Silver Overlord

Chapter 5: Being plotted against


The man who pushed the door open looked to be in his forties, with a strong build, broad shoulders and a thick waist. His clothes were stained and seemed to smell of iron filings and fireworks. It would be more accurate to say that he had opened the door of the ward rather than pushed it open.

There were two young men coming in with this man. One of them was the fat boy Su Chang whom he had seen when he woke up before, and the other was a bit thin.

All three of them were sweating and a little out of breath, as if they had been running all the way.

"Li Qiang, are you okay? Where does your body hurt? Do you feel uncomfortable..."

Before Yan Liqiang could say anything, the man in his forties strode over with an anxious look on his face. He put his hands on Yan Liqiang's shoulders and checked Yan Liqiang's body from top to bottom. When he saw that Yan Liqiang was indeed fine, the man's anxious expression relaxed a little.

Seeing the genuine concern and anxiety on the man's face, Yan Liqiang felt an indescribable emotion in his heart. In his previous life, he grew up in an orphanage and had never known what fatherly love was. He never expected that in this life, he would have such a father.

"Father, I'm fine. I've applied medicine to my wound. I think I'll be fine after a few days of rest!"

“It’s good that you’re okay, it’s good that you’re okay!” The man’s big hands that were holding Yan Liqiang’s shoulders finally left Yan Liqiang’s shoulders, and he breathed a sigh of relief. “If Su Chang and Qi Donglai hadn’t come to tell me the news, I wouldn’t have known that you were in trouble…” After saying this, the man turned his head and looked at the two teenagers who came in with him. “Su Chang, Donglai, come to your uncle’s house another day. Your uncle will treat you to a drink. It’s getting late now. I guess your family members are waiting for you. You should go home quickly!”

Su Chang nodded and glanced at Yan Liqiang, "Okay, Uncle Yan, since Liqiang is awake, we will go back!"

"go Go!"

The two young men were about to turn around and leave when Yan Liqiang suddenly called them, "Su Chang, Dong Lai, thank you for this time!"

The young man named Su Chang was slightly stunned, as if he did not expect to hear the word "thank you" from Yan Liqiang's mouth. He chuckled and scratched his head, "Well, I should, I should..."

The young man named Qi Donglai looked at Yan Liqiang in surprise, but found that Yan Liqiang's sharp eyes were fixed on his face. The young man named Qi Donglai smiled and said, "Well, then Liqiang, you should have a good rest!"

Watching Su Chang and Qi Donglai leave, Yan Liqiang suddenly had a question in his mind. For some reason, he felt that Qi Donglai seemed a little nervous. When he was looking at him just now, the corners of his mouth involuntarily pursed inward, and he subconsciously swallowed his saliva. According to Yan Liqiang's experience in his previous life, such an expression showed that the person was very nervous at that time.

Why does Qi Donglai get nervous when facing himself

Suddenly, Yan Liqiang thought of the situation when he competed with Hong Tao today.

He did have an accident in the arena this time. When he was fighting with Hong Tao, there was a moment when he suddenly felt his right calf go numb, his whole body stiffened, and his movements slowed down. As a result, Hong Tao seized the opportunity, rushed close to him, and used the Iron Sand Palm, hitting him heavily with both palms, knocking him out of the arena. He was defeated miserably and was injured. It would be difficult for him to fully recover in a short time.

He indeed didn't know that Hong Tao had been secretly practicing Iron Sand Palm. But even if Hong Tao had been practicing, it had not been too long after all, and his Iron Sand Palm had not yet reached the real level. If they really fought, he would not lose so badly and so ugly in front of everyone.

"Li Qiang, wasn't Hong Tao on par with you before? You two have competed with each other before. Even though he has practiced Iron Sand Palm and has gained some skills, it has not been long after all. You shouldn't have lost so badly in the ring today. What happened?"

After Su Chang and Qi Donglai left, Yan Liqiang's father Yan Dechang immediately asked about what happened on the ring today with a serious face. From his expression, it seemed that Yan Dechang was more upset about Yan Liqiang's failure than Yan Liqiang was.

"I don't know what happened. I just didn't react for a moment and was hit by Hong Tao. Maybe I was shocked to find out that Hong Tao learned the Iron Sand Palm..." Yan Liqiang said vaguely.

"The outcome of a martial arts competition doesn't mean anything. Victory and defeat are common in the military. As long as you go back and work hard and sum up your experience, you will be able to defeat Hong Tao next time you meet him in the ring. You must become the strongest of your generation in Qinghe County, and you must defeat that Hong Tao. Do you hear me?" Yan Dechang stared at Yan Liqiang with great expectations in his eyes. His tone gave people inexplicable pressure. His hand fell on Yan Liqiang's shoulder again and squeezed it heavily.

What else could Yan Liqiang say? He just nodded habitually. Over the years, Yan Liqiang had developed the habit of obeying his father, and the "small goal" in life that his father gave him was to become the number one of the younger generation in Qinghe County.

Seeing Yan Liqiang nod, Yan Dechang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the following time, Yan Dechang found the doctor of the clinic and asked about Yan Liqiang's injuries in detail and patiently. He learned that Yan Liqiang was indeed not seriously injured, but there was some bruise on his chest. As long as he did not practice martial arts or do too much exercise in the next one or two months, he would slowly recover. Then he bought two bottles of medicinal wine for treatment in the clinic and left the clinic with Yan Liqiang.

The clinic is inside the martial arts museum. When the two people walked out of the clinic, the museum had already become deserted. The martial arts field and the arena were empty. There was no noise from the daytime. Only inside the clinic, there were still people coming to see the doctor.

Yan Dechang walked out of the martial arts hall with a frown on his face. His face was as heavy as iron. After the doctor said that Yan Liqiang needed at least one or two months of rest, his face darkened. Because if that was the case, it would mean that Yan Liqiang might not be able to participate in the martial arts county exam in two months...

Outside the National Martial Arts Museum is Qinghe County, which is naturally the most prosperous place in Qinghe County. The street outside the National Martial Arts Museum is five meters wide. There are a lot of cars and people coming and going on the street. There are tall shops and buildings lining the street, and it is very lively.

At this moment, the sun was setting and the sky was just getting dark. Strings of red lanterns were already hung at the doors of some shops. Many people walking on the street were wearing long gowns and Chinese costumes, with swords hanging from their waists. They looked ethereal and heroic. Looking around, it was like being in a dream.

Yan Dechang looked around and told Yan Liqiang directly, "Just wait here. The doctor just told me that you should try not to move too much these days. I'll go get a car. It's still a few miles from here to home. Let's take a car back today!"

After saying this, Yan Dechang walked straight to one end of the street to look for a car without waiting for Yan Liqiang to speak.

望的陷阱 . , English: Watching Yan Dechang leave, Yan Liqiang smiled bitterly in his heart. As a father, Yan Dechang was too controlling of Yan Liqiang. In his memory, Yan Dechang was a tiger dad. Since he was a child, he had arranged everything for Yan Liqiang. Yan Liqiang didn't need to worry about anything. The only thing Yan Liqiang needed to do was to practice martial arts, practice martial arts, practice martial arts, and become stronger, stronger, and stronger. It was precisely because he had such a father that Yan Liqiang had almost no life and fun like his peers since he was a child, and no good friends. He was a little withdrawn, a little taciturn, and didn't understand the ways of the world. Because of this character, almost no one in the town's school was willing to get too close to Yan Liqiang. And because the school had more training and fighting courses, the students who had been beaten by Yan Liqiang in these courses naturally hated Yan Liqiang. This was also the reason why so many people gloated after Yan Liqiang was knocked off the ring today, and some even deliberately knocked him off the stretcher.

It has to be said that in terms of social etiquette and interpersonal communication, Yan Liqiang has been a living negative example in the past decade.

As for Su Chang and Qi Donglai, the two of them have not been close to Yan Liqiang for long, less than a year. It was because one day last year after school, Yan Liqiang saw the two of them being bullied and blackmailed by several people in the school. Yan Liqiang rescued the two of them once. Since then, Su Chang and Qi Donglai regarded Yan Liqiang as a good friend and started to interact with Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang waited until Yan Dechang's figure disappeared at the end of the street before he squatted down, rolled up the right trouser leg and examined it carefully.

With almost no effort, Yan Liqiang discovered a red blood spot on the calf of his right foot based on his feeling at the time, as if it had been pricked by a needle. Correspondingly, there was also a small area on the rolled-up trouser leg that was a little darker in color, as if it had been stained by a drop of oil.

There is only a tiny trace, and if you don't look carefully, you can't even notice it.

Looking at the mark left on his calf, Yan Liqiang's eyes fixed, and he instantly thought of something in his mind - ice ants.

Ice ants are a strange creature that is highly venomous. Once bitten by an ice ant, the whole body will become numb.

Most ice ants only live in mountains and forests. Like ordinary ants, they are social animals. They rarely appear in places where people gather. However, it cannot be said that they absolutely do not exist, because almost every year, Yan Liqiang hears news about hunters or woodcutters who go up the mountains to hunt in Qinghe County and are bitten by ice ants after returning home.

Ice ants are about the same size as ordinary ants, and their bodies are snow-white, some are almost transparent, and are difficult to be seen at a glance. Many people who go up the mountain will accidentally bring back a few ice ants. For people, being bitten by one or two ice ants will not be fatal, but the body will be paralyzed for a moment, but if you are bitten by a group of ice ants, it may be fatal. Once an ice ant bites a person and releases all the toxins in its body, it will die immediately like a bee stinging a person, and its body will melt like ice and turn into liquid like water droplets.

The marks on his calves and the way he felt at the time were completely consistent with being bitten by ice ants.

Why is there an ice ant on my body out of nowhere

Thinking of Qi Donglai's nervousness just now, in just a moment, with Yan Liqiang's wisdom, he outlined everything in his mind.

What a good plan!

Yan Liqiang didn't want Yan Dechang to know about this. If Yan Dechang knew that Yan Liqiang failed the county exam because of someone's conspiracy, given Yan Dechang's personality, he might get jealous and find someone to kill him.

Hong Tao's father was the headman of Liuhe Town in Qinghe County. Some of his uncles worked in the Qinghe County government, some in Pingxi County, and several of them were in the government. In Qinghe County, the Hong family could be considered a large family, incomparable to ordinary families. And in Liuhe Town, the Hong family was the most prominent family in the town.

Yan Liqiang's home is in Liuhe Town.

After a while, Yan Dechang came back with a bullock cart beside him...

(End of this chapter)