Silver Overlord

Chapter 45: Accidents happen one after another


This was the first time Yan Liqiang had killed someone in his two lifetimes.

Having read too many novels and watched too many TV dramas in his previous life, he always thought that a person would feel uncomfortable after killing someone, such as fainting at the sight of blood, feeling nauseous, or vomiting. But in fact, after killing Guo Shanfeng, Yan Liqiang felt quite calm. What appeared in his mind at this time was not the dead body of Guo Shanfeng in front of him, but the two nearly fatal and horrific wounds on his father Yan Dechang's body.

After seeing the wounds on his father's body and then looking at Shanfeng's body, Yan Liqiang's mentality became completely calm, so calm that he even surprised himself.

After confirming that Guo Shanfeng was dead, Yan Liqiang put down the bow and arrow in his hand, walked over, and began to check and dispose of Guo Shanfeng's body.

Coming in front of Guo Shanfeng's body, Yan Liqiang squatted down, then touched Guo Shanfeng's waist and found two bulging sharp objects on Guo Shanfeng's waist. He took them out and found that they were two sharp flying knives as long as his palms. Thinking that Guo Shanfeng's hand had been touching his waist just now, Yan Liqiang was instantly thankful. This time, fortunately, he was careful and did not rashly get too close to Guo Shanfeng. If he was careless and approached him when Guo Shanfeng was pretending to be dead, then the two flying knives might have been stabbed into his body. These desperate criminals were indeed not so easy to deal with.

In addition to the two flying knives, Yan Liqiang also found a purse on Guo Shanfeng's body. In the purse were six gold notes and some small change. The face value of each of the six gold notes was ten taels of gold, which could be exchanged at the official bank of the Han Empire. In addition to the money, Guo Shanfeng also had a medicine bag on his body. In the medicine bag were three medicine bottles of different colors. Because there was no indication on the medicine bottles what was inside, Yan Liqiang did not open the bottles to smell them. What if the medicine bottles contained something harmful, such as aphrodisiac incense, and it would be funny if he sniffed them rashly and got tricked by accident.

After putting away the purse, Yan Liqiang threw the medicine bag directly on Guo Shanfeng's body, and then searched him carefully.

"Eh..." Just when Yan Liqiang touched Guo Shanfeng's armpit, he found that there seemed to be a layer in the close-fitting clothes under Guo Shanfeng's armpit. The clothes there felt a little thick, and there seemed to be something inside the clothes.

Yan Liqiang took off Guo Shanfeng's clothes, picked up a flying knife, cut open the clothes under Guo Shanfeng's armpits, and took out the things in the lining of the clothes.

It was a book with a silver cover. The texture did not feel like paper, but was soft and shiny, yet tough and had a metallic texture, as if it was woven with some kind of metal thread. On the silver cover of the book, there were six large golden characters: "Golden Bell Body Protection Magical Skill".

Cultivation secrets!

After a quick flip through, the entire book, including the cover, only had seven thin pages in total. The back had been torn off. The secret book that Guo Shanfeng had hidden on his body seemed to be only the front part of the book. No one knew how much more was in the back. At the top of the last page of the seven pages, there was a line of text - the Qi circulation diagram and elixir formula for the sixth level of the Golden Bell Cover.

A incomplete secret book with only the first few pages actually has six levels of realms. I don’t know how many levels there are in the rest of the book, but it is definitely above the sixth level. Such a secret book is simply a priceless treasure.

Looking at the incomplete secret book in his hand, Yan Liqiang's heart began to beat rapidly. After checking that there was no one around, Yan Liqiang quickly hid the secret book on himself.

After searching Guo Shanfeng's body again, they found that there was really nothing else, so they started to deal with Guo Shanfeng's body.

Yan Liqiang first pulled out the two arrows that were nailed to Guo Shanfeng's legs. When pulling out the arrows, Yan Liqiang found that the muscles in Guo Shanfeng's legs were very hard and strong. The two arrows that he shot into his thighs were actually tightly clamped by his muscles. Moreover, the depth of the arrows was a little beyond Yan Liqiang's expectations. Yan Liqiang originally felt that his two arrows could at least penetrate five inches into Guo Shanfeng's thighs, but in fact, the arrowheads of the two arrows only penetrated about three inches into Guo Shanfeng's thighs.

Could it be that Guo Shanfeng has also practiced the secret book of "Golden Bell Body Protection Magic" that he carries with him, so his body's ability to withstand attacks is different from that of ordinary people

Yan Liqiang thought so in his mind, and tried to pull out the arrow from Guo Shanfeng's neck. As soon as the arrow was pulled out, a small layer of skin seemed to be turned up above Guo Shanfeng's Adam's apple due to the inverted edge of the arrow's tail.

Yan Liqiang felt strange and gently peeled off a line of skin with his hand. He found that there was another layer of skin underneath the skin. As Yan Liqiang exerted force, there was a slight sound, just like tearing open a layer of packaging. A thin mask appeared in Yan Liqiang's hand, and Guo Shanfeng lying on the ground suddenly turned into another face. That face also looked like a middle-aged man, with pale skin, sparse eyebrows, cheekbones like knives, and the expression on the whole face revealed a hint of darkness and viciousness, but now, this face was also dead, deader than dead.

Could this be Guo Shan Feng's true face? I remember that Guo Shan Feng said his name was Fang Ji, not Deng Long.

Yan Liqiang had never expected that this Guoshan Feng would bring him so many surprises.

Yan Liqiang first dragged Guo Shanfeng's body behind a bush not far away, then took out the backpack and hoe hidden in the rabbit hole behind the bushes. He used the hoe to dig up the abandoned rabbit hole in more than half an hour, and then threw Guo Shanfeng into the hole and buried him. In other words, he did what he said, leaving Guo Shanfeng with an intact body and letting him rest in peace.

After doing all this, more than an hour had passed, and Yan Liqiang didn't feel tired.

Then, Yan Liqiang used a knife to cut a piece of clothing left on Guo Shanfeng into strips of cloth, and completely wrapped the bow arm of the Horned Python Bow, leaving only the bowstring exposed outside. In this way, no one could tell that this bow was the eye-catching Horned Python Bow.

Afterwards, Yan Liqiang cleaned the battlefield again and dealt with the bloodstains and some traces on the ground.

After doing all this, Yan Liqiang took out the mask he had just taken off Guo Shanfeng's face, and his eyes sparkled...

More than ten minutes later, when Yan Liqiang came out of the pine forest again, Yan Dechang might not recognize him, because Yan Liqiang had turned into a real gust of wind.

Yan Liqiang wore a bamboo hat, carried a horn python bow and quiver, threw the basket and hoe in his hands into the weeds and bushes in the valley below, and then walked down the mountain...

When Yan Liqiang reached the peach forest at the foot of the mountain, the sun had already set and the sky was getting dark.

Seeing that there was no one around, Yan Liqiang flashed and entered the peach forest.

Just after entering the peach forest for a while, Yan Liqiang saw a slightly plump man pacing back and forth in the depths of the peach forest.

Who else could this person be but Hong Tao’s uncle Hong An

There was no one around Hong An, not even a servant of the Hong family. After all, this kind of thing could not be exposed to the public, and the fewer people who knew about it, the better. Unless they were from the Hong family, the Hong family would not feel at ease if anyone knew about it.

Yan Liqiang took a deep breath, and with a flip of his hand, the Horned Python Bow was in his hand. He was too lazy to even walk over and talk nonsense with the people from the Hong family. He just shot an arrow at Hong An from a hundred meters away.

With a "puff" sound, a long arrow shot into Hong An's left eye and pierced his brain. Hong An fell to the ground without a sound.

Once you master the art of archery, killing someone is as easy as killing a chicken. Just draw the bow and release the arrow. With just two movements, you can easily take a life from a hundred meters away within a second.

Yan Liqiang, who shot Hong An, stayed in the peach forest for half an hour. After it was completely dark, he put his bow on his back and headed towards Liuhe Town.

At this time, the Hong family's ancestor worship activities should have been completed, and the Hong family was eating and drinking at home...

(End of this chapter)