bit like the sumo wrestling that was popular in ancient China, but compared to sumo wrestling, it is more varied and closer to real martial arts competition.

In the previous life, football was the number one sport on earth. The circle pushing game in this world is even more popular than football. In many big cities, there are even special circle pushing halls that arrange people to participate in circle pushing competitions and gamble.

In Liuhe Town, before being knocked off the ring by Hong Tao this time, Yan Liqiang was the best in the town in the circle pushing and fighting competition. He basically won more than he lost. Almost no boy in the town could be a match for Yan Liqiang.

Under the strict training of tiger dad Yan Dechang, this was the only game Yan Liqiang could play since he was a child.

Yan Liqiang was the first to walk into the circle and smiled, "Which big brother would like to come and spar with me?"

The soldiers around were all eager to try, but Zhou Yong turned his gaze to the most muscular man among them.

"I'll do it..." The strong young soldier, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall and weighed almost twice as much as Yan Liqiang, walked out in a rough voice, rolled up his sleeves and came to the center of the field.

Yan Liqiang spread his legs, stood casually, and waved his hands, "Please"

"Please!" The soldier took a bow step forward, stretched out his two hands at once, pressed his palms against Yan Liqiang's, and then began to exert force.

In this first match, neither of them played any tricks and just competed directly in strength.

The young soldier resisted Yan Liqiang's push with a bow and arrow stance. As soon as the two took over, the man used all his strength. He was like an ox plowing the field. He lowered his head, kicked his feet backwards and pushed his body forward, trying to push Yan Liqiang out. Yan Liqiang stretched out his hands between his chest and abdomen to defend himself.

"Come on!" "Come on!" "Come on!" The soldiers watching around began to cheer loudly, and the atmosphere on the field instantly became heated.

Gradually, the strong young man's breathing became heavier, his face turned red, and a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Yan Liqiang felt the power coming from his opponent's hand, and his heart gradually calmed down. In the past, he would never be able to resist such power, but today, Yan Liqiang felt that when he stood here, his legs were like wooden stakes driven into the ground, taking root, and his lower body was as stable as Mount Tai...

This is the power of the basic skills of martial arts training...

(End of this chapter)