Silver Overlord

Chapter 66: Disposal


Yan Liqiang was detained in a small room in the military camp, with two sergeants guarding outside. He originally thought that he could leave immediately after finishing the record. After all, this should not be a big deal, and it was the Shatu people who were rude first. He was in the right and had a clear conscience. But what he didn't expect was that until dark, no one came to see him again, and no one said when he could leave. He asked the two soldiers who were watching him, and the two soldiers said they didn't know and everything had to wait for the superior to give the order.

Except when he went to the toilet, when he could be accompanied by the two soldiers, he had to stay in the room at other times and was not allowed to go anywhere.

The two soldiers were guarding outside the door. Yan Liqiang was bored, so he continued to practice Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing in the house.

Anyway, the practice of this technique is not picky about the place, as long as one square meter of space is enough. This time, fighting with those Shatu people made Yan Liqiang feel the tremendous power of Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing again. After two months of continuous practice, not only did his strength increase a lot, but his reaction was also much faster. More importantly, he had unknowingly practiced the secret book of "Nine Palaces Wind Shadow Step" given to him to the second level. When he fought with the Shatu people before, his body and footwork when running on the wall inside the city gate were the manifestation of the second level of "Nine Palaces Wind Shadow Step". As long as he advanced to the next level, he would be able to reveal the skills of this secret book.

Qian Su practiced the "Nine Palaces Wind Shadow Step" for decades, but had only reached the second level. He reached the second level in just two months. Yan Liqiang also felt that his practice speed was unexpectedly fast. Although Qian Su had not passed the horse stance and found it a bit strenuous to practice this step, even if he had passed the horse stance, this speed was too amazing. After thinking about it, this should be the magical effect of the Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing.

After understanding this, Yan Liqiang put his all into practicing the Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing.

In addition to the "Nine Palaces Wind Shadow Steps", what Yan Liqiang is most eager to practice now is the secret book of "Golden Bell Body Protection Magic" he got from Guo Shanfeng. The so-called "Golden Bell Body Protection Magic" is the skill of the Golden Bell Cover mentioned in the secret book. However, according to the secret book, in order to practice the Golden Bell Cover, one must pass the stage of stretching the tendons and pulling the bones.

In the past two months, Yan Liqiang felt that his muscles and bones were gradually stretching and opening up, and his body was becoming more and more flexible. It should not be long before he passes the stage of stretching his muscles and bones.

At dinner time, the two soldiers politely brought him a meal with meat, vegetables and two apples. The food was not bad, and Yan Liqiang was not polite. After eating dinner and the apples, he walked around the room again and again to digest the food. After walking for half an hour, he started practicing Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing again...

When Yan Liqiang was practicing the Yi Jin Jing and just reached the Ding Shen Tu Shuo part of the Yi Jin Jing, he suddenly heard a huge noise of drums and chaos coming from outside the military camp. He opened his eyes, stopped practicing, came to a window in the room, and looked outside the military camp. He saw a red light outside the wall of the military camp, and there seemed to be many torches swaying outside the wall. The sound of drums and chaos was also coming from outside the wall of the military camp. In the noise, he could hear a lot of disgusting gibberish.

The noise was getting louder and louder, and judging from the momentum, there were no less than tens of thousands of people.

Just at this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps at the door.

"Sergeant, what happened outside?" A voice came from outside the door. Yan Liqiang recognized the voice. The person who said this was one of the two soldiers guarding him.

"The Shatu people are causing trouble. One of you two can stay here to watch. Zhao Feng, you come with me and bring your weapons. Xu Chun, you are in charge here and act according to circumstances..."

"yes… "

Two footsteps left quickly.

"Release him... Release him..."

The clamor and noise outside the military camp gradually became unified and turned into two words that Yan Liqiang could understand.

Just half a minute later, the door creaked open from the outside, and the soldier who was guarding the door pushed it open and walked in. He glanced at Yan Liqiang with a serious face and said, "If there is chaos later and someone rushes in, I won't be able to take care of it. You can leave here by yourself and find a way to protect yourself!"

"Okay, thank you, Brother Xu!"

"You know my last name is Xu?" The soldier was slightly stunned.

"Just now I heard the sergeant outside say to let Brother Xu stay..." Yan Liqiang laughed. For Yan Liqiang, remembering other people's names was the most basic skill he had learned when he was doing business in his previous life. There were some subtle psychological reactions involved, and it was the fastest way to get closer to strangers.

"Oh, so that's how it is!" The soldier named Xu Chun's expression suddenly eased. He looked at Yan Liqiang and said, "Do you need any weapons? I'll get you one for self-defense."

"Thank you, Brother Xu. There is a knife in my bag. I will take it out when I need it!" Yan Liqiang pointed to his bag. In the bag was a dog-leg knife made in their blacksmith shop. It was placed in a cowhide scabbard. He would naturally take it out when he needed it. The people in the military camp were very polite to him. They didn't make things difficult for him after he came in, and didn't even check his bag.

"That's good, that's good..."

At this time, the voices of the Shatu people gathered at the main gate of the military camp were as loud as thunder. Looking around, the roads on the streets outside the military camp were full of swaying torches of the Shatu people. All the shops were closed in fear. On the streets, there were nothing but Shatu people. At first glance, there were at least tens of thousands of Shatu people just outside the military camp.

Several rows of fully armed soldiers in armor were already standing at the gate of the military camp, facing the excited and shouting Shatu people more than ten meters away.

The Shatu people formed a human wall, shouted slogans to release the prisoners, and approached the front of the military camp step by step.

The Shatu people who were in the front line were some old, weak, women and children. They were all very emotional, pointing at the soldiers in the barracks and cursing. They had no weapons in their hands, and they were moving towards the barracks with their heads held high. Behind these old men were the young and strong men of the Shatu people. Among them, the cold light of weapons flashed in the crowd from time to time.

The black-faced lieutenant standing at the entrance of the military camp looked at the Shatu people, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Fuck your grandma, I don't believe this today, at worst I'll take off this armor and go home to open a martial arts school..." After cursing a few times, the black-faced lieutenant threw the helmet on his head to the ground, drew his sword, and ordered loudly, "Sergeants, this Pingxi City is still the Pingxi City of my Han Empire and the Chinese. Anyone who dares to break into my camp without permission today, anyone who dares to attack us first, no matter who it is, will be killed without mercy. All responsibilities will be borne by me, Su Tianhao, everyone listen to my command, level your guns, move forward..."

“Yes…” All the soldiers shouted and put down the spears in their hands at the same time. With a bang, they took a step forward. The cold and orderly aura as well as the cold light on the spear tips made the Shatuo people who were approaching the military camp stop in an instant and dared not get closer.

Seeing that the Shatu people had stopped listening and were just shouting outside, the black-faced lieutenant waved to a small flag officer beside him. After the officer came over, the black-faced lieutenant whispered, "Go and watch over those Shatu people we captured today. If these Shatu people dare to attack the military camp later, as soon as we start, we will kill one or a hundred of them. You have the brothers chop all those Shatu people who are tied up..."

"Yes, sir..." The officer with the small flag took the order, turned around and quickly left the gate of the military camp.

"Sir, our situation has been reported to the city governor, and the city governor has already gone to find the commander-in-chief. Why is there still no news from above..." An officer nearby leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Damn it, if you ask me, who should I ask? Just look at this place first..."

At this moment, in a brightly lit lobby of the County Governor's Mansion in Pingxi City, two senior military officers in Pingxi City, Huangfu Qianqi, the County Governor of Pingxi County, and Li Pingtao, the City Governor of the North Gate of Pingxi City, were sitting on chairs. All four eyes were fixed on the County Governor of Pingxi County who was sitting behind the main desk.

The tea on the table had already gone cold, and half an hour had passed, but the prefect of Pingxi County was still looking down at the emergency report they had submitted, as if he was studying it word by word, without even looking up.

The city governor Li Pingtao clenched and unclenched his fist seven or eight times. He finally couldn't bear it anymore and turned his head to glance at Huangfu Qianqi, the top military official in Pingxi County who was sitting in front of him.

"Ahem... Ahem..." After enduring for a moment, seeing that the county magistrate still didn't raise his head, the veteran Huangfu Qianqi finally couldn't help it anymore, and raised his voice slightly by two degrees, "Sir..."

The county governor finally raised his head from the report, revealing a pair of slightly swollen eyes. He rubbed his temple with one hand, glanced at the two senior generals in Pingxi City, and threw the report lightly on the table, saying in an unhappy tone, "This is what you call an emergency report. A group of Shatu merchants brought some weapons into the city, and your lieutenants detained them all in the barracks. I heard that some people were injured?"

"Sir, this matter..."

"Okay..." The county governor raised his hand to stop Huangfu Qianqi from speaking. "I know what General Huangfu wants to say. Are you too sensitive? The marks worn off on those arrows don't mean anything. They are just a little similar. It's still unclear whether they are weapons from the Ganzhou Artisan Camp. After all, there are many private workshops that are also engaged in the production of arrows. Sometimes, in order to sell them at a good price, the arrows made privately by those workshops will also be marked with the marks of the Artisan Camp to make up the numbers. There is no need to make a fuss about this. I will report this matter to the Ganzhou Military Governor's Office and let the Military Governor's Office check to see if there are any weapons flowing out of the various Artisan Camps under the Military Governor's Office. In our Han Empire, there has never been any law prohibiting the Shatu caravan from trading and carrying weapons..."

At this moment, a eunuch from the county magistrate's mansion came hurriedly and whispered something in the county magistrate's ear. The county magistrate's expression changed slightly and he waved his hand. The eunuch bowed his head and retreated.

"The Shatu people in the city are making trouble again. I have to clean up this mess. You should quickly ask the captain to release the detained Shatu people and return the seized items to the Shatu people. You should make amends and apologize. Tell the people who were injured by the Shatu people not to make a fuss. It's just a whip. What's the big deal? Don't make things out of control. The governor will come to Pingxi City for inspection in two days. Don't make trouble for me. Okay, that's it. I'm a little tired from inspecting Rong County today..." After saying this, the county governor yawned and left here directly, leaving the two generals in the hall...

(End of this chapter)