Silver Overlord

Chapter 58: Unexpected information


After Shen Hongbing and Shi Changfeng lectured everyone respectively, the 50 teenagers admitted to the Pingxi County Martial Arts Hall each left their fingerprints on an admission list to report to the Pingxi County Martial Arts Hall two months later. After providing identity documents and completing these follow-up procedures, everyone left the Guoshu Hall and went home together with the young man who came to participate in the Guoshu County Examination today.

The door of the Chinese Martial Arts Museum was opened, and the teenagers poured out, either to go home or to join their family and friends waiting outside. Some were happy, while others were lost and speechless. Only they could understand the joy and sorrow. .

Different from when he came in the morning, Yan Liqiang came alone at that time and was unknown. Except for a few teenagers from Liuhe Town, almost no one knew who he was. But at this time, even if he was walking among the crowd, Yan Liqiang could I feel like there are many teenagers around me who are taking the big exam with me, quietly watching me and paying attention to me - this is the treatment of being the first in the big exam.

After a day of tossing and not getting any water, by this time, everyone was tired and hungry. Yan Liqiang felt that his stomach had been grumbling for a long time. He hadn't felt it before in the martial arts hall, but now that it was over, he could It feels like it’s time for a good meal.

However, although his stomach was growling, Yan Liqiang's head was constantly thinking about what Shi Changfeng had just said to everyone. Judging from Yan Liqiang's experience and judgment after living for two lifetimes, Yan Liqiang always felt that Shi Changfeng's words There seems to be a lot of meaning in it. Of course, those words are also the best encouragement and motivation for everyone. At least for Yan Liqiang, Shi Changfeng's words at least made him feel a sense of crisis and urgency again. The excitement and excitement of ranking first in the big exam were diluted in an instant.

Becoming a samurai is just the beginning in this world, not to mention that I am not a samurai yet, so come on, young man...

There were footsteps behind him, and Yan Liqiang didn't look back, feeling that the footsteps should be Shi Dafeng's.

Since practicing the Marrow Cleansing Sutra, Yan Liqiang found that his senses were becoming more and more acute.

Sure enough, a hand patted Yan Liqiang's shoulder from behind, and Shi Dafeng walked up from behind and walked with Yan Liqiang, "Are you going home now?"

"Well, of course!"

"What are your plans for the past two months?"

"Arrangement? What do you mean?" Yan Liqiang looked at Shi Dafeng with questioning eyes.

"What I mean is that if you have nothing to do in the past two months, why don't we travel outside together to expand our knowledge, go to Canglong Mountain in Lanzhou to try our luck, and then come back in late August, and then Go report to the Pingxi County Martial Arts Museum. Staying at home for the past two months is boring anyway!" Shi Dafeng's eyes flashed with longing, "I just went to make an appointment with Shen Teng, and that guy said that his uncle was Director Shen! It's a pity that he has to stay in seclusion at home for two months without being able to go out. Originally, I thought it would be more interesting for the three of us to go together. I heard that there are many secret caves on Canglong Mountain where senior masters practice in seclusion, and there are many high-ranking masters there all year round. People live in seclusion on Canglong Mountain. If we can meet one or two masters on Canglong Mountain, we may be able to admire their demeanor. If we are lucky, we can find the caves left by one or two senior masters and discover a few caves. If this is a cultivation secret book for levels above ten, why don’t we distribute it..."

Shi Dafeng is a cheerful and carefree guy. Even if he loses at the hands of himself and Shen Teng, he doesn't mind at all. It will be over in the blink of an eye. Such a guy, from Yan Liqiang's perspective, is quite a trustworthy person.

Yan Liqiang smiled and said, "You go ahead. I have family matters in the past two months, so I can't leave!"

"What's the matter? You must be at home. It won't be someone from your family who arranges a blind date for you, right?" Shi Dafeng looked at Yan Liqiang with a strange expression.

"It's not a blind date, it's just that if I go to Pingxi City in two months, my father will have no one to take care of him at home, and I'll be a little worried. So I'll arrange things at home in the past two months, so I can feel more at ease later!"

"Don't you have any brothers or sisters at home?"

"No, it's just me!"

"Forget it!" Shi Dafeng sighed, "Then I'll go alone..."

"Well, then let's meet again at the Pingxi County Martial Arts Hall!" As he spoke, Yan Liqiang had already walked out of the gate of the Qinghe County Martial Arts Hall and saw the guard of the Lu family leading two rhinoceros horses. He was waiting for him not far from the gate.

"Yan Liqiang came out..."

"The fourteen-year-old boy in blue clothes is Yan Liqiang from Liuhe Town who ranked first among the top three in the national martial arts exam!"

"I didn't expect to be so young..."

"You must not be engaged yet..."

Before Yan Liqiang could reach the guard of the Lu family, a sound of exclamation instantly sounded in his ears. Yan Liqiang took a look and saw countless people waiting outside the gate, looking at him with curious eyes. As soon as he came out, many people gathered around him, and a few of them seemed to be matchmakers. This scene was just like ordinary people watching celebrities on the street in their previous lives.

Fortunately, the guards of the Lu family came up with the Rhinoceros horse in time. Yan Liqiang didn't say anything. He directly took the reins, quickly got on the horse, and then raised his hands to all sides. Without saying anything, he He and the Lu family's guards left the Guoshu Hall on horseback and returned to Liuhe Town.

Along the way, although the Lu family guard didn't say anything, Yan Liqiang could still see from the guard's eyes that the guard respected him a little more.

Returning to Liuhe Town, Yan Liqiang had just arrived at the town on a Rhinoceros Horse. He noticed that the roads around him suddenly became lively. Many people on both sides of the road came out of their homes to see his excitement. Everywhere they looked, there were smiling faces. , and what I heard was an exclamation of amazement. A group of half-grown children ran behind Rhinoceros Ma and shouted, "The first place in the top three is back, the first place in the top three is back..."

Before arriving at home, Yan Liqiang had already seen his father, Yan Dechang and Zhou Tiezhu, walking out of the yard and waiting for him on the road outside.

Yan Liqiang quickly dismounted, led the rhinoceros horse to Yan Dechang, smiled, "Dad, I'm back..."

Yan Dechang's eyes suddenly turned red and a little moist. He took a deep breath, wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and then showed a smile on his face, "Just come back, just come back, go to your mother first I will burn a stick of incense on the memorial tablet, and then we will have dinner, waiting for you to come back..."

This dinner at home was naturally very delicious. Yan Dechang, who almost never drank alcohol, was a little drunk tonight.

After finishing the meal, it was completely dark. Yan Liqiang personally sent the somewhat drunk Yan Dechang to the room to rest. After letting Yan Dechang lie down on the bed, he brought hot water and personally washed Yan Dechang's hands and face. , wipe feet.

Yan Dechang was lying on the bed, his face was red, his eyes were closed, he was a little confused, and he was still talking like he was dreaming.

"Xuelian... have you seen... our son... got the first place in the top three exams... I promised you before... to bring Li Qiang up well... when he has the ability in the future... let... let him avenge you... then I just... can come to you with peace of mind... just wait for me... "

When Yan Liqiang, who was wiping Yan Dechang's feet, heard the last word, his whole body felt as if he had been electrocuted, and the movements of his hands suddenly stopped.

After a few seconds, Yan Dechang fell asleep in a daze, and couldn't say anything anymore. Yan Liqiang stayed for a moment, and slowly moved his eyes away from Yan Dechang's face. After wiping Yan Dechang's feet, he looked up. Went into bed and left Yan Dechang's room...

(End of chapter)