Silver Overlord

Chapter 4: Strange world


"Li Qiang, wake up... Li Qiang, wake up..."

At some point, Yan Liqiang heard a vague anxious voice in his ear, and at the same time felt someone patting his face gently. The voice gradually became clearer, and finally Yan Liqiang even felt someone yelling in his ear. Yan Liqiang opened his eyes all of a sudden.

What came into view was the face of a boy of about fourteen or fifteen years old, which was close to his own. The face was slightly fat, with a few pimples on it. The eyes were a little red, full of anxiety and anger. It was the hand of the owner of this face that was patting his face.

To Yan Liqiang, this face was a stranger, but he inexplicably felt that it seemed very familiar to him. However, he could not remember the name of this face for a moment.

Seeing Yan Liqiang open his eyes, his face immediately showed surprise, "Ah, you're awake, you're awake, Liqiang, are you okay..."

Yan Liqiang's head was still a little dizzy and his consciousness was still a little fuzzy at this time.

"Everyone, please make way. Don't gather here. Carry the person to the clinic first..." The voice of a middle-aged man sounded beside Yan Liqiang's ears. Then the boy of about fourteen or fifteen years old who was close to Yan Liqiang stood up. As soon as the boy stood up, Yan Liqiang realized that he seemed to be lying on the ground, and around him, there was a dense circle of young people aged fourteen to seventeen or eighteen, looking down at him with different eyes.

Some people looked at him with concern in their eyes, while others looked at him with gloating in their eyes, and still others looked at him with shock and curiosity in their eyes.

What confused Yan Liqiang the most was the young people surrounding him. Each of them was wearing strange clothes. They were all wearing the same clothes with belts around their waists, which looked a bit like martial arts training clothes. They also had very long hair, just like the ones in TV dramas.

What's going on? A question popped up in Yan Liqiang's mind: Is this a prank? Or is he dreaming

As soon as the thought of dreaming appeared in his mind, Yan Liqiang felt waves of severe pain in his head, back and right arm. The pain was clear and intense, coming in waves, stimulating Yan Liqiang's central nervous system and reminding him of the crisis his body was facing. It was so real that it couldn't be more real.

In the severe pain, Yan Liqiang blinked his eyes, and the expressions on the young faces around him suddenly became clear. In his ears, he also heard all kinds of whispers coming from the people around him.

- He was always showing off in front of everyone, and now he got his comeuppance, haha…

—You deserve it!

—I didn’t expect Hong Tao to be so powerful. He actually practiced the Iron Sand Palm to the third level without making any sound. However, his attack was too fierce. He almost beat Yan Liqiang to death...

—I didn’t expect Yan Liqiang to be able to open his eyes. Hong Tao should have been more ruthless. It would have been better if he had beaten Yan Liqiang to a disability, so that this annoying guy would not be able to participate in the county martial arts examination in two months...

Yan Liqiang felt his eyes go dark, his head aches, and his body feels empty. Those clear faces and the various discussions he heard in his ears suddenly became blurry and shaky.

What’s going on with these people? Why do I feel both familiar and unfamiliar? I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming.

A voice was lingering in Yan Liqiang's mind, but no matter what the voice said, everything before his eyes and the feelings coming from his body were becoming more and more real.

Suddenly, the people around parted, and a man in his thirties, strong and tall, with a dark face appeared in front of Yan Liqiang. He squatted down and looked down at Yan Liqiang, pinched various parts of Yan Liqiang's body with his hands, as if checking it out. Then he took Yan Liqiang's right hand with one hand, pulled, twisted, and loosened it. With a click, the dislocated arm instantly returned to its place.

When his arm was connected, Yan Liqiang groaned and sweat broke out on his forehead.

The man stood up, waved his hand, and ordered in a deep voice, "Carry Yan Liqiang to the clinic..."

Someone took a stretcher, and several people nearby flipped Yan Liqiang onto the stretcher. Then the people around made way for him and watched Yan Liqiang leave on the stretcher.

Lying on the stretcher, Yan Liqiang saw a crowd of people around him. He didn't know how many there were, both men and women, all wearing similar training clothes, watching Yan Liqiang leave with various expressions. Not far away, Yan Liqiang saw a ring more than two meters above the ground. A 15 or 16-year-old, strong boy stood on the ring with his arms folded, looking down at him with a cold and condescending look, with a hint of mockery on the corner of his mouth. Behind this boy, there was a huge green palm shadow more than one meter high, which was slowly dissipating...

Looking up again, there was a banner hanging on the arena with a line of large characters on it - Preliminary Examination of the National Martial Arts County of Qinghe County, Pingxi Prefecture.

"The winner of the seventh preliminary competition in the T-shaped arena is Hong Tao. The next group should get ready..." Seeing Yan Liqiang leave, an old man in a long robe standing on the arena roared with full energy.

Everything continued, but Yan Liqiang's mind was a mess.

Yan Liqiang was carried on a stretcher away from the dense crowd and found himself in a large courtyard. There were several Chinese-style buildings with strange styles in the courtyard. Next to the playground in the middle of the courtyard were rows of weapon racks. It was just morning and the courtyard was shaded by trees, with birds singing and flowers blooming. On the ring in the distance, there were the shouts of young men fighting.

The sky was so blue that it made people intoxicated, as if it was trying to absorb their souls. Yan Liqiang remembered that he had only seen such a blue sky once when he traveled to Shangri-La, Yunnan...

Suddenly, the stretcher shook, and Yan Liqiang rolled off the stretcher. His body and head hit the ground, and he felt a sharp pain. He couldn't help but feel dizzy...

"Xu Changle, what are you doing?" the fat man carrying the stretcher roared.

"Sorry, my hand slipped..."

"You obviously did it on purpose..."

"So what if I did it on purpose? Humph, Su Chang, this matter has nothing to do with you. Do you think Yan Liqiang can still be as majestic as before?"

Listening to the quarrel, Yan Liqiang smiled bitterly in his heart. It seemed that Yan Liqiang had offended many people and was not very popular. At this time, even the people who were carrying his stretcher took the opportunity to punish him...

Waves of weakness came from his mind and Yan Liqiang fainted again.

While unconscious, Yan Liqiang had a long dream. In this dream, he was born in a strange world called the Silver Continent. There were thousands of races on the Silver Continent, and the strong preyed on the weak. The world was full of big countries, powerful people, giant clans, and sects. This was a world where martial arts was respected and force dominated everything. In this world, he was still called Yan Liqiang. Unlike him who grew up in an orphanage on Earth, in this world, he had a somewhat crazy and strict father. His father was a blacksmith in Qinghe County, Pingxi County of the Han Empire. Ever since he could remember, his father had only one requirement for him, to practice martial arts, practice martial arts, practice martial arts... Apart from the crazy martial arts practice, he had almost no other memory.

At the end of this long dream, Yan Liqiang once again saw himself who was born on Earth and liked to show off, he saw Lu Jiaying, he saw the meteor flying towards him, and the scorching white light.

In the light, the two different dreams and memories finally merged completely together, and the two Yan Liqiang became one Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang woke up, opened his eyes, and found himself lying on the bed. Everything that had happened on Earth seemed like an unreal dream to him now.

This seemed to be a ward. The first thing that caught his eye was the white roof and the white mosquito net hanging above the head of the bed. Then, Yan Liqiang smelled alcohol and a strong scent of Chinese herbal medicine.

The ward was empty. Looking out the window, it should be evening outside, which meant that I had been lying here for half a day.

After half a day's rest and recovery, Yan Liqiang's brain had completely regained clarity and consciousness, but he still felt a little bored and uncomfortable in his chest and back, and there was some pain in the back of his head. Yan Liqiang reached out and touched it, and found a swollen bump on the back of his head.

He lifted the quilt and found that he was shirtless with a layer of white gauze wrapped between his chest and back. His chest felt hot, as if it had been rubbed with medicine.

Yan Liqiang got out of bed, put on his clothes, and found a mirror on the wall next to the bed. Looking at the boy of about fourteen or fifteen years old in the mirror, Yan Liqiang was slightly stunned.

The face of that boy was exactly the same as it was in his previous life on Earth when he was fourteen or fifteen years old. Even the red mole on his left earlobe was still there, without any change. The only difference was that when he was fourteen or fifteen years old in his previous life on Earth, he was a little thin, almost as thin as a bean sprout, while the figure of the fourteen or fifteen year old boy in the mirror was already very good, he could just be a model. The muscles and lines not only on the boy's arms, but also between the chest and abdomen were very obvious, especially in the lower abdomen where one could see the obvious eight-pack abs, full of power. For a fourteen or fifteen year old boy, it would be impossible to have such a muscular figure without years of hard work and exercise.

It’s a real profit!

Originally, Yan Liqiang was a little depressed, but when he saw himself in the mirror for the first time, his body and figure looked ten years younger. Yan Liqiang's mood suddenly became better and he couldn't help but smile.

"My son, where is my son Yan Liqiang..." A somewhat irritable man's voice appeared outside the room. Yan Liqiang just turned his head and saw the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a man rushed in...

(End of this chapter)