Silver Overlord

Chapter 86: Life and death


His heart was pierced by the long sword, his entire sternum and internal organs were instantly shattered, and the moment his entire body was kicked away by the man in black, Yan Liqiang felt his body instantly become lighter, floating lightly in the air, and the extreme pain disappeared in an instant...

What's going on? What's going on? Why am I floating in the air...

Yan Liqiang was also confused at this moment.

At this moment of confusion, he "saw" a familiar figure flying more than ten meters in front of him, falling heavily to the ground, and after rolling twice, he could no longer move.

The body that fell to the ground and could no longer move was Yan Liqiang himself.

"My hand... my hand... ah..."

The man in black held his right hand, which was bleeding profusely, and screamed in pain beside Yan Liqiang...

Due to carelessness, the entire thumb of the man in black's right hand was bitten off by Yan Liqiang. When Yan Liqiang was kicked away, the flesh and bones of the thumb that had been bitten off and shattered fell to the ground. The flesh and blood were blurred and there was no shape of a thumb. Even a god could not have reattached it. After practicing the Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing for so many days, Yan Liqiang had a terrifying strength, which was also reflected in the force of his teeth. With just that one move, Yan Liqiang severely injured the man in black.

If a hand loses its thumb, it is equivalent to being half disabled, especially for a person who uses a sword. From then on, it was almost impossible for the man in black to use the sword with his right hand.

The man in black picked up his broken thumb from the ground, screaming crazily. He picked up the long sword on the ground with his left hand, rushed to the side of Yan Liqiang's body, and stabbed the sword into Yan Liqiang's chest and neck like a madman, cutting off Yan Liqiang's hands and feet. "I let you bite, I let you bite..."

The whole process was filled with blood and flesh flying everywhere. In the blink of an eye, Yan Liqiang's body had lost its human form. Bright red blood flowed from Yan Liqiang's body, dyeing the snow-covered ground red.

During this process, Yan Liqiang floated in the air like a bystander, watching the man in black vent all his anger on his body.

It is a very strange feeling for a person to watch his body being stabbed into a bloody mess by others.

Yan Liqiang looked down at his hands...

The outline of his hands was still clear, but they no longer had any substance. There was only a layer of soft, transparent white light. He stretched out his hands, and the snowflakes that fell from the sky passed through his palms and fell...

Am I dead? Could this be the state of a person after death? The people around me can neither see me nor feel me. Could this be the soul or ghost in the legend

Countless thoughts surged in Yan Liqiang's mind. He looked down and saw Yan Dechang's body not far away, and his heart was broken.

Countless soldiers and detectives surrounded the scene from both sides and began to clean up the scene. However, Yan Dechang was no longer to be seen on the street.

“Dad, where are you… Dad, where are you…” Yan Liqiang shouted loudly, but the people around him were unaware and just did what they were supposed to do.

Yan Liqiang found that his speed was as fast as lightning. He floated lightly in the air without touching the ground. There seemed to be a strong buoyancy on the ground lifting him up. With just a thought, he flew a hundred meters away.

Yan Liqiang shouted everywhere and flew around in a blink of an eye, but when he looked around in a daze, there was nothing but flying snow and the blazing torches, but he could no longer see Yan Dechang.

Don’t people have souls after death? Can’t they become ghosts? Can’t they become like me? Why am I the only one like this here? Why? Where have you been, Dad

"Where are you... Where are you..."

Yan Liqiang cried heartbreakingly, and a little bit of soft white light fell from his eyes and disappeared into the void.

"I will kill you..." Seeing that the man in black was not far away, Yan Liqiang, who was extremely sad and angry, rushed towards the man in black who was still poking his corpse with a long sword.

Yan Liqiang's fist and body passed through the man in black, and the man in black was unaware of anything. Yan Liqiang tried several times and found that it was the same every time. His current body was like a transparent shadow and could not change anything.

"There are so many people watching, that's enough!" The county magistrate came over and said softly, "As the saying goes, a lion will use all its strength to fight a rabbit. You are a martial artist who may advance to a great martial artist in a few years, but you were crippled in one hand by a boy who has not yet become a warrior. In the final analysis, it was because you underestimated the enemy. You can't blame others. You could have ended the battle with the second sword, but you gave the boy the opportunity..."

The man in black stopped suddenly, breathing heavily.

Then the county magistrate came to Ye Xiao who was killed by Yan Liqiang, looked at Ye Xiao's pale and twisted face and the pair of eyes that were staring at the sky, squatted down, put his hands on Ye Xiao's eyes, and gently wiped them, wanting Ye Xiao to close his eyes, but when the county magistrate raised his hands, Ye Xiao's eyes were still open, not closed. After trying twice, he found that he couldn't make Ye Xiao close his eyes anyway, so he gave up. He stood up, glanced at the trembling guards around him, and sighed softly, "Help the young master clean up..."


Yan Liqiang floated in the street empty and desolate, as if he had lost his soul. He didn't know how long he stood there. When he came to his senses again, there were few people left on the bustling street - all the bodies had been taken away, the bloodstains on the ground were covered with stove ash and swept away, and the snowflakes falling from the sky covered all traces, as if nothing had happened.

The fire in the garment store in the distance had been put out, and no sparks could be seen. Only ruins and broken bricks and tiles were still emitting smoke. The soldiers who had just arrived had all withdrawn, and only a few criminal police were guarding the ruins, not allowing anyone else to approach.

Only the gate of the mansion in front of me was still open, and the county magistrate's guards were still parked outside the gate. Officials with hurried looks and nervous detectives kept going in and out of the gate...

Yan Liqiang raised his hand that was emitting white light and looked at it. At this moment, he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, a human or a ghost

Everything before his eyes was no different from what he saw and heard when he was alive, except that he himself had become a strange existence that could not be detected by others, like a transparent shadow.

But the deep hatred and pain still surged in his heart.

Thinking of Yan Dechang's last scene, that difficult voice of "Go..." seemed to still echo in Yan Liqiang's ears.

Yan Liqiang closed his eyes in pain...

When people are alive, when they close their eyes, they see darkness. But at this time, when Yan Liqiang closed his eyes, he saw a strange boulder.

The huge rock was shaped like a mountain, then a meteor, then various birds, fish, insects, and animals Yan Liqiang had never seen before. It was ever-changing and mysterious...

The huge rock was floating and changing in the sea of consciousness in his brain. A gentle milky white light emanated from the rock, softly enveloping Yan Liqiang's entire consciousness, and at the same time forming this invisible body that only Yan Liqiang could see...

ps: This book will be available tomorrow. Thank you for your support! Do you still remember this stone? Hahaha…

(End of this chapter)