Silver Overlord

Chapter 26: Saving People (II)


The doctors who were outside just now followed in after they knew that Yan Liqiang's tool for saving lives was just a simple moxa stick.

In the past few hours, they had tried every possible means to bring the child back to life, but failed. The child had clearly been dead for several hours now. They simply did not believe that anyone could bring a child who had been drowned for such a long time back to life, and the only tool they had was the most ordinary and common moxa stick.

If a moxa stick could bring a drowned person back to life, it would be a miraculous act.

In their hearts, they did not believe that Yan Liqiang could bring the dead back to life. Their only purpose in coming in was to see how Yan Liqiang could do some tricks with a moxa stick so that they could expose him on the spot.

Yan Liqiang knew very well the purpose of those doctors coming in, but he didn't want to hear someone chattering beside him while he was treating patients and it would affect his mood.

There is no other way but to continue pretending.

"Butler Lu, while I am treating this child, no one else is allowed in the room except the child's closest relatives!" Yan Liqiang said directly to Butler Lu.

Letting the child's closest relatives stay is to leave a witness and to give himself insurance. Even if the child cannot be saved in the end, he wants to let the Lu family know that he is serious about saving people and did not joke with the Lu family, nor did he do anything to desecrate the child's body. Yan Liqiang thought very carefully.

After hearing what Yan Liqiang said, the doctors who followed in were asked to leave by Butler Lu before they could even open their mouths.

Moxa sticks and candles were already placed in front of Yan Liqiang. The child's father, the man with red eyes, stood directly next to Yan Liqiang, with his eyes wide open, watching how Yan Liqiang would save his son.

"Please go ahead, Brother Yan. Even if you can't save her, the Lu family won't blame you..." the man said to Yan Liqiang in a hoarse and low voice.

"Human life is at stake. I can't guarantee anything, but I will try my best!" Yan Liqiang said to the man sincerely. These words were what he really thought, without any suspicion of pretense. Not to mention the Lu family, even if he met an ordinary person, in this situation, he would definitely be willing to give it a try. If he wins the bet, he will win a life. If he loses the bet, at this time, who would care about a fourteen-year-old boy? Besides, he has no reputation, so there is nothing to worry about.

The child's father nodded and stopped talking. Yan Liqiang also started to take action.

He first picked up the moxa stick that Butler Lu brought and took a look at it. He knew that this moxa stick was definitely made of the best moxa, because the moxa stick had just been placed here for a while, and he didn't even need to look at it with his eyes, the unique fragrance of the moxa naturally wafted out.

Of course, because mugwort is everywhere, even the best moxa sticks are not worth much money.

Yan Liqiang took the moxa stick and lit it on the candle. When one end of the moxa stick was red like a stick of incense, Yan Liqiang placed the moxa stick on the tray next to him, then stood up and undressed the child.

When the child's father saw Yan Liqiang's actions, he just moved his eyes but didn't say a word.

The child's body was cold and slightly stiff, but his abdomen was flat and not bulging. It was estimated that the water that had entered his abdomen had been squeezed out by the Lu family.

Yan Liqiang rubbed the child's abdomen gently with a serious face and prayed silently in his heart - Doctor Sun, Master Sun, this time your disciple Yan Liqiang is trying to save people with the secret method of saving lives passed down by you, and I hope you will bless and protect me. If this method works, I will never keep it to myself and will spread it to let more people know about it, so that those drowning people in this world can have a glimmer of hope of survival, and there will be fewer tragedies for thousands of families.

After praying in his heart, Yan Liqiang took the red moxa stick with one hand and moved it to the navel of the lying child. He pointed the lit end of the moxa stick at the child's navel, a few centimeters away from the navel, and tested the temperature of the moxa stick with his hand. After making sure that it did not burn the skin, he began to use the moxa stick to moxibustion the child's navel.

This is Yan Liqiang's way of saving people. This method, of course, was not something Yan Liqiang came up with on his own, but was a method left behind by Sun Simiao, the most famous genius doctor and king of medicine in ancient China, who lived to be 142 years old.

Sun Simiao left a miraculous prescription in his medical masterpiece "Prescriptions for Emergencies Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces". This miraculous prescription is for treating drowning people. He left the following passage in the book: "Prescription for treating drowning: undress the dead and moxibustion the navel. Anyone who has been drowned for one night can still survive."

In the book, Master Sun said that this recipe could revive someone who had been dead in the water overnight, so Yan Liqiang wanted to try it.

The reason why Yan Liqiang knew this prescription was because he had seen it occasionally in an article he paid attention to in his previous life. He originally thought that he would never be able to remember it, but after this rebirth, since he was able to remember the Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing, Yan Liqiang found that there seemed to be an extra memory in his head. As long as it was a book or article he had read in his previous life, even if he had only glanced at it, he could remember it. Those articles and books existed in his mind, and as long as he thought about it, he would remember it completely.

The belly button of the human body is a very important acupuncture point on the body, this point is called Shenque, also called Mingdi. Shen means primordial spirit, innate, Que means city tower, high building, palace, life, life, and Di means conclusion. As the name suggests, this acupuncture point is the high-rise palace where the human soul resides, and it is also the place of authority for human life and life.

Mugwort, this most common grass, has a pure yang nature. It can "restore the dying yang, connect the twelve meridians, move through the three yin meridians, regulate qi and blood, and expel cold and dampness..."

In his mind, the content of the article he had read before flashed through his consciousness word by word. Yan Liqiang's hand was like a pair of fixed pliers, holding the moxa stick motionlessly, and his eyes were fixed on the position between the moxa stick and the child's belly button, his expression was focused, sacred, and extremely serious.

Occasionally, Yan Liqiang's other hand would move to prevent the ashes of the burning moxa stick from falling on the child. Yan Liqiang used his other hand to catch the ashes and quickly threw them into the plate next to him.

Sometimes, when shaking off the ashes, the red moxa fluff on the moxa stick would fall off and be very hot, just like being splashed by hot oil, but Yan Liqiang still caught it with his hands, just frowned slightly, and threw the ashes into the tray next to him.

Bringing the plate and moving the moxa stick away will briefly isolate the moxibustion process and keep the moxa stick away from the child's navel, so Yan Liqiang would rather receive it with his hands - if his fingers are loosened, the heat from the moxa stick can continue to penetrate through the gaps between his fingers, and the ashes will be caught by his hands.

While trying his best to prevent the ashes from falling on the child, Yan Liqiang also paid close attention to the temperature of the skin of the child's belly button. He placed one of his fingers near the belly button at any time to feel the temperature of the skin around the belly button to prevent the moxa stick from burning the child's skin. He knew that for parents, seeing their children die is already a huge pain. No matter what, parents don't want to see their children's bodies being tossed around or damaged after death.

These are the smallest details, which most people would probably ignore. But for Yan Liqiang, his experience in his previous life tells him that the more these details are, the more they cannot be ignored. Success and the devil lie in these details.

As long as these details are in place, even if I can't save the child this time, the Lu family won't think I'm a scammer.

The child's father was originally watching Yan Liqiang's actions closely from the side. Slowly, when he saw Yan Liqiang doing these things so diligently and carefully, the expression on the man's face gradually relaxed, and finally he sighed.

The ashes on the moxa stick were about to fall, and just when Yan Liqiang was about to reach out to take it again, another hand reached out, and a hoarse and low voice sounded in Yan Liqiang's ears, "Let me do it..."

Before the old moxa stick burned out, Yan Liqiang lit a new moxa stick.

Time passed little by little, and the whole room was filled with the aroma of burning moxa sticks. Two hours later, Yan Liqiang had used up two moxa sticks, and the sky outside had become completely dark.

The third moxa stick has been half burned.

A lit fire tray in the room kept the temperature in the room moderately warm.

Just when Yan Liqiang felt that this method might not be able to save the child, suddenly, Yan Liqiang's finger touching the child's belly button suddenly felt the child's intestines below the belly button move like a spasm...

Before Yan Liqiang could react.

"Cough..." The child lying down suddenly coughed, then turned his head and spit out a mouthful of water with a "wow" sound.

The child's closed eyes slowly opened. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw his father with red eyes, looking at him with an ecstatic look he had never seen before.

"Wow..." the child suddenly burst into tears.

Yan Liqiang placed the half-burned moxa stick on a plate beside him. Yan Liqiang stood aside, staring blankly at the crying child who had just woken up. A voice in his heart was shouting, "I succeeded, I succeeded, I can really save the child, I can really save the child..."

Not to mention that the child was crying, at this moment, Yan Liqiang even had the urge to cry.

Thank you Master Sun, Grandpa Sun, thank you WeChat, thank you Boss Ma, thank you Boss Zhang, thank you to all those who spread positive energy...

The child's cry exploded in the room like thunder, and was heard outside the house...

In just a blink of an eye, Yan Liqiang felt the door outside the house being pushed open suddenly, and a lot of footsteps came. The old man he had just seen, several women, and several men he had never seen before, all rushed into the house.

“Lin’er…” One of the women, who was in her thirties, came in and saw that the child had sat up. She exclaimed in surprise and joy, then rushed over, hugged the child in her arms, and burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, the women nearby burst into tears of joy. The elderly Mr. Lu was so excited that his face turned red, and his hands were shaking slightly. "Good, good, good... The dead can still be resurrected. God bless our Lu family, God bless our Lu family..."

As he spoke, everyone in the room turned their gazes and stared at Yan Liqiang's face with shining eyes.

(End of this chapter)