Silver Overlord

Chapter 88: Want to live


For seven consecutive days, Yan Liqiang stood aside like a viewer in a movie theater, silently watching a series of stories that happened after his death.

When Qian Su was asking for his body at the Criminal Arrest Office, he was standing by...

When Shi Dafeng angrily tore up the notice in the National Martial Arts Hall, he was standing by...

As his body turned to ashes in the flames, he was beside him...

As Butcher Liu was gloating in front of his butcher stall, he was also nearby...

When Mr. Lu from Lujiazhuang gave the portrait of Guoshanfeng that he had drawn to Lu Peien to burn, he was also there...

He even followed Wu Ma to Bao'en Temple in person. Only when he saw that Wu Ma was living a good life in Bao'en Temple did he completely feel relieved.

The sadness of his relatives and friends and the smug faces of those villains flashed before Yan Liqiang one by one.

At this moment, friendship and snobbery are clearly distinguished.

In Pingxi City, he was cursed by countless people. Even after his ashes were buried in Baizhang Mountain by Qian Su and others, some people actually went to Liuhe Town to inquire where he was buried - Qian Su guessed everything.

Ye Xiao and Wang Haofei became young heroes with feelings and righteousness. In Pingxi City and Huanglong County, when people talked about these two people, they were praised everywhere, while he himself became an unforgivable criminal.

The reputation of Ye Tiancheng, the governor of Pingxi County, reached a new peak after this incident.

The county magistrate has a good son who is brave and righteous. The county magistrate made a difficult decision at the critical moment and would rather sacrifice his son than let a bad guy go. Such integrity is a blessing to the people of Pingxi County.

Even though Yan Liqiang had lived two lives as a human being, the impact these few days had on him was something he had never experienced before.

The so-called various aspects of the world and the warmth and coldness of human nature are nothing more than this.

Only in movies and fairy tales do good guys win, live to the end, and good prevail over evil. But in reality, it is often the bad guys who win, and evil prevails over good. While the bad guys are enjoying themselves with wine and beauties, many of the good guys who were full of justice and who opposed them have already died, and the grass on their graves is already three feet high.

Straight as a string, will lead to death; curved as a hook, will lead to a title of nobility - the world's ways and human nature summarized by our ancestors over thousands of years have hardly ever changed.

Witnessing all this upside-down black and white, Yan Liqiang felt as if he had gone through a baptism. All of a sudden, he had a feeling of enlightenment—of course, if he could still be considered a human being in his current state.

Yan Liqiang didn't know what he was now. If you said he was alive, his body had already turned to ashes. If you said he was dead, he could still see and hear, feel happy and sad... He vaguely felt that his current strange state was related to the strange boulder in his sea of consciousness.

As long as he closed his eyes, the boulder would naturally appear before his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, what he saw would naturally become what was in front of him, and the boulder would disappear again. Yan Liqiang tried it countless times, and it was always the same.

As for how this huge rock appeared in his sea of consciousness, Yan Liqiang didn't know. He guessed that it might be the meteor he encountered in his previous life, because that mysterious huge rock would sometimes turn into the shape of a meteor and fly through his sea of consciousness.

Yan Liqiang also knew that this huge rock was no ordinary object and was definitely something he dared not even think about, but he did not know how to communicate with this huge rock.

The boulder was unpredictable, but always silent. Even if he shouted at the top of his lungs, no matter what he said to the boulder, the boulder did not react at all.

A month after his "death", Qian Su took the initiative to leave the Artisan Camp, "retired and returned home", left Pingxi County, and his whereabouts are unknown.

At first, Yan Liqiang didn't know that Qian Su had left. It was not until one day when he flew to the Artisan Camp and heard people in the camp talking about it that he realized that Qian Su had left.

Qian Su was such a shrewd person that when he stepped forward to take care of the funeral affairs of Yan Liqiang and Yan Dechang, he knew that this matter involved the county magistrate's family and had already thought of the risks involved. Therefore, before the county magistrate could take any action, Qian Su took the initiative to flee and left Pingxi County.

Zhou Tiezhu reopened a blacksmith shop in Liuhe Town and took a few apprentices with him. He continued to forge swords under the banner of Zhou's swords. Because of the reputation made by the previous Yan's blacksmith shop, although the banner of Zhou's swords was not as loud as the previous Yan's blacksmith shop, the quality of the swords made by Zhou Tiezhu was guaranteed. There were still some customers coming to buy swords, especially the dog-leg knife left by Yan Liqiang. The sales were gradually opened up, and the Zhou's sword business gradually improved and gained a reputation.

The disciples of Lujiazhuang and Lu Beixin ended their house arrest and returned to the National Martial Arts Hall...

Shi Dafeng also left Pingxi County. His father asked someone to find him a master who opened a martial arts school in Canggu County, Fengzhou, so that he could continue to learn martial arts.

Everyone's life is continuing and returning to the existing track, but Yan Liqiang can never go back.

Half a month after Qian Su left Pingxi County, Yan Liqiang also left Pingxi County.

Yan Liqiang's heart was burning with anger. He was not willing to wander around Pingxi County like a lonely ghost. He wanted to avenge Yan Dechang and himself, and he wanted to regain his human form.

He knew that his current state could definitely be changed and was not the final result. If his current state could not be changed, then it was impossible for him to have two lives. After being hit by a meteor in his previous life, he should have been floating on the earth. Therefore, there must be a way, but he has not found it yet.

The first thing Yan Liqiang thought of was reincarnation.

He guessed that the stone in the sea of consciousness might be able to protect his consciousness and allow him to reincarnate and live again. However, the stone did not speak, and Yan Liqiang did not know how to enter the reincarnation process, so he could only try it himself.

If he wanted to be reborn, it would naturally not be possible in Pingxi County, because the county magistrate was the most powerful person in Pingxi County. If he were to live again, he would be under the rule of Ye Tiancheng as soon as he was born. He would be born at a disadvantage. Therefore, if he wanted to be reborn, it would be best to choose a family outside Pingxi County, preferably a powerful and wealthy family. In this way, at least he would win at the starting line as soon as he was born.

With this idea in mind, Yan Liqiang began to make continuous attempts, and these continuous attempts turned Yan Liqiang into a "peeping Tom" for a long time...

After leaving Pingxi County, during the day, he moved as fast as lightning, traveling a thousand miles a day, wandering everywhere. He specifically went to those big cities to find those families that were obviously wealthy and powerful. At night, he would sneak into the houses of those wealthy families and watch the human-making ceremony of those men and women in person, hoping to trigger the conditions for reincarnation.

In just two months, Yan Liqiang had seen more human-creation ceremonies than all the ***** he had seen on Earth in his previous life combined, to the point that Yan Liqiang was worried that even if he was successfully reincarnated, he would be born with stye.

The final result was that Yan Liqiang discovered that no matter how he looked or observed, it was useless.

This trick didn't work, so Yan Liqiang tried to approach pregnant women, but found that it still didn't work.

In the end, Yan Liqiang even followed the midwives and tried his luck at the birthing scenes every day. He wandered around like this for several months, until Yan Liqiang felt that he was qualified for the role of an obstetrician and gynecologist, but it still didn't work.

Do I have to die before I can be reincarnated

With this in mind, Yan Liqiang began to try different ways to die—being struck by lightning, being burned by fire, jumping off a cliff, jumping into a river... He tried everything he could think of, but found that it still didn't work, because everything in the material world was as if it didn't exist for him. When it rained heavily, he chased lightning, and the lightning could pass through his body. If he wanted to be burned by fire, he simply found a blacksmith's workshop and stood in the iron smelting furnace in the workshop for a day. When he jumped off a cliff, his body would still float in the air. If he wanted to jump into a river, he would also float on the water. He couldn't even hurt himself...

After seven or eight months of this, Yan Liqiang himself didn't know how many places he had visited and how many methods he had tried, but there was still no effect. He felt like he was going crazy...

(End of this chapter)