Silver Overlord

Chapter 85: Risk your life


In the morning, Yan Liqiang was still the rising star of Pingxi County Martial Arts Museum, envied and admired by countless people.

At noon, Yan Liqiang could still enter and leave the Governor's Mansion in Pingxi City with the token of Huangfu Qianqi's personal soldiers.

But at night, within just one hour, Yan Liqiang was instantly in a desperate situation in Pingxi City...

The man who saved people suddenly turned into a murderous demon who kidnapped young girls. He needed to take hostages in order to leave Pingxi City alive. The hostage he took was the real demon and murderer.

This is not a reversed script, it's just an ordinary scene in this world.

The so-called principles and justice in this world are often nothing in front of power. As for the life and property of ordinary people like Yan Liqiang who have no background, they are not even as good as ants in front of power.

In the face of power, the so-called reversal of right and wrong, calling a horse a zebra, and covering up the truth with one hand, in fact, only requires a word or a hint.

Yan Liqiang stood against the stone lion at the gate of the mansion. This position was a blind spot for bows and arrows. Yan Liqiang looked at the roofs of the surrounding houses. There were no archers on the roofs, which made Yan Liqiang feel a little relieved. Ye Xiao stood in front of him. Master Ye, who was only wearing a piece of clothing, was shivering in the wind and snow. Yan Liqiang was surrounded by guards on both sides. The governor of Pingxi County was more than 30 meters away, looking at him coldly.

Those ordinary guards and soldiers were all a hundred meters away, blocking the road and not coming over. This situation made it impossible for Yan Liqiang to even shout out his injustice and create any impact.

Yan Liqiang gave a bitter smile. The other party had calculated everything and did not give him any chance at all. Another thing that puzzled Yan Liqiang was the reaction of the Pingxi County Magistrate. Facing the wounded and half-crippled Ye Xiao, the Magistrate just frowned from beginning to end. Even though he said that he wanted him to let Ye Xiao go, he was always very calm, so calm that it was beyond common sense.

The torches around were crackling, and the atmosphere was silent and depressing. Yan Liqiang didn't have to wait long before Yan Dechang was brought in.

Yan Dechang, who got off the closed prison van, was wearing iron chains and handcuffs, and there were some bruises and scars on his face. Facing the dazzling firelight and the numerous human figures in the firelight, Yan Dechang, who had just stepped off the prison van, instinctively raised his hands in front of his eyes and squinted his eyes to block out the light.

"Your Excellency, Yan Dechang has been brought here!"

After hearing someone report to him, Yan Dechang suddenly opened his eyes and saw the surrounding environment clearly. Everything here made Yan Dechang feel so shocked.

"Dad..." Yan Liqiang shouted.

With a clatter, Yan Dechang wanted to walk towards Yan Liqiang, but the handcuffs on his body were held by the two detectives next to him, and he could not move.

"Li Qiang, what's going on? Why are you like this?" Yan Dechang asked loudly in shock.

"Dad, the county magistrate's son kidnapped and killed decent women in Pingxi City. I happened to find out. I tried to save them, but they framed me and wanted to kill me. The man I held hostage was the county magistrate's son..."

Others might not believe what Yan Liqiang said, but Yan Dechang believed it as soon as he heard it, without any doubt at all.

Yan Dechang struggled, the iron chains on his body rattling. He shouted to Yan Liqiang, "Don't worry about me, just find a way to get out of here quickly..."

"If we want to leave, let's leave together!" Yan Liqiang shook his head and looked directly at the county governor, "Unlock my father's shackles and let him come over..."

"Your father was arrested by the criminal arrest yamen today because he was acting suspiciously. He was taken to the yamen for interrogation. It seems that there is no problem for the time being. If I find that your father has violated the law, I can release your father now!" The county magistrate looked at everything in front of him calmly, "But you have already violated the law today, killed someone, and caused such a big commotion. If you have any grievances, you can appeal to the yamen. I will definitely find out the truth and give you justice. You should release the person in your hand first..."

People who didn't know, after hearing what the county magistrate said, might think that the county magistrate was fair, strict and upright, and might be deceived. However, Yan Liqiang had lived two lives as a human being, so how could he believe such nonsense? Moreover, he had suspected that the county magistrate of Pingxi County was in collusion with the Shatu people. From what he saw and heard today, the degree of collusion between the county magistrate of Pingxi County and the Shatu people might be deeper than he imagined.

"Okay, then I will take responsibility for my own actions. Let's not talk about my own affairs for now. Today's incident has nothing to do with my father. Since my father has no problem, you should let him go first and let him leave Pingxi City!" Yan Liqiang said calmly.

"If you let him go first and surrender, it means that what happened today has nothing to do with your father, and I will naturally let him go. Now that you are so persistent in letting your father leave first, I have to suspect that your father may have made an appointment with you to come to the city today. You two want to commit a crime together, so this man must not be let go. We must investigate thoroughly before we can discuss it!"

"Li Qiang, don't worry about me, just go first..." Yan Dechang shouted while struggling.

Yan Liqiang didn't say anything, but he exerted a little force on the dog leg in his hand, and another wound appeared on Ye Xiao's shoulder. Blood began to flow out, and Ye Xiao screamed loudly, "Father, save me... Save me..."

"Ye Xiao, although you are my son, I cannot allow you to break the laws of the country, bend the law for personal gain, and fail to distinguish between public and private. I always teach you to be loyal to the country, and now is the time for you to be loyal!" The governor of Pingxi County looked around with a righteous face, and his voice was like a bell, as if Bao Qingtian was alive, "Everyone listen to my command, take this man down immediately, and if anyone dares to resist, kill him without mercy..."

When the criminals and guards around heard the county magistrate's order, they looked at each other, took out their weapons, and moved towards Yan Liqiang step by step.

At this moment, Yan Dechang suddenly roared like a mad bull, and his strong body knocked a criminal next to him away. Then he rushed towards the governor of Pingxi County as if he was desperate, and shouted, "Li Qiang, hurry up, if you leave alive today, remember to destroy the seven tribes of Shatu and avenge your mother..."

A flash of sword light passed by, and a bright long sword came out from behind Yan Dechang's heart, and Yan Dechang's roar stopped abruptly.

In Yan Liqiang's eyes, the world seemed to stand still at this moment.

Yan Dechang struggled to turn his head and glanced at Yan Liqiang. Blood continued to flow out of his mouth. He said two words with difficulty, "Go... quickly..."

As soon as the word "go" fell, Yan Dechang's head flew up, his strong body shook, and then he fell down all at once.

Ye Xiao's master, the man in black, stood in front of Yan Dechang, looking at Yan Liqiang with a disdainful sneer on his face.

“Dad…” Yan Liqiang let out a heart-wrenching roar, his eyes burst open and turned red in an instant. He exerted force with his hand, and the dagger that was against Ye Xiao’s back instantly pierced into Ye Xiao’s heart, until the handle was gone and came out from Ye Xiao’s chest. Ye Xiao spat out a mouthful of blood and died instantly, falling to the ground.

Yan Liqiang did not leave. He rushed towards the man in black with the scimitar in his hand, fighting for his life!

A guard of the Ye family rushed over and slashed at Yan Liqiang with the long knife in his hand. The long knife in the guard's hand touched Yan Liqiang's leg and was knocked away by the powerful force coming from Yan Liqiang. Then Yan Liqiang's leg chopped the guard's head. The guard's head exploded like a watermelon in an instant, and brains splattered all over Yan Liqiang.

Another criminal came rushing over. Yan Liqiang made a mistake in his footwork and dodged the criminal's long stick. Then he slashed at the criminal with his knife, and one of the criminal's arms fell to the ground. The criminal also fell to the ground, screaming loudly.

Yan Liqiang was like a mad tiger. He killed two people and injured one in an instant. For a moment, the surrounding detectives and guards lost their momentum to Yan Liqiang.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Liqiang rushed to the front of the man in black.

The man in black kept sneering with disdain, waiting for Yan Liqiang to rush over. He raised his sword and the dog leg that Yan Liqiang was about to chop at the man flew out of his hand.

Yan Liqiang roared wildly, and the tiger image of the Tiger Roaring Fist appeared behind him. He punched the man and a tiger roar sounded in the air.

When Yan Liqiang was halfway through throwing his fist, he felt a chill in his chest and a sharp pain in his whole heart. He looked down and saw that the long sword in the man's hand had pierced through his heartguard and his heart, freezing all his movements. At this moment, all his strength was rapidly flowing out of his body like a flood.

In this man's hands, Yan Liqiang didn't even finish two moves...

Am I going to die...

A thought suddenly appeared in Yan Liqiang's mind.

"In another ten years, you might be able to take a few moves from me. But now, you are not even a warrior. In my eyes, you are just like an ant. Are you here to die?" The man in black still looked at Yan Liqiang coldly.

“Ah…” Yan Liqiang suddenly roared, and took a step forward, letting the sword pierce through his heart. While the man in black was stunned, his two hands had already grabbed the wrist of the man in black holding the sword. Then he lowered his head and used all his strength to bite the right hand of the man in black holding the sword. Almost instantly, he bit off the part connecting the thumb and the base of the man in black’s right hand, splitting it into two halves.

The man in black screamed and kicked Yan Liqiang in the chest. With a terrible sound of bones breaking, Yan Liqiang flew out.

(End of this chapter)