Silver Overlord

Chapter 29: The crisis is emerging


Unlike when he came to the Lu family, when Yan Liqiang left the Lu family, he rode in the luxurious carriage used by the old man of the Lu family.

Steward Lu personally saw Yan Liqiang off, and two Lu family guards rode rhinoceros horses to escort him.

The sun had just set before I came to the Lu family, and when I left the Lu family, the sky outside was already full of stars.

The reason why they sent it in a horse-drawn carriage was, firstly, to show courtesy and solemnity, and secondly, because Yan Liqiang was carrying a whole box of 500 taels of gold given by the Lu family, which was not convenient to put on the rhino dragon horse.

He opened the box and took out a golden gold bar. The heavy feel and cool touch of the gold bar made Yan Liqiang feel inexplicably at ease when he held it in his hand.

No matter in his previous life or this life, this is the first time that Yan Liqiang has possessed such a huge fortune. It is these golden things that have made countless people sacrifice their lives and even become so crazy as to ignore their relatives.

On one side are expensive gold bars, and on the other side are cheap moxa sticks. A human life makes a few moxa sticks equal the box in front of them containing 500 taels of gold.

In this world, things are often so fantastic.

Is the expensive really expensive, and is the cheap really cheap? Who can tell

Thinking of the Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing that he bought from a street stall, Yan Liqiang stroked the gold bars in his hand and sighed secretly in his heart.

The excitement and stimulation that the gold bars brought to Yan Liqiang lasted much shorter than Yan Liqiang had imagined. When the carriage just drove out of the gate of Lujiazhuang, Yan Liqiang looked at the gold bars in his hand and his mood had calmed down a lot. He grabbed a handful of gold bars from the box, about five or six, and without counting them, he stuffed them directly into the hands of Lu Wenbin, the manager who was sitting opposite him and sending him back.

In addition to Yan Liqiang, Manager Lu was also excited at this time.

Today, the Lu family sent twelve managers to various places in Huanglong County, but in the end, only he came with Yan Liqiang, and the other managers found nothing. Unexpectedly, it was Yan Liqiang, whom he brought, who miraculously rescued the person in the end.

Although Steward Lu has not spoken today, Steward Lu seems to have seen that his good days in the Lu family are coming.

Manager Lu, who was immersed in his fantasy, suddenly felt his hand sink. He looked down and found that Yan Liqiang had stuffed a handful of gold bars into his hand, which startled Manager Lu.

“Master Yan, you can’t do that…” Manager Lu lowered his voice and wanted to return the gold bars.

But Yan Liqiang pressed his hand back and lowered his voice, "Manager Lu, if you hadn't brought me to Lujiazhuang today, I wouldn't have had this opportunity. I have to thank you, Manager Lu. So these gold bars also have your share of credit. Let's share the benefits equally. Everyone who sees it has a share. Manager Lu, don't refuse..."

“No, no, this is something the master gave to Master Yan…” Steward Lu pushed the gold bar over again.

"What Mr. Lu gave me is mine, so I can decide how to use it. Manager Lu, don't worry..." Yan Liqiang pushed the gold bar over again.

"this… "

"If Steward Lu refuses again, it will be bad if people outside hear it. Steward Lu works diligently in Lujia Village, isn't it also for the sake of making his family live a better life? The gift I gave to Steward Lu is aboveboard and sincere, just a courtesy. I am not afraid even in front of Mr. Lu, so what is Steward Lu worried about!"

It was not known whether it was Yan Liqiang's sincere attitude or his words that touched Manager Lu. Manager Lu looked at the glittering gold bars in his hand, then at the smile on Yan Liqiang's face. He finally stopped pushing the gold bars over, and with a grateful smile on his face, he swallowed his saliva and put the gold bars in his arms, "Then... Lu Wenbin would like to thank Master Yan for his generous gift..."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. My father taught me since I was young that when many hands make light work, the fire burns higher. Without Manager Lu today, I wouldn't have these rewards, and Mr. Lu Laoye's grandson wouldn't be saved. It's my duty..." The smile on Yan Liqiang's face became more sincere and kind.

Manager Lu was also amazed in his heart. This fourteen-year-old boy was so experienced in his ways and did not look like a teenager at all. Instead, he looked like an adult who had experienced a lot of things in the world. No wonder the master personally sent him out of the mansion today. Such treatment was simply not possible in Lujia Manor unless you were a distinguished guest. If Yan Liqiang stayed like this now, what would happen in the future

Just like that, under the premise that both of them were interested in making friends with each other, it only took a short while for Yan Liqiang to have a lively chat with Manager Lu, and their friendship quickly heated up.

Just as Yan Liqiang was leaving Lujiazhuang by car, Mr. Lu and Butler Lu returned to the Peony Hall.

As soon as the two of them sat down, the maid served them new tea and then left obediently.

The two talked about what happened today. After only a few words, Mr. Lu suddenly asked Butler Lu a question, "Xiao Qi, what do you think of this young man Yan Liqiang?"

"This young man has a clear and upright look in his eyes. He is definitely not a treacherous person. What's more rare is that he is so experienced and steady in dealing with people at such a young age. He can move forward and backward freely. He has also passed the horse stance test. His strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. From this point of view, among the boys of the same age between fourteen and eighteen in the village, almost no one can compare to him. I think this boy will definitely be something extraordinary in the future, but..."

Mr. Lu paused as he picked up the teacup. "Just what?"

"It's just that this boy said that his hometown is in Liuhe Town, Qinghe County, and he has always lived with his father at home. But from what I saw today, if this boy had been at home all these years, with his performance today, he would have been famous in the village and would not be unknown. Huanglong County is adjacent to Qinghe County, and Lujia Village is always paying attention to the young talents among the neighbors. But we have never heard of this name, so I think it's a bit strange!"

"You think he's lying?"

"Maybe there are some strange things and things we don't know about!"

Mr. Lu floated the teacup twice with a teacup and said, "Then arrange for someone to go to Huanglong County tomorrow and find out. Remember, find out more about Yan Liqiang's family affairs. Xiaoqi, you should take care of this matter yourself. I don't trust anyone else!"

"Yes, Master, rest assured, I will definitely take care of this!" After saying that, Butler Lu looked up at Master Lu and asked curiously, "I wonder why Master is so concerned about this young man?"

Mr. Lu smiled, "What do you think of Yan Liqiang and Bei'er being together?"

"Miss Nine..." Housekeeper Lu's face showed astonishment, as if he had never expected that Mr. Lu's thoughts would jump so far. This Bei'er, Miss Nine, is the old man's jewel in the crown. The old man had a daughter late in life, and he doted on Miss Nine the most. Housekeeper Lu was stunned for a long time before reacting, "It's just that Miss Nine is already nineteen this year, and Yan Liqiang is only fourteen. The age difference..."

"Two years ago, I went to the county town to ask Ma Tiezui to predict Bei'er's marriage. Ma Tiezui said that Bei'er was born in the year of Xinyou. If she matches with a man born in the year of Bingchen, it would be a perfect match, a match made in heaven and earth ...

Yan Liqiang didn't know that when he went to Lujiazhuang this time, in addition to saving people, he was also "noticed" by Mr. Lu...

"Yan Liqiang said Qian Su is his uncle, so I'll find a time to talk to Qian Su when he comes to Zui Xiang Lou again..."

"You don't have to go. It would be too obvious if you went. Let Payne go. He often goes to Zui Xiang Lou. It would be natural for him to meet Qian Su. He wouldn't be too deliberate..."

"knew… "

By the time Yan Liqiang got off the Lu family's "luxury car" at the Craftsman Camp, Yan Liqiang and Lu Wenbin had almost become close friends regardless of age difference. From Lu Wenbin's words, Yan Liqiang's understanding of the Lu family had suddenly become much deeper. He had a clear understanding of all the important figures and relationships in the Lu family, and was no longer confused by hearsay.

Yan Liqiang got out of the car holding a box full of gold bars, and Butler Lu also got out of the car to say goodbye to Yan Liqiang.

It is fine to sit in these two-wheeled carriages for a short time, but after sitting for a long time, you will feel that the comfort is too poor. After such a bumpy ride, no matter how well the carriage is decorated or how much cushion it has, it is still uncomfortable. It is not even as good as an ox cart. Because an ox cart moves slowly, the bumps it causes are not as big as those of a running horse carriage.

"By the way, Butler Lu, why doesn't the old man get a four-wheeled carriage when he goes out? With the Lu family's financial resources, it would only take the old man a word to get a four-wheeled carriage. It would be more comfortable to sit in that way..." When saying goodbye, Yan Liqiang asked casually because he was somewhat familiar with Butler Lu.

"Hahaha, where in the world can you find a four-wheeled carriage..." Steward Lu shook his head and laughed, as if he had heard something funny. "Master Yan is so smart, how could he be so confused about this? A carriage has four wheels, so how can it turn?"

"Turning, what's so difficult about that? Isn't that..." Yan Liqiang said, and suddenly he froze, because he suddenly thought of why there were no four-wheeled carriages in this era. This was because the wheels of all the vehicles he had seen were fixed on the frame. It was easy to steer with two fixed wheels, but it would be very difficult to steer with four fixed wheels.

In his previous life, he was used to seeing four-wheeled vehicles and always took them for granted. However, he did not expect that in this world, two-wheeled vehicles with fixed wheels were "even more" taken for granted.

"Mr. Yan, is there anything else?" Manager Lu asked when he saw Yan Liqiang was a little dazed.

"Oh, no, no!" Yan Liqiang reacted immediately, "Thank you, Manager Lu, for seeing me off. Manager Lu, please go back soon!"

"Okay, goodbye then!"

Watching Steward Lu and the Lu family's guards leave, Yan Liqiang shook his head, smiled self-deprecatingly, and then walked towards the gate of the craftsmen's camp.

After taking only a few steps, Yan Liqiang frowned, because he suddenly had a strong feeling that someone was watching him in the dark.

The main gate of the craftsmen's camp faced the main road. It was already dark and there were almost no people on the road. On both sides of the road were cornfields more than one meter tall. Not far away there was a mound surrounded by a eucalyptus forest. Because of the night, everything in the distance was hazy, and Yan Liqiang could not be sure where the eyes that were peeping at him came from.

But one thing is certain, that is, the feeling of being watched in the dark is very uncomfortable. Yan Liqiang felt like he was being stared at by a ferocious poisonous snake. The snake seemed ready to pounce on him with its bloody mouth open at any time, and it was eager to try, which made the hairs on his neck stand up.

The sudden strong sense of crisis made Yan Liqiang's heart beat wildly. His palms were slightly sweaty and his throat felt a little dry. However, he did not look around. Instead, he swallowed his saliva and continued to walk towards the entrance of the craftsman camp more than 20 meters away without changing his pace.

Seeing Yan Liqiang coming back, the soldiers guarding the gate of the craftsman camp greeted Yan Liqiang enthusiastically, and Yan Liqiang also responded with a smile.

It wasn't until Yan Liqiang entered the gate of the Artisan Camp, walked straight for a distance, and turned the corner to the road inside the Artisan Camp that the feeling of being on edge suddenly disappeared as if it had been cut off...

(End of this chapter)