Silver Overlord

Chapter 25: Save people (I)


Steward Lu brought Yan Liqiang to a side hall in the Lu family's courtyard, asked Yan Liqiang to wait there for a while, and then hurried out of the side hall, even forgetting to ask the servants to serve Yan Liqiang a cup of tea.

Yan Liqiang knew that Manager Lu was going to report to his superiors. He probably couldn't make a decision on this matter. He was only responsible for bringing the person back. Whether he could try it or not was still up to someone with more weight to decide. However, at this point, Yan Liqiang estimated that the Lu family had already thought of all possible ways, otherwise they wouldn't have let the manager of the village go out to "try his luck". This was similar to those desperate people in his previous life posting on the Internet for help.

Yan Liqiang was not in a hurry either. He just waited quietly in the side hall, pretending to appreciate the calligraphy and paintings hanging in the side hall. In his mind, he secretly compared what he saw along the way after entering the Lu family mansion with the Hong family in Liuhe Town.

It has to be said that the Hong family and the Lu family are not on the same level at all. The Hong family only dominates Liuhe Town, while the Lu family is the leading local tyrant in Huanglong County.

Yan Liqiang did not wait in the side hall for long. In less than two minutes, he heard the footsteps of two people outside the side hall, as well as the faint voice of Manager Lu. In Manager Lu's voice, Yan Liqiang seemed to hear words like "Mr. Qian" and "very good riding skills".

Before practicing Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing, Yan Liqiang did not have such sharp hearing, but after practicing Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing, Yan Liqiang found that the perception of his five senses had greatly improved, which allowed him to hear the footsteps outside and the conversations of people in the distance in the side hall.

The footsteps came closer and closer, and then Manager Lu walked into the house with someone.

The man who walked in with Manager Lu was in his sixties, with a head full of white hair and elegant clothes. He seemed a little old, but his eyes were very sharp, revealing a shrewd and strong aura. In front of this man, Manager Lu seemed much more cautious.

"Brother Yan, this is Steward Lu from Lu Family Manor, who is in charge of all matters in the mansion. I have already told Steward Lu about your situation. I have also just sent someone to the Artisan and Machinery Camp to inform Supervisor Qian. You can just stay here and relax..."

"Hello, Butler Lu!" Yan Liqiang nodded and greeted him politely, but he also noticed that Butler Lu frowned slightly when he saw him. After all, his age and attire were too different from those of a miracle doctor.

Butler Lu's sharp gaze pierced Yan Liqiang's face like a sword. He said nothing for more than ten seconds, which put great pressure on Yan Liqiang. It was not until he realized that Yan Liqiang remained calm and composed despite his sharp gaze that Butler Lu's expression softened a little.

"I have never heard that the Qian camp supervisor knows medical skills, and there is no medical expert in the craftsman camp. I wonder where you learned medical skills, little brother?" Butler Lu slowed down his voice and asked.

Yan Liqiang smiled and said, "I have never learned any medical skills!"

Steward Lu frowned again and glanced at Steward Lu next to him, "Then how can you save people?"

Yan Liqiang spread out his hands and started talking seriously, "It's a bit strange to say. I had a dream a few days ago. In the dream, I accidentally entered a deep mountain shrouded in clouds and mist. In the deep mountain, I saw an old man with white hair and beard. The old man chatted with me for a few words, and then inexplicably told me a way to save a drowning person. I still remember it after I woke up. Today, when I arrived in Shiqiao Town, I happened to meet Manager Lu, so I followed Manager Lu here!"

"Are you sure you can rescue the person?" Butler Lu frowned even deeper and continued to ask.

"not sure!"

"Not at all?"

"Not at all!"

Butler Lu stood up at once, looked at Yan Liqiang deeply, and nodded, "Come with me!"

Seeing Yan Liqiang behave properly, Manager Lu, who brought Yan Liqiang here, breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Liqiang laughed. He knew that if he said he was sure when Butler Lu asked him those questions just now, Butler Lu would probably kick him out without a second thought. It was precisely because he said he was not sure that he won Butler Lu's trust. This was also his experience in his previous life. In front of those old hands who had seen the world, most of the time, it was better to be sincere. Your so-called cleverness was something they had already played with and seen for decades.

Under the guidance of Butler Lu, Yan Liqiang left the side hall, walked through a long corridor and a courtyard gate, and finally arrived in front of a house.

Several guards from the Lu family were standing outside the house. Under the watchful eyes of those guards, Yan Liqiang followed housekeeper Lu into the house.

There were already several people in the room. An old man with a slightly purple complexion, a plump figure and three beautiful long beard was sitting on the main seat in the room. Next to the old man stood a middle-aged man in his thirties wearing a brocade robe. The old man had a sad look on his face and the middle-aged man had red eyes.

Sitting on the chairs on the left side of the entrance to the room were several people ranging in age from forty to sixty. Compared to the old man and the middle-aged man, these people looked embarrassed and helpless. Several medicine boxes were placed in front of these people, so Yan Liqiang knew at a glance that these people were the doctors invited by the Lu family - it was said that the Lu family invited the best doctors in Huanglong County and Pingxi County, so they must be these people.

In the room connected to a door next to it, one could clearly hear a woman's heart-wrenching cry and the sobbing of many other women.

The room was filled with gloom and sadness.

As Butler Lu brought Yan Liqiang in, everyone's eyes in the room fell on Yan Liqiang. They were all a little stunned. Two of the doctors, after being slightly stunned, even looked at Yan Liqiang with disdain.

Butler Lu came up to the old man, bent down, and whispered a few words.

The old man's gaze lingered on Yan Liqiang for just two seconds, then he waved his hand dejectedly, "Well, let him try. We'll do our best and leave the rest to fate. If it doesn't work, then... let the people below take care of the rest..."

Butler Lu nodded, walked over, winked at Yan Liqiang, and then took Yan Liqiang to a room next door.

After passing through a door and an ear room behind the door, Yan Liqiang followed Butler Lu to a room guarded by two maids and two guards outside the door.

The room was a bedroom, but there were not many things placed in it. It looked empty. There was only a bed, and on the bed lay a child of about six or seven years old whose face was pale and completely bloodless.

After looking at the child lying on the bed, Yan Liqiang glanced at Butler Lu. Butler Lu nodded, and Yan Liqiang walked over and examined it carefully.

The child lying on the bed was wearing a loose white nightgown, with his hair loose, and his face looked a bit like the middle-aged man with red glasses who had just been seen outside.

Yan Liqiang first touched the child's forehead and found it was cold, no longer at normal body temperature. He then checked the child's breathing, pulse, and heartbeat. These vital signs were all gone, without any surprise.

"How long has this child been in this state?" Yan Liqiang asked Butler Lu.

"It's been almost three hours since lunch!" Steward Lu sighed. "This morning, when he was playing hide-and-seek with the children in the farm, he ran to the reeds by the river and hid there, but he accidentally slipped into the water and got his feet entangled by the weeds, and drowned. At first, the children didn't find him and thought he had run somewhere else. When he disappeared at lunchtime, everyone went to look for him, only to find that he was in the water behind the reeds. After he was fished out of the water, this is what happened. The farm tried all kinds of methods, including lifting his feet and turning his back, pushing his chest over his lungs, and breathing through his mouth. Apart from pouring a little water out of his mouth, there was no improvement at all. The doctors we invited also tried all kinds of methods, but none of them worked..."

Yan Liqiang knew that, in a sense, the child had been drowned for more than six hours. Otherwise, a family as big as the Lu family would not have been so desperate to seek help from outside.

As for the first aid methods of pushing the chest through the lungs and breathing through the mouth that Butler Lu mentioned, they were exactly the so-called cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration that he knew in his previous life on Earth. There are many warriors in this world, and their understanding of the composition and function of the human body's physiological structure far exceeds that of ordinary people. Many killing techniques are in turn ways to save people, so it is nothing new for these life-saving methods on Earth to appear here.

"Let me ask, who is this child in the Lu family?"

"This child is Mr. Lu's eldest grandson. Before this child, Mr. Lu only had a few granddaughters!" Manager Lu glanced at Yan Liqiang, thinking that Yan Liqiang was worried about the cost. He said in a deep voice, "If you have a way, just use it. Don't worry about the cost. The Lu family can afford this money. As long as it can save people, even if you want a hundred-year-old spiritual ginseng, the Lu family can give it to you!"

No wonder, it turns out that this child is the eldest son and grandson of the Lu family!

Yan Liqiang finally understood why the Lu family was so anxious.

"Then please ask Butler Lu to prepare something for me!"

"what do you need?"

Yan Liqiang glanced at the child lying on the bed and said, "Just ask Butler Lu to prepare a few moxa sticks for me!"

"Moxa sticks?" Butler Lu looked at Yan Liqiang in surprise. At this time, if Yan Liqiang said something like dragon liver and phoenix gall, Butler Lu would not be surprised, but moxa sticks surprised Butler Lu, because this thing is the cheapest and most common thing. Mugwort is everywhere in the mountains and plains. Moxa sticks are wrapped with mugwort fluff, and even ordinary people can make them themselves.

"Besides moxa sticks, do you need anything else? Do you need any help?" asked Butler Lu.

"No need, just give me moxa sticks and a candle to light them. Oh, the temperature in the room is a little low, put some more charcoal fire!"

After taking a deep look at Yan Liqiang, Butler Lu walked out of the room quickly. Less than two minutes later, several servants brought several pots of charcoal fire to several corners of the room and kept the room ventilated. Butler Lu also came in with the things Yan Liqiang needed. Also coming in with Butler Lu were the middle-aged man Yan Liqiang had just seen outside and the doctors he had just seen outside...

(End of this chapter)