Silver Overlord

Chapter 65: Deep cold


"Did you beat those people on the ground?" The captain came over and first looked at the three Shatu people lying on the ground. A gleam of surprise flashed in his eyes. Then he looked at Yan Liqiang. After looking Yan Liqiang from head to toe, his tone was still a little uncertain.

Indeed, if one had not seen it with one's own eyes, who would have believed that a handsome young man like Yan Liqiang, who was about fourteen or fifteen years old, could actually knock down three Shatu strongmen riding on rhinoceros horses in a short time, and those Shatu men were all armed.

Yan Liqiang pretended to be a good boy at this time, looking harmless. When he heard the captain speak, he nodded and said, "Yes, I hit him!"

"Why did you hit them?"

"I saw them bullying my Chinese compatriots here, and I felt sorry for the injustice, so I helped them!" Yan Liqiang replied calmly.

"What is going on?" The dark-faced captain's face turned even darker and his voice became deeper.

"Reporting to the general, just now after this Shatu man passed the checkpoint and entered the city gate, he suddenly whipped the young man next to him to the ground without any warning. Seeing that the young man was injured, the Shatu man continued to whip him. The little hero rushed forward, pulled the Shatu man off his horse, and started fighting with him. The two Shatu men next to him saw it, so they drew their knives and besieged the young man. We saw the Shatu man using knives here, so we panicked..."

The old man who was standing next to Yan Liqiang took the initiative to stand up and explained the matter clearly in a few words. After he finished speaking, he looked at Yan Liqiang with approval.

"Yes, that's what happened just now. We can all testify to that..."

Everyone around started talking at once. The young man who had just been whipped in the face by the Shatu people also stood up and cursed at the Shatu people who were lying on the ground. When talking about the scene just now, everyone around was indignant.

At this moment, someone in the Shatu group, not far from the city gate, suddenly shouted in Chinese, "Let me pass, I am the leader of this caravan. What on earth do you Pingxi City guards want to do? Do you want to rob our caravan's goods in broad daylight?"

The black-faced captain turned his head and glanced over there, frowning slightly, "Let that person come over!"

The soldiers guarding the city gate stepped aside, and a Shatu man in his fifties, with a big hooked nose, slightly gray hair, sharp eyes, and wearing a gorgeous Shatu hat, who was obviously dressed differently from the other Shatu people, strode over. After walking over, the Shatu man first looked at the injuries of the three Shatu people on the ground, and then his face changed. He picked up the Shatu man who was still groaning on the ground and whose ear was half whipped off by Yan Liqiang, and asked a few questions loudly in a mumbling voice. The Shatu man suddenly looked at Yan Liqiang fiercely and said a few words in a mumbling voice. The Shatu man who came over suddenly looked at Yan Liqiang's face with a gloomy look.

"Sir, our people were injured by this man. I demand that you arrest this man immediately and hand him over to us for disposal according to our Shatu customs..." The leader of the Shatu people pointed at Yan Liqiang with one hand and said loudly in an arrogant manner.

Upon hearing this, the black-faced captain became furious, "Fuck you, why don't you ask him why he beat up your people? It was your people who first beat up the civilians entering the city, and this young man couldn't stand it and took action..."

"Our people whipped that man because he spat at us. This was an insult to us Shatu people..." the Shatu man continued loudly.

"I... Bah..." The black-faced captain looked at the leader of the Shatu people, sniffed, and spat a mouthful of thick phlegm directly in front of the Shatu people's feet. "This is Pingxi City, the territory of us Chinese people. We can spit however we want. As long as we don't spit on you, what's it to you? I'm spitting now too, so what? Do you want to whip me too?"

The Shatu man's face changed, and then he said gloomily, "We, the people of the seven Shatu tribes, are not so easy to bully. If something happens here, the 100,000 people in our city will not agree. You are just a small lieutenant. If something really happens, can you afford it..."

The words of the Shatu leader made Yan Liqiang see once again what the robber logic is. To a robber, if he can't bully you, it means you bully him. Fuck...

The name of the Seven Shatu Tribes was unfamiliar to Yan Liqiang. He had only vaguely heard Yan Dechang mention it once before, but he didn't know the details. In the past, his entire life was cultivation, and he had little knowledge of various information, so now he couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried. He just remembered that these seemed to be part of the Shatu people who settled in the interior of the Han Empire.

"I will be responsible today!" The black-faced lieutenant glared, furious. "Even if you Shatu people don't agree, I won't agree either. According to the laws of the Han Empire, it is forbidden to show weapons within 50 meters of the city gates and passes. Violators can be charged with rioting. Brothers, take all these Shatu people to the camp and detain them. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy..."

"Yes!" Hundreds of soldiers surrounding here responded loudly, and with the long spears in their hands, they all approached the front of the Shatu people. Two Shatu people seemed to want to resist, but just as they were about to move, several spears poked over and directly stabbed the two Shatu people's thighs. The two Shatu people screamed and fell to the ground at once. Several soldiers around rushed up and tied up the two Shatu people in an instant.

All the Shatu people were tied up in an instant, including the leader, and their rhinoceros horses and camels were all taken to the military camp near the city wall.

Yan Liqiang, the Chinese youth who was beaten by the Shatu people, and several witnesses were also taken to the military camp by these soldiers. Compared with the Shatu people, the soldiers who brought them to the military camp were much more polite to them.

After arriving at the military camp, someone asked Yan Liqiang about his identity, name, purpose of coming to Pingxi City, and what happened. A record of the incident was taken for Yan Liqiang, and Yan Liqiang told the truth. Finally, after seeing that there was no problem with the record, he signed the record in red.

After doing all this, he was locked up alone in a small room by the soldiers.

"Those Shatu dogs deserve a beating, damn it..." In the military camp, the captain inspected the Shatu people who were tied up and pinned on the playground, and left the playground with a few men, cursing, and said to them, "We are right in this matter. Even if the city governor asks about it, I can still be justified. Be sure to record the statements of the civilians who are witnesses, especially the one who was bullied by the Shatu people. Make him insist that he just spit on the ground when entering the city, and then the Shatu people made trouble for no reason and were the first to beat him up."

"Don't worry, boss. I have already arranged people to do it. There won't be any mistakes..." a low-ranking officer nearby said immediately.


"These Shatu dogs dared to draw their swords and attack at the city gate. Aren't they afraid that we will treat them as troublemakers and chop them all off? It's really infuriating to think about it. They clearly treated us as if we didn't exist. If you had given the order at that time, I would have been the first one to rush up and chop those Shatu dogs off!" said another low-ranking officer angrily.

"Oh, that young man named Yan Liqiang is quite skilled at a young age. He beat three people by himself and was able to act decisively against the Shatu people. I think that young man is definitely not ordinary. Have you found out his identity?"

"I just asked, Yan Liqiang is the top three in Qinghe County's national martial arts county exam this year. He happened to come to Pingxi City today and plans to report to the Pingxi County National Martial Arts Museum tomorrow!"

"No wonder!" The officers around him suddenly realized.

"Don't neglect that guy named Yan Liqiang. It's rare to find such a passionate and capable young man. If he joins the army in the future, he will definitely be a good fighter!"

"Yes, don't worry, boss. We know what to do!"

As he was speaking, a low-ranking officer suddenly ran over in a hurry, even a little panicked, "Boss, we just checked the goods of the Shatu people according to your instructions, and there is something wrong with the goods of the Shatu people..."

Upon hearing this, Captain Su's face changed and he quickly took the people around him to check.

In the military camp, all the boxes and sacks hanging on the camels of the Shatu people had been unloaded by the soldiers in the camp. Two of the boxes and sacks had been opened. Outside the two boxes were layers of dried medicinal herbs, and under those medicinal herbs was a bundle of swords wrapped in hay. The swords were shining coldly, revealing a sharpness that made people feel chilled.

The two sacks were also cut open. Outside the sacks were some animal skins, and inside the animal skins were bundles of arrows.

What exactly did these Shatu people want to do by secretly hiding these weapons among medicinal herbs and transporting them into the city

All the officers present were shocked and the surroundings suddenly became silent.

The black-faced captain's face was really black at this time. He stared at the arrows in the sacks without saying a word. He came to the sack, pulled out an arrow from it, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"Wang San, bring me an arrow from your quiver..."

A low-ranking officer who was carrying a quiver on his back quickly took an arrow from his quiver and put the two arrows together. They were exactly the same in terms of workmanship and materials, with only one difference.

At the base of the metal arrowhead of the arrow brought by the officer named Wang San, there is a peculiar triangular mark, in the mark there is a word "Gan" that can be seen with the naked eye, and next to the word Gan there is a small number thirty-seven, which means that this arrow was produced by the Qigushan Artisan Camp in Ganzhou and is specially supplied to the Ganzhou Army of the Han Empire. The quality is absolutely reliable. If there is a problem on the battlefield, the craftsman who made the arrow can be traced back to find it.

The tails of the metal arrowheads of the arrows in the hemp belts of the Shatu people were deliberately filed with a file at the same place, smoothing out a mark there...

The Shatu people hid too many arrows in the cargo, and not every arrow had the same mark. Among the bundles of arrows, the captain with a dark face searched for a while and finally found an arrow. The mark at the root of the arrowhead was only half smoothed out, and you could vaguely see the word "Gan" on it...

An unconcealable anger and frustration caused by the chill in their hearts caused everyone around the captain to fall into a frozen silence for a moment...

(End of this chapter)